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"A Journey from Adversity to Redemption: The Tale of Two Students"

Characters:Rey Philip M. Baillo - Alex (the poor kid, now a billionaire

Mark Yron O. Ogania - Marina (Alex's big sister)

Brenzille A. Villiegas - Emily (the rich kid that Learned her lesson)

Keziah Necole Adena - Teacher

Mac Andrei L Lanuevo - Mr. Thompson (Emily's father)

Ezekiel Josh Duran & Jianmar Bello - Student

Scene 1: At School during Recess

Narrator: In a small town near a peaceful stream, there lived a poor family. Their life may seem sad to
us, but for them, it was a challenge from God. One day, during recess at school, young Alex found
himself facing a familiar tormentor.

(Alex is sitting alone, feeling down)

Emily: (approaches Alex) Hey, you! What are you doing here all alone? You're just a poor kid, aren't you?

Alex: (tries to ignore Emily) Leave me alone, Emily. I don't want any trouble.

Emily: (laughs) Trouble? You're nothing compared to me. I can do whatever I want.

Emily: OMG, you're disgusting. I don't like you. Ew

Scene 2: Alex and Marina at Home

Narrator: Alex, feeling defeated, returns home to his loving mother, Maria.

(Alex enters the house, visibly upset)

Marina: Alex, what's wrong? Why do you look so sad?

Alex: (sighs) Sisters, today at school, Emily bullied me again. She thinks she's better than me just because
she's rich.

Marina: Oh, Alex, don't let her words bring you down. Remember, we may be poor, but we have
something more valuable.

Scene 3: Announcement of Portfolio Day and Valedictorian

Narrator: As days passed, the school buzzed with anticipation for the upcoming second-quarter portfolio
Teacher: Attention, students! We will have a second-quarter portfolio day next week, and attendance is
mandatory. Also, I have an important announcement. Our class valedictorian will be determined
through a special test.

Scene 4: The Special Test

Narrator: The day of reckoning arrived, and the special test would determine the class valedictorian.
After reviewing the special test results, the teacher shocked to announce that we have a tie for the class
valedictorian position between Emily and Alex. But she didn't know Emily was heard the results as said it
into her father.

Scene 5: Giving some Money

Mr, Thompson: Oh teacher, I have a surprise for you.

Teacher: Oh thank you, I have a good news about your daughter Emily, your daughter is our class
validectorian, congratulations sir.

Mr, Thompson: Oh, that's a great news thank you.

Scene 6: Graduation Program

Narrator: Graduation day approached, and the air was filled with excitement and nervous anticipation.

Teacher: Ladies and gentlemen, it is my honor to announce that our class valedictorian is Emily.

Alex: I'm sorry sister I didn't work hard for that special test.

Marina: Oh Alex, Don't you worry about it we can make it at the end.

Scene 7: 15 Years Later

Narrator: Time passed, and the once prosperous Thompson family faced financial ruin. Mr. Thompson's
business goes bankrupt, and he becomes depressed, eventually passing away

Emily: (feeling lost) What am I supposed to do now? I never learned the value of hard work and

Scene 8: Meeting Alex and Marina, the Billionaires

Narrator: Fate had a different plan in store for Emily. Alex is now successful billionaire, approaches Emily

Emily: Alex, it's me, Emily. I wanted to apologize for the way I treated you in middle school. I've changed,
and I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me.

Alex: (initially reluctant) Why should I forgive you? You were so mean to me.
Emily: I know, and I'm truly sorry. I've learned the importance of empathy and personal growth. Let's
move forward and leave the past behind us.

Scene 9: Epiphany and New Beginnings

Narrator: Through Alex's sincere apologies, a transformation began to take place within Emily's heart.

Emily: Alex, I've come to realize that being a bully doesn't lead to true happiness. Instead, pursuing
positive hobbies and treating others with respect is what truly matters.

Alex: (reflecting) You're right, Emily. I've learned the hard way that material wealth doesn't define a
person's worth. I want to change and become a better person.

Narrator: And so, two former adversaries found solace in forgiveness and embarked on a journey of
personal growth and friendship.

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