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, Advanced DungeonsDragons: Le Se eer eae (a GON) Can () a OS pe ae ¥ 4 ei iret Mer rea oats Dragons of Deceit Peet mai td seer te enter PS ad BOSSES 5 (Ere PIS > \7y + Re he cel Ee ORR , Bs 3 2 Official Game Adventure Dragons of Deceit by Douglas Niles TABLE OF CONTENTS Prologue 7 eee ‘ 3 ‘i 2 Wherein the lai is told, and We sion’ expounded dus far Chapter 13: The Silver Messenger 5 Wherein the aftermath of batt dawns chil’ but an oid’ comrade retums. Chapter 14: Into the Dragonlands 7 Wherein a smoking cy marks the conor of the Dragon Queen's domain and guards the secret ofthe good dragons’ Oath Chapter 15: Sanction 2 Wherein the evil ity yietis its vile tale. Dungeon Master's Folio Is Wherein aids fr the DIM aro givan and much is explained. Sivare_ Fol 23 Wherain the maivations’ and goal of the sliver etagan, known to the PCs ae Sivart are explained. Chapter 16: The Lords of Doom a8 "A flery confrontation brings teeter or death Chapter 17: Battle in the Skies a Wherain the good dragons are Yound and tne war in the air begin. Epilogue 4s Wherai nope fis een found in the war against ev Appendices 46 Viheren new races and monsters are described, CREDITS Deal te tk Editor: Mike Breault tiie tice iy Te a Cover Art: Larry Elmore SDUANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS. ADAD freorlor Art Diana Magnuson, sn, eek NANTON ms Cartography: David Sutherland I Typography: Linda Bak Keylining; Colleen O'Malley 8 TE A ie so 8 Ea Tay aneeie smonwcrs ae - ‘Dragons of Deceit” 8 the ninth module in the epic DRAGONLANCE" series. It ends the sevond book of the DRAGONLANCE. saga “Tales of Winter Nigh,” following "Dragons of lee" " Dragons of Light, War The modules recreate the DRAGONLANCE story, casting the player characters inthe roles of the epc’s heroes, Thus, itis reommended that, this module be played as part ofthe seis, using the player charsters provided. If players wish to tse their own characters, however allow dhem to do so, taking care thatthe pry is as banged as the party ineluded in this module. This madule may also be played asa stand- lone adventure without having played the rest of the series, The characters listed on pages 16 and 33 are some of the heroes of the DRAGONLANCE story. The equipment and magi items listed foreach should be used if you have nat played previous DRAGONLANCE modules of have ‘not use that particular PC before I your party has played a previous module in the series, however, use the equipment listed on the original character canls plus any additional items that the PCS have acquired uring your adventures. In DL6, “Dragons of Tee,” the original party of PCs was split into two groups. This module deals with the group that went south from Tarsis—the Heroes of the Lance. The remaining heroes will return in the next module, DLIO, IF you do not have enough players to take all the heroes as PCs, run the others a NPCs of allow players to in more than one character. Tn any event, i's a good idea 1 keep the party to.8 ze you are comforable with The player character of Lord Gunthar introduced in this module. Any player whose charaeter met a heroic death during the bate at the High Clerst Tower shouldbe allowed to player Gunthae from the start of this adven= ture. If no characters diod, keep Gunthar in reserve in case a PC should die during this adventure (in which ease Gunthar appears in Chapter 17). In the DRAGONLANCE multi-module epic, some heroes and villains figure promi: rently in later adventures. If an important NPC, such as Fizban, Ariakus, or Kitiara, should be slain, invoke the “obscure death” rule, This restates that, a in Saturday after- noon matinees, the circumstances of death of an important character should be confused and the body not found. Later the character may reappear with a story of how he miraeu- and “Dragons of Notes for The dungeon master lously survived. Sivaks, a new draconian race introduced in DL7, polymorph into ther slay~ 5 likeness whoa killed, providing a new way to explain the apparent death of an important character, Remember that player characters are no longer subject w the obscure death rule. IF 3 PC dies, he's gone forever! Module Sections This adventure is divided into chapters that lead to the conclusion of the second DRAGONLANCE book. Although the chap- ters move toward the climax and culmination ofthis part of the PCs” adventures, allow your players’ decisions to affect the direction and ‘course of the adventure, The PCs have a great eal of feedom im determining how they pu sue the quest that is laid before them in the first chapter. Tn the very center of the module is four ‘page pullout folio (the Silvan’ Folio) on the characer of DargenySilvan. This should be igiven to player who will play Silvart (during this adventure only). The player controling Silvart should not control any ther PCS dur- ing this adventure The skill of the player controlling Silvan will hve a great bearing on the successor fal ure ofthe adventure. Try to assign this char ter 0 8 player with good roleplaying skill! Suounding the Sibart Folio i a [2-page Dungeon Master reference section, This con tains the maps nseded to play the adventie as well as the Random Encounter Chart and NPC Capsules. Carefully remove both the folio and the DM reference section. The countersheet inciudel in ~ Drag Deceit” contains cardboard counters repre senting the dragons that meetin the module's final engagement-an aerial battle over the vil Temple of Luerkhiss, These counters can be used with the BATTLEYSYSTEM”™ rules or ‘employed simply to clarify the postions of the characters and their mounts during what should be a rather fast-moving and wild batle fn a three-dimensional. batted Starting Play One player should be given the Silvatt Folio from the center of this module and asked to play’ the role of Silvar, This is a challenging par, but the module will be much more fun to play if Svat is treated as @ PC, rather than ‘an NPC. This is a one-time only exception to the restriction on monster player characters, and whoever plays Silvart should regain their usual charaeter ater this adventure Be sure to read the folio before giving it to the player. You, as the refers, are primarily responsible for making sure that Silvart abides by the Oath, Each chapter is divided into a series of Events and Encounters, The Events, listed at the start of the chapter, occur regardless of where the PCs are or what they are doing Each event includes instructions on when 10 use it, Encounters, on the other hand, ane keyed to locations and eur only i the heroes 120 to the appropriate places. ‘Occasionally an. Ability Check is called for against one of a characters abilities (Strength, Wisdom, tc). Roll 1420 and compare the result with the appropriate ability score Ifthe roll is Tess than or equal to the ability, the action succoeds; if greater than the ability, the ‘action fils and the haractersullers the conse ‘quences given in the text New Weapon [At the start of the adventure the player char- acters possess 20. Dragonlances-—footman’s fand 10 mounted-obtained in DL7 (unless these were lost or destroyed. in subsequent adventuring) There are two types of Dragonlances: ‘mounted and footman's, The footmaa’s lance is eight fet long while the mounted lance is, ‘vice as fong and much heavier, The mounted Tance often has an attached shieldguae. ‘A footman’s lance eases 1-6 points of dam- ‘age venus normal foes and 1-8 against larger than man-sized targets. Against dragons it inflicts damage equal to the hit points of the wielder (a Mbit point fighter would cause 14 points of damage to a dragon). The weapon is M1 to hit if held in hand; it can be east as a spear at -2 1 hit The mounted lance causes 3-9 points of damage versus normal foes and 3-18 against larger than man-sized targets. Against dragons it inflicts “damage qual to the hit points of the wilder and his mount. A 15-bit Point fighter on a 40-hit point dragon causes 55 points of damage when the lance stvikes another dragon. The mounted lance is almost exclusively mounted on the backs of dragons (sce the sketches on page 28). If not mounted the lance causes 3-18 points against dragons The weapon is +2 when mounted; normal when unmounted, Prologue ‘There are several important differences between the world of Kryna and the standard ADSD! campaign world. While players who have played previous DL adventures are fanil- jar with these changes, new players should be made aware of the following information. lees ‘When the Quoen of Darkness stated her war against the folk of Kryon, tne clerics were unknown, Early’ in the war, the heroes retrieved the priceless platinum Disks of Mis haa. Mishakal is the benign goddess of healing and growth, Knowledge of her existence Drought the fst use of good clerical spell Through the reading of her disks, knowledge ‘of the entre pantheon of the Geds of Good has been returned to the people Likewise, the Dragon Highlords of the ‘Queen of Darkness have gained the power of clerical spells of evil, bestowed by the Queen herself. CCleries are sill very mre on Keynn, but as knowledge of the good and evil gods spreads, their presence becomes more and man: com cross the desolate plains of Solamnia, Their force concentrates a a narrow pass in the sheer Vinguard Mountains, how ing with banshee intensity. Firmly planted at the summit ofthe pass resis the batle-scarred bulk of the High Clerist Tower. ‘Savage fighting has raged here since winter, for bodies liter the valley south of the keep. Many fresh graves have been excavated in & nearby graveyard Yer this huge battle was but one small part of the Queen of Darkness's plan to crush the forces of good throughout Ansalon, There are many more fronts t the Dragonamy"s evil offensive War has rgd across the continent of Ansa Jon for many months, Men, dwarves, elves, and Kender have found the courage to resist, the armies of the Queen of Darkness. The evil dragons that ‘ly with the Queen's amis have proven nearly invincible on the batlefield. The mere presence of the ereatures paralyzes most montals swith a sense of tortor and awe. But strides have been taken to futher the cause of good. Knowledge of the true gods— The World of Keynn If PCs do not have the information given on the disks from previous madules, allow clerics to select as a deity either Mishakal or Paladine, the high god of good. Dragons Dragons have been absent from Krynn for centuries, returning only with the initiation of the war. ‘The only dragons most people have seen are