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School Memorandum No. 11

In line with the foregoing, all school personnel are hereby advised to allow learners
wearing clothes aligned with their gender identity without restricting learners’ gender expression
provided that the same is approved by their parents/guardians/

As the school is currently transitioning to addressing the needs of learners who identify
themselves as “trans”, only the following will be allowed while school policy, rules and
regulations are still for modification

a. For females who identify themselves as male: navy blue slacks (boys’ slacks) and
female blouse with bow
b. For males who identify themselves as female: navy blue slacks and female blouse

- 4


Main Argument(s)
1. A
Suggestion: If the school, the culture, and ultimately — the society isn’t adjusted enough to
accept trans rights, why implement it when it can do harm to the trans students? Harm in the
sense that we live in a country that either tolerates but not accepts, or nothing at all. Start by
instilling open-mindedness to people, the approval of the SOGIEE Bill, the push for LGBTQIA+
rights, and festering an education system centered around acceptance—and in time inclusivity.
Then, we can execute decisions like an improved SM No. 11.
- According to School Memorandum No. 11, “all school personnel are hereby advised to
allow learners wearing clothes aligned with their gender identity without restricting
learners’ gender expression provided that the same is approved by their
parents/guardians.” What do they mean by “advised”? So it holds no bearing on them
when they act otherwise?

Suggestion: The School Memorandum No. 11 may be a step in the right direction, but it does
have flaws
a. Inclusive to trans students, but not to those who are comfortable in the dressing
like the opposite sex but not/not completely/not explicitly ‘trans’ (e.g.: students
who are genderfluid, genderqueer, non-binary)
b. It still leaves room for possible harassment, name-calling, exclusionary acts, and
unfair treatment against students included in SM11. Said actions may come from
fellow students, school staff, or outsiders.
c. Instead, a gender-neutral uniform can be implemented with the students’
biological sex (assigned male/female at birth) on the chest-pocket of the top part
of the uniform

2. The School Memorandum No. 11 permits the parents for the final say in the gender
expression of a child
- It was stated in the memorandum that students who wish to participate in this
memorandum must have a consent letter from their parent/s allowing them to
wear the permitted school uniform for their gender expression. This limits the
a. The rights of the student to have their own freedom of expression is being
limited due to the conflict of opinions of his/her opinions with his/her
parental figure

❖ Meaning that a parental figure has the power to disrespect his

right as an individual of this country to not express who he/she
really is.
b. The parental figure is still the one who decided whether or not his/her
child will be able to do this
❖ In the end, the child has no say if his/her parental figure does not
permit them to do so. To expand, this memorandum may be
implemented for better education progression but if the student is
not out to his/her parental figure then this memorandum is
nonsense since he/she needs to get their permission to
RIGHTFULLY express who he/she is. This act may lead to two
ways one of which is the parental figure showing his/her support
towards his/her child while another way is where the child is
discriminated against his/her gender identity.



If we wait for society to fully accept trans A complete, fool-proof and perfect SM 11 is
rights before we implement the SM 11, there more worth it than keeping a flawed SM 11.
could be a mass or indefinite number of
delays; causing the trans students to never
be able to express themselves for who they
truly are

Allowing the implementation of this

memorandum will improve the mental state
and education performance of a student, (let’s
say nagpresent sila ng statistics, so tell us
why do you think that the implementation of
this memorandum will not help the
improvement of a student in both mental and
educational aspect?

If we don’t implement it now, then when? How Implementing an “incomplete” SM 11 will also
about trans students who desperately seek to bring harm to the trans students. They are
dress with how they identify? Are we really subject to ridicule and they may feel more
gonna risk their well-being by delaying the isolated as they are still seen as “different”
implementation of memoranda like SM11?

According to the DepEd Mission Statement

“To protect and promote the right of every Filipino

to quality, equitable, culture-based, and complete

basic education where: Students learn in a
child-friendly, gender-sensitive, safe, and
motivating environment. Teachers facilitate
learning and constantly nurture every learner.”

