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Link to WPS:

1. Send a message 7 days before Cut off date for May.

a. The box for May cut off will turn orange exactly 7 days before assigned cut off date, click the
message icon

b. Make sure to remove Gianluca magni/ yinpeng loh on the email message and copy each of
the secretary for each discipline. Total of 14 emails.

WPS_ Validate
Forecast for April-22 _ D312_Process & Safety & Industrial Environment _.msg

c. On the day of the cut-off itself send a reminder to Discipline/s who weren’t able to validate
their workload.

d. Once all have validated, you may advise sir Redel for first extraction.

2. On 7th of the month request for Actuals from Salman and Copy of employee list,
MOB/DEMOB, leave from Maria Fe. Below email for reference.

RE_ Actuals in RE_ Updated TP

Feb'22.msg Employment & Secondments List_Feb'22.msg

3. New Projects should be added into Project list.

a. New Projects from MDM are not automatically added. Under OEC Administrator, click
“Project List” under Referential.
b. Click “IMPORT MDM Local Projects” at the bottom

c. Search Project number and select, then click “IMPORT” at the bottom

4. Transfer of workload from Prospect to Secured Project. If the project is new, more often
than not discipline will not provide workload, however if Cost has previously declared the
workload under Prospect we just need to transfer the data to Secured.

a. Ask Sir Redel if the new Project to be included was declared as prospect from previous. If yes,
Go to Project list search the TWIST Code. Then, beside the textbox “Project MDM Synch”
input the corresponding Project number, you will see a drop down Project name. Click the
project name and then save at the bottom.
b. If no, the new project was NOT declared previously as prospect then you may only import the
project number from MDM and make an announcement to Secretaries to include the project
on their secured workload.

5. Checking of Resources and Definition Assignment with respect to received Employee List
from HR.

a. Make sure that all “Mobilized” employee from HR List are included in WPS and all “
Demobilized” are removed / has an end date as per demob date. See below example of
checking demobilized employee, Ahmad Waquar resigned and declared demob by HR.
b. Interns/ Trainee should NOT be included in WPS. New employees coming from General
Administration (e.g Human Resources, Finance, IT, Infrastructure and logistics, Proposals,
Business Development etc.) should also be NOT included. Only resources from Discipline
Engineering are defined in WPS.

c. For easy checking, you may extract “Resources Checking” under Saved Query. Filter
Resources, and search if all mobilized are included and all demobilized and removed. If not
done, call secretary in charge to do so.

6. Error/s encountered by Disciplines during resources definition and assignment.

a. Discipline secretary cannot find the new resource. Common mistake made is not changing the
Country from Qatar to “all countries” as highlighted below, especially when person is coming
from other entity.
b. If the resource is coming from other entity and is being mobilized to Qatar but has an error
showing “resource cannot be allocated” ask the entity to remove his VSL. (TPAD Workload:
harish Shetty, TPGM Workload: Yinpeng Loh, TP Paris Workload: Nicolas Senk). After only
removing their VSL from other entity can they be added to Doha with no error.

7. Checking of the Workload declared by disciplines.

a. One of the easiest way to check disciplines workload, is that there should be no TBA or blank
positions. TBA / blank positions means that it is either for future resource incoming not yet
Mobilized or it may also mean as an overload. To each of the disciplines, go to “Operations”
“Project Organization Chart” and sort by project Status. All “Confirmed” should have no RED
“Staffed Positions”. If they do, check the project. Discipline Secretaries are trained to
comment “TBA” under Scope to let us know that they are Overload/ incoming resources.
b. If the blank position has no comment of TBA, call the secretary to verify whether to remove
resource or add a comment as TBA.
c. If any error occurs from the discipline secretaries such as “Resource cannot be allocated,
check allocation rate and date”, remind the secretaries to check the load level, any resource
should not exceed 100% and/ or ensure the dates for Project Function and department
assignment is in line.
8. Updating Temporary Secondments Workload.

a. Go under role of Department Head – Secondments to External Client-TS.

b. Update the end date of resources, if they cant be seen click on “Show Assigned Resources”
click on to “Show inactive Resources” or “Show Resources With Ended Assignment” and
edit/extend their end date as per the latest Secondment Report.

c. New temporary Secondee coming from Home Office should be demobilized from their
previous department before adding them under “Find New Resources”. See below example

d. After extending their end date, workload should also be extended.

e. Check that Resources line is exactly the same as workload on the dashboard. Otherwise,
check that each resource end date is the same as workload end date.
9. Creating the Prospect Workload. Prospect is either Forecast or Upside, these are incoming
projects defined only by OEC Admins not HODs.

a. Ask advise from sir Redel whether prospects workload is completed. This is usually completed
between 11th-14th of the month. If yes, go to “Expected” Tab of WPSFinalWorkload-May'22.xls
See below table of previous prospect defined April’22 to compare excel vs WPS.