red, green, blue, black, and white ddragons-all creatures of highly evil nature ‘Rumors persist of other dragons-copper, bronze, brass, silver, and gold-that are crea” tures of good. The PCs have met only two good dragons thus far: Blaize, the brass dragon in DL3, and Silvart. No other good tdagons have appeared to take part inthe war against evi Kender The equivalent of a halfling in the world of Kynn fs a kender, In adition to the standard abilities and limitations of AD&D halfling, keender have the special abilities of taunt and fearlessness The Story lost for nearly three centuries-has been regained. True clerics once again walk among the people of Keyan, The knowledge needed to forge Dragonlanees—knowledge lost even longer than that of the true gods—has also been releamed, But even these mighty Weapons are ‘ot enough to hat the Dark Queen's hordes Rumors speak of other dragonsdragons of brass, copper, bronze, silver, and gold-who fought agains the evil dragons in a war nov lost in the mists of time. Yet bope springs from these myths-hope that goed dragons right sill exist and might aid the cause ofthe Whitestone Couneil, This brings us to our The heroes have bought themselves some time withthe savage battle atthe High Clerist Tower. Vet they realize that this only delays the inevitable conquest of Kryn by the Dark Queen. In this setting, and with this knowledge, they receive visitorSilvart, a companion from a previous adventure ("Dragons of Light"), Whether or not Dargent (the siver dragon) took the form of Silvan in DL7, she See Tasselhofls character card for game cchanies for these abilities, which will be usable by all PC kender (and halfings from ‘other campaigns) Money ‘Stool is the most valuable metal in the world of Keynn while gold is fly common and of litle ‘worth One steel piece (a) is the equivalent in purchasing power of a gp in a normal AD&D fcampaign. A gold piece on Kryan is the ‘equivalent of one sp in a standard campaign Player characters who enter Kryon ffom other campaigns may be allowed to trade their sold pices for steebthough they will find their personal wealth greatly reduced meets and travels with the PCs in this form during “Dragons of Deceit.” Dargent will sssume her true form only after the perversion of the good dragons’ eggs is revealed in this adventure Silvart tells the party that the key t0 the 200d dragons" Outh lies in the evil city of Senetion, in the very heart of the Dark Queen's empire. She wishes to reerut the heroes to underiake a quest to Sanction to fee the good dragons from this oath Chapter 13: The Silver Messenger ‘The adventure in DL9 begins ree days affer the last battle atthe High Crist Tower. Three inoductions are provided: ope for players new to the DRAGONLANCE™ saga: one for DLS players who won the battle atthe High CClerist Tower; one for players who lost the bat- te at the High Clrist Tower, I the players are new tothe saga, the mect= ing with Silsart occurs in the city of Palau I they have played DLS and won, allow them to decide whether or not to retum to Palan- thus after the battle (the meeting wit Silvart ‘occurs wherever the PCS are). IF the tower fell to the Dragonarmy, the heroes and all survive ‘ing defenders will be foreed to retreat to Palanthas IE they are in the ity, establish some lodg- ings for the characters and inform them that, they have just had time to rest ffm the jour ney, and are finally feeling fit and ready for action. Any wounds inflicted in the previous adventure have healed Allow the player controlling Silvart/ Dangent to read the Silvan Folio in the center of the module before beginning play. AI of the adventure beginnings require this char fer to visit the PCs and present them with a request for aid, Although you can try to summarize details to move the adventure quickly ono the road to Sanction, it is recommended that you instead allow the players to role play the encounter between Silvart and the other PCS, working out the objectives between them= selves, events Event 1: Background Read the Fist section of boxad text only if the players are new to the DRAGONLANCE Sagi, Read the second section of boxed text ‘nly to DLS players who won the batle atthe High Clerist Tower. The thir section of boxed text is to be read only to DLS players wi lost, that battle, [New Players The world of Krynn—your world-reels from the violence of a brutl sar of com ‘quest. From out of the nightmares of the past, dragons ave returned t© Kryn ater ‘an absence of many’ yeas ‘Aided by these serpentine monsters, amaies of evil have spread across the conti- nent of Ansalon, seeking t0 subjugate all the free peoples of your land. These Dra- fgonarmies are made up of familiar tops Tike goblins and hobgoblins, but the back sists of liza hike creatures called dracon- Seven types of draconians have been encountered, including the small Baaz, ‘who tum 10 solid statues upon death, tem” porarly imprisoning weapons within their bodies, and the slightly larger Kapaks, who dissolve into caustic pools of acid upon death Two more-powerful types of draconians, the spelleasting Bozaks and the shape: shifting Sivaks, have alo appeared. The crigin of all types of draconians remains a mystery ‘You have all performed valuable services forthe cause of good in this war, aiding the fight against evil wherever you can, Lately, ‘anew weapon, known as the Dragonlance, has sided your side. Even this will not be enough to tum the de. ‘A Tew weeks ago, you came togeter at a towering foness, the High Clenst Tower, that Blocks a narrow passin the Vingaard ‘Mountains. To your back was the great city ff Palanthus, the largest community to remain unconguered by the Dragonar- ties. Toward the tower changed the might of an entire wing of the Dragonanny, sup- ported by several blue dragons. In a battle that raged for days and claimed the lives of many fiends and foes, you helped bring the Blue Wing to a halt Now you have retumed to Palanthas 10 rest, Knowing that ths is only a temporary Tull in the savage war. ‘And in Patanthus, you receive a visitor. ‘You recognize her as an elven maiden who saved your lives on the island of Exgoth, where you were caught up in a feud between rival factions of elves DLS Battle Victors ‘bone of each wing of the evil armies con- DLE Battle Losers The long retreat has been gruling, but not panicked. The Knights have fallen back to Palanthus, well aware that there is Title ope of hoiding the ity against a concerted) Dragonarmy attack. ‘Scouts report that the Dragonarmy is rot pressing the pursuit. The reason is unknown. For now, the evil fores seem content to occupy the captured tower. No fone doubts that the assault will come against Palanthus, pethaps within the next Few weeks Within the city awaits a bit of good news: a visitor from earlier adventuring ‘The Kagonesi elfimaid Silvart has traveled far to find you—a rae friend in this war torn worl “The wounds of batle heal slowly, but you are the lucky ones, alive and whole after the horble siege ofthe tower. You have all spent time thinking of the brave wartiors ‘who fell at the tower, buying vietory with tei lives Back in Palanthus, the atmosphere is subdued. No celebrations greet the news fof vitor, forall know the respite is only temporary Within the city awaits @ bit of good news: a visitor from catier adventuring The Kagonesti elfinaid Silvart has traveled far to find you=a rar frend in this war: tom workd At this point, allow the player character of Silvart to meet the other players. She has been provided with the infomation necessary 1 {et the heroes aimed toward Sanction and the ‘main action of this adventure This mesting can occur in any location that the PCs might be found, most likely their lodgings or @ place that the group frequents, ‘Allow the PCs to ask questions about the feasibility ofthe different routes. IF they have 4 map of Ansalon feom a previous adventure, they may consult it. Do not show them the Partial map of Ansalon from this module, however! This isthe only scheduled event of Chapter 13. Allow the players t© proceed on their own from here. Palanthus Set in a narrow valley at the end of a long, fford-like bay, Palanthus was the only doep- Water port on Krynn to survive the Cataclysm ‘unscathed. It is & center of leaming and trade unmatched in the world The buildings in Palanthus are tall and well-built. The city is remarkably clean, with ro garbage in the streets and a complete absence of rat, The city is poorly defended, since its found- ers placed their faith in the command of the fea approaches and the strength of the High Clerist Tower. OF course, ifthe tower has not fallen then the ety remains fairly secure since ‘tall has enough ships to retain contro ofthe nearby seas Since the city serves only as a meeting and starting place for this adventure, it is not detailed extensively bere. If you need 10 pro- Vide more details to your players about the city, expand upon the framework presented Chapter 13 Encounters here, Keep in mind Patanthss air of antqu ity and the bigh level of culture Sea traffic is sill heavy in Palanthas, with several ships arriving and deparing daily. These include merchant ships that ply the dangerous trade routes between Palanthus and ports in Solamnia, Exgoth, and Sanerist, fs well as those attempting the even more treacherous northean passage to the eastern ports of Valkmord and Flotsam, Warships are so present, escorting merchant expeditions, for patroling the seas against the raids of Pirates and the Dragonarmy vessels that ven ture out of the New Sea, The only commonly used overland route ‘out ofthe city leads 10 the pass guarded by the High Clerist Tower. Depending on the out- ‘come of the batle forthe tower, this mad may ‘or may not be open as far asthe tower. In any event, beyond the tower lies the Blue Wing of the Dragonarmy. The Citizens of Palanthas The mood of the people of Palanthus is rela tively calm, but they are suspicious ofall out Siders, Although some residents understand the danger presented by the iwading amy tnd approciste the saviice made by the war ors athe tower, most fel that resistance is mistake and believe thatthe safest path lies in seoking a peaceful setlement with the Dark Queen! (Of course, iti too late for this route now Nonetheless, the heroes will not encounter great cooperation, generosity, or gratitude from the bulk (80%) of Palanthus's citizenry. Encounter Areas |A general map of Palanthus can be found in the DM Folio, The city is divided into five dis h of which is briefly explained 1. Temple Distict ‘An impressive army of huge