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Title: Navigating the Challenges of Crafting a Food Desert Research Paper

Crafting a thesis on the intricate topic of food deserts is no small feat. This research paper demands a
meticulous exploration of socio-economic factors, geographical disparities, and the complex interplay
of various elements that contribute to the existence of food deserts. Tackling this subject requires not
only a deep understanding of the issue at hand but also an ability to synthesize extensive information
from diverse sources.

The difficulty in writing a food desert research paper lies in the multifaceted nature of the topic.
Researchers must delve into the impact of limited access to fresh and nutritious food in certain
communities, analyze the socio-economic implications, and propose viable solutions. This demands
not just academic prowess but also a keen awareness of the real-world implications of food deserts
on individuals and communities.

Moreover, the extensive literature review required for such a paper can be overwhelming.
Researchers need to sift through a myriad of studies, reports, and articles to establish a
comprehensive foundation for their thesis. Staying up-to-date with the latest research findings, policy
changes, and community initiatives further adds to the challenge.

In light of these complexities, many students find themselves seeking professional assistance to
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That being said, I still found it interesting to see what food access looked like in 2010 for Arizona,
all of its counties, and specifically for American Indians and Alaskan Native populations. The Center
for Science in the Public Interest is an independent, science-based consumer advocacy organization
and a food and health watchdog. They find living in a food desert was associated with poorer
cardiovascular health. In another article by Achenbaum Emily, the strategies, which the residents of
Roseland have taken to address the food drought problem is addressed. B.A. Laraia, A.M. Siega-Riz,
J.S. Kaufman, S.J. Jones.2004.Proximity of supermarkets is. Factors, Items, and Factor Loadings
Identified in Exploratory Factor Analysis of FIONS Participant Survey a. Please note that many of
the page functionalities won't work as expected without javascript enabled. The low and very low
food security levels are also described as “food insecurity.” Food security levels are typically
measured at the household level. In many instances, these areas are low-income communities.
Therefore, Gray identifies educating the masses as a way of helping solve the food desert problem
(Gray, 2009). This new tool provides population characteristics of areas considered food deserts
according the definition by the Healthy Food Financing Initiative (HFFI) Working Group.
Consequently, this data does not account for people who live in areas of adequate access, but cannot
afford food from supermarkets, and vice-versa. In a food desert, people Often do not have access to
full grocery stores Turn instead to quick markets that sell inexpensive, processed food Frequently eat
at chain fast food restaurants. In both cases, residents have to drive a long way to reach a grocery
store. Definition: Low-income communities without ready access to healthy and affordable food
Effects 23.5 million Americans (including 6.5 million children) Occurs both in urban and rural areas.
The study links data collected from the SubPopulations and InteRmediate Outcome Measures in
COPD Study between 2010 and 2015, and the 2019 food desert data using USDA’s Food Access
Research Atlas. Food deserts are found in a variety of geographic locations such as large urban
neighborhoods. Neighborhood study areas were matched on socio-demographic characteristics and
each comprised a contiguous three-square mile area. Download Free PDF View PDF Sustainability
Informal Food Deserts and Household Food Insecurity in Windhoek, Namibia lawrence kazembe
Informal settlements in rapidly-growing African cities are urban and peri-urban spaces with high
rates of formal unemployment, poverty, poor health outcomes, limited service provision, and chronic
food insecurity. Pharmacies (e.g., RiteAid, CVS) and dollar stores (e.g., Dollar General) were
excluded. In general, income is associated with population health. Interventions to improve dietary
outcomes must address food store proximity as well as making a diversity of healthful foods
available. In the context of rapid urbanization, urban agriculture is, once again, being advocated as a
means to mitigate the growing food insecurity of the urban poor. We interpreted factors by examining
item content and patterns of coefficients. All those programs have realized positive effects as the
food desert problem in Chicago is on the decrease today. While several factors have been explored in
trying to address the issue of food secur. Figure 1 is a Sankey Diagram visualizing the distribution of
Maricopa County’s urban and rural populations which fall into either category of food access, as well
as the other counties combined. My Store’s Quality and Perceptions of Neighborhood Food
Availability were positively correlated with vegetable consumption subscore. That there are large
differences in the nutritional choices available between grocery stores and fast food outlets is well
known, but what was not known before this report is that for some neighborhoods the balance
swings far to the fast food side. Environmental conditions vary from one desert to another.
