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Functional Language: Pola kalimat dan frasa yang berguna dalam situasi komunikasi

yang berbeda

Bahasa fungsional adalah bahasa yang diperlukan dalam berbagai situasi sehari-hari. Misalnya:
menyapa, memperkenalkan diri, meminta atau memberi nasehat, menjelaskan peraturan,
meminta maaf, atau setuju dan tidak setuju. Salah satu dari fungsi ini dapat memiliki sejumlah
eksponen atau ekspresi tetap yang berbeda
Macam-macam language function
1. LF Greetings
Reception : Good afternoon, sir.
Client : Good afternoon. You are Ms. Ranti, aren’t you ?
Reception : Yes, sir . My name is Ranti. How are you ?
Client : Very well, thank you and how are you?
Reception : I am fine, too.
Client : Well, Ranti. I will check out, tomorrow. Please prepare all my bill.
Reception : All right, sir.

2. LF Offering

Reservation : Good morning Kimuni Hotel, May I help you?

Mr Chris Scott : I want to book a room
Reservation : All right Sir. We have 3 types of room, and 3 types is
standard, deluxe, and suite. Which type of room would you
like to book, sir ?
Mr Chris Scott : I want to book a deluxe room for me and my wife, and can i
get a discount ?

3. LF Farewells
Jane : Where are you going?
Helen : I will go to hotel .
Jane : Oh. Well, I’ll see you later then. Good luck!
Helen : Thanks. See you later.
Jane : see you. Good-bye
4. LF Self- introduction
A: Hello. I'm Sasha.
B: Hi Sasha. I'm Brent.
A: Nice to meet you Brent. Where are you from?
B: Chicago, Illinois. And you?
A: I'm from Australia. I live in a small town near Sydney.

5. LF Introduction someone
A : Vandy, this is Adit. Adit, this is Vandy
C : Nice to meet you, Adit? Are you Joni’s you friend ?
A : Yes, of course. We are friend
B : No, I’m his guide

7. LF Responding to thanks
Boy : Hello, good morning.
Girl : Good morning, may I help you?
Boy : I want to go to losari beach near the town but I think I got lost. Could you show me
the way to get there?
Girl : Ok, certainly. You can go along this way and then you will see aryaduta hotel.
Boy : Thank you for your information.
Girl : You’re welcome.
Boy : thank you very much
Girl : it’s okey

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