matble and gran ite buildings extends far up the side of the ‘western valley slope of Patamhus. As a general rule, the higher up a temple, the mow grandi- ose its architecture and the more important i god, “Although none of these temples have fallen into distepair—the city fathers would not allow that—many are preserved as litle more than museums. A temple of Mishakal the Healer has been claimed by clerics of that benign goddes, and thrives as «focal point of goodness and health. At the top of the slope, the ancient temple of Paladine commands a entice city and on. thas recently soon the return ofa few clerics and worshipers, their numbers growing slowly but steal ‘Won! ofthe return ofthe tue gods is slowly spreading through Palanthus. Although the sume people who scoff at the Knights sill believe that the true gods abandoned Krymn, the number of believers is growing. This is due in groat part to the earlier efforts of the heroes in spreading the words on the Disks of Mishakal (see DLD, 2 Waterpront This is the working district of Palanthus: the busiest and dirtiest section of the city. Unlike many other port cities, thievery is not a great problem here; there is plenty of work and money for everyone, The work ethic is doubt- less encouraged by the ruthlessly enforced death penalty for those caught thicving! The’ waters of the Bay of Branchala wash gently atthe shore, forthe port is well shel tered ftom tempests by the windings of the Sor, This district is crowded with inns and ware houses swell as a few shops catering mainly to seamen. Vinually every ype of nautical supply available for sale hete, at the rats listed in the Players’ Handbook. Ifthe PCS seek a vessel {0 camry them to Sanction, they will find that nearly all eapiins refuse to enter the New Sea. After litle searching, however, they wil be refered to Capain Kayzzal, of the Jolly Widow. This worthy seafirer ire quents the Salty Spider Inn. ‘See the NPC Capsules in the DM Folio for Karyzzal’s trait, ‘He will awe to carry the pat into the New Sea for $00 stl, but will require the heroes 10 purchase all of the provisions for a three: month voyage (cost & 300 stl extn. Tf the PCs wish to purchase a boat on their own, they will find vessels for sale. Prices range from 5,000 - 10,000 stl, 0 they need t0 have a cash Teserve fiom previous adventur- ing 3. Nobles! HL, Across the valley fom the beautiful Temple District towers the height of Nobis” Hill This is another region of striking marble buildings and omate, inspiring. architecture The buildings on Nobles” Hill are all built into the slopes of the hill, above the eluter and rowel of the city below. Lord Gunthar has access toa mansion on the hill that is retained for the use of the leaders of the Knights of Solamnia, Although not one of the more spectacular strictures onthe hill, tis sgite adequate forthe needs of the player char. acters, They may choose to lodge her, if Lord (Gurthar is PC and invites ther TE Lord Gunthar is not a PC, he will meet the PCs if they venture onto Nobles’ Hill and ‘sill encourage them to embark on the mission Urged by Silvar He will provide the heroes with 1000 stl as funding forthe quest. 4. Plaza The central plaza of Palanthas is flanked by too great buildings. To the north lies the pal ace of the Lord of Palanthus. The Lord is Kindly old gentlemen who realizes that he i in deep trouble in the war with the Dragonarmy. His powers are kepe well in check by the city’s High Council, To the south sprawls the vast edifice of the Library of Astinus Part of this library contains ‘works of public recond, available to all cite zens; another, lager part of the building is ‘and guarded. It is bore that Astinus, Lorekeeper of Kryan, writes his histories Inthe center of the plaza, rising like tall peak to dominate the city, stands the Tower of High Soreery. No one approaches the tower; it radiates «sense of fear similar to dragonfear if ‘any approach within 100 feet. Any PCs who try to approach will fel a sense of physical revulsion and will not be able 10 got closer than 100 feet. 5. Mencanthe DisteicT This portion of Palanthus is home 10 most of her citizens, and contains most of the mer chant and craftsmen shops in the city With the exception of nautical supplies, all fof the equipment listed in the Players’ Hand= ‘book is available in this distrit. OF course, the conversion from gp to stl applies to all prices fon Krynn. ‘One building the PCS should be told of if they enter this dtect is a small shop labeled “Wise Wyekert Cartographer and Surveyor.” they investigate the shop, they will moet the ‘witherad old proprietor, Fr 30 st he will sll ‘8 map noting several hidden pastes over the Vingaard: Mountain. Chapter 14: INTo The DragonLands ‘The heroes should realize, through conversa- tion with Silva, that a great secret lies con- cealed in the city of Sanction, in the very heart ‘of the teritory controlled by the Queen of Darkness Ir this has not been made clear through this role playing, the character of Elistan (or any PC cleric) will have the folowing dream: ‘Three mighty voleanoes spew smoke and lava over a doomed, smoldering city. Dra- conians and humans. seutle through the Stroets while huge army camps sprawl around the city’s outst From somewhere within this vision of hor, a sparkle of light and goodness strives for life. But danger is all around, tnd id must come quickly, oF this spark will be forever snd ‘The light glistens with metallic colors copper, bronze, bras, silver, and gokl. Yeu must find it before it too Tate, Any seafaring person of Palanthus will recog: nize the description asthe city of Sanetion, if the cleric does not figure it out for himsel “This chapter covers the heroes" journey to Sanction, Part 14 contains a list of events and encounters to be used ifthe pasty travels by sea. Part MB contains events and encount- crs applying an overland journey. Use the partial map of Ansalon (page 18) 19 plot out the course of the characters on their joumey. OF course, if you have" a map of Anst- Ton from a previous module, you may use that instead. Make sure that you note the locations ‘of encounters marked on the map on page 18. “There are several chances forthe heroes to get captured on the journey to Sanction, In fach case, their captors will lock them in ‘chains, throw them ino a darkened anc heav= ily locked bold, and sail directly to Sanction. Once the characters arrive in Sanction, 20 dliretly to Event 11 in Chapter 15. Part 14A: To Sanction By Sea ‘The jourey to Sanction by sea takes eight weeks. The events listed occur at the given times during that eight-week period. The tencounters only aceur when the heroes reach the numbered Encounter Areas on the map. Do not use encounters from the Random Encounter Chart while the player characters ate a sea, This i the only part of the adver ture where random encounters are not employed events even 2: The Captain's Tale This event occurs if the PCs book passage aboard the Jolly Widow, Captain Karyzzal, in 4 thoughiful mood, lights his pipe and tks quietly to any PCS who happen to be within cash “Sanction, now that’s a port I haven't docked in for yearst don't even know for sure it's still there-they don't eall thatthe City of Doom for nothing” If the PCs show any interest in the conversa tion or ask questions, the captain will con- tinue. If not, be will mot reveal the rest of ths information during the voyage “Three voleanoes, they call them the Lows fof Doom, surround the place. They're slowly eating the city away. Lava runs in rivers right through Sanction and there's always smoke hanging overhead “OF course, it's a good port. The docks are study and the water's deep. Well pro- teeted from the sea, toot “There's certain to be a blockade, you know, From what Fve seen of those Dragon Highlords, they'll be going over incoming vessels with fine-ooth comb. What are you going to tll “em when they try to come aboard?” event 3: Fzbas This event occurs afler two weeks at sea regardless of what ship the heroes are using. “The steady rise an fall of the vessel's prow has grown familiar, no longer inspiring any trace of seasickness of discomfort. The wind is fir, and progress steady. Suedenly, Toud thump sounds fiom below the prow! The ship has stuck some- thing, probably a hulk since no land & in sight Immediately, an enraged voice calls fut fom below the bow, "Get this con- founded thing out of my way! [ve got places to go, and I can’t have every wreck fon the high seas thundering into me! Move, I sy” ‘As soon as a chansetor investigates by looking, fver the side, read the following ‘A ragged old man, almost hidden behind a long white beard and an immense, floppy bat, stands inthe middle of a smal rowboat, He shakes his fist angrily at the larger vessel "Get out of my way, you idiots! I've got {important things to do! Move, or Pram you again!” ‘With that ourburst, the old man sis at hss oars and laboriously backs the rowboat several fet away from the ship. Then he sends it forward again, to thump resound ingly against the side of the ship. This , the hull of the rowboat splits and water begins to pour in “Take tha!” he calls, standing again, Water washes around his skinny legs 3 his boat rapidly sinks. "Now move, before T get really rough” Hig boat is by now completely awash and the water has risen to his waist. ‘This, of cours, s Fizban the Fabulous. See his escription in the NPC Capsules if you are not familiar with him fiom previous adventures If the heroes do not pull him aboard their vessel, Fizban goes down with his rowboat, leaving his huge hat floating on the surface (Ge does not die, however) If he is pulled aboard the ship, he will accompany the heroes forthe adventure. ("l was on my way to Sanc- tion anyway-lucky thing for you!") event 4: Mad Borts and The Blick Skull Run this event when the PCs have been at sea for four wéceks an are out of sight of land. No boxed text i provided because the event is shaped primarily by PC reactions. ‘As dawn breaks one morning, whichever hero is first on deck notices a tll, black sail several miles aster of the Jolly ‘Widow. It belongs to a very fast ship: even if Captain Karyzzal tries to outsail it, the other ship steadily close in IF the Jolly Widow sails away at top speed, it will take eight hours for the otber ship to pull alongside the heroes" vessel. OF eotrse, the time will be much shorter (about four hours) if the PCs revere course to confront the ther ship. ‘The sail belongs toa pirate vessel, the Black Skull, She is manned by a crew of bloodthirsty ‘minotaurs, commanded by one Mad