A.D. Liese, K.E. Weis, D. Pluto. 2007.”Food store types, availability and cost of foods in a rural. My
Store’s Quality and Perceptions of Neighborhood Food Availability were positively correlated with
vegetable consumption subscore. Download Free PDF View PDF Sustainability Informal Food
Deserts and Household Food Insecurity in Windhoek, Namibia lawrence kazembe Informal
settlements in rapidly-growing African cities are urban and peri-urban spaces with high rates of
formal unemployment, poverty, poor health outcomes, limited service provision, and chronic food
insecurity. American Journal of Health Promotion 23(4) 255-264. Notably, general health has several
potential impacts on physical activity, which is closely related to obesity. This is 100% legal. You
may not submit downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you. These same two factors,
My Store’s Quality and Perceptions of Neighborhood Food Availability, were positively correlated to
each other. Food deserts may be found anywhere in the suburban, rural and urban communities. This
paper will discuss all the aspects of food deserts in Chicago, USA. In Hamilton County, which lies
directly south of Tipton County, the per capita income is nearly double and grocery stores are
prevalent, including a Whole Foods Market in Carmel, Indiana. However, to date, empirical testing of
these models has been limited, and as such, the inter- and intra-dependent relationships between
neighborhood characteristics, psychosocial factors, perceptions of community food environments,
home shopping behaviors, food access, and dietary outcomes are still emerging. Rural areas are
known for having food deserts, but nevertheless the rural food environment has. In a food desert,
people Often do not have access to full grocery stores Turn instead to quick markets that sell
inexpensive, processed food Frequently eat at chain fast food restaurants. This idea has not been
applied in any systematic way to cities of the Global South and African cities in particular. The First
Lady Michelle Obama has by now launched a program in California to help address the issue.
Unique Biota. Plants. D ense covering of plant hairs Adaption to drought: Small leaves Produce
leaves No leaves. I worked with the US Department of Agriculture’s Food Access Research Atlas,
which combines 2010 Census data, 2010 Supermarket data, and the 2010-2014 American Consumer
Survey—all of which is publicly available. In total, 33.8 million people lived in food-insecure
households in 2021. If you would like to deposit a poster, presentation, conference paper or white
paper, use the “Scholarly Works” deposit form. Printing a map or downloading the data is also
allowed. Different individuals and organizations are seeking ways of addressing this growing
problem, for the well-being of all Americans, and the United States as a country. Health and Social
Care in the Community, September 2022. Items loading onto Household Food Challenges (Factor 4)
reflect availability of unhealthy items in the home, lower grocery and fresh fruit and vegetable
expenditures, and transportation barriers. Gonyea, Arden E. O'Donnell, Alexandra Curley and Vy
Trieu. Previously, without government intervention through the introduction of link card program,
poor families had no alternative but to starve whenever they lacked sufficient money to buy their
food. Specifically, the goal of the present analysis was to examine relative contributions of multi-
level factors in the nutrition environment (i.e., perceived and observed; community, store, and
household levels) on dietary outcomes in two urban, low-income, and minority food desert
communities in the Northeastern United States. The result is nearly universal adoption of this healthy
option: 94.6% of Catawba County WIC recipients report that the farmer’s market helped to increase
the amount of fresh produce consumed by their family. Food Ordering and Nutrition App To
Addresses Health, Disparities, Costs and M. If this problem gets working solutions, the United
States will once again have a healthy population and reduced cases of health-related conditions.
Other stores were assigned the average observed NEMS score for that class of store—i.e.,
supermarket, Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC)-
authorized corner store, or corner store not authorized by WIC.
If you would like to deposit an article or book chapter, use the “Scholarly Articles and Book
Chapters” deposit option. You can use the USDA’s Food Access Research Atlas to find food access
indicators for low-income areas using different measures of supermarket accessibility at the census
tract level. Wigg D. K., and C. Smith. 2010. Race, Homelessness and the Environmental Factors
Associated. The Philadelphia Inquirer. 3 March 2018. Available online: (accessed on 11 December
2019). Cut points for categories were determined in ways that optimized even distribution of
responses across categories. 2.1.2. Store Audits (Observed Nutrition Environment Data) This study
also collected data on observed nutrition environments in supermarkets and corner stores from both
study neighborhoods using Nutrition Environment Measures Survey (NEMS) tools. Lower SES
populations suffer from chronic diseases at. Feeding America is a nationwide hunger-relief
organization with a network of 200 food banks and 60,000 food pantries and meal programs. This
article first appeared on The Journalist's Resource and is republished here under a Creative Commons
license. The paper discusses the case of Cape Town, South Africa, where supermarkets command a
significant share of food retailing and have been expanding into all areas of the city. This article
shares the same sentiments with the presenter. All those programs have realized positive effects as
the food desert problem in Chicago is on the decrease today. After vacancies, non-responses,
ineligibles, and refusals, we enrolled a sample of 796 primary household food shoppers from January
through December 2017 ( Figure 1 ). For interviews conducted by phone (16%), self-reported heights
and weights were recorded. I can change or remove this information at any time. My goal is to share
through images just a small part of the data I looked through, with some writing for context.
