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=TAR. WARS 0000 itropuction Ina Galaxy Far, Far Away. OOO00 the resistance Rey: May the Force Be With Her Chewbacca: The Heart of 2 Warrior Luke Skywalker: Beyond the Last Hope Finn: A Hero for the Resistance Rose Tico: Working for the Good Guys Poe Dameron: The Future in His Hands Droids: A Force to Be Reckoned With General Leia Organa: Lighting the Way High Command: Fighting on the Run Space Fleet: In Need of Allies 6 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 Millennium Falcon: More Than a Pirate Vessel 28 OOOOU tHe eirst orver DISWEY PUBLISHING WORLDWIDE ~ GLOBAL MAGAZINES, COMICS AND PARTWORKS rain a Dheowy UBL] Kylo Ren: Committed to the Dark Side 32 The Leaders: Destroyers of Worlds 34 Praetorian Guard: The Last Line of Defense ..... 36 Stormtroopers: Armored Symbol of Power... 38 Space Fleet: A Relentless Armada. 44 Ground Forces: Crushing Any Opposition, 46 (O000 tocations Abch-To: An Island Lost in Time 50 Crait: The Last Resort 52 Cantonica: Where the Wealthy Rule 54 Canto Bight Jail: Looking for a Codebreaker... 56 QO000 concert art 58 (O000 senino tHE scenes R Seeceeas ace ea INTRODUCTION IN A GALAXY FAR, FAR AWAY... The Starkiller Base superweapon goes off and a whole system is wiped off the map. It’s a power never seen before in the galaxy. o0000 With a single shot, the Starkiller Base has worlds surrender, and those that resist are destroyed Hosnian Prime, the capital planet of conquered. Soon the entire galaxy will be under the Galactic Senate. The senate and fleet perish _the First Order’s control. in the blast. Without the Senate, the Resistance is left alone to confront the military might of the Qutmatched and outnumbered, General Leia First Order, as well as the power of its mysterious Organa and the members of the Resistance are leader, Snoke. Although the superweapon is forced to flee their base on D’Qar. The war has destroyed in a daring attack, more and more only just begun, and hope is dimming THE RESISTANCE against the First Order But the enemy retaliat Th STANCE R MAY THE FORCE BE WITH HER The Force has awakened in Rey. But before she can use her powers in the service of the Resistance, she needs guidance. Oo000 Abandoned by her parents, Rey lives alone on the desert planet of Jakku, waiting for them to come back. She becomes a scavenger and a fighter, and she survives in the harsh environment. And each night she looks at the stars, longing for something more. All that changes when she meets an astromech droid named BB-8 and Finn, a stormtrooper on the run. Rey, BB-8 and Finn leave Jakku aboard a stolen spaceship, the Millennium Folcon, and run into its rightful owners, Han Solo and Chewbacca—former heroes of the Rebel Alliance against the Empire who have returned to a life of smuggling. Together, Rey and the others Visit planet Takodana, where Rey learns about the Force—an invisible energy that surrounds and penetrates all living things, binding the galaxy together. She also finds out that she has a strong connection with the Force—so strong, in fact, that on Starkiller Base she’s able to face the powerful kylo Ren in a lightsaber duel and defeat him, But her abilities could easily lead her to the dark side of the Force, ruled by anger, fear, and aggression Rey needs someone to guide her along the right path... Jedi Master. She needs Luke Skywalker. DID wnceo oF a rexcher Skywalker does his best to gnore Rey Even when he finds out that his od fiend Han Sola has fallen at the hands of Kylo Ren, he still fuses to tain her But Rey doesnt leave She follows him, waiting ouside his hut. And wating. And waiting. The more time she spends onthe sland, the more she realizes that something iscaling ner And shee aftaid Rey finds Skywalker on planet Ahch-To—a place she’s already seen in her visions on Jakku. But when she hands Luke his old lightsaber, the weapon built by his father, Darth Vader, he rejects it, And when she asks him to help her and the Resistance, and to come fight with them, he refuses. To him, the Jedi must end. Stubborn and tenacious, Rey doesn’t give up. The stakes are too high. And finally, with a little help from Luke's old astromech droid, R2-D2, she persuades the aging master to teach her the ways of the Force. Luke just wants her to understand his reasons, then leave. But Rey proves to be different from anyone else he has ever trained. Her connection to the dark side and to Kylo Ren is something Skywalker has never seen: strange, powerful, dangerous. But it’s through that connection that Rey can understand who she really is, where her heart truly lies, and what she has to do now. weer oreams WATE The first time Rey faces Kylo Ren, in the woods of planet Takodana, she has just found out about the Force, the Jedi and Skywalker's lightsaber. Confused and unprepared, Rey is easily overwhelmed by her adversary and taken to Starkller Base: where Kylo tries to read her mind and she tries to resist. One of the things he can see is an ocean and an island with no name. Th: island is on planet Ahch-To. But Rey stil has to understand what this means for her. THE RESISTANCE THE HEART OF A WARRIOR Now that Han Solo is gone, the first mate of the Millennium Falcon is missing a