Boris of Mithas (see NPC Capsules). The Black Skull pulls alongside the PC vessel, regardless of evasive action, The Black Skul isa small, 60- failed ship that is highly maneuverable’ com- pared to the merchant ship. The pirates rely fon their strength and savagery to prevail over (Oar olism eA als) their vietims, who oRen outnumber them, When the Black Skull has drawn alongside the heroes’ ship, the pirates will drop three boarding ramps to connect the two ships, Each ramp isa 4-footvide plank equipped ‘with heavy spikes in the end, The spikes drive into the dock of the vietims’ ship, seaucly railing the two ships together After the ramps are dropped, 15 minotaurs charge across tothe PC ship, five across each ramp. Because of the narrowness of the planks, the pirates must cross single file, Five rinotaurs are left bshind to man the Black Skul. These pirates usually easily defeat the crews fof the merchant ships they prey on, As a mle, they never take prisoners. However, if at least four minotaurs are slain, the others realize that they are up against Some tough opposi tion. In this ease, they atfempt to capture all, surviving PCs for delivery to the Dragon Highlords in Sanction, TF the pirates are overcome by the heroes and the Black Skull is searched, the charac Find the following items Four chests of jewelry, gems, and coins, with a total valve of 4,000-32,000 (4é8x 1,000) st A charter, signed by the Dragon Highlord Ariakus, ‘commissioning Mad Boris 10 scourge the seas in the name of the Queen fof Darkness, and promising a large ewan for any high-level prisoners returned 10 ‘Aiakus in Sanction A ring offre resistance and 2 rings of pro- Assorted bate axes and swords, all non- magical ‘The heroes can take over the Black Skull if they wish, The ship is much faster than their conn, and by showing the charter to the vessels blockading. the approaches to Sanction, the heroes will be granted passage to the port. Nowhere does the charter mention that the Black Shull is manned by minotaurs, so the PCs could suecessfilly impersonate Mad Bors, and his gang of euthroats Event 5: Dragon Flyover Run this event after the hermes have been at sea for about six weeks. ‘The evening sun glints off @ speck in the sky tothe east, Gradually, the spock moves closer, becoming recognizable as the sleek fom of a soaring blic dragon. It gli lower as it nears the vessel, making 2 soar- ing pass about 50 feet overhead, After its single pass the dragon will tum and tide over the ship ‘once again. IF the heroes ‘make no hostile moves, the monster aps its ‘wings and slowly gains alitude as it continues fon its westward course the PCs attack, however, the dragon responds in kind, using breath weapon, teth, and claws to get atthe insolent humans who have offended it The dragon is an average young adult dragon (36 hp) EwcounTers By Sea 6. Gates of Paladine The mouth ofthe Bay of Branchala narrows to 1 gap a fow miles wide here, Beyond, the vast tempiness of the great osean beckons "The Gates of Paladine are towering cif that close in to form the botleneck entrance ‘Atop each cliff isa battery of gnomish cata- Pulis, designed for superior range. Five cata polis make up each battery. Exch catapult is ‘capable of throwing a rock the size of small house; a direct hit is enough 10 sink any vessel fon Krymn, There # a fatal Maw to the defenses: the range of the catapults is not quite long fnough to reach the middle of the channs ‘There is path about 300 yards wide through which an enemy feet could sail with perfect impunity, out of range of the weapons on either shore ‘OF cours, the gnomes have told no one of this flaw. They are busily, and unsuccessflly. ‘working to correct it and see no need to worry the Lord of Palantus, Friendly vessols, such as the PCs’ ship, are allowed fo pass unmolested 7. Whirlpool, IF the heroes travel around this point without raking a wide circuit out to sca, the heavy suction of this whidpool will sttempt to draw thir vessel to er doom, Even an experienced captain will not know of this phenomena, since it i of rent erigin, [As the ship draws near, a group of porpoises surfaces, blowing and squawking noisily. They turn and head out to sed, stopping and ci cling back ifthe characters do not follow. IF the heroes persist in sailing into the whit pool, the porpoises grow more frantic, rising fut of the water onto ther tails and backing away fiom the heroes" vessel fa speak with animals spell is used, they communicate intelligently about the weacher- ‘us whirlpool If the heroes ignore all of these warings, the ship is soon gripped in a swirling eurent that draws it in toward the foaming central hole. The character manning the helm of the ship must now make a Wisdom Check with « 3 penal I the check is successful, the ship can be steered away from the whirlpool at the last possible minute. Ifthe check is unsuccessful, the vessel is drawn onto the rocks andl smashed to pieces When their ship is destroyed, each PC must make a saving throw versus breath weapons in ‘order 10 be east ashore alive, Failure: means that the character has gone down with the ship Even if eat ashore, the heroes will have lost all of their possessions, including weapons And amor, and will have 10 begin the adven- ture anew, at a considerable disadvantage (see Encounter 13) 8. Sorag PaTtool This narmow bottleneck leading into the New Sea is guarded by some of the Dragon Highlerds’ most disgusting minions. Although not actually serving the Queen of Darkness, the marine wolls (Serags) guarding this. approach have @ deal with the Dragon Highlords: the serays do. not bother the ships fof the dragon forces and the Highlords allow them to continue 10 plunder at this stat pas. The scrags sovim back and forth across the channel, subsisting on marine life and any hapless ships tht fall to thems. ‘A group of four crags clutch the hull of a ship as it sails overhead. The monsters slowly work their way up the hull, avo on each side When all have reached the level of the gun wales, they climb over and attack the er The scrags recive a +1 to their chance to sur- prise the erew because of the unexpected nat ure of the attack IC two of the serags are slain, the survivors will tempt to leap overboard 9. HighLonds’ Blockade This narrow channel is wellguarded by the vessels of the Dragon Highord Ariakus’s per sonal fest. This encounter may be avoided if the heroes sail through this gap at night (33% chance, unless they declare an intent to wait for darkness) and make a special effort to hug the coastline, Otherwise, ay o¢ night, they are accosted by one of the Highlord’s mighty ‘warships These huge warships are not particularly fast, but will launch a fiery ball of oil from a catapult as a. signal that the Deroes” ship should stop. IP the PCs elect to nun the block: ade, the Hightord’s ship will make a lumber ing’ pursuit. Chapter 14 Encounters The erew of the warship includes 12 Sivak draconians, 20 Baty draconian, 10 mino- taurs, and 30 seamen. The seamen remain on board their warship; all ofthe monsters parti ipate in a hostile boarding attempt. The cap- tain of the warship, commanding any boarding pany in person, is Nefarik Gist (Gee NPC Capsules). “The Black Skull can easily outrun the war. shi, if she tries to do so. If the PCs are aboard the dolly Widow or their own vessel, they have 275% chance of being able to outrun the war Ship; om the other 25% result the wind is song enough 0 propel the warship ster ‘than the smaller merchant vessel the heroes attempt to outrun the warship and fail, the draconian crew makes every effort to capture the PCs when they catch up ith them. They use the same tacties eseribed for the Black Skull attack, except that five boarding ramps are lowered Ifthe PCs suocessflly outun the warship, a flight of 12 Sivak draconians takes of? from the warship and attacks the PCs" vessel. Ifthe Sivaks gain control of the upper deck of the ship, they wil teardown the sail and allow the ‘warship to atch up. Ifthe Sivaks are defeated, the PC ship can make it into Sanction’s harbor six hours before the warship, but as soon asthe wwanhip arrives, the heroes will be the objec= tives of @ major manhunt (On the other hand, the heroes may’ elect to Stop atthe summons ofthe warship and try to talk their way through the blockade. If they camy the charter fiom the Black Skull, they will be let through. If not, they will encounter Some suspicion from Nefaik Gist Tf the PCs do not have the charter, Gistar demands 10 know the reason for the ship's Journey tw Sanction. Any reason that sounds threatening to the Highlors, should the PCS ‘be foolish enough to use such, results in an immediate attempt to arrest all of the charac- ters and seize their vessel If the PCS claim to be carrying & cargo to Sanction, the captin Inspects the ship to make sure thatthe cargo is oad, I the heroes claim that they go to pick ‘op a cargo ffom Sanction, Gistar only believes the statement if a character can produce a writen order signed by a Dragon Highlord calling for this. Gistar is not clever enough to detect a forgery. ‘Any other explanation for the mission must bbe made to sound plausible tothe suspicious, Ihumorless, and ilbtempered captain. If this anna be done, he makes every effort to have his boarding party capture the heroes and take them to Sanction in chains. PaxT 148: To SawcTon By Land ‘The jouney overland from Palanthus takes about eight weeks, assuming the party sets a good pace. As the heroes move across Ans fon, use the Random Encounter Chast (on page 32) to generate chance encounters along the way. Follow the instructions on the chart pertaining to the area thatthe heroes are in the heroes are captured st any point along this journey, they will be taken to Sanction as prisoners. Their guards will be whatever ype of ereatures captured them, and their bonds will be rope. Characters wishing to aterapt an escape can make a Dexterity Check once pet dy, with a -10 penalty applied to the chare ter’s Dexterity score. If the check succeeds then the bonds have been broken and the character ean escape or five the other PCs, If the check fails cn a rll of 16 oF higher, the captors notice the attempt and secure the character much more tightly. After this, no furher escape atempts by that character will succeed in geting the hero out of the bonds I the characters are brought into Sanction as prisoners, go to Chapter 15, Event 11, a8 Soom a6 they arrive, Evenls by Land Event 6: The Lost Gostherd This event occurs a few days afer the PCs eave Palanthus, ideally in a barren, snowbound portion