Maintaining a healthy diet may be difficult for low-income people for several reasons. These same
two factors, My Store’s Quality and Perceptions of Neighborhood Food Availability, were positively
correlated to each other. This article also includes and talks about what Wal-Mart is doing and plans
to do in future to contribute to the solutions of the food desert problem in different regions of the
country. A whole range of other factors including pop culture, race and economy have their role in
making people consume fast food. Conflicts of Interest The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Retrieved from Ploeg, M. V. (2009). Access to Affordable and Nutritious Food: Measuring and
Understanding Food Deserts and Their Consequences. Kelli; et al., published in Circulation
Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes in September 2017, finds that among 1,421 people living in
the Atlanta metropolitan area, those living in food deserts had higher prevalence of high blood
pressure, smoking, obesity and 10-year risk for cardiovascular disease. Neighborhood Safety (Factor
3) had statistically significant small to moderate positive correlations with both My Store’s Quality
(Factor 1) and Perceptions of Neighborhood Food Availability (Factor 2). Studies indicate that those
who report food insecurity skip. Gamba, Joseph Schuchter, Candace Rutt and Edmund Y. W. Seto,
published in Journal of Community Health in October 2014, examines 51 peer-reviewed studies that
analyzed the relationship between obesity and the number, type and location of food outlets such as
supermarkets, convenience stores and fast-food restaurants. The University of Buffalo, with support
from the USDA, offers blueprints and training courses for those interested in working with their
local government. Although the presenters did not address this in details, Gray goes ahead to link the
relationship between poverty and food deserts. Journal of Policy and Management.Vol. 30, No. 1 pp.
153-176. Below, we have gathered several studies that examine the relationship between food
insecurity and health. In 2006, the USDA introduced new terminology to describe American
households’ access to food, ranging from “high” and “marginal” to “low” and “very low” food
security. This way, the poor families can afford to buy food.
All five-point scaled items were on a scale of “strongly disagree” to “strongly agree”. Characteristics.
Adaption's to low rainfall Plants. Trophy Nation explores the barriers and emerging solutions to
selling produce in the towns that create it. In both cases, residents have to drive a long way to reach
a grocery store. Even fewer households derive income from the sale of produce. Those living in food
deserts were more likely to be “nonwhite” and more likely to have a lower income than those who
didn’t live in food deserts, according to the study. An additional 3.4 million households, or 3.2
percent of all households, live between one-half to 1 mile and do not have access to a vehicle.
(Ploeg, 2009). Nonetheless, this is not the only reason why people have ruined their eating habits.
Just like the presenters did, the article by Wehunt Jennifer in the July 2009 issue of Chicago
Magazine, similarly addresses the food desert scenario in Chicago, and identifies the strategies in the
area, which aim at solving the problem. The list is followed by reporting resources for journalists.
Among the drivers of the national strategy are food insecurity, which affects millions of Americans,
and the increasing rates of diet-related diseases like obesity and diabetes. This is 100% legal. You
may not submit downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you. Finally, I wanted to
visualize if there are particular counties where the Native American and Alaskan Native populations
are most affected. As such, future analyses should investigate the ways in which the factors tested in
this model shift in different contexts. And how much price is too much for a fruit or vegetable. On
the other hand, Wal-Mart future plans in place in order to help address the food desert problem.
