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Chapter 1 - The Pendant from Another World

Chapter 2 - The 5 Doors of Death

Chapter 3 - The Mistral Magic

Chapter 4 - The Aquatic Synchronise

Chapter 5 - The Party of Hatred and Dislike

Chapter 6 - The Misplaced Pendant

Chapter 7 - The Door of Flaming Evergreen

Chapter 8 – The Dark Sight

Chapter 9 - The Strangling Vines

Chapter 10 – The dragon’s dreadful fate

Chapter 11 - The Changes in Sides


1. Thea

2. Thea’s mother

3. Old lady

4. Dwarf

5. The Dragon

6. Amy

7. Amy’s mother

8. Amy’s father

9. Amaya

10. The Dark monster

The Aquatic Synchronise asking her to give the books back but my
mother would not agree. I was panicking as
I could not unlock the next door.
It was the weekend and at 9 am, suddenly
I went to my mother’s room and wore the
my alarm clock woke me up. I thought it
green pendant which attracted the blue
was just a dream but when I was making
pendant and made it teleport the blue
my bed, I found a blue coloured pendant
pendant to me. I got the pendants close to
under my pillow.
each other and they merged into each other
I realised that it may have not been just a
and it made a blue butterfly fly out and
dream. I ran to my mother and explained
lead me to the door again.
what I just saw but my mother had no
I reached the land and went to the cave
interest in believing what I said. “You’ve
where the dragon was waiting for me.
been watching too many fictional stories"
Together we opened the blue door. We
my mother said, clearly being annoyed by
went in and saw a skinny red figure on fire.
my explanation. My mother went to my
You could see its ribs through its skin. It
room and took all my story books.
had very pale skin.
I realised that I had hid the blue pendant
between the books. I ran to my mother
I held my pendant and it started to glow My mind came up with an idea but it
once again. I started to levitate and sat on needed a lot of hydro power. I thought to
the dragon’s back. The dragon flew up and make it rain all over the room but the
threw balls of water on the creature but it dragon's power and my power had to be in
dodged the water balls. sync as the room was huge. We tried a few
times simultaneously defending ourselves
I summoned a tsunami to cause a flood,
from the pale monsters’ attacks. Finally,
trying to drown the monster but the
after many tries, we were finally in sync
monster flew out. It threw flames of fire
and rained it all over the room.
and injured the dragon. I used my hydro
powers to heal the dragon. We continued to The rain could not harm them as it was
fight for a long time. The monster was water but it harmed the fire creatures. The
severely injured by the impact caused by my balls of flame that the monsters threw
powers. towards them were put off by the water
before it could reach them.
The monsters finally surrendered and just
as I thought she had gained victory many We soon defeated the fire monsters and
other monsters appeared and I had no closed the blue door with the help of the
choice but to fight them. pendant. I thanked the dragon and headed
back to the door that led back to Earth.
I checked the time and it had only been 10
minutes after I had left. I was confused, I
checked the other clocks and my phone to
make sure that the clock was showing the
right time. All the clocks showed almost the
same time. I thought to myself, “It felt
like it had been hours. Why has it only been
10 minutes?”.

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