of the Vingaard Mounain. A fail old man, bis long beard bristling beneath a huge, floppy hat, walls in cil in a narrow clearing. Suddenly, he looks up and speaks, “Sorry to bother you, but have you seen my goat? It was here just a ‘minute ago, but it seems to have wandered ‘off. You woukln’t mind helping me look, ‘would you? Thank you so much! Now his tracks.hmm, 1 know he left some tracks, This is the Fabulous Fizhan, wizard extraoni: mire (see the NPC Capsules). OF course, he has mo goat and no trucks ean be found Regardless ofthe PCS" aetions,Fizhan follows thom, muttering absently about the goat, haps it went dhs way. In fat, think 1 heat it ‘This is the only scheduled event if the heroes travel by land. The other occurences of thei journey depend on here they go. encounters By Land ‘The encounters listed here provide basi descriptions of the many lands thatthe heroes right ravel through on the jourey to Sanc- tion, Use a generous number of encounters from the Random Encounter Chat to spice up the journey 10. Voagaard MounTatns This mnge of lofly, rugged peaks is stil locked in the iey cloak of winter. The high ridges of the mnge are heavy with snow, and avalanches are common, The only well-known pass through the range is the gap guarded by the High Clerist Tower and this is effectively sealed by the large enemy amy camped on the southern. approach If the heroes purchased the map from Wise \Wyckert in Palantus, they are able to select secret, unguarded pass through which to eross the mountains ‘As long as the characters wavel through a pass, they-do not sufer any damage from ava lanches, although they have a 66% chance per day of witnessing one. If they attempt to blaze their own tail, however, they run a 20% chance per hour spent traveling of triggering fn avalanche. In this ease, each PC must make 8 Dexterity Check to avoid being swept into the snowslide. Ifthe check fails the receives 3-18 points of dam Crossing. the mountains through a pass requires four days of travel time; tailblazing eros the high ries takes six da If the PCs decide to travel to the High Clerist Tower and sneak past the army eamped there, they encounter virtually unlimited rumbers of hobgobiins, goblins, Baz, and Kapaks. Smaller numbers of hill giants, ogres, Bozaks, and Sivaks are also preset, a5 well as human’ mercenaries. ‘The enemy camp com ptely blocks the valley, and guards are main tained a all times 11. Vingaand Keep This foness is garisoned by a small force of the Knights of Solamnia and is besieged by detachment of the Blue Wing. The camps of the surrounding monster: sprawl across the Plains, creating a virwally Impenetrable ring found the fortress, If the heroes move into these camps, they encounter hundreds of hobgoblins and. Kapak ddraconians. There is also a 25% chance that 116 blue dragons ae with this fore Vingaanl Keep is holding out, although the forces of evil contol the surounding county side and even tbe top ofthe fortess. The stone ‘gates are $0 solid and specially designed 10 defend against attack from above that even the sirbome forces of the dragons have ot been able to penetrate into the interior of the castle 12. The Flaws of Solamwia This vast plein is one of the broadest on Anse- Joa and offen litle cover o the traveler, The winters snow cover has begun to melt, and brownish grass pokes through in many places The rivers are all swollen and treacherous; the heroes have a 10% chance per mile of river- bank triveled to discover a suitable ford, None of the Formerly numerous settlers who farmed the plains remain. The occa sional Farms and towns have usually been although in a fw places groups of dra- conians or hobgeblins have moved into dvell- ings after the original owners fled or were butchered, 13. Caengom This forbidding fortes rises above a sheer cliff that looms over a sheltered harbor. An ‘outpost of the Knights of Solamnia, Caergoth hhas sent most of its fighting men to aid in the defense of Thelgaard The few soldiers, as well asa large mass of | peasants, Tet behind are very suspicious of Strangers, The regent, ruling in place of the absent lord, is Lord Kenneth Dergonne. Under the guise of maintaining order, he is quick to throw “wrongdoers” into his dungeon. It is Lord Kenneth’s intent to secure 4 solid grip on his il-gotten throne, so that ‘when the rightful ruler retums, Kenneth will be strong enough to retain his position. Characters capable of persuading Kenneth that they can help him achieve his objective might find themselves given positions of responsibilty in the usurper’s forces 14. Thelguand This is another scene of bate. The mighty bulk of Thelgaard Keep olds down the left flank of the Krighs’ tenaous southern The meat of the force holds a thin position across the open gap to the Mountains of Gar Although the Dragon Highlords’ armies ‘outnumber the Knights and possess the aid of a few blue dragons, the Knights have utilized 4 skillful mobile defense, fighting the mon ters only when the dragons are involved else where. Despite the thin nature of the lines here, both sides guand the front carefully. Any attempts by the PCs to pass through result in encounters both with suspicious Knights and bloodthirsty Kapak draconians. 15. Solasthus This formerly mighty fortress has been reduced to rubble by the Highlords* annie, lo Once strong outpost of the Knights of Solarmnia, Solanthus is now solidly” under the contrl of the evi frees. No walls remain standing, nor have any of the above-ground buildings escaped damage The subterranean network of chambers and passages survives intact, and afew resisters stil live and fight underground, ‘The ruins are garisoned by several hundred goblins and a few dozen Bovak draconian Because of their position behind the bate lines, their atention is directed at the re igades beneath the castle, ignoring the possi- bility of stack from without 16. Gurnet ‘The dwarven kingdom of Garnet seals the flank of the Solamnic defenses. Unlike most olber races of dwarves on Kryan, the Gar netian dwarves have cooperated and aided their human allies in the war against dra- ‘gonkin. Unfortunately, the dwarves cannot field @ very large force, so thei participation is lim ited to an aggressive defense of their home land, They will provide aid to any’ fi the Krighis who pass through their kit 17. Lemish teR 14 Encoun This is 9 kingdom of humans who have east, their lot with the forces of evil during the cur- reat war, The fotresiiself and the surround: ing Darkwoods, are places of danger to all save the minions of the Dragon Highlords. Although technically allies of the Dragonar- ties, the humans of Lemish are used as litle ‘more than servants, subjeet to the whims of draconian masters, ‘The primary funetion of the Lemishite forces is the conquest ofthe dwarven kingdom ‘of Garnet. Every attack upon the dwarves has been repulsed with heavy losses, however Currently, the Lemish forees have collapsed, exhausted, into a holding aetion. Their objec. tive is to prevent the dwarves from breaking through the Darkwoods and threatening the flank of the main Dragonarmy advance across the Plins of Solas, Characters traveling through the Darkwoods will encounter many monsters of varied and asorted types. The ety of Lemish is eurrently a primary center of recreation for the Dragon Highlords’ troops. The formerly pleasant town has been reduced to a filthy ‘awling. collection of taverns and brothels No attempt at mainiining order is made by the draconian commanders of units that visit Lemish, s0 anarchy usually prevails 18. Dangiand Mountains This range of forbidding peaks is marked by a sheer spine of grmnite, several thousand feet high, that cuts down the center of the range. There is not a single pass or path across the centre length of the range. If the heroes attempt 10 cross, a thief will ned to perform numerous climb sheer surfaces rolls, wailing @ 0 that less adept characters can climb behind. Assuming the PCS do not fall 10 their deaths, crossing the mountains takes at least so eck, ‘The western slopes ofthe range, as well as the nearby plains, are home to most of Krynn’s hobgoblins. War parties of these brutish monsters are frequently encountered ‘each band numbering 10-40 hobgeblins. The fortress in the southern reach of the range is @ shabby pile of rock by most civilized stand ards. Nonetheless, it represents the pinnacle fof architectural accomplishment 10 all the goblin races Dargaatd Keep, at the northem tip of the range, is seadfasly avoided by the hobgob- lins. it and the surrounding region are ral by Lord Soth. See DLS Appendix 2 and the villain cards on the madule cover for a full deseription ofthis eil character. He has a per- sonal guard of three banshees aa all types of Undead are common around and throughout the keep. The fortess's appearince is one of cay ard deaths the stench of rot and foule ress is heavy in the air here 19. Throtyl This region is an extension of the Solamnic Pain bat i inhabited almost exclusively by nomadic tribes of hebgoblins. Their crude and dirty tent communities are scattered throughout the area. As in the Dargaard Mountains, ar parties of 10-40. bobgoblin warriors are common here. Unlike their mountain-dvelling kin, however, the Throtyl war parties have a 33% chance of being mounted on worg wolves. “The nomadic communities consist mainly ‘of famales and young since al males of fight ing age have been conscripted into the Dragon Highlords’ armies. The war partes, however, are made up of army troops. 