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3838ournal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry 1997;62:38-42

Measurement of post-traumatic amnesia:

how reliable is it?
N S King, S Crawford, F J Wenden, N E G Moss, D T Wade, F E Caldwell

Abstract Keywords: post-traumatic amnesia; measurement relia-

Objective-To develop and test a clinical bility
protocol for deterni"iLng post-traumatic
amnesia by retrospective questioning. To
establish its limits and factors which The period of post-traumatic amnesia is usu-
influence reliability. ally defined as the time between receiving a
Design-Two independent assessments head injury and the resumption of normal
using the Rivermead post-traumatic continuous memory.'-3 It includes any periods
amnesia protocol were undertaken by of unconsciousness, confusion, and disorienta-
separate observers on various groups of tion.
patients at various time intervals. As single measures, post-traumatic amnesia
Analysis investigated the correlations and the Glasgow coma scale (GCS)4 are
between assessments, the percentage dif- widely considered the two best single predic-
ference between assessments, the number tors of outcome after head injury. The GCS is
of patients changing category, and the most useful if given when a patient is first
differences between these analyses in the admitted to hospital5 and cannot be used as a
different patient subgroups. Assessments retrospective measure of severity of head
were undertaken both in hospital and in injury. The facts that post-traumatic amnesia
the patients' homes. Four different can be assessed relatively quickly and after the
patient groups were studied. These were recovery of the patient are therefore major
group A: 12 inpatients with very severe clinical advantages.6 In addition, some
head injury late after injury; Group B: 40 patients have significant post-traumatic amne-
patients interviewed at home six months sia with short or negligible coma. In these cir-
after injury; group C: 22 patients inter- cumstances the amnesia correlates better than
viewed within a few weeks of injury at GCS with radiological measures of severity of
home; group D: 116 patients interviewed head injury.7
initially within a few weeks and then at six Russell and Smith' put forward a taxonomy
months, on both occasions at home. The of severity of head injury based on post-trau-
Rivermead post-traumatic amnesia pro- matic amnesia as follows-mild head injury:
tocol involved clinical questioning of the post-traumatic amnesia less than one hour;
patient to establish how long after injury moderate head injury: post-traumatic amnesia
(in hoursldays/weeks) the patient between one and 24 hours; severe head injury:
regained continuous day to day memory. post-traumatic amnesia between one and
All periods of coma were included. seven days; and very severe head injury: post-
Severity was categorised with standard traumatic amnesia more than seven days.
criteria. Used as a broad measure of severity of head
Results-Overall correlation was good injury, post-traumatic amnesia has consis-
(Spearman's r 0.79), but the correlation tently shown an ability to predict important
was lower for patients with post-trau- outcomes. Day to day living abilities (as mea-
matic amnesia < 24 hours and when there sured by instruments such as the Glasgow out-
was a long delay between assessments. In come scale8), for example, have shown good
all groups 19%/o-25% of patients changed correlation with duration of post-traumatic
categories between assessments, but only amnesia.9 Similarly, a range of neuropsycho-
2% changed by two categories. logical performance variables have shown a
Conclusions-The assessment of post- strong relation with duration of amnesia.'0-"2 A
Oxford Head Injury traumatic amnesia with the Rivermead recent study has suggested that the conven-
Service, Rivermead tional classifications of severity of head injury
Rehabilitation Centre, post-traumatic amnesia protocol is rea-
Abingdon Road, sonably reliable. The misclassification based on post-traumatic amnesia may not be
Oxford OX1 4XD, UK rate however, is significant enough that those which most accurately predict out-
N S King some caution should be taken in individ- come.'2 However, it did confirm the efficacy of
S Crawford
F J Wenden ual cases. Other evidence does show post- post-traumatic amnesia in predicting func-
N E G Moss traumatic amnesia to be valid, and it tional outcome. Thus the reliability of the
D T Wade probably remains the best simple prog- measurement of post-traumatic amnesia may
F E Caldwell
nostic item available. In clinical practice be a very important issue.
Correspondence to: Difficulties in measuring post-traumatic
Dr N S King. one should avoid placing too much weight
Received 19 February 1996 on post-traumatic amnesia alone. amnesia have been well documented. It can be
and in revised form
3 June 1996
underestimated due to "islands of memory".2
Accepted 27 August 1996 (7 Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 1997;62:38-42) These are recollections of isolated events,
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Measurement ofpost-traumatic amnesia: how reliable is it? 39