If the SM11 isn’t implemented, the being fully

‘gender-sensitive’ of the school will be
delayed. That simple fact is going against the
mission statement of the school.



SM11 exemplifies gender-inclusive policies

SM11 reduces instances of discrimination Refer to Argument 1

from teaching and non-teaching personnel,
fellow students, and outsiders.

SM11 promotes equality for each and every

learner in terms of their expression


The SM No.11 is indeed a step of the school in embracing new traditions and
casualties in terms of the gender spectrum. However this memorandum has its own set
of flaws that limits the expression of an individual in this institution. This memorandum is
out there for the LGBTQIA+ community of kisay to use, however the number of the
community members who utilize this is only counted by hand. Our team wished that
there was a proposal of an initiative before the SM No.11 was approved and the
following are the components of the said initiative:

● There will be only one day in which all members of the LGBTQIA+ community
and its Ally’s will be able to wear whatever clothing they want as long as it means
the dress code of the school
➢ Why include Ally's?

- That is because we want these trans students to feel like

they are not alone as they slowly embark an expression of
who they truly are to the community they live in
- This provides a sense of comfort for these students to feel
safe as they know that defending their side on why they
express themselves that way is not going to be hard for they
have their support system backing them up
- This also does not mean that if you are not an ally does not
mean you cannot participate in this initiative. This
encourages those who are not in favor of the SM No.11 to be
open in educating themselves about this matter by
LISTENING to the explanation of the STUDENTS who is
covered by the SM No.11.

● We want to exclusively let the students covered by the SM No.11 to slowly let
themselves be exposed to the thought of the memorandum slowly
➢ Why slowly?
- Slowly since we want them to feel comfortable in the community
where they will truly express themselves, this initiative aims to
encourage to express who they are truly in terms of their hair and
- We want the students to be not pressured to express themselves in
a space wherein they do not feel safe to do so. Additionally, through
this slow but surely exposure of their true themselves to the space
we have will also be a chance for them to educate his/her/their
surrounding about their matter and why they should be given a
chance to express themselves in the educational setting
- This also is a way for the whole community to adapt and open
themselves into accepting or at least be civil to the students who
expresses themselves the opposite of their sex assigned at birth

● The school must encourage both student and parent to meet in the middle or
compromisation in expressing a student’s true identity
➢ What does this mean?
- It basically means that the school will try its best for both student
and parent to come to a point of agreement in the expression of the
child based on its gender identity. The school CANNOT for the

parent to truly accept who they are BUT the school WILL TRY to
conduct a space wherein both sides are heard.
- The school will provide time and space for both parties to come to a
compromisation because we want to slowly let the student and
parent to have a good relationship as both parties try to make
amends in the expression of gender of the student
- The school will serve as a guide onto why this initiative is important
in accomplishing a gender sensitive, safe, and welcoming
environment for a student’s gender identity in an educational setup.

● What is the sm no. 11 about?

- Seeks to promote gender sensitivity
- Giving students freedom to express their gender identity


reality [Music] ladies and gentlemen as we are about to begin please see that
before we get started I have several announcements first I would like to see your
cooperation and completing this debate if any one of you are carrying their phones
please switch it up or turn it into silent mode to avoid interruptions if it is an
origin called please accept the role first before taking the pot thank you for your
consideration and attention good day ladies and gentlemen it is my pleasure to be
your moderator for today's important debate I am Miss Charlene live and I am Joe
Buda to welcome you all to the Philippine and psychology debate Cup 2022 with a
motion of restriction of cross-dressing team universities I am so delighted to see
you in here eager to engage with different stand regarding some relevant issues
almost every human society throughout history has had expected norms for its
gender relating style color or type of clothing they are expected to wear and
likewise most societies have had a set of guidelines deals or even laws defining
what type of clothing is appropriate for each gender better cross dressing is the act