2OEsTwHde The barren, dry region of Estwilde is a high plains area interspersed with frequent’ moun- tain ranges. Inhabitants are uncommon. The few known waterholes are guarded by small groups (3-18) of Baaz draconians in order to sontrol the movement of “undesirables.” ‘The primary group of undesimbles is the band of freedom fighters led by Warren Windsound (see NPC Capsules). This band is made up of SO men and women whose homes and communities have been overrun by the Dragonarmies. They roam the wilderness of Fstwilde, attacking draconian and other evil luoops whenever they get & good opportunity They have been waging a successfil guerilla war for several months Tf the heroes enter Estwilde, they will encounter Windsound's band within a few days. The guerillas will observe the PCs" progress from the moment they enter Estwilde. If Warren is convineed that the heroes are enemies ofthe Dragonarmy, he will offer to aid the PCs in any way be ean. If War- ren believes that the heroes operate in the service of the Dragon Highlords, his band wil attempt to kil the PCs. If friendly relations are established, Warren will speak privately to the PCs about his brother, Nathan, who was taken with several dozen other fighters months ago. He has heard thatthe prisoners are heing tortured for the entertainment of Dragon Highlord Arik, the mest evil man on Kryon, The most valuable piece of aid that the ‘auerils can provide tothe PCS is the knowl- fedge of a hidden pass that leads over the Doomrange and right into Sanction itself If the heroes take this pass, they will avoid draconian patrols and guardposts in tis range (see Encounter 21) 21. The Doomrange Unlike the mountains farther noth, the peaks fof this range show no sign of snow. Instead, fery lava bursts from gaps in many of the ‘mountains, and a cloud of stcam and ash hangs in the air. The range contains dozens of volcanoes, but the most awesome are the three LLonls of Doom that surround Sanction. ‘The mountain range is eut by two wide, eas ily waversable passes, both leading directly to Sanction, Each is heavily guarded by 4410 Kapak or Baz draconians, These forces are concealed in such a way as to lure unwary trav- ers into the elitehes of the guards before the travelers even realize they have been dis cred, Horns are used to summon reinforce ments from all directions if an intended Vietim somehow gets away’ The only way for the PCs to penetrate this range without encountering these ambushes is to follow the secret pass know to Warren Windsound, as explained in Encounter 20. ChapTer 15: SancTion The city of Sanction is detailed on the map inside the cover of this module SawcTon Overview Sanction is nightmarish place, wedged between the three active volcanoes known as the Lords of Door, Each volcano spews a con tinuous flow of lava that snakes through the city and finally comes to a sizzling end in the ‘warm water: of Sanetion Harbor. ‘pall of ash and smoke constantly hangs in the air sunshine isa thing of memory to the inhabitants of Sanction, The rivers of lava rite waves of heat tht are reflected back to the ground by the ow-hanging layer of smoky clouds. Consexquently, day of night, winter or summer, the temperiture of the city hovers ‘round 100 degrees During the day, a small amount of sunlight, fered grayish-brown by the heavy clouds, iluminates the city with a twilight effect. At right, the city looks tmaly hellish as the glow fiom’ the lava is reflected fiom the clouds, casting the entire scene in a blood-red, fiery Tight Much of the city has been rained or destroyed by the actions of the voleanoes. The rivers of lava are gradually widening, every day taking another inch of ground as they eat theie blistering paths, This i truly a City of Doom, When the PCs first come within sight of Sanction, read the following description, If they arrive by sea, this happens as thei ship draws within a mile oF two of the port I they fcome over the mountains, they have to pass through a dense and smoky layer of cloud at the higher elevations. They only emerge from this layer when they have descended to within 500 feet of se level ‘A Tow-hanging pall of thick gray clouds seems to smother the mountain valley. It looks like ceiling, supported by the walls of the three mighty voleanoes rising on the exiges ofthe city. Fery rivers of lava flow ddown the slopes of these mountains, goug- ing their paths through the city ite ‘Crowded onto the narrow valley floor near the harbor are hundreds of buildings, some small and some immense. All of them look filthy, and many show signs of ruin and decay. In few areas, ramshackle dwellings are crowded together so closely that iti impossible to tell where one ends and another begins. ‘On the higher ground to the east of the city, several huge anny camps sprawl over the rocky ground. Hundreds of tens tes- tify to the many troops bivouacked here. Above the camps, three huge edifices squat, seeming 10 lord over the reat of the city. These buildings have the look of tem ples, with imposing columns, gaping doorways, and strategic positions that command the entre city. One temple rests fn the slopes of each of the three moun- ‘The streets of Sanction are seldom deserted, but never very crowded either. A wide mix of racial types can be found here. About half of the curent occupants of the eity Hived here before the coming of the Dragonarmies and have attempted to survive under their new lords. These shopkeepers, sailors, and inn- keepers move furtively about their business, showing obvious fear of the evil oops The other half of the city’s occupants are the soldiers and minions of the Highlords They walk arogantly through the eity, offen drunk, and always secking to bully those ‘unfortnates who lived here previously To determine how many different groups of [NPCS ae visible on the steets or in the alleys of Sanction at any given time, roll 1dLO and compare the result to the NPC Parties Encounter Table. The rll gives the number of groups of NPCs that the heraes can see at that ‘moment fom their position on the ste NPC Parties Encounter Table 10 Roll # NPC Groups 12 ° 3 1 4 2 5 3 6 4 7 5 8 6 8 7 10 8 ‘The racial makeup of the population is reflected on the Sanction Poptlation Table (roll 14100). This is the makeup of the entire city; to determine the nature of the folk fencountered on a sect at any given ime, 2 roll-any resolts in the 1-20% range, since natives tend to stay inside as much as possible Sanction Population Table D100 Number Rell NPC Type of NPCS (01-40 Sanction natives (human) 4-6) 41-60 Human mercenaries (2-12) 61-66 Goblins Gis) 61-70 Hobgoblins G12) 71-17 Baz draconians (1-8) 78-81 Kapak draconians (1-8) 82-84 Bosak draconians (1-4) 85-88 Sivak draconians (1-8) 89-92 Minotaur seafarers. (1-8) 93.95 Ogres (16) 96.97 Trolls 3) 98 Hill giants ti ny 99 Red Watch Sivaks* (125) 00 Clerics of Tabhisis. (2-12) "The Red Watch Sivaks are the personal body guards of the Dragon Hightord Ariakus, They are easily recognizable by their blood-red uni- forms. They move arrogantly through the streets, and all other NPCS give them a very wide berth. Hit points = 40 + 1d Unless you have a reason for deciding diffe: ently all NPCs ina group are ofthe same rice. ‘A buinan is found with other humans, an ogre with other ogres, ete tis not necessary to always maintain a ran- domly generated description of the NPCs on the street with the heroes. It is probably enough to describe the typical population ‘makeup (apparent on the sites, not actual) to the players: only generate the actual crowd makeup when the PCs have a specific need to know ‘Another race, not listed on the chart, usks jn the underground reaches of Sanction. ‘These are the Shadowpeople. See the New Races section (page 48) fora description of the ‘Shadowpeople, Uinless the heroes enter one of the temples, or experience one of the encounters tht introduces them to the Shad- fawpoople, they will remain ignorant of the texistence of this race Player Characters in Sanction If the heroes take the trouble to disguise themselves as mercenaries of the Dragonar- mies, they willbe able to move through Sanc- tion unmolested. They will be bullied by the raconians, ogres, and other large monsters, but this is the same treatment that all of the Jhuman mereenaries receive, Violent resistance to this bullying will ot be considered unusual in this rowdy ey, Because of the wide variety of units in the evil army, vinvally any kind of standardized —T gers, Quickly, four ogres drop to the insignia forthe PCs will allow them to pass as | Ground, fatally’ stabbed, while two of the meremaries. OF course, emblems displaying | mercenaries crumple sith crushed skulls the crests of the Knights of Solamnia or other | Outnumbered now, the ogres turn and recognizable symbols ofthe forces of good Jumber up the street, while the humans result in an immediate atack by all evil toops | dean their swonls and go on about the ‘on the set. business, Six bodies lie in the street, If the heroes get captured at any point in Sanction, proceed to Event 11: Audlence If they have escaped capture (from within Sanc- ton not onthe roid) and then st sap. EyenT 8 Bullying Balls tured, precautions against a second escape autempt will be increased. In this case, the This event ovcurs shortly after Event 7 Shadowpeople will not be able to stage the sored by passersby. rescue that they would otherwise attempt (see [The door to a dingy, unnamed tavern Event 14) bursts open and six minotaurs stagger out into the stret, cursing and shouting events “A pox on all human scum!” growls the fives ifit dim be nn wie fey leader, belligerently eyeing everyone on rein ise within Santon sd st fi eed Seis vot rere ety sharactors sionally venture out onto the streets. See vents 11-151 the: heen ae capac The minotaurs select the PCs for their bully- ing, insulting the appearance and feeble Sven 7 e Steeet ot Suction) fighting qualities of humans. If the heroes try This event occurs right aller the heroes amive 49 avond the band, the minotaus press thei in Sanction, on any thoroughfare within the aggressiveness to the limit. even pushing the ely. tis representative of the atmosphere in soes around. Any female PCs ar selected Sanction. “companions” by the minotaurs, who stint to pl them aay Ifa igh beaks out the minotaus suffer ot'the wre rdely pushing everyone ele | 2 penalty o all w hit rolls (hey ae very fut ofthe way. Suddenly, te clash ofstel | drunk) No other NPCs wil atempe wo iter Tings ot; a group of human mercenaries | ene faces the monster, refising to budge In seconds, chaos reigns as the ogres evenT 9: high Cleric of darkness aiuck with their bral clubs, bellowing savagely. The humans fight weil, however, tating lltlly with loqgrwords and dag A party of ogres swaggers down the et This event acours on the second day the heroes are in Sanction 3 ‘A commotion up the street seems 10 be ‘drawing a large crowd, Apparently, some kind of procession is moving down the ave- ‘nue, the mob parting quickly before it ‘A column of huge Sivak draconians, clad in blood-red uniforms that allow their large wings 10 spread easily behind them, marches in disciplined fle down the center of the sitet, Immediately following. the tdaconians rolls an omate chariot. AS the red-rabed troops pass, the unfortunate beasts of burden pulling the chariot move into view: several dozen filthy and pathetic men, Scars made by cruel whip stokes mark the back of each, “The red-armored rider in the chariot stands with bearing both arogant and cruel, a if the ristof the world i his play thing. The grotesque mask of » Dragon Highlord exaggerates his intimidating