captain—someone he can take care of. ‘The Wookiee Chewbacca is a survivor of many battles. Before the Empire and the dark times, he serves as a combat engineer in the Clone Wars.On his home planet, Kashyyyk, he fights alongside the Jedi Knights against an army of Separatist battle droids. Eventually Chewie joins Han Solo as a smuggler and a pirate. As first mate and captain of the Millennium Falcon, a heavily modified Corellian freighter, Chewbacca and Solo travel across the galaxy trading stolen cargo for space crime lords. That's when they meet Luke Skywalker on planet Tatooine and help him rescue Princess Leia from the Imperials. They also help el Alliance destroy the Death Star. Twice. the Ret Years later, when the Falcon is stolen, the pair searches every system trying to locate their spaceship. When they finally find it, the ship is piloted by a young woman from a remote desert planet—Rey. As they try to transport Rey, Finn and the droid BB-8 to General Leia Organg Chewbacca and Solo become involved in the conflict between the Resistance and the First Order. They reach Starkiller Base in secret, and while trying to destroy the enemy's superweapon, Chewie loses his best friend. After Han’s death, the great Wookiee fin himself alone inside the cockpit of the Millenniur Falcon for the first time. But it doesn’t last. There’s someone else he can help and protect...someone with an incredible talent for piloting...someone Solo himself offered a job: Rey. Once again a first mate and copilot, the role he prefers, Chewbacca lets the young scavenger from Jakku fly the legendary spacecraft. Following a map hidden in R2’s and BB-8's droid memories, they travel to planet Ahch-To. And while Rey tries to persuade Luke Skywalker to teach her the ways of the Force in order to become a Jedi, Chewie sticks close to the Millennium Falcon, waiting for her, SU rc aed Eee ee ed aetna pree ent Pees Br eeere ec. STE eats eee ar a pac i The light side of the Force is strong on Ou ke acer founded and the first Jedi temple erected See ee eros Cee eo See oe aed De ee sister—and no one can see him. THE RESISTANCE Luke SHYWALHER BEYOND THE LAST HOPE Luke Skywalker has chosen to go into exile. He wants to be the last Jedi and put an end to the order that used to protect the galaxy. Oo000 For many years, Luke Skywalker lives on the remote desert world of Tatooine with his aunt and his uncle. A farm boy, Luke dreams of attending the Imperial Academy and becoming a pilot. He has always been told that his father, Anakin Skywalker, was a navigator on a spice freighter. His life changes when he finds out that Anakin was actually a Jedi Knight who fought in the Clone Wars. But that was before he became Darth Vader, the Emperor's most powerful emissary, a champion of the dark side of the Force. Luke faces his father many times. The first time, he wields Anakin’s own lightsaber against him, but he loses it, along with his right hand. The last time, Luke wins: the duel and Vader repents. Together, father and son defeat the Emperor and save the galaxy. Peace and freedom are restored. For many years, Luke chooses not to take on an apprentice, until he realizes how powerful his nephew is. The son of Han Solo and Leia Organa, Ben Solo has the Skywalker blood flowing through his veins Luke takes him and a small group of students and starts a training temple, hoping to revive the Jedi Order. But the darkness rising in Ben is, too powerful and leads the young apprentice to betrayal. He becomes Kylo Ren, destroys the temple and slaughters the students. The balance between the light and the dark is broken. Holding, himself responsible for the tragedy, hoping to bury the past and the Jedi along with it, Luke vanishes, Luke reaches an island on the uncharted planet Ahch-To and starts a simple life, far from his sister, Leia, who desperately needs his help to fight the First Order. Luke follows strict routines: He harvests everything he needs, catches fish with a spear, and shelters from the island’s unpredictable weather inside his ancient stacked-stone hut. Then one day the Millennium Falcon appears on the horizon, and the past comes calling on him in the form of his lightsaber... held by a Force- sensitive young woman. STANCE F A HERO FOR THE RESISTANCE Everyone thinks he’s a hero, but Finn doesn’t feel like one. The only thing he cares about is finding Rey and keeping her safe. Oo000 Taken from his home planet as a kid, Finn is trained to become a First Order stormtrooper with the serial number FN-2187. As such, he’s required to follow orders and shoot when told, but when he's sent into battle under the leadership of Captain Phasma, he can’t obey. At the first opportunity, he helps a Resistance pilot escape from a First Order Star Destroyer. They steal a TIE fighter and leave the ship, but crash-land on Jakku. Wandering on the desert planet, Finn meets Rey—a tough young woman with a kind heart Even though he just wants to get as far away from the First Order as possible, when Rey is captured by Kylo Ren, Finn resolves to fight. He voyages aboard the Millennium Falcon to Starkiller Base, and there, as he tries to protect Rey from Ren, he's seriously injured during a lightsaber duel Unconscious, Finn is carried