of worrying items clothing which is that commonly associated with one's sex does
that nothing choice of the person making change to the learning environment it
means that there is an illegal act taking place where do we draw the line between
social norms dictation or legalization to make our minds enlightened we have here
the students of peace and programs willing to prove their claims points and
Teamworks now let us introduce a debating themes all of them are knowledgeable
and is also a storm dropper Seated on the right representing the preposition side
we have Miss April Jane for our test our first preposition speaker we also have
Miss Maria Murano our second position cylinder and last we have Miss Alma the
office our final and third proposition speaker [Music] our final and third opposition
speaker foreign debate without further Ado I would like to welcome our first
Speaker from the preposition site to the lover her claim all right Miss April chain
for our test the time is yours the time Begins the moment you speak good morning
ladies and gentlemen my worthy opponents members and colleagues I hereby
humbly express myself and gratitude for today's Pinterest in today's debate about
the restrictions of cross dressing. new universities some related State University in
all campuses about the 2019's revised handbook under the category of academic
policy section 16.6 if the school's policy about school uniforms it states that male
and female shall wear prescribed uniforms in male it must be long slots like the
usual ones and for female must be knee level skirt and the blouse that must not
be inserted uniforms must be paired with closed shoes and black slippers nor
rubbers also wearing of pink uniforms during the classes gentlemen universities
as well as slsu main policies that students must avoid in order to have a
systematic and organized School in case of wearing school uniforms students must
strictly follow the design the school has prepared the main thing is to show
decency of every student that is enrolled in this type of prestigious University but
what is important thing for us to understand is that cross-dressing is an art of
dressing in a gender preferred expression This concerns about our lgbtq
community and other students as well the most overrated thing that is most likely
to occur is that discrimination issue well Senator Joel Villanueva pointed out that
Royal Vision policy about cross-dressing is not a form of discrimination he also
added that if one cannot submit to the policy and culture of that certain
organization then one must not must have to perspective because these policies
are embedded with consent in agreement of all parties and officials therefore been
released in practice in schools with respect to my members of lgbtq community I
firmly believe that one has the freedom to express themselves not just only about
cross-dressing however if one will violate school policy especially about the School
dress code then none is accepted and depending on the school and how they will
handle this type of cases while you may say that prohibition policy is kind of

discriminating in violating the equal protection Clause we should not disregard the
fact that schools are obliged regarding gender identity issues in line with
cross-dressing on the other hand if school has a dress code it's important that the
dress code policy are enforced in a fair and consistent manner yes that's true how
about on the other side it's time for the first Speaker of opposition side to the lover
hurricane miss adolfahunai the time is yours foreign that needs to be addressed
one point is that the speaker told us that this policy is embedded with the cost and
an agreement a whole party so is the question here is that is this policy also into
the concept of a student or this policy or just picked up and agreement with a
higher facials so a second point is that you said that this policy is imposed so
show doesn't say um to the students that they are enrolled in that University so
what do you mean by the soul doesn't say is it cross-dressing or doesn't Jesse
because for your information and based on its definition cross-dressing is very
close and that is opposite to your sex it is not necessarily mean that um cross
suggesting is very provocative and revealing closage it there is is there it is there is
instances that an American can wear a female's uniform and a female [Applause]
opposition speaker we'll be talking about allowing cross-dressing in the University
so let me begin this argument by looking at the at the design skin so the design
scale is a 20 year old woman um who identified himself as a male since breast and
also was diagnosed with gender identity disorder and he was wearing a suit from
her junior high school and the reason why he repeatedly expels from the class due
to the fact that he was wearing a boy stop it and the school argued that is just a
way of expressing themselves and I believe according to the article 10 um everyone
has a freedom of expression it means that everyone can wear what they want as
long as it is a form of an expression and not I'm bringing harm to others to them
and the clothes themselves were not destructive but the mindset the environment
the other students are and preventing the students um from wearing certain
clothes therefore was depression of protected speech keep in mind that this kind of
particular section of cross-dressing policy do not just um being a mental health to
the lgbtq students but it will alsobody think that the students right into education
and freedom of expression it is not just also but the resection policy also breaks
both domestic loans the Philippine Constitution and the child production policy
Additionally the schools do not have the right to impose that policy just because
others are uncomfortable seeing them and is it the school job to make the
students safe in school now if that policy will be implemented the question is is
school still be a safe place for everyone and a lot of prestigious University including
European Harvard who imposed a whole encourage everyone to wear what they
want so what is that as elasticity of an other university should also do the same
and there are no cases that I'm cross-jazzing can affect the academic performance