presence, Next to him stands another smasked Highlord, This one is shorter, and clad in glistening blue amor. Hail the Highlord Ariakus!” rasps the Jead draconian, and the crowd mutters the rarne, half in awe and hall in teror The procession includes 20 Sivak draconians of the Red Watch, 30 slaves, the Dragon Highlords Aviakus ‘and Kitiara, and another file of 20 Red Watch Sivaks, The Red Watch is Ariakus’s personal bodyguard, The slaves hhave all been captured from Warren Wind. sound's bund of guerillas. Warren's brother Nathan is among them event 10: The Army Marches “This event occurs when the PCS have spent ‘week in Sanction. Instead of one incident, this consists of a series of occurences throughout fn entire day. In the moming, the streets are unusually deserted as the soldiers of Ariakus's army father in their camps. A great deal of activity Is visible as tents are stuck and units formed kor the entire afternoon, columns of woops march from the camps though the center of Sanction and up the mountains toward the north pss. All types of draconians, ogres, trols, il giants, goblins, hobgoblin, and humans make yp the unit The entice affair is very well-organized, the camps emptying from south to north with 10 bunching up or confusion asthe columns fal into line. Each commander sms to kaw bis units place Nor is there gap i the line the town of Sanction ie effectively cut im half for six hours, unless the heroes wis to Wy to break through a column of enemy toons The troops are other way t reinforce the armies on the pins of Solamnia, Sanction is ‘much empiier afer they departs cut the num bor of NPCS encountered in half and double the proportion of encounters with native humans Events iy Captuity Use Events 11-14 only if the PCs ative in Sanction as prisoners or are captured while in Sanction. EvenT 11: Audience Ifthe prisoners are captured outside the city, they are taken immediately the Temple of Lucrkhisis by their captors. If they are taken prisoner inside the city, they are eld by what: fever group capiures. them until a patol of ‘ce Bozak and 12 Sivak draconians arrives to take custody of them. Their hands are securely ‘bound before being taken to the temple ‘The procession is marched across any neces sary bridges, the PCs taking damage if they fail their saving throws (see Encounter 28). Immediately before the great iron doors 0 the ‘Temple of Luerkhisi, their bonds are due bled-checked ty she guards. Then the pris ‘ners are taken inside The huge black doors swing. ponderously ‘open, Beyond awaite a vast aadience cham- ber, lit inthe hellish plow fiom a series of blood-ted, glowing columns. At the far cn of the hall, flanked by dozens of ose ‘uals, i a huge man dressed in the sinis- fer mask of a Dragon Highlord, He sits ‘upon an immense throne “Bring the prisoners to me!” His com: ‘mund rings powerfully through the ball, echoing like the tolling of a funeral bell, This is the Dragon Highlord Arakes, ruler of all the Dragonarmies and second in command to the Quoen of Darkness herself. See the NPC villain cards for @ description of this fiendish and powerfl character “Ariakus immediately suspects the PCs of treachery and spying, at the very least, The group is questioned about a variety of topics: the plans of the Knights, the whereabouts of the elves, why the PCs are in Sanction, ee Create some questions appropriate 10 your particular adventure, if possible. I any ofthe PCs show signs of cooperating, Ariakus has them removed to a comfortable Inerview chamber (Area L2 on the map of the temple). Here they are questioned in a friendly, conversational fashion by the Mighlord Regardless of the outcome of these inter- views, all the prisoners are tuned over to the clite draconian guards of the Red Wateh. Pro- coed to Event 12. Event 12: Transport To The Prison The draconians of the Red Watch replace the rope bonds of the characters with chains, unless they are already chained. Then, they chain the entire group together in Tong lin. A number of Sivaks equal to half the number (of PCs (rounded up) then escorts the party from the Temple of Luerkhisis to the Temple ‘of Ducrghast “The other monsters in the city give the pro cession a wide berth, for the uniform of the Red Watch is universally feared in the evil forces. “The heroes have a chance to escape here if they are bold (and lucky), character can break free of his chains with a successful bend barsiit gate roll, of & Successful open locks roll (thieves only). The chains serve as moder- ately effective weapons (Id6 damage). PCs who are still chained can participate in the fight, with a -4 penalty to all to it rolls “The Sivaks of the Red Watch fight to the death, No other NPCs will come 10 their aid however, & the elite Sivaks are universally hated among the Dragonarmies. Ifthe heroes sucoced im this escape, a manhunt will be in- tiated within 146 hours, If the characters do.not escape during this march, they are taken into the imposing black edifice known as the Temple of Duerghast Proceed to Event 13, Event 13: Dungeons of Duerchast This event occurs if the heroes reach the Tem ple of Duerghast a prisoners of the evil forces They are taken to the lower level of the tem ple, where the party is split into ‘wo groups fand locked in two of the cells labeled DIS ‘The draconians are unaware ofthe secret dors in these calls, I the heroes do not eseape within the first 12 hours of their captivity (via the secret door, the Sivaks ofthe Red Watch begin their brutal program of torture. One at a time, the Cs are taken to room DI4. There they are stubjected to all manner of horble treatment Do not provide the heroes with details of this portion of the adventure. Instead, inform them that one of their number (choose ran domly) has been removed. For eight hous, the other heroes hear creaking, crackling, and snapping noises, mixed with assorted sereams and cries. Tell the unfortunate character that the experience is horrible beyond words and that the shock of the torture wipes out all ‘memory of what actually happened. Ifa PC claims that he will not seream and beg for rmeny, allow a Constitution Check with a -8 Penalty to see ifthe hero can remain silent The character i eventually returned to the Although no wounds are visible, the hero hhas only’ 2-12 hit points remaining. ‘The tor- ture has an alditional temporary effect on the character (lasting only as long as the PCs are in Sanction): he must make a saving throw versus paralyzation whenever he faces Sivaks ofthe Red Watch, Ifthe save fils by less than 7, the character atacks the Sivaks in true berserker fashion, fighting to the death. Ifthe save fails by 7 or more, the character freezes in place, shivering in terror, incapable of any action until the Sivaks are no longer insight AAfler half of the characters have been tor- tured, proceed w Event Event 14: The Sudowpeople Appear This event eecurs in the middle of the night, when the Red Watch guard activity i at a in| ‘A soll scrape sounds from the back of your cell, A dll, ckering light suddenly pills fnto the chamber from a hole that has miraculously appeared in the wall Cloaked in a huge robe, a tall figure ean be seen in a narrow doorway that has opened in the solid wall, The figure beckons for you to follow i ‘The Shadowpeople have rived to liberate the heroes. The figure in the door remains for ‘one round, If the heroes do not follow, it loses the door and leaves. I attacked, it tums Table of Contents PC Information NPC Capsules Map of Ansalon Map of Palanthus Ship Deck Plans Sanction Slum Flow Chart Shadowpeoples Tunnels Cavern of Fire Tconochon0s 6... 6... 6e cece veee eee eeee eee eee eee eee ete eeee ees Silvart Folio Dragonsaddles and Dragonlances Huerzyd Map Duerghast Map Luerkhisis. Map Random Encounter Charts Gunthar’s Tale 1985 TSR, Ine. All Rights Reserved 28 29 30 31 Mt PLAVER ChaRaCtER Statistics Lord Gunthar piece, Hn Fosren STR 18/57 WIS 16 CON 15 INT DEX CHR ‘THACOs ALIG HP e ‘AC 4 (PLATE MAlL #2 AND SHIELD, DEX BONUS) WEAPONS Loncsioan +2 MOUNTED. Descowtanc LANGUAGES Canvey, EXOT, SOLAN, (QUALI ELF Lauran, snes revues STR 1 WIS @ CON 4 INT 15 DEX +7 CHR 16 THACO 16 AL CG HP ‘AC 4 (PLATE MAL #2 AND SHIELD, DEX RONUS) WEAPONS SioKr swoRD + DAGGER +1 LANGUAGES Coven, QUALINESH Es, SUVAMEST ELE ELisTan STR 8 WIS 7 CON 2 INT 1¢ DEX 12 CHR 6 mveueven Hunwaw Cit THACO ALLG “HPS AC 4 (Pure Man. 2, HELD +) WEAPONS Mace ABILITIES Spell Use 7 ist tev, 6 20 uve, 5 SHD LEVEL, 34TH LEVEL, 2 STH LEVEL, 161K LANGUAGES Gowen, Quauins ls, Suen aaron Tallbow ionetever Huma Foams STR 15 WIS 0 CON 12 THACO 1 INT 14 DEX is CHR AL IG. HP = AAC 5 (PLATE aa +2 AND sineLD +1, DEX ONL) WEAPONS Loxcawoxo +9 ‘Lonceow 1 WITH TOUR axnews +2 LANGUAGES Gonmoy, Emomisc, Hino Kee DER, QUALNEST EL, SOMALI 1 HuNanFrcvree Stanm BrightbLade nist STR 17 WIS 1 CON INT 1 DEX 2 CHR 12 THACO 12 AL LG HPs AC 4 (Piare Man +) WEAPONS Pyostaxnen sion 43 ‘DAGGER LANGUAGES Cownon, Quannsest Bi, SOLANINIC 85S TSK Ine All Right Reserved Kei oF SOLANINIC HEHE DIGNIAED AND PATIENT MAN, BUY 18 CAP ARLE OF FURY aayove 1S HE ONLY DAUGHTER OF THE SCEARER OF SUNS, LEADER OF THE QUALNEST aD. ren mortars Pownce aso CitttaNas. RF HENEAT THAT AEAUTIFLA. FLOWER. TS Hex Creare stow OF Wt HAG REE HE FEELNGS TOR TANS A HALESLF WARRIOR alt IN QUALNOSTAS HER TREND, SHP-CARED TOR TANIG DESMLY, DESMTE THE OMe NATIVE, NEM-LOST QUALINGS, AND SE HAS CIEANGED ACCORERNCLY, TOUCH Se HAS EUSTAN WAS BROUGHT BEFORE VERYENAARD. A DRAGON HCHLORD, AND TORTURED DDkaco PALADIN, AND THE CELSTAL PAIADIN ‘Aaron Tallbowe CONIS FROM ALONG LINE Of SOLAMEIC KNIGHTS OF THE ORDER OF THE {Grout ANO'B A NATIVE OF SANCHSL HE HAS DEVETED HS LFF TO THE PERFECTION’ OF MUSTACHE OF THE KNIGHTS, Hi FRENDLY SMILE AND GOOD NATURE HAVE MADE HN WELL (GUNTHAR THE LORD OF AAKONS ORDER. REQUISTED THAT AAFON ACCOMPANY LoxD Sturm Brighttade THE SON OF A SOLAYSOC KNIGHT AN ANCIENT OWDBR OF THE Now TN” KISCDGRE WHEN THE ONDER AS TIEATENED. STURM AND MEY MOTHER WERE SE FATIIRS LEGACY: HIS SMORD AND RING, BOTH NVSCREED WITH THE SYMBOL OF THE ROSE TAKE Ms FATHERS PLACE AMONG THE KNKOIIS. HE FOUND THE KNIGHTS SPLIF BY INTER SIRS! HAS ADOPTED THE IDEALS OF THE KASS aND THE SOLAKNIC MOTTO “ORL Uo DEREK, FOR ONE, 1 UNIMIRESSD, nw The Fabulous Fizban is a powerful wizard of indeterminate level. His powers are apparently hampered by his befuddled mental condition, as his spells foften result in spectacular failures, Play him for laughs, but mvoke the “obscure death rule in sitiations where he appears to dic Fizban does not use spells o attack or other- wise obstruct the enemy, although he appears to ty, However, fa PC is in a cetaimdeath station, Fizban will my to cast a lifesaving spel if such is possible. He has the ability to cast any magio-user spel SS Mad Boris, MinoTaur CapTain of The Black Skull ‘Chaotic Evil Hit points 45 ‘Amor Class 6 Movement 12 # Attacks 2 Damage 2-814 HD 643 THACO 13 Mad Bors isthe ruthless captain of the mino- taur pirate vessel, the Black Shull, He has received a charter to plunder in the name of the Highlord Ariakus, and enthusiastically goes about his trade apTainy Karey2zal Lavefl Good Amoe Class 10 # Atiacks | HDI Bit points § Movement 1 Damage 1-4 THACO 20 Captain Karyzzal isa grizaed seafarer who has Pleasant manner. He abhors the of the Dragonamies and yearns for his younger days when he might have done something about it. Now he will do his utmost to aid the PCS in their quest, even to the point of sacrificing his bi, 1885 TSR, Ios, All Rigs Reserved Warren and Nathuy Windsound Sth-Lovel Human Fighters Strength 15 Dexterity 10 Ineligence 14 Constitution 11 Wisdom 13, ‘Charisma 15 THACD 16 Hit points 30 Armor Class § Movement 12) Caries dongsword, These are twin brothers fiom Estwilde, They fought together, leading a band of guerrilas against the Highlord’s occupation forces, until Nathan's capture several months ago. Now Warten eaties on the fight as sole com rmander of the guemilas, while Nathan sweats under the whip a8 one of the Highlon!’s per sonal chariot slaves, 1 (Warren only) << Cymbal, a medium adult Copper Dragon Chaotic Good Hit Points 40 Armor Class 1 my Movement 9! 