aboard the Falcon and then aboard the Resistance flagship Raddus, where doctors put him into an emergency bacta suit to recover. When he wakes up, he thinks he’s still on Starkiller Base. Finn is not aware that Rey reached planet Ahch-To to become a Jedi, or that the Resistance fleet is being chased across the galaxy by the First Order, which is getting closer and closer. Nor does he know that everyone has heard his story, how he left the First Order (apparently the only stormtrooper known to have done that) and helped destroy Starkiller Base. They believe him to be a hero who doesn’t run away when it gets hard. But Finn isn’t quite so sure. His only concern is finding Rey and keeping her safe. As he attempts to leave the Raddus, he runs into Rose Tico, @ maintenance worker. Together they come up with a daring plan to help the Resistance fleet escape the First Order. Once again, Finn is about to risk his life for the right cause—something only a hero would do. srorwmrooren Tranne WANE H Even though he reluctant to kil is enemies, Finn has been trained to use any kind of weapon He's an effective marksman anda kil gunner, He proves he can wield lightsaber in combat, although not atthe level of Jed. His speeder tring also comes in handy when the Resistance fast face the First Order walkers on Cra SU Recenter ene Bee cic? Ee Cee eae and disable the tracker. But in order to do that, they need a codebreaker. The only place they can find one is the casino city of Canto Bight on planet Cantonica, 2 place filled with war profiteers and criminal. WORKING FOR THE GOOD GUYS Like her sister, Paige, Rose Tico has hated the First Order since she was a child. Now she finally has the chance to fight back. o0000 Rose Tico and her older sister, Paige, are raised by their parents Hue and Thanya in the Otomok system, in the peaceful mining colony of Hays Minor. They grow up dreaming of leaving their home and traveling the galaxy to see its countless marvels...until the First Order arrives. Unbeknownst to the New Republic, the evil military organization begins razing the cities of Otomok to test its armaments. It steals the kids for recruitment and leaves the survivors nothing to live for—except their hate. Wearing twin medallions with the symbol of the Otomok system, Paige and Rose join the Resistance cause—the former serving as a ventral gunner aboard a bomber, the latter as a member of the support crew. Atalented mechanic, Rose develops a system that makes the Resistance’s spacecraft harder for enemy sensors to detect. After the evacuation of D'Qar, she guards the Raddus’s escape pods from anyone who might try to flee. Although they've never met him, the Tico sisters know Finn's story. To them, he has proven to be a real hero, knowing right from wrong and not running away when he had the chance. TD cunner price rico The Cobalt and Crimson squadrons of heavy bombers help cover the evacuation of Dar, supported bythe Restancestarighters The crews are aware of how dangerous thei assignment i, but they aso know that without them, the let i doomed. Paige Tio serves aboard the Cobol Homer. She sits inside the armored rotating turret suspended beneath the bom racks. Protected fom enemy fire only by defector shields, she has survived many missions before this one STANCE Pp € DAMERON THE FUTURE IN HIS HANDS Commander Poe Dameron is the best pilot in the Resistance, but in its darkest hour, he has to become more than that, Oo000 General Leia Organa has always trusted Poe Dameron. Mission after mission, she has given him more and more responsibilities. He is the one who is sent to Jakku to retrieve the map to Luke Skywalker’s location. Aboard his distinctive black X-wing, he leads a squadron of Resistance starfighters against the First Order, first on planet Takodana, then on Starkiller Base. His shots start the chain reaction that destroys the superlaser on the mobile ice planet When the First Order fleet catches the Resistance in the middle of the evacuation of D’Qar, Poe doesn’t hesitate: Following his instincts, he approaches the enemy's Dreadnought alone, aboard his starfighter, and takes out all its cannons one ano ony BNET Poe's Black One, the only black 70 Xing Fighter in the flee, has been modified by the Resistance technicians. An accelerator pod attached tots tal allows the plot to tip past the First Order cannon fre at seemingly impossible speed before anyone realizes he's just a decoy. Thanks to him, the bombers can start their attack to buy time for the evacuation to be completed. But then his recklessness takes over. When General Leia orders him to disengage, Poe switches the comm off. He wants the bombers to take down the Dreadnought. And they do, but the cost is high—almost too high. For his disregard of a direct order, Leia demotes him. She knows that Poe represents the future of the Resistance, but in order to become one of its more important members, he has to learn a lesson: He cannot solve everything by jumping in his X-wing and blowing something up. He must learn patience and strategy. He must think lke @ leader. THE RESISTANCE DRoios A FORCE TO BE RECKONED WITH More than just machines providing technical support and assistance, these droids are an essential part of the Resistance. o0000 BB-8 This spherical astromech droid just loves adventure. Before Starkiller Base is destroyed, BB-8 joins Poe Dameron on his mission to Jakku to retrieve the map to Luke Skywalker’s lacation, When they have to separate, BB-8 is entrusted with the map. He manages to roll away from the stormtroopers looking for him and persuade a young woman, Rey, to help him get off the planet and back to the Resistance. Once Rey leaves for Ahch-To, in the care of R2-D2, 88-8 helps Poe fight the First Order Dreadnought during the evacuation of D'Qar. Ready to take new risks, he's now determined to accompany Finn and Rose on their sabotage mission aboard the enemy's flagship. Even though he didn't like Finn at first, BB-8 completely trusts, the former stormtrooper. 