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1. What is Ferdinand doing at the beginning of scene 1?

a) Plotting to escape
b) Cursing Prospero
c) Crying
d) Carrying wood

2. What word that Ferdinand uses to describe Miranda shares a Latin root word with her name?
a) Miraculous
b) Admired
c) Mire
d) Miracle

3. How does Miranda react to the news that Ferdinand is a prince?

a) She is awed
b) She is disgusted
c) She is excited
d) She seems unconcerned

4. What does Miranda ask when she finds out that Ferdinand is a prince?
a) What time it is
b) If he loves her
c) For news from Milan
d) If she’s cursed

5. What does Miranda do when Ferdinand says that he does love her?
a) Sneers
b) Proposes marriage
c) Calls for Prospero
d) Says nothing

6. What title does Stephano assume in scene 2?

a) King of Naples
b) Lord of the Tempest
c) Lord of the Island
d) King of the Island

7. What does the invisible Ariel do to cause trouble between Stephano and Trinculo?
a) Ventriloquizes Trinculo
b) Pinches Stephano
c) Ventriloquizes Stephano
d) Pinches Trinculo
8. What does Caliban say that himself, Stephano and Trinculo must do to take power from
a) Fight him physically
b) Steal his books
c) Abduct Miranda
d) Use magic

9. What does Ariel do to lead the men astray and interrupt their plans?
a) Brings Prospero to them
b) Becomes visible
c) Beats them
d) Plays music

10. Why does Stephano relish the idea of becoming ruler of the island kingdom?
a) It is beautiful
b) The music is free
c) He likes islands
d) He will be rich

11. As the men are about to eat the banquet set before them, Ariel appears in what form?
a) A giant bird
b) Disguised as Prospero
c) Disguised as Ferdinand
d) A harpy

12. Ariel tells the men that their shipwreck and the loss of Ferdinand are punishment for what?
a) Endangering Prospero and Miranda
b) Colonizing the island
c) Their classicism
d) The sin of pride

13. When Ariel makes the banquet disappear, what do the men do?
a) Laugh
b) Draw their swords
c) Run away
d) Quietly watch him

14. Why can’t the men attack Ariel with their swords?
a) The swords become heavy
b) Ariel is flying
c) It seems rude
d) Their swords disappear

15. What does Alonso do when reminded of the likely death of his son?
a) Tries to drown himself
b) Attacks Prospero
c) Gives a soliloquy
d) Shrugs his shoulders

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