which on closer examination do not occur years after the injury.'9 As yet, however, no
within a continuous memory for events and data have been reported on the interrater relia-
are reported by about one third of patients bility of retrospective measurements in a more
with mild and moderate head injury.'3 It can representative sample of patients with head
also be underestimated if the patients are injury. This study aims (1) to describe explicitly
deemed to be out of post-traumatic amnesia a method for measuring post-traumatic
once they are oriented in time and place. amnesia by retrospective questioning-the
Gronwall and Wrightson have shown that Rivermead post-traumatic amnesia protocol;
there is often little relation between respond- (2) to assess the interrater reliability of this
ing correctly to orientation questions and sub- method across a wide range of severity of head
sequently remembering that such questions injury and clinically relevant situations.
had been asked.'3 It is suggested that post-
traumatic amnesia can be overestimated by
including periods of natural sleep or impaired Methods
consciousness due to medication, alcohol, or To obtain data from various clinical situations,
drugs.2 It seems, for some, to end sharply and patients were recruited from four different
to coincide with a memorable event such as sources. These were chosen to be representa-
being in an ambulance, leaving hospital, or tive of variables including severity of head
going home. For others, recovery seems to be a injury, time between assessments, and time at
slow and protracted process. This variability which post-traumatic amnesia was first
can further complicate its measurement. assessed. There was no overlap of patients
In response to these types of difficulties, between these sources. In all cases the
specific methodologies have been proposed to Rivermead post-traumatic amnesia protocol
measure post-traumatic amnesia, one of which was used to measure post-traumatic amnesia.
is the Galveston orientation and amnesia test This protocol was derived from descriptions of
(GOAT).'4 It has major limitations, however; measurement of post-traumatic amnesia in the
patients can attain normal scores even when literature and from clinical experience.
unable to answer questions relating to amne-
sia; it seems to measure post-traumatic disori- MEASUREMENT OF POST-TRAUMATIC AMNESIA:
entation rather than amnesia'5; it is dependent THE RIVERMEAD POST-TRAUMATIC AMNESIA
on the assessor knowing a great deal about the PROTOCOL
patient; and it is only appropriate for long Post-traumatic amnesia is taken as the time
periods of post-traumatic amnesia (more than between receiving a head injury and the
three days). Artiola et al'6 and Shores et al '7 resumption of normal continuous memory,
have also published measures and these including all periods of unconsciousness, con-
involve both orientation questions and simple fusion, and disorientation for whatever reason.
learning tasks. Such measures mean that post- Patients are asked to recall their memories
traumatic amnesia becomes "a measurable after the injury in chronological order. It is
clinical entity on which independent observers emphasised that they should relate what they
can agree".'6 These measures are limited, can actually recall rather than what they have
however, because they require repeated been told. After each event, the patient is
administration over at least three consecutive asked "what is the next thing you remember?"
days and therefore require intensive resources and thus it is clarified whether each memory is
and are only appropriate for amnesia longer an isolated one or part of a longer memory
than three days. They have obvious research sequence. This process is continued until the
utility but are severely limited as clinical tools. assessor is satisfied that normal continuous
Clinically, post-traumatic amnesia is invari- memory is being described. The patient is
ably measured by asking the patient to recall in then asked if this is the point at which he or
chronological order, the events they can she thinks that normal continuous memory for
remember after their injury."3 This method, events returned. The patient might need to
although widely used, presents difficulties. compare memory for that point with memory
Firstly, much of the published literature does for a time a few days or weeks before the injury
not describe the procedure or protocol (when it was normal). If the assessor and
used.'718 Secondly, when used in mild head patient disagree after discussion, the assessor's
injury, test-retest reliability can be poor."3 measure is used.
Although this is an important finding, its clini- The Rivermead post-traumatic amnesia
cal relevance is probably limited, because few protocol is designed to be used by clinicians
clinicians use post-traumatic amnesia as a fine with experience in head injury assessment and
grained measure of severity of head injury. all the clinicians in this study fulfilled this crite-
The use of post-traumatic amnesia as a broad rion.
measure of severity is, however, widespread
and it is an integral part of most neurological SOURCES OF PATIENTS
and neuropsychological assessments. Group A Rivermead Rehabilitation Centre
The reliability of measuring post-traumatic (RRC) (n = 12)
amnesia by retrospective questions across the Patients who had sustained a very severe head
full range of severity of head injury thus has injury sufficient to warrant inpatient or out-
great clinical importance. A recent study has patient treatment at the Rivermead
shown good reliability between prospective Rehabilitation Centre were included if they
and retrospective measures in a population had received their injury within two years of
with severe head injury three and a half to six the study and consented to take part in it. An
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40 King, Crawford, Wenden, Moss, Wade, Caldwell