20 R2-D2 R2 becomes a hero long before the end of the Republic and the rise of the Empire. He repairs the Naboo Royal Starship during an invasion, helping save Queen Amidala, who later becomes Luke and Leia’s mother. When the Empire rises, R2 is serving Alderaan’ royal family and young Princess Leia. Chased by Darth Vader, Leia sends him on a desperate mission to Tatooine, where he meets Luke Skywalker. Along with Luke and protocol droid C-3PO, R2 takes part in the events that lead to the end of the Empire and a return to peace. For years the little droid and his master stick together—until Kylo Ren destroys everything Luke is trying to build. When the Jedi leaves, R2 goes into standby mode and reactivates only when BB-8 recovers the map to Luke's location. Standing by Rey's side, R2 voyages aboard the Millennium Falcon to Ahch-To. He’s been waiting to see his master for years. €-3P0 A protocol droid is programmed to translate alien and cyborg languages or provide valuable information about customs and etiquette—not very useful during an evacuation or escape. Nonetheless, C-3PO, who's been with R2 since the beginning, does his best to help General Leia and the Resistance leaders find a way to move the fleet out of reach of the First Order. I TA tovat crouno) Frieno ‘Astromech droid BB-8is rarely far fram Poe. Together they've completed a lot Cf missions and gone through a lot of battles. When Poe rockets at nearly impossible speed toward the First Order Dreadnought, BB-8 is also aboard the black X-wing, in the droid bay. 21 i INSPIRATIONAL BEACON enero are | peerererenre tg See earns eee) Soe eed ee ett Se eee ee eee ery them the way STANCE LIGHTING THE WAY In their most desperate hour, all the members of the Resistance look to the princess who once defeated an Empire. o0000 GENERAL LEIA ORGANA The daughter of Senator Padmé Amidala and Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker, Leia is adopted by the royal family of the planet Alderaan and never gets to know her biological mother. When she finds herself at the mercy of the infamous Darth Vader, her father’s new identity, neither of them recognizes the other. But the Skywalker blood runs in her veins, and the Force is strong with her, even though Leia has never been trained as a Jedi Rescued by Luke Skywalker, Han Solo and Chewbacca from captivity aboard the Death Star, Princess Leia brings the plans for the Imperial superweapon to the rebels on Yavin 4, allowing their starfighters to destroy it. Now one of the most important leaders in the Alliance, Leia is also part of the team that plays a crucial role in the destruction of the second Death Star and in the end of the Empire. Many years later, Leia is the first one to warn the Senate about the First Order activities. She asks the senators to put a stop to Snoke’s arms race, and when they ignore her requests, Leia forms the Resistance—the only movement willing to oppose the First Order. With the New Republic gone, the general knows that they are the galaxy’s only hope to restore peace and freedom. But in order for the Resistance to survive and have @ future, a new generation of heroes must take her place. Preparing them for the task is Leia's most important duty. TEE never 100 rar Jus ke Anakin Skywalker, ei’ son turns to the dak side, becoming Kyo Ren. na state of remorse, Leis bother, Luke, vanishes. When Ren kils his father, Han, Leia is left completely alone—except for Roy, Sent to recover uke and bring him backtothe Resistance, the young Scavenger won't tthe general down To guide her way and help her fd the let wherever is, Lela gives Rey a transmitter bracelet, the mate to the one Lela wears 2a 24 THE RESISTANCE FIGHTING ON THE RUN When Leia forms the Resistance, many answer the call. They come from the Rebel Alliance, independent defense forces, and the New Republic. LIEUTENANT CONNIX ADMIRAL ACKBAR Kaydel Connix serves as an operations controller A Mon Calamari from the ocean planet of Mon on D'Qar. She stands out during the attack on Cala, Ackbar is a veteran of the Galactic Civil War. Starkiller Base, coordinating communications Having a profound admiration for General Organa, with Poe Dameron’s squadron. Promoted to Ackbar joins her newly formed group to put his lieutenant, she successfully leads the planet experience to good use. During the evacuation of evacuation. Once the base is fully evacuated, D’Qar, he sits in the command chair of the Raddus Connix joins the Raddus’s crew under the