of the students that is why it is um schools and universities should be allow

students what they want to wear as long as it is form of expression and it is not it
do not bring harm to the obviously then so that is all for today and thank you for
listening okay thank you that's the opinion from our first opposition speaker she
states that she said that having this kind of policy which is the Restriction of
cross-dressing is not just extremely damaging to its ultimate is Buddha but this
policy also violates us student private education and freedom of expression all
those students who wear what they want is a form of expressing themselves what
can our second preposition speakers say about the stand of our first opposition
speaker Miss Maria Murano the floor is yours the first Speaker of the opposition
side stated the distraction of first dressing can cause harm and discrimination of
students how sure are your knees that allowing cross-dressing in schools or
universities can stop the Discrimination students experience then what's the use
of the laws protecting the students from discrimination and harassment keep in
mind that there are lots of sources of discrimination and harassment and the way
someone dressed is not an exception well then miss first Speaker of the opposition
side stated the Philippine Constitution and the child protection policy for this point
there are no federal laws requiring that schools or universities permits
cross-dressing however there are state laws holding there are exposed our
University's failure to protect students from discrimination and harassment based
on students sexual orientation in which they can express the way they dressed um
additionally so there are some state laws and local ordinances may require the
transgender students and students who do not conform to traditional ideas of
gender a appropriate dress can be protected from discrimination and harassment
while in the school environment for example if the school has addressed school it's
important that the dress code is enforced in fair and consistent manner this
policies can be developed and revised if necessary to the needs of all students in
mind society and legal implications of discriminatory dress code all students must
be held the same dress code standards for example in our University Southern
State University we had an appropriate dress code to all students professors and
administrators sexually prophylactive clothings are prohibited since it is
prohibited it is equally enforced to all students transition to all students of the
University transgender students and straight gender students finally the point of
this argument is that there is there are no federal laws that permits cross-dressing
in schools and universities however there are state laws that protects students
from discrimination and harassment based on students sexual orientation in
which they can express in the way they dress therefore dress code policies are
enforced consistently and equally to all students hold the same dress code
standards that's all thank you [Music] and students should wear distant clothes

