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Primal Path- Path of Magnesis:

Your anger and strength have unlocked abilities within you that hardly any possess. Those
who walk the Path of Magnesis are few and far between, and their power over electromagnetism is
unmatched. They are able to exploit their enemies’ reliance on metal and enhance their own abilities
through manipulation of their own arms and armor.
Those gifted in Magnesis are often sought out for not only their strength in combat, but their
ability to shape things around them. Unlike other barbarians, Magnesis users frequently wear light
and medium armor, as they are able to enhance their movement and defensive capabilities through
their latent metallurgy.

Path of Magnesis Features

Barbarian Feature
3rd Charged Weapon, Wrathful Pulse
6th Electromagnetic Elevation
10th Improved Repulsion and Attraction
14th Master of Magnetism

Charged Weapon
Starting when you choose this path at 3rd level, you can enhance your attacks by using magnetism
to increase their force and velocity. As a bonus action, you may empower your next attack made
with a melee weapon. This weapon must be at least partially composed of metal. If that attack hits,
you add 1d6 damage of the weapon’s type to the attack, and the creature is pushed 5 feet in a
direction of your choice.

Wrathful Pulse
At 3rd level, going into a rage emits an electromagnetic pulse that affects the creatures around you.
When you enter your rage, you may choose one of the effects below, which is immediately
If an effect requires a saving throw, the DC equals 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Constitution

• Magnetic force suddenly pulls metallic objects towards you. Any creature within 20 feet of
you holding a metal weapon or object must make a Strength saving throw. On a failure, the
weapon or object travels towards you in a straight line, stopping harmlessly at your feet. If
something is obstructing the object's path, it stops as close to you as it can. A creature can
pick up a weapon that was dropped on the ground as a bonus action, provided they have
moved to where it is located. On a success, the target is able to retain their grip on what they
were holding. This ability only effects items that are being held, rather than those that are
carried, stationary, or worn.
• A bolt of electricity travels from you to a creature of your choice within 60 feet. The target
must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, the target takes 2d6 lightning damage, and
their speed is halved until the end of your next turn. On a successful save, the target takes
half as much damage and suffers no reduction to their speed.

Electromagnetic Elevation
At 6th level, when you rage you can channel your power over metal and magnetism to take to the
skies. While you enter a rage and are wearing metal armor or have metal covering the soles of your
shoes, you gain a flying speed equal to your walking speed and can hover. This flight cannot be
maintained while incapacitated.

Improved Repulsion and Attraction

At 10th level, you are further able to utilize magnetic fields to enhance your defensive and offensive
capabilities. If you are attacked by a creature wearing metal or using a metallic weapon, you may
use your reaction to impose disadvantage on all of their attack rolls against you until the start of your
next turn.

Additionally, when using an attack that is bolstered by the Charged Weapon ability, you magnetize
your enemy through your strikes. A creature hit by Charged Weapon counts as wearing metal for a
number of rounds equal to your Constitution modifier.
Master of Magnetism
Beginning at 14th level, your ability to manipulate metal is unmatched.

You gain the ability to cast the telekinesis spell at will, requiring no components, and your
spellcasting ability for the spell is Constitution. This spell can be cast and concentration can be
maintained regardless of rage, however when you take damage you must make a concentration
check as you normally would while concentrating on a spell. When you cast telekinesis with this
feature, it can only affect objects made of metal or creatures wearing or holding metal objects.

If you so choose, any creature that starts its turn restrained in your telekinetic grip takes 4d6 force
damage as they are crushed by the metal you manipulate. This designation must be made on your
turn, when they are initially restrained.

You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all
expended uses when you finish a long rest.

Subclass conceptualized and created by Quinn The GM (@QuinnTheGM)

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