and keeps the cruiser at the rear of the small command of Admiral Ackbar and supreme Resistance fleet, using its shields to neutralize the commander General Organa. First Order’s long-range cannons. VICE ADMIRAL HOLDO There are few people General Organa tru more than Amilyn Holdo. She was born on. Gatalenta, whose inhabitants are known for their poetry, peacefulness and compassion. While still in their teens, Leia and Holdo two become quick ther. come members of the Rebel ing—so joining the rve together in the Imperial Senate, and t friends, each sensing a kindred spirit in the Eventually, they b Alliance right from the begin Res Ninka crui to injur to take her plac that gala’ But trust to istance comes naturally. Holdo commands the F until the fuel runs out, forcing her vacuate the crew to the Raddus. When Leia is red during a First Order blitz, Holdo Firm and brave, Holdo is aware they are the f hope left in the and that they must survive at all co ‘many, made insecure by Leia’s absen t her and want to know if she has a real plan e the Resista 26 THE RESISTANCE SPACE FLEET IN NEED OF ALLIES Reduced to four main ships, the Resistance armada can barely be called a fleet. Without allies, its fate is sealed oo00o0 The New Republic fleet is no more, and General _‘the Anodyne, a decommissioned escort frigate. Leia can count on only four vessels to rescue all__—_‘There’s only a small squadron of bombers, X-wing. the Resistance personnel from D’Qar. The Raddus, fighters and A-wing interceptors to help cover one of the last warships of the Rebel Alliance, the the evacuation, small Ninka cruiser, the Vigil, a cargo frigate, and TTT sac-200 starrortress The remnants ofthe Galactic Cl War, used by the New Republic to force the lst Imperial holdouts to surtender, the MG-100 StarFortesses ae the Resstance’s heavy bombers From their modular bombing magazines, they can drop more than one thousand proton bombs—which are magnetically drawn to their tergets The Cobalt and Crimson squadrons ace deployed above D'Gar to drop thei lnads over the First Order Dreadnought TED 2-2 wwtenceetor tremely fast, the RZ-2 starfighters have been updated from the famous RZ-1, which helped the Rebel Alliance win the Galactic Civil War. Faster and better armed than the previous model, these A-wings fly under Poe Dameron’s command, ES PEED carrirenauu A native of planet Abednedo, Cai Threnall can fy starfighters as easly as arspeeders. The gited pilots 2 brave, loyal member of the Resistance and Poe Dameron's wingmate during the evacuation fram D'Qar. PEED to xwine Although they were not as up-to-date as the New Republic's T-85 X-wings, most of which were believed to have been wiped out after the Starkiller Base attack, the T-70s have always been a reliable mainstay in the Resistance's small fleet of starfighters. 27 28 THE RESISTANCE MILLENNIUM FALCON MORE THAN A PIRATE VESSEL It may not look like much, but this ship has saved the galaxy several times over. Never judge a spacecraft by its cover. o0000 No other Corellian YT-1300 light freighter is like the Millennium Falcon. Since the beginning of its story, every captain who has gotten their hands on this vessel has made changes. Han Solo, who wins it from his friend Lando Calrissian in a card game, is among them. He and his copilot, Chewbacca, fly aboard the Falcon for years and make it their home. As smugglers, pirates and even heroes of the Rebel Alliance, they travel the galaxy adding all kinds of improvements (or as Solo calls them, “special modifications”) to make their freighter faster, more resistant, better equipped (with military-grade weapons) and more maneuverable than Imperial TIE fighters. Then one day, after the end of the Empire, the Falcon is stolen. It ends up on Jakku, where Rey, Finn and BB-8 find it and eventually take it back to its owners. It’s aboard the Millennium Falcon that a small team formed by Finn, Solo and Chewbacca enters Starkiller Base without being detected. And it’s also aboard the Falcon that Rey and Chewie escape the exploding ice planet and later reach Ahch-To. And while Rey follows Luke Skywalker around the remote island, the Wookiee works on his ship, restoring most of the customizations he and Solo developed. UT Rerecccy ‘On planet Takodana, before Rey faces Kylo Ren forthe first time, Han Solo offers her the cance DT eee nee ete second mate~or atleast, ashe adds, bes thinking Senate en ea eae ae ce ed Re ain Ut a e = fo | Ss — il i] E Oa y x — § .s MN Hah whe a2 THE FIRST GROER HY¥LO REN COMMITTED TO THE DARK SIDE He has sacrificed everything to become the dark lord his master wants him to be. And yet there’s still conflict in Kylo Ren. o0000 The Force is strong with Ben Solo. The son of Leia (daughter of Darth Vader and sister of Luke Skywalker) trains to become a Jedi under his uncle Luke's guidance. But the darkness rises. quickly in him, and Ben is soon seduced to the dark side by the shadowy Snoke, becoming Kylo Ren, The influence of the First Order's Supreme Leader pushes the young man to destroy the Jedi training temple, reject his family and finally kill his father, Han Solo, on Starkiller Base. Later, before the mobile ice planet is destroyed, Ren faces a young woman in the woods surrounding the