Table 1 Group characteristics for each source of patients

Rivermead OXHIS early
rehabilitation Six month OXHIS early follow up and
centre follow up only follow up six month
n = 12 (A) n = 40 (B) n = 22 (C) n = 116 (D)
Mean (SD) (y) 39 (12-3) 34 (13-1) 36 (14-5) 34 (13-6)
Range 17-61 17-60 17-63 16-65
Male 8 (66 7%) 25 (62 5%) 17 (77 3%) 68 (58 6%)
Female 4 (33-3%) 15 (37 5%) 5 (22 7%) 48 (41 4%)
Mean (SD) 11 (7 7) weeks 65 (192 6) hours 76 (154 4) hours 19 (78 6) hours
Range 1-7 months 1 minute-6 weeks 20 minutes-4 weeks 1 minute-4 weeks
Time from head injury to first assessment:
Mean (SD) 38 (25 8) weeks 27 (1 4) weeks 4 (5 4) weeks 11 (9 2) days
Range 11-84 weeks 25-30 weeks 0-5-26 weeks 4 days-12 weeks
Time delay between assessments:
Mean (SD) 17 (2 6) days 9 (4 0) days 14 (9 9) days 26 (2) weeks
Range 13-21 days 3-20 days 3-46 days 21-34 weeks*
*One missing as date of head injury unclear. PTA = post-traumatic amnesia.

investigator interviewed the patient for Consenting patients were then interviewed in
between 10 and 30 minutes and used the their homes 7-14 days later and the amnesia
Rivermead post-traumatic amnesia protocol to was reassessed. The investigators alternated
assess length of post-traumatic amnesia. The between seeing patients on the first or second
patient was then told that a second investiga- visit. Patients were approached consecutively
tor would discuss their head injury with them over a 10 month period of notifications to the
again in between one and three weeks. A sec- register which included several months when
ond investigator then repeated the procedure the register was not fully operational. Patients
one to three weeks later. Factual information measured as having no post-traumatic amnesia
such as date of head injury, age, etc, were at first assessment were excluded.
taken from medical records. Patients were
approached consecutively over a four month Group D: OXHIS early Intervention and six
period of admissions to Rivermead and the month follow up teams combined (n = 116)
sample included those who were already inpa- Many patients received visits from both the
tients at the time of the study. OXHIS intervention team at 7-10 days after
injury and the follow up team at six months
Group B: Oxford Head Injury Service (OXHIS) after injury. On both occasions post-traumatic
six month follow up team (n = 40) amnesia was established using the Rivermead
The service aims to register all patients post-traumatic amnesia protocol. Patients
between 16 and 65 years who sustain any type were approached consecutively over a 13
of head injury requiring hospital treatment in month period of notifications to the register
Oxfordshire. During a routine follow up as and were excluded if amnesia was zero on
part of a pilot study of outcomes at six months both assessments.
after injury, those patients who consented Table 1 summarises the characteristics of
were interviewed at home by one of the follow each of these groups for age, sex, duration of
up team (SC, FJW). The investigator assessed post-traumatic amnesia, time from head injury
the patient's post-traumatic amnesia using the to first assessment, and time delays between
Rivermead post-traumatic amnesia protocol assessments.
and administered other follow up question- A Spearman's rank correlation coefficient
naires. A brief structured interview was used (r) was generated for post-traumatic amnesia
to establish basic epidemiological information. assessments from first and second interviews
About 10 days later, the other member of the for all patients. Coefficients were also gener-
follow up team visited the patient and ated for subgroups of the sample according to
repeated the procedure. The two investigators (a) duration of post-traumatic amnesia, (b)
alternated between interviewing patients on time at which post-traumatic amnesia was first
the first or second visit. Patients were assessed, and (c) time between the two assess-
approached consecutively over a six month ments. The data were also analysed to deter-
period of notifications to the register. mine the difference between the two
assessments, the results being expressed as a
Group C: OXHIS early intervention team (n = percentage of the longer post-traumatic amne-
22) sia estimate.
A member of OXHIS (NSK, FEC, NEGM)
routinely assessed a random half of all regis-
tered patients 7-10 days after injury. Patients Results
were interviewed in their homes and coun- Table 2 shows Spearman's r for measures of
selling and ongoing treatment were provided post-traumatic amnesia at the first and second
as required. During the first interview, post- assessments. It displays coefficients for the
traumatic amnesia was established using the sample as a whole and for subsamples selected
Rivermead post-traumatic amnesia protocol according to severity of head injury, time of
and consent was requested for another mem- first assessment, and time between assess-
ber of the team to revisit in the near future. ments. It also shows the percentage of patients
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Measurement of post-traumatic amnesia: how reliable is it? 41