There are two major problems associated with disparities and access to food in the US and these are
the income level of the people as well as the lack of access to supermarkets within a reachable
distance what is known as food desert. Feature papers represent the most advanced research with
significant potential for high impact in the field. A Feature. Cold Deserts are near the Arctic part of
the world. That there are large differences in the nutritional choices available between grocery stores
and fast food outlets is well known, but what was not known before this report is that for some
neighborhoods the balance swings far to the fast food side. We use cookies to create the best
experience for you. This research advances the understanding of pathways in underserved
communities by both testing conceptual models of perceived and observed nutrition environments in
a food desert context, and examining the extent to which multi-level factors articulated in the
framework contribute to fruit and vegetable intake and healthy eating measures among residents in
urban food desert communities. Although the presenters did not address this in details, Gray goes
ahead to link the relationship between poverty and food deserts. Moreover, the MIMIC model
allowed us to estimate effects of latent factors on dietary outcome measures (i.e., HEI score, fruit
consumption subscore, and vegetable consumption subscore). This is contrary to the presenters, who
identified low-income earners, as living in food deserts. Figure 1 is a Sankey Diagram visualizing the
distribution of Maricopa County’s urban and rural populations which fall into either category of food
access, as well as the other counties combined. Whitacre, P., Tsai, P., and Mulligan, J. (2009). The
public health effects of food deserts: workshop summary. Consensus that improving access might
not change consumer behavior. At the same time, it argues that the concept, appropriately
reformulated to fit African realities of rapid urbanisation and multiple food procurement systems, is a
useful analytical tool for African urban. The USDA monitors levels of food insecurity through an
annual survey of U.S. households. The agency’s 2021 survey, which included 30,343 households,
finds 10.2%, or 13.5 million, U.S. households were food insecure and had difficulty at some points
during the year providing enough food for everyone in the household due to lack of resources.
Additionally, lower SES individuals are also found to live in areas where wages are lower, areas.
Rose D., Richards R. 2004. “Food store access and household fruit and vegetable use among. This
may be an attempt to also attract the natives and other locals who may not be so much into Chinese
deserts. Key words: food security, urban agriculture, urbanization, SADC, poverty By 2030, over
half of Africa’s populati. Feature papers are submitted upon individual invitation or recommendation
by the scientific editors and must receive. This shift of population density has influenced the. As
noted above, the generalizability of local studies needs to be known. The paper discusses the case of
Cape Town, South Africa, where supermarkets command a significant share of food retailing and
have been expanding into all areas of the city. This program in Chicago has so far helped in changing
the food desert situation in the area (Achenbaum, 2008). Definition: Low-income communities
without ready access to healthy and affordable food Effects 23.5 million Americans (including 6.5
million children) Occurs both in urban and rural areas. The article by Hernandez on the other hand,
has also identified strategies the first lady and the Wal-Mart stores have already put in place to
address the food desert problem. Notably, general health has several potential impacts on physical
activity, which is closely related to obesity. Sharkey R. J. 2009. “Measuring Potential Access to Food
Stores and Food Service places in Rural. In both cases, residents have to drive a long way to reach a
grocery store. Factors, Items, and Factor Loadings Identified in Exploratory Factor Analysis of
FIONS Participant Survey a. Therefore, Neighborhood Safety is included as a modifier in the
summary model of identified pathways ( Figure 2 ). Resident perceptions of their nutrition
environments and household food challenges (i.e., home availability of unhealthy food and
beverages, lower expenditures on fruits and vegetables and groceries, and lack of access to a vehicle)
were found to be the most significant factors contributing to dietary outcomes, suggesting a focus
for future intervention efforts. One such program, the Catawba County Public Health Farmer’s
Market, has worked with local government to create an accessible source of local, healthy food,
allowing for payment not only through cash, debit, and credit, but also allowing payment through
“foodstamp” programs that many low-income families rely on. Journal of Cardiovascular
Development and Disease (JCDD). That there are large differences in the nutritional choices
available between grocery stores and fast food outlets is well known, but what was not known before
this report is that for some neighborhoods the balance swings far to the fast food side. Zenk S.N.,
Schulz A.J., Israel B.A., James S.A., Bao S., M.L. Wilson.2005. Additionally, both Wehunt and the
presenters have identified the fact that there is hope for Chicago, as far as the food desert problem is
concerned. This initiative by the First Lady of the United States aims at the development of more
grocery stores, and other ways through which health foods can be made available to people in
California, especially areas faced with insufficient supply of health food. Multiple Indicator Multiple
Causes Model In the second stage of analyses, we extended EFA findings to explore relationships
between latent factors and covariates using a Multiple Indicator Multiple Causes (MIMIC) model.
However, Gray takes a different approach in gong about this situation. ISPRS International Journal
of Geo-Information (IJGI). The food deserts issue does not seem to affect Baden only. Definition:
Low-income communities without ready access to healthy and affordable food Effects 23.5 million
Americans (including 6.5 million children) Occurs both in urban and rural areas. Distance to food
stores is measured in half-mile and 1-mile increments in urban areas and 10- and 20-mile increments
in rural areas. One of the major limitations of this data stems from the fact that it is from 2010 and it
is likely that much has changed since then. Next Article in Journal Medical Characteristics of Foreign
Language Patients in Paramedic Care.

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