like wearing a propane uniform thank you that's the point of our second position
speaker now let's witness how the second opposition speaker show her Point
regarding with a strong point of the other side miracle and the second opposition
speaker miss lendias or value the time is yours [Music] the second preposition
speaker has told us that there are no federal laws requiring that school permits to
cross-gender the same and I agree with that but then here are questions I wanted
to ask earlier but you never gave me a chance to speak up firstly are there also
federal laws that universities can forbid cross-gender dressing I bet there's none
for that laws that say cross gender dressing is forbidden universities are
completely untrue secondly Ms speaker also said that there is a case law that
protect the students from being discriminated against and what they wear will
then miss dear speaker for your information even if they are very much old
uniform they are so subjected discrimination and sexual harassment it's because
sex discrimination is not really on the dress or clothes that they wear it's in the
eyes of the people who choose to think as an uneducated individual thirdly Miss
Baker also mentioned something like gender appropriate dress are the dresses are
to be worn by the Cross Cancer snap appropriate how appropriate is appropriate
niece fourthly I agree with what Miss speaker said sexually provoactive clothing is
prohibited and I give goddess to our dear campus sslcuto about that we are
students and we should wear decent clothes but that rule has nothing to do with
cross-dressing I believe that a lot of people tend to misunderstood the word
cross-dressing for everyone's cognizance cross-dressing is the act of wearing
clothing that is that you are usually associated with one sense and it was not
written there that letting them wear the enclosed into school premises good
morning ladies and gentlemen and everyone in between I am the second speaker
from the opposition team we as today's opposition firmly believe that we should
allow cross-gender casting and universities why our top 10 of Human Rights Act
says that everyone has the freedom to expression we are living in a democratic
country where everyone has the freedom to express themselves but when you
restrict lgbtqia plus people to cross address in their universities we are more likely
violating the rights to express themselves since cross-dressing is one of their ways
to express who and what they are um dude um something that is my first point
LGBT Rights bill prohibits and penalizes any discriminatory acts against lesbians
these bisexuals and transgender people in addition to that such an orientation and
gender identity expression or the soji bill or what we called anti-discrimination bill
um aims to set into law measures to prevent various economic and public
accommodation related acts of discrimination against people based on other
sexual orientation gender identity or expression so here are questions that you
need to answer just okay with lgbtqia plus your cross stress less than the worth of

a straight men and women just cross-dressing and offensive Acts or just
cross-dressing affect the learning performance of a child I believe that
cross-dressing does not pose threats to anyone as a student in this University I do
hope that cross person will be implemented in the universities and school that
would be all thank you foreign they are still submitted by discrimination and
sexual harassment it is because according to her discrimination is not fairly of the
dress that they were but it is in the eyes of people who choose to think as an
educated and event one a thing you miss for giving us some reliable information
and now let's work on the third speaker from the preposition site Miss almadi
asses the floor is yours restriction of cross-dressing to lgbtq plus people in school
is not really a form of violating the right or freedom to express themselves good day
ladies and gentlemen I am your third speaker for the first position team I'd like to
deal with two points here first is that there's always a limitation in everything we
do second there's always a right place and a right situation do what we want to do
what we want and here's a thing every school have abided uniform and every
student is either boy girl lesbian or gay Etc and it is the policy they need to submit
and respect can you imagine a non-uniform school students might be parts of
each other in dressing competition now tell me does allowing them to dress
whatever you want to do do not affect the learning in school now tell me that's
allowing them to dress whatever they want to do that affect the learning in school
or are you just going to accept and tolerate them student is fair in school no
matter how different their background school provides specific dress for each
student and this can teach them to learn discipline and self-control respect begets
respect you get a trampled on one's right to give right to others anyway you can
have whatever you wanted to do after or outside the school furthermore the points
of having school is to be educated or to educate a student it is not a fashion show
that anyone can wear whatever they wanted to that's all thank you wow that was a
very good idea I'm sure that students especially LGBT can only express the rights
inside the campus but also outside that of course she pointed out that students
must follow the policies in school and universities as a responsible students how
about the opinion of the other side Mr Ronaldo at your time to express what you
want to express time is yours the third preposition speaker said that there's a
proper place and expressing our identity school is not a fashion show and we need
to abide the rules and regulation of the school about this matter I am glad that you
recognized that but implementing a policy that violates the right and freedom of
the students impermissible actually we are not only discussing dressing civilian
here but giving lgbtqie Plus members to specific electrons individuals the right to
wear a uniform or dress according to their choice and identity and you've got that
fact wrong what is cross-dressing in uniform is student source of self-confidence

