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:l3'rjll Ь 1調 コlφ ‐ Lい
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押岬 1炒 」
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. vt- r . Y Y et.Il dilill ;JJJI ..i (r) cil:i3,allj rt lsill J]"1 ;.:,irii.Yl A!-Yl

l. Choose the nrost suitable answer a, b, c, or d: (2 marks each)

ilf y.,; .*,p,rt th. definite article (the) before a word and it sounds like a unit, the
word is

adjective verb

an b. a c. a noun d. an adverb

Freedom is -- --- noun.

a. a common b. an abstract c. a collective d. a material

3. The chef is tostr'nq the soup now. Tostina is -------------- verb.

a. an action b, a linking c. an irregular d. an intransitive

4. Entertainino is adjective.

a. A shape b. size c. a general description d. an origin

5. Possessiyes are words that indicate

a. general description b. ownership d. suggestion

l!-set!9lhd9larryinC_leryu ( 2 ma rks each )

6. An inan imate noun

7. A tra nsitive verb

8. An a dj ective

9. A preposition

10. A demonstrative

lll, Determiners are words that can occur directly before a noun, tell us a bit more about that noun
and introduce it. Discuss (10 marks)

∴ヽ罰 tめ
■│」 │し 出I Seminュ 墨 (20 marks)

Art′ cresわ F″ αrisゎ αre Oftwο types.Dお cυ ss

Define the followine terms: (L0 marks)

1. An allophone

2. Narrow phonetic tra nscriptio n

3. A minimum syllable

4. Phonotactics

5. A zero coda

{20 marks)

lll. Transcribe the followinp sentences: (10marks)

1, I was in London last year.

2. Both ofthem came back.

3. They have five children.

4. She studies hard to get good marks.

5. He's lost his keys.

lV. Write the correct spelling of the followine sentences: (10marks)

6. /mar fervarrt hobi rz kelektrq stamps/

7, /hewq brekfast rz a hel0i hebrt/

8. /tu ::r rz hju:man ta fagrv v dlarnf

9. /di 3:li be:d kenrz da wa:m/

10./der gao Ipprn wans a wi:k/

こШ 」L‐ 1:υ 口́ │"υ

:いい“ │

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