base. She appears to be just @ scavenger. ‘And yet she thwarts, defeats and wounds him in single combat. Rescued by General Hux, Ren goes back to his master. Snoke is greatly disappointed. He taunts his apprentice, destabilizing his torn mind. As an obedient servant, Ren follows Snoke’s orders to pursue and crush the fleeing Resistance. But the words of his father echo in his mind. Han said Snoke is only using Ren for his power. The dark side fuels Ren’s ambition, driving him to desire more, to plan on taking the place he thinks he deserves. But there's something else he cannot ignore. He and the scavenger from Jakku share a bond in the Force, a mysterious connection whose nature and meaning Ren is still trying to understand. H ucirsaser ove. THE FIRST DESTROYERS OF WORLDS After crushing the New Republic, its senate and its fleet, the First Order leaders are taking control of the galaxy. o0000 ORDER THE LEADERS a4 SUPREME LEADER SNOKE His body is frail and his physical skills have faded, but his authority and ability to manipulate have never been so powerful. As the Supreme Leader of the First Order, Snoke commands his generals from his secret chambers—only projecting 2 large-scale version of himself. General Hux and Snoke’s apprentice, Kyio Ren, are among, the few who can contact Snoke directly and see him in the flesh. Powerful in the dark side of the Force, but not a Sith like Darth Vader, Snoke acknowledges the might in Ren’s blood and believes that he is destined to destroy the Jedi once and for all, GENERAL HUX Armitage Hux craves power above all. Son of Imperial general Brendol Hux, Armitage doesn’t hesitate to eliminate his father before the older Hux represents a threat to his ascent to command. ised to the rank of general, Armi th the destruction of the key man in Snoke’s military strategy—and one persons who has direct access to the e Leader. In charge of Starkiller Base, the seneral suggests to Snoke that the superweapon embedd As Armitage tells his troops nihalat First Order. DU erected Armitage plans his next move from the bridge Cn ee ae eee er eee eee Pee ee eee cet) y THE FIRST ORDER PRAETORIAN GUARO THE LAST LINE OF DEFENSE Modeled on the Emperor’s Royal Guard, the Praetorians flank Snoke's throne in their red combat armor. Oo000 Snoke's elite warriors have no identity, and no one knows their origins. They stand motionless in the throne roam, taking action only when the Supreme Leader is endangered. implacable, loyal and ever-vigilant sentinels, they protect Snoke from whoever may represent a threat, including his guests, generals and his apprentice, Kylo Ren When activated, their layered red armor creates an intense local magnetic field that deflects blaster fire and even glancing lightsaber blows. Their tempered metal blades are made even more lethal by a high-frequency vibration created across the cutting edge by a compact ultrasonic generator. Moreover, the energized blade parallel to each cutting edge can parry a lightsaber. TED ict consaranrts There ae four pais of sentinels in the Praetorian Guard, and each pair wields the same weapors—hightech versions of ancient analog weapons from across the gon an eectro-bsent, 2 ibro-oulge a ilar electr-chain whip and the twin vbro-arbirbaces, a9 THE FIRST ORDER STORMTROOPERS ARMORED SYMBOL OF POWER Taken as children from conquered worlds, trained to serve the First Order, the stormtroopers fight to restore order and stability. o0000 CAPTAIN PHASMA Phasma comes from the harsh, primitive world of Parnassos. She grows up in a merciless tribe where members have to kill in order to survive When the First Order subjugates her planet, she joins its troops to escape her cruel existence. Swearing loyalty to its cause, Phasma becomes an unforgiving commander and a very efficient, captain. She is the one leading the assault on Jakku—to retrieve the map to Skywalker’s location before the Resistance can acquire it. When stormtrooper FN-2187 fails to carry out PETED seav trooper Deployed in battle zones, the heavy trooper specialists are equipped with extra high density ammunition power 5 cells and assault weapons. _ her orders, she doesn’t suspect he’s going to desert and free a Resistance pilot from prison. The two meet again, on Starkiller Base, where Finn (the traitor’s new name) threatens to shoot her if she doesn’t take down the base shields— opening the way for Poe Dameron and his squadron of starfighters. Surviving the destruction of Starkiller Base, Phasma clears all the tracks of her treason, even killing Lieutenant Sol Rivas, who could have reported her. Now Phasma waits, ready for the next opportunity to meet the anomaly FN-2187 and correct him once and for all Of nr a TE csecurioner trooPer Any standard stormtrooper can be assigned the role of executioner, because they all have been trained to administer capital punishment without hestation Their laser ax brings justice through its razor-sharp energy ribbons, extended from a quartet of collapsible claws 93 —_— & DU reece) er eee See CU RUC oe ee reenter Sette a See ea eet eee eee eat etl Te devs Timea Fey THE FIRST GROER SPACE FLEET A RELENTLESS ARMADA When the First Order fleet appears over D'Qar, the Resistance high command realizes their only chance is to