Table 2 Reliability of PTA assessment other assessors' measurement of post-trau-

Significant Percentage of matic amnesia for these 50 patients ranged
difference sample who from one minute to 48 hours; mean 2-3 hours,
No of Spearman's between changed category median 5 (SD 9 5) minutes. Forty three were
Sample patients r correlations n (%l)
assessed as mild, five as moderate, two as
Whole sample 190 0-79 - 39 (21)
PTA: severe, and none as very severe.
< 24 hours 139 0-59 * 27 (19)
> 24hours 51 0-82 12 (24)
Time between assessments:
< 6 weeks 74 0-90 ** 14 (19) Discussion
> 6 months 116 0-64 25 (22)
Time until first assessment: Table 2 shows that, using a defined clinical
< 3 months 142 0-76 NS 27 (19) protocol, the retrospective assessment of post-
> 6 months 48 0-87 12 (25)
traumatic amnesia has reasonable reliability
*P < 0-05; **P < 0-01. PTA = post-traumatic amnesia. with a correlation coefficient of 0 79 and with
79% of patients being allocated to the same
Table 3 Number ofpatients who changed head injury severity categories between grade of severity by both assessors. This
assessments for the whole sample applied to all levels of severity and at various
PTA classification PTA Classification at 2nd assessment
time points after injury. Table 3 however,
at 1st indicates that a significant minority of patients
assessment Mild Moderate Severe Very severe Totals can be misclassified, with 2% being allocated
Mild 75 12 EI2 0 89 to widely differing categories of severity by two
Moderate 12 37 6 Liii 56 different assessors.
Severe m 2 21 1 25
Very severe 0 0 2 18 20 As would be expected, table 2 indicates that
Totals 88 51 31 20 190 measurement was more reliable for longer
Patients in boxes changed by more than one category. durations of post-traumatic amnesia and when
time intervals between assessments were
shorter. The second finding accords with
who changed categories of severity of head many reliability studies which show decreasing
injury between assessments using the criteria reliability as time intervals between testing
of Russell and Smith.' It indicates that post- increases. The finding that post-traumatic
traumatic amnesia was less reliably assessed in amnesia is measured more reliably for more
patients in whom post-traumatic amnesia was severe head injuries has not been previously
brief and in patients with a long time delay reported, but is consistent with the findings of
between assessments. Gronwall and Wrightson."3 They found that
Table 3 shows the number of patients who assessing post-traumatic amnesia by retrospec-
changed categories of severity of head injury tive questioning was often unreliable in
between assessments using the criteria of patients with mild head injury. It is also con-
Russell and Smith. The numbers in boxes indi- sistent with the finding of McMillan et al that
cate the four patients who changed by more good reliability exists in severe head injuries
than one category. Three of these patients were between prospective and retrospective assess-
from group D and one was from group B. ments.'9 Their Spearman's r of 0-87 is remark-
Table 4 shows the data described as the per- ably similar to a coefficient of 0-82 for the
centage difference between first and second patients with more severe head injury in the
assessments of post-traumatic amnesia. This present study (see table 2).
was calculated using the formula (a-b)/a where The Rivermead post-traumatic amnesia
a is the higher and b is the lower of the two protocol was developed to reflect normal clini-
measures, which minimises the sensitivity of cal practice and to be usable by clinicians on a
the data to the severity of head injury. The day to day basis without difficulty. It is proba-
table displays the percentage of change for the bly a method similar to that used by most clin-
whole sample and for the subsamples selected icians who regularly assess patients with head
according to severity of head injury, time of injury and the definition of post-traumatic
first assessment, and time between assess- amnesia underlying the Rivermead post-
ments. When one of the assessments of post- traumatic amnesia protocol is generally
traumatic amnesia was zero this artificially accepted.'-3 The study shows that using the
caused the percentage change to be 100% (n = Rivermead protocol is reasonably reliable, but
50) and this is highlighted in the table. The there is scope for variability in measurement.