and self-esteem how can the school have the audacity to see students
uncomfortable bullied and discriminated against how can we have the fortitude to
see students struggling as long as they are by the rules in relation to the school we
need to give students the Equal Rights and disregard the limitations that prevent
them from reaching the full potential good morning ladies and gentlemen and
everyone in between I am the third speaker of the opposition team trans
individuals comes from all backgrounds good morning ladies and gentlemen and
everyone in between I am the third speaker of the opposition team trans
individuals come from all backgrounds they're among society's most
disadvantaged lgbtqia plus individuals face discrimination harassment and
violence because of their gender identity and expression to the extent humanly
possible fix flexible dress code are necessary trans individuals and others should
dress according to their choice in identity schools and organizations should make
lgbtqia was firmly rules recognitions and policies organizations should learn their
needs identify barriers and revised policies and procedures this provides
transgender and unconforming people with dignity respect equal rights and
freedom from discrimination the central question at this point is in the age of free
expression do Society schools promote Conformity or inclusivity cross-dressing
restrictions counter and modern revolutions like frees Russian lgbtqie plus rights
and individual arts and fashion students should choose clothes that show their
values views and identities second students found such policies out of fear and not
willful obedience and third students were plotting of their biological sets out of
command not prime this limits their freedom of expression since what they were
expresses one's identity several studies find no correlation between restriction of
gross dressing and academic ability in multiple levels according to the Human
Rights Campaign lgbtqia plus students are being harassed at twice the rate of
heterosexual students which continues to take a tour of under education I think
when we encourage inclusive environments students teachers administrators are
scared to be called allies awareness is a basic step consequence as a consequence
through inclusive policies nurturing rules and a limiting the students of their
expression the school could welcome all students regardless of the gender identity
and expression therefore cross-dressing should be implemented for inclusive
environment and for every student thank you wow thank you Mr Lola it was a very
good argument he talks about impossibility versus uniformity and it's hard to
choose between the two right both are good and relevant the fact that we need to
become a critical thinker to choose the best one than the good one now it's time for
the back side to summarize their argument welcome again the first figure of
preposition site Miss April Jane fuertas and it will be followed by the first
opposition speaker Miss adelpha format gentlemen thank you for a very rigorous

debate we have come to an end and it's time for our closing statement we pointed
out that cross-dressing restriction on universities made significant impact on the
University itself it is a school policy that every student must abide and shall be
respected since it is a rule that will help everyone practice professionalism however
in the forms of discrimination that may occur including discrimination about
cross-dressing is the Law's responsibility to address our opponents have claimed
that restriction of cross-dressing made negative impact to the students and to the
school they also added that cross-dressing does not affect the student's academic
performance as long as that cross-dresser didn't violate in the rights of its school
student there will be no problem but our point doesn't only limit to the
discriminatory fact but restricting of cross-dressing also made significance and it
is advantageous to the school it encouraged discipline helps students resist peer
pressure to buy trendy clothes diminish economic and social barriers between
students and increased levels of preparedness in their future feelings however we
didn't deny the fact that majority are affected since self-expression has been limits
in summary we want to point out that school policies are imposed for the students
safety and goodness and contrary if it violates their rights then there is a
necessary for the school's policy to be revised that is all for this side of the house
thank you so again ladies and gentlemen and everyone in between before I take my
seat allow me to take conclusion reaffirm and learn in the right to say that we the
opposition side of this house strongly believe that cross-dressing should be
considered to add universities because of one to lessen the mental health issues
and lgbtq students two they can have the ability to fully learn in school because
they can express more about yourself without being judged three we are in the
Democratic country wherein we are free to express ourselves everyone is the
freedom of expression and there is nothing wrong of expressing ourselves as long
as it cannot negatively affect others fourth cross-dressing do not affect academic
performance of the students fight with plastic cross dressings that the main
source of discrimination but the environment stuff the people itself due to their
mindset and lack of irrigation or awareness about this kind of tissue that is why
school and universities should allow cross-dressing in school since we are
recorded in the 21st century where in our goal is to create a welcoming
environment and practice in positivity and allowing this policy can be a stepping
stone to achieve those the more we promote this policy the more we can attain a
right fair in a safer Community to live in that's all for the opposition side and
thank you for listening well all of our Debaters claim has been delivered and now
the debate has come to an end the announcement of winners will be announced
after the short book step back and stay tuned foreign [Music]



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