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The school fence is a fundamental component of any educational institution, serving as a

boundary that defines the school’s territory and provides security and safety for students,

teachers, and staff. However, not all fences are complete, and this can raise concerns regarding

security and functionality. This study focuses on investigating the reasons behind the incomplete

fence of Quezon Bukidnon Comprehensive National High School, analyzing its impact on the

school community, and proposing potential silutions to address the issue.

Background of the Study

The incomplete fence of Quezon Bukidnon Comprehensive National High School has

bee a longstanding issue that has garnered attention from various stakeholders, including

students, teachers, parents and the local community. The fences was initially constructed to

provide security and and delineate the sschool’s boundaries. However, over time, parts of the

fence have become damaged or removed, compromisingits effectiveness and leaving the school

vulnerable to unauthorized access and other security risks.

Statement of the Problem

This case attempted to determine the negative effects of having an incomplete fence.

Specially, it sought to find the answers to the following questions:

1. Why is the fence of our school is still incompelete?

2. Did the high personnel make an action of having an incomplete fence?

3. What is the negative of effect of of having incomplete/unfinished fence?

Objectives of the Study

1. To determine the factors contributing to the incomplete fence of QBCNHS.

2. To assess if the high personnel make an action of having incomplete fence.

3. To identify the negative effects of having an incomplete/unfinished fence.

Significance of the Study

This study is significance as it sheds light on a critical issue that affects te security,

safety, and overall well-being of the school community. By understanding the factors

contributing to the incomplete fence and its impact, school adminstrators, policymakers, and

other stakeholders can develop informed strategies and initiatives to improve the security and

functionality of the school fence.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This study focuses specifically on the incomplete fence of QBCNHS and does not

encompass other aspects of the school’s infrastructure or operations. The study will involve

interviews with school administrators, teachers, students, and parents, as well as review of

relevant literature and policies related to school security and fencing.

Definition of Terms

 Incomplete Fence: refers to a fence that is damaged, missing parts, or otherwise

not fully intact.

 Security: the state of being free from danger or threat, especially in relation to the

protection of individuals and property.

 School Community: includes students, teachers, administrators, parents, and other

individuals involved in or affected by the school’s activities.

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