Table 4 Percentage change in post-traumatic amnesia (PTA) between first and second assessment
Range of percentage change in PTA
0 1-24% 25-49% 50-74% 75-99% 100% * Totals
Whole sample (n (%)) 34 (18) 16 (8) 34 (18) 19 (10) 37 (20) 50 (26) 190
PTA < 24 hours (n (%)) 23 (17) 10 (7) 16 (11) 12 (9) 29 (21) 49 (35) 139
PTA > 24hours 11 (22) 6 (12) 18 (35) 7 (14) 8 (16) 1 (2) 51
Time between assessments
< 6weeks (n (%)) 19 (26) 9 (12) 18 (24) 6 (8) 12 (16) 10 (14) 74
Time between assessments
> 6 months (n (%)) 15 (13) 7 (6) 16 (14) 13 (11) 25 (22) 40 (34) 116
Time until first assessment
< 3 months (n (%)) 22 (16) 12 (8) 24 (7) 16 (11) 27 (19) 41 (29) 142
Timne until first assessment
> 6 months 12 (25) 4 (8) 10 (21) 3 (6) 10 (21) 9 (19) 48
Numbers in parentheses indicate percentage of total number for each range of change.
*50 patients were assessed as having no PTA on one of the assessments, giving a percentage change of 100%.
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42 King, Crawford, Wenden, Moss, Wade, Caldwell

The clinician has to interpret information methodology allowed sampling across a wide
obtained from the patient and the information range of clinically relevant situations which,
itself may potentially be inconsistent. This otherwise, might have been impossible. Thus
study shows the extent of that variability. It is we believe that the sample is adequately repre-
not known to what extent the underlying phe- sentative of general clinical practice.
nomenon of post-traumatic amnesia itself In conclusion, measuring post-traumatic
varies, but clinical experience certainly sug- amnesia by retrospective questioning had good
gests that some patients can seem to be out of reliability when the explicit method described
post-traumatic amnesia when seen on a ward in this study was used. The Rivermead post-
(are oriented and can recall events from 24-48 traumatic amnesia protocol may therefore be a
hours before) yet have no recall of seeing the useful way of measuring the duration of post-
assessor when reviewed four weeks later. traumatic amnesia in clinical practice. The
Unfortunately there is no gold standard with protocol standardises the procedure of assess-
which measurements of post-traumatic amnesia ment, but is associated with a 21 % misclassifi-
can be compared. Prospective measures have cation rate. In only 2% of cases however, is
been developed,'4 16 but they cannot be used this category change of unequivocal clinical
routinely and they are not applicable in mild significance (a change of over more than one
head injuries. Indeed, the validity of post-trau- category). This is probably as good as can be
matic amnesia as a measure of severity was achieved in routine clinical practice. Future
largely established using clinical procedures research should concentrate on improving the
which were not detailed. ' clinical assessment of post-traumatic amnesia,
The findings of this study, which indicate developing other better measures of severity of
the variability in assessments of post-traumatic head injury and prognosis, and investigating
amnesia, should be interpreted cautiously. more definitive measures of post-traumatic
The duration of post-traumatic amnesia is amnesia for use as a gold standard.
often used in group studies to characterise the
sample and to measure severity (prognosis). We thank Mrs Ann White for typing this manuscript, the
Department of Health for funding the Oxford Head Injury
The fact that studies have repeatedly demon- Service as part of the their traumatic brain injury initiative, and
strated that duration of post-traumatic amne- the patients for all their cooperation.
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Downloaded from on June 22, 2015 - Published by

Measurement of post-traumatic amnesia: how

reliable is it?
N S King, S Crawford, F J Wenden, N E Moss, D T Wade and F E

J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 1997 62: 38-42

doi: 10.1136/jnnp.62.1.38

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