WPS Prospect Name:

Workload Excel Name

b. Delete in WPS the workload of prospects which are declared “Lost” by sir Redel.
c. Edit the start date of prospects wherein their start date was moved at later date. Click the
pencil button at “Actions” of prospect, edit start date and click Save at the bottom. Do this
only for prospects which start dates have been changed.

d. Ensure that the “Probability of Award” is in line with sir Redel’s defined probability of award
(Forecast (WPS) Forecast(Excel), Upside(WPS) Upside(Excel))
e. After all prospects date are changed. Download the blank template of each prospect by going
to “Operations” “Import Data from File”. And save to this link here for reference.
f. Copy the Manhours from the “Expected” tab to each of the prospects excel. Make sure the
start month in “Expected” tab is in line with start month
Prospect Excel

Sir Redel WPSFinalWorkload-May'22.xls

g. Upload each prospect to WPS. Go to “Operations” “Import Data from file”. Type the
prospect name and select the prospect.

h. Click “Choose file” and select the prospect file with workload. Click “Manhhours” and then
“Import Project”. A pop up message will appear, click “Erase Workload lines” – in order for
the previous workload to be erased and replaced. Then click “confirmed”
i. Should there be any error, make sure there is no blank line in between rows of the excel
uploaded and that the start date of excel is equal to start date in project list.
j. After all prospect is uploaded, extract a summary for checking. Go to “Saved Query List”
“prospect Check”
k. The total of prospect line extracted from WPS should be almost equal to sir Redel’s “Cost
Database” Expected-WL. If difference is more than 3manmonths there is something wrong
with the uploaded workload and check again.

10. Adjusting Workload by Gap Analysis from Backlog adjustments to WPS. Most cases for big
projects, the disciplines are not in line with PMR Forecast, OEC Admins adjust their secured
workload without touching their Project Organization Chart.

a. Ask sir redel to highlight projects in the backlog which are adjusted as per the PMR. Only
these projects will be adjusted in WPS, secondments are not to be adjusted.
b. Go to “Operations” “OWRA -OEC level Workload and Resources Adjustment”
“Adjust Workload by Gap Analysis”. Highlight all project code and click “Remove Rows”.
This will deleted previous adjustment to create new month’s adjustment.
c. Then click “Download” to download the template.
d. Copy and paste the projects highlighted by sir Redel in the Backlog file. Then copy the
MANHOURS from May’22 to December 2023 and save.

e. Import the file. Click “Choose file” and choose “Manhours”

f. Check the secured workload, since adjustments have been made into the secured
workload of WPS, it should be almost the same with the backlog secured manhours “TP
DOHA_GLEC - BL ME - May’22”. For checking, go to “Saved Query List” and extract
“Backlog (Project wise) Secured Check”. Total per month should be close to Backlog
manhours per month. If the difference is more than 500 manhours in a month, check
again the Gap Analysis.
11. Creating the PowerBI extract of WPS to be presented to Management
a. The PowerBi is already structured and was provided by TPGM. We only need to update the
source of the 4 excel files. All of the 4 excel files are extracted only from WPS.
b. Copy the previous month powerBi and create for May.

c. Out of the 4 files, only 2 are updated monthly. Extract these 2 files from “Saved Query List”
Query Name: PowerBI extract Rev2 is to replace the WPSWorkloadResourceReport_20-Apr-22-07-10-09 while
Query Name: WPSOECPROJECTList_TPDoha is to replace WPSProjectsMasterReport20-Apr-22-07-11-03.

d. One the reports are downloaded, open the PowerBI Application in desktop. Click “File”
“Options and Setting” “Data Source Setting”.

e. Change only the source for Project Master List and WorkloadandResource Report. After
changing the source of 2 files, click close.
f. You will see a notification above saying there are pending changes, click “Apply Changes”
Your workload curve should load and change
Link to May’22 Backlog: L:\Cost\00. General\00. Management Reports\03. Workload\WORKLOAD FORECAST CHART FOR ABU DHABI
OFFICE\189-Report as of May'22

1. At the backlog report on sheet “TPD-2022” copy the formula for current load onto the
next month. Count the number of working days on the current month and enter above
(see encircled)

a. Make sure to extend the formula you copied

b. Then on the values of the formula enter the actuals provided by Salman. Do this for all G&A,
B&F, PIC, ITR, STRD. Covid Activity, if any, shall be put onto G&A.
a. Copy formula of VSL leave, VSL unpaid leave and other leavo onto the next month. Count the
number of working days on the current month and enter.
VSL leave= Annual+ floating
VSL Unpaid leave = Unpaid
VSL other leave= Compensatory +Sick +Maternity leave
2. Under “Extract” tab, re-extract previous month to get all late bookings. Then extract current
month. Update the “Pivotsum” tab. Make sure the Grand total of pivot sum matches the IFS
3. OT0 should be taken out.

4. Update OT in the Pivot sum as well

5. On the “Backlog” tab, put A on the previous month. Make sure the update the cut off
date to the last day of previous month. This will trigger the actuals from IFS extract
6. Drag the formula of previous month to current month

7. Make sure that the Actual manhours for each month matches the Pivotsum actual
8. On “Backlog” tab, update the proposal manhours by extracting current month bookings
under %T%. and copy the overtime manhours from pivot sum

9. Ask sir redel to update the Backlog reference in his WL file.

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