escape. o0000 The loss of Starkiller Base at the hands of the Instead, its officers and troops operate aboard Resistance fighters doesn’t lead to a significant myriad crafts, constantly moving throughout the setback for the forces of evil. n fact, Supreme galaxy. Their enormous fleet of Star Destroyers, Leader Snoke’s organization has never had a Dreadnoughts and TIE fighters is all they need central base on a planet that serves as a capital. to seize military control of the galaxy. PREM ie evauizer The first eraft to reach D'Qay, this Resurgent clas Star Destroyer is General Hus command Ship. The Resurgent classi an evolution ofthe first Star Destroyer, originally developed by the Republic during the lone Wars, From its bridge, Hux and his subordinate Captain Peavey coordinate the attack onthe Resistance base and feet unti Snoke’s Supremacy arves 4a DED se eussnnarenx Captain Maden Canady, a former imperial officer, commands this massive Mandator IV clas Siege Oreadnought. Canady’ orders are toincinerte the base on D'Gar and blow up all the Resistance emergency transports—an «easy task for a Dreadnought. Bigger than a regular Star Destroyer, this ying fortress has enough firepower to destroy an entire warship in seconds. Moreover, its orita-bombardment cannons can get through planetary shields PETDD ne ricurers The countless TIE/fo and TIe/sfstarfighters are built to match and even overcome thelr ‘opponents’ extremely fast and maneuverable X-and A.wings. Many of their pilots were part of the Starkiler Base aerial defence force and are laaking for a chance at revenge against the Resistance. TRIN tie supremacy Snoke' flagship is the only Mego-cass Str Destroyer ever bul Millon of officers, technicians, droid and stormtroopers serve aboard it loyally caring ou the Supreme Leader's orders. This war machine self the size of half the Nee, sso powerful that could take out the Resistance’s entire eet coud just get close enough 45, TEED crarrinvasion The surviving members ofthe Resistance fina shelter on planet Cra where te First Order immediatly deploys its colossal AEM combat walter. Ther tasks to kil the Resistance and erase the las sro of rebellion let in the gaan Having sunived the batl of Hoth, where the Imperials almost crushed the Rebel Alliance with their FAT walkers, General Organa knows the enemy may ust succeed and that time is naton her side UU rs {An evolution of the Imperial AF-AT walkers, the All Terrain MegaCaliber Six is a gigantic mobile fortress over 36 meters tall, equipped with a powerful turbolaser cannon, reinforced forward legs, and an ultra-dense matrixed composite armor. No Resistance speeder can block its path; no artillery defense can oppose its firepower. THE FIRST ORDER GROUND FORCES CRUSHING ANY OPPOSITION Escaping the First Order fleet and hiding in a shield-protected base ona remote planet doesn’t necessarily mean the Resistance is safe o0000 The First Order forces cannot be matched on land. newly designed walkers and enormous mobile Taking advantage of the years of Imperial research cannons to halt any battle in no time. In addition, and experience, Supreme Leader Snoke and his __stormtroopers and snowtroopers wait in the rear generals develop an intimidating multitude of guard to be deployed and enter the besieged base. I avst The imperial ll erain Scout Transport, deployed on many panets, has been improved with anew evoscopic stem and a lighter bu more resistant armored shel a7 LOCATIONS Rey and Chewbacca travel to the planet Ah Asecret mission Finn and Rose to Caton On Crait, the last Resistance fighters efuge inside an old rebel base oo000 LOCATIONS AHCH-T AN ISLAND LOST IN TIME It took Luke Skywalker years to locate the planet where the Jedi originated, the destination of his exile. o0000 Hidden in a long-forgotten region of the galaxy, Ahch-To is a harsh planet orbiting two suns, Mostly covered in water, lacking any city or form of technology, it’s beaten by cold winds and violent storms. Wild but somehow peaceful, it becomes home to Luke Skywalker after his Jedi temple is burned and his students killed. His X-wing starfighter takes him to an unnamed island in the northern latitude of Ahch-To, and then sinks. (On Ahch-To, Luke finds the remains of an ancient stone village, erected a long time ago by the first unas WT For thousands of years these sentient relatives of the porgs have lived on the island. The female Lanais, called Caretakers, swore to tend to the Jedi temple and huts, and fulfil their chosen role with diligence and pride, conducting repairs and cleaning the stones, The male Lanais spend most of the year at ea, fishing and hunting on other islands, only returning once a month, 50 Jedi. They also built a temple on top of a high ledge overlooking the ocean. As Luke immediately comprehends, the island has a strong connection with the Force, with the light side as well as the dark side—the latter manifesting itself in a mirror cave an the eastern side. Inside the massive husk of a tree trunk, which the first Jedi used as a library, Luke keeps his most precious treasure: the original Jedi texts, containing the history and secrets of the Jedi Order. 