4 Attacks 3 Damage 1-8/1-4/5-20 DS THACO 13 Breath Weapons: Acid and slow gas Speaks Common Cymbal is @ copper dragon who has been imprisoned by Takhisis. He guards the approach 0 the rooms of the good dragons fas. The Queen has managed to convince him that anyone passing through his. room without orders from the Highlord Arakus is intent on the destrction of those eggs Cymbal has some doubts about this expla nation but has overcome them because it would certinly drive him mad to discover that he had been used 10 further the cause of evil Neparik Gistar, War Gilley Captain (ih-Level Human Fighter Strength 14 Dexterity 10 Tneligence 16 Constitution U1 Wisdom 12 ‘Charisma 15 THACO 16 Hit points 31 Armor Class $ “Movement 12" Wears studded leather mer +1 2, and uses a ham Gista is ruthless captain who will go far in the evil forees, He runs a tight ship and enforces stit discipline; asa result, his troops perfor well in combat sitatons He is deicated tothe cause of evil, and not susceptible o bribery. Any attempts at bribery result in the immediate arest of the bribes Revered Ancient One Shadowpeoples’ Leader The Revered Ancient One has no physical tributes, and consequently no statistics. It is ‘the focal point of the mental energies of the Shadowpeople. I dwells in a cave in the heart ‘of the volcano Lucskhisis. Jt has the abilities to feure serious wounds and telepore an unlimited umber of times per day, but only while the Council of the Shadowpeople isin sesion. key $B cones mountains 196 TSM, ine, ALI Righes Reserve The JOLLY we 130’ Long, 50’ wide and the BLACK SKULL, 90’ long, 20'wide. 1989 TSR, fac. All Rights Reserved. Start 1 Dead End Dead Start 2 End Start 3 Start 10 Start 9 Dead End Start 8 Dead End Start 7 Sanction Slum flow Chart “The flow chart given here is an abstraction of the alleyways leading through the tightly packed buildings of Sanction's shum disries The DM uses the chart to describe the area to the PCS as they move through it. When the party first enters a slum dlstrict, roll 1d0 This determines through which square (aum- bered 1-10) the PCs enter the slum. The lines between the squares represent the rarow alleyways the character follow. When Start 4 Start 5 Dead End the Tines meet in a square, this represents an intersection between several alleyways Deseribe this to the players and allow them to choose thei direction of travel, The lines that fend in unnumbered squares are dead ends The shaded squares are intersections where the PCS have an encounter with a group from the Sanction Population Table in Chapter 15. Determine the group encountered with a 4100 roll. In the central slum (Area 23) reroll, any resulls in the 1-20 range. In the northern slum (Atea 24), run whatever group the dice indicate Start 6 Huerzyd Luerkhisis Tunnels of the Shadowpeople J sac wen PiFiniapes N Scale: One Inch Equals 650 Feet Duerghast Cavern of Fire since the Cataclysm. Curse the High Priest of tar for fis pride! Trying to command the Gavi, fe called down their wrath. Krynn was punisiod with fire and flood, and much is the Gods temselves—tiie worl of rynn fas sunk into Blaphemy tfese many generations, and coves fave st te power to Real Mankind’ separation from te True Govt opened the door to renewed evi Dragons are once again in the world. They are commanded by human Dragon Highton, and assisted by strange creatures called ‘ Draconians The Dragonarmies fave now conquered rnucf of ryan, and soon all the Cand will under their sway. Evi, it seems, may soon triumph over good. Through my Crystal Glove of Wisdom, I sen my spirit to gatier knowledge, Sind so 1 fave found a glimmer of hope. Five years ago, seven adventurers set out ‘from the town of Solace to see the True Gods. They dict not succeed. In time, six returned: Tanis, Flint, Tassleioff, Raistiin, Caramon, and Sturm. Of Kitiara, the seventh, beloved of Tanis, nothing was Rear. ‘They were joined by Golnoon and Riverwind. Golitmoon possessed a gift from the God: a crystal staf that fealed any wound With its power, the Imnellows recovered the cand thus did knowledge of tie True Gods return to rym. Armed with these powerful weapons, the fieroes reed to Solace, onty to find the people taken to a terrible slavery in the Dragonarmy's fortress of Pax Tharkas. Te feroes entered Pax Tharkas and rescued over Soo slaves, foiling the evil designs of the Dragon Hightord Verminaard ‘Refuge for the escaped slaves was founet in the Hapoful Vale, and the ferves braved the dangers of Stuleap, fortress of Fistandantis who ported in the Dwarfgate War. On that trek, the Seeker priest Elistan fxcame the second true clorc of Kryrm. And thus the High God Paladine re-entered the world of ‘Krynn. The heroes entered the secret gates of Thorbardn, te ancient kingdom of the dhvarves, seeking a haven for the refugees. The dévarven Thames required that the feroes recover the Stanmer of Karas fore the refigees woul fe allowed to puss through Thorbardin. In the floating tomb of Derkin di the fieroes put an end to Ember, the mighty red céragon; Yerminaard, Dragon ighlord of te ‘Rea Wing, perished at the heroes’ and in battle within the Temple of Stars ‘The Kammer was recovered, and the fong-sundered divarven tries were reunited under a High King Tie newky-crowned dwarven king allowed: the eros to load the refiyees through Thoréurdin ana granted tiem the lands to te soutt Frow mit ICONOCHRONOS oF ASTNUS oF ALANIS, LOREKEEPER OF KWNNL AN THE 51ST YEAR avi mie Catach. {©1985 TSR, Io, All Rights Reseed Bit art folio Although temporarily polymorphed into the form of the elfnaid Sivart, you are_really Dargent, a very old silver dragon, You were Jeftas caretaker of Foghaven Vale when the goed dragons took theie Oath not to interfere in the affairs of men, leaving to dwell on the Isle of Dragons You made your lar beneath Foghaven Keep ‘and guarded the Vale, the Stone Dragon, and Hume's Tomb against intrusion. For « long time, you drove away all who sought to enter the vale Gradually, your resolve t0 obey the Oath and maintain the sanctity of the Vale was shaken as the Dragon Highlords gained vie tory alfer bloody vietor. The forces of good were driven before the brutal hordes of the Dark Queen on all fronts and your heat grew heayy with foreboding and soirow Finally, polymomphed as Siar, you lef the The Silver Dragon Vale to travel among elves and men. Although ‘bound by your oath from dlcetly imertering With the afrs of men, you were able to sub- tly steer a group of heroes to Foghaven Vale, where they discovered the secrets of the Dragonlances. Although your interference in this process was minimal, you have been ‘warned not to violate your Oath again, You dare not assume your dragon form out- side of Foghaven Vale for fear of being caught Violating the Oath. OF course, in elven form ‘you do not have the use of your breath weap ‘ns oF flying abies, but you are not prohib ited from using your spell abilies Should you again violate the Oath, the ‘cat god of good, Palade, hs made it clear that, at the very least, you would be banished to the Isle of Dragons to lagush there while the fores of evil averun the world Your interpretation of this warning, how- ever, allows you to travel as the elfnaid Silvan, using her powers and abilities without violating the Oat His in this guise that you have made the long journey to Palanthus, where you desire 10 meet some of the same heroes who discovered the Dragonlances, seeking 10 persuade them to accompany” You fon a journey of the utmost importance [As Silvart, you have the abilities listed on the back of this portfolio, as well as the hit points (70) ofthe silver dragon. The hit points listed on the back of the polio for Silvart are simply for purposes of concealing. your tmue identity, They” ave no effect on phy. Alo, the THACO of 10 provided for Dargent ‘mains with you, should you eboose to use i. Be carl though, a steady srcam of success ful combat rolls will make the concealing of your true identity more difficult The Oath The good deacons have Taken’ 4 soleawy oath That forbs Them To enTex ansallon for The purposes of a®ing The forces of Good In The war The Queen of Darkwess herself. AGAINST evil SRaGONKND. This Oath was demanded by Takhisls, The Oxth wis Taken because The Queen of Darkness sTole all of The good deagon eggs: gold, silver, bronze, brass, and copper. She holds These egcs Inv a closely Guarded, seckeT Location. If The good dxagons abide by The Teams of The Oath, The Queen has promise To ReTurn all of The eggs, unharmed, apfer The war has rans iTS course aNd evil his Trlumphed. Ip The good dragons inTeepene, However, The eggs will be destroyed. The eggs, the future of The race, hue the only Things ThaT could have given The: evil queen The Le erage she needed To RestidcT The good Onagons. Because of This Lack of opposition, The forces of evil, Led by The evil dragons, show every sign of evenTualLy ConquEKING and Laying anise To The world of Keyan.

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