51 RESORT Unable to escape via hyperspace, General Organa has no choice but to make a stand on the remote world of Crait. o0000 There are still a few shadow planets in deep space, used by the Rebel Alliance as hideouts during the war against the Empire. Crait is one of them, and it’s where the Resistance hones to hide and hold out long enough that a distress signal can reach its allies across the galaxy. A desolate, moonless world, Crait is covered in barren salt flats, beneath which is a thick crust of vibrant red crystals. A mining company first discovered the planet but abandoned its facilities shortly after. The rebel engineers then used those facilities to start the construction of a heavily armored base. They never finished, because the Imperials became aware of the base's location. Leaving Crait in a hurry, they left behind artillery emplacements as well as transports, equipment, weapons and speeders. Everything is old, rusty and barely functional, but the Resistance fighters have no choice but to make the most of it 53 LOCATIONS CANTON cA WHERE THE WEALTHY RULE Ona planet far from the chaos, conflict and suffering they helped cause, war profiteers reap the benefits of their amoral ways. Oo000 here's no place like the resort city of Canto Bight on planet Cantonica—a haven for those who make fortunes contracting with the First Order and supplying its armories, or selling weapons, ammunition and technology to independent groups arming for a galactic war. Local law enforcement is in the pocket of Canto Bight’s wealthy denizens, constantly patrolling the streets, artificial coastline and the Canto Casino and Racetrack, worawew rue srasues WMA Every casino guest dreams of making 2 fortune betting onthe magnificent racing fathiers—fourlegged, -meterhigh animals of unknown origin, whose speed and power always delight the weatthy spectators, Keptin taht stables, the fathers are crudely managed by Bargil Temder, who also supervises 2 group of children, Abandoned here by losing gamblers, these small assistants ream of adventure and enjoy stening to the tales of travelers from astant worl, 54 This celebrated exclusive club—which includes luxurious restaurants, a deluxe hotel, a shopping concourse, game rooms and a fathier racetrack— is where the galaxy’s elite spend their wealth, taking chances on games like Savareen Whist, Zinbiddle, Uvide, and Hazard Toss (the clientele’s, favorite dice game). Only politicians, celebrities and business magnates can afford these expensive pleasures, but spies and master codebreakers can hide among them, 56 LOCATIONS CANTO IGHT 3A LOOKING FOR A CODEBREAKER Con artists can be found in any prison in the galaxy, and they all have something in common: It’s best not to trust them! Oo000 he thieves and pickpockets who end up in the Canto Bight jail don’t plan on getting caught. all except for one, DJ actually lets the local police arrest him on purpose. As he explains to his cellmates, jail is the only place where he can sleep without worrying about the authorities. A cynical survivor and a self-proclaimed victim of societal inequity, DJ only cares about money. DJ would work for the Resistance or the First Order—his choice only determined by how much he will make. That attitude perfectly reflects his only belief, and his nickname: Don’t Join To DJ, following a greater cause like the Resistance or the First Order is a fool's game; sooner or later, the followers end up dead. And DJ will do anything he can to stay alive. DEED spare tatenr D) can be accused of many things, but being a bad codebreaker i not one of them, With his modified Zinbidale car, he can open the cell doors ofthe Canto Bight jll at anytime. Moreover, his handerated keys can temporarily bypass even bio-hewacrypt protected data networks CONCEPT ART Before the cameras start rolling, a team of talented artists and illustrators works hard to imagine the world of The Last Jedi. Through sketches and paintings, they help bring the director's vision to life oo000 60 CONCEPT ART CHARACTERS A GALAXY OF VISIONS Concept artists set the tone for the movie, contributing to the overall look and mood—from character studies and sets to vehicles and epic battle scenes. Oo000 Tre unscruputous and resourceful). rt by Jock (MarkSimpson) Robert Rowley DELI supreme Leader snote in his royal out. Art by Da weatthy guest ofthe famous canto Casino and Racetrack, Art by an Manzella 63 ept te tans celebrating their return to Temple sland. Arby Jake Lunt Davies DID acai fishers bringing back theiccatch of the day, Art by Chris Weston 65 66 CONCEPT ART SCENERIES DIED sey caves the aitennium Falcon to reach Luke's hut. Art by Kevin Jenkins and James Carson The stunning Cant rt by James Clyne n from above. Art by Kevin Jenkins CONCEPT ART DEI scosicgs na na-2starrignters try to protect the M1G-100 bombers from the Fist Order Arey lames Cine n BEHIND THE SCENES What goes on behind the scenes of an epic movie like The Last Jedi? Take a sneak at the director, the actors, the crew members and, of course, BB-8, hard at work on the sets of the latest installment MAKING A STAR WARS FILM On the sets of The Last Jedi, from the coast of Ireland to Pinewood Studios in England, 79 TEED sss (ey) mands mark Hemi (Luke Skywalker) his ol lightsaber

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