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Meer ee eS Dragons of War BBO ie Balt tut) ee Ps Bas Cel) & F Advanced Dungeons@Dragons* Official Game Adventure Dragons of War by Tracy and Laura Hickman TABLE OF CONTENTS Prove 2 Whorain the Tale is tld, and the story expounded thus far. The Knights of Solamnia 3 \inerei the Order ofthe Knighs is rehearsed and their greatest weakriess exposed, Chapter 10: Winer Councils inerain Joumeys-2cross land and water i the heroes" desiny are recounted, (Chapter 11: The Last Bastion 1“ Uihorei dark armics brook fke waves agaist baloments. The war is begun and the hand of estny 1S set ito motion Chapter 12: The Tower 18 ‘Whoren the heroes trad fonidien'hats and find bate joined within, Epilogue 26 ‘Wherein destinies are filed ‘and the ‘shadows of fie lengnen ‘Appendices 27 Hero are glen supplemenis fo the tale The new and unusual are explained, a& are encouners governed by fate alono. creoIrs sie Editor: Mike Breault a robe 9 Ta Cover Ant: Keith: Parkinson WaVARCED. DUNGEONS E'ORAGONS. Interior Arts Diana Magnuson David Sutherland HL iia Bakk cn O'Malley m Darden TaR in TSRUK Lid Lake Geneve ‘Cambridge CB1 4A Po wiser c ‘United Kingsom PRoloGue “Dragons of Waris the eighth module in the epic DRAGONLANCE ™ series. It continues the second book of the DRAGONLANCE saga: Tales of Winter Night, as told in “Dragons of lee” and “Dragons of Light.” These modules recreate the conditions of the DRAGONLANCE story swith the player characters east in the roles of the epc's heroes This, itis recommended that the module be played as part of the serics using the player characters provided. If players wish t0 use their own characters, however, you should allow them to do so, The characters listed on the cover of the module are some of the heroes of the DRAGONLANCE epi. The equipment they begin the adventure with is also listed on the cover. Depending on their suczess in previous DRAGONLANCE adventures, your PCs may have different equipment In DL6, “Dragons of Tee.” the party was split inio two groups. This module deals with the group that went south from Tarsis—the Heres of the Lance. The remaining heroes will reum in DLIO, “Dragons of Dreams” [you do not have enough players to take all the DRAGONLANCE heroes as PCs, run the others as NPCS, o allow players to ran more than one character. In any event, it's good idea to keep the panty to a size you, the ddungeonmaster, are comfortable with With the exception of Chapter 12, each chapler in this adventure begins by listing teil Events that cecur at the times indicated, Fegardles of the actions of the PCS. Following the Events come the Encounter, cach representing areas the PCS might visit ‘There are several important differences between the workd of Krynn and the sandard ADKD" campaign. While players who have played previous DL modules are familiar with these changes, new players should be made aware of this information, Truc clerics have been unknown on Krynn since the Cataelysm, a mighty catastraphe that destroyed the eivilized nations and changed the face of Krynn, Most clries have no spell bility as they worship fase gods. True cletics fof good, including Golémoon and Elistan, wear a medallion bearing the symbol of their ‘god or goddess. Only two of the tue good ‘Bods have been revealed, Mishakal, goddess of healing, and Paladine, leader of good, the Celestial Paladin. AII BC clerics brought into the campaign must be of good alignment and Notes for The dungeonmaster For both Events and Encounters, those por- tions of the text enclosed in boxes are to be read aloud to the players. ‘One NPC requites special mention, Fizban the Fabulous is a powerful wizard of indeter- rminate level. His powers are apparently ham pered by his befuddled mental state, as his spells often result in spectacular failures. Play him for laughs, but employ the “obscure ath” rule in situations where he appears 40 dic In the DRAGONLANCE multi-module pic, some heroes and villains figure promi- rently in later adventures, If “name” char ters, such as Fizhan, should be slain, invoke the “obscure death” rule, This rule stares that, as in Soturday afternoon matinee, the circumstances of death of an important char fcter should be confused and the body not found. Later, the hero or villain may reappear, usually with a story of how he miraculously survived, Sivaks, a new draconian race into- duced in DLT, “Dragons of Light,” poly ‘momph into their slayer's likeness when Killed providing @ new way to explain the apparent Seath of important characters Some characters die permanently in the story. This is noted in the text and the charac- ter may die in this or later encounters. The character will not reappear in later’ modules. Beginning with this module, no PC is subject to the obscure death rue. IF a PC dies in this oF later adventues-—say goodbye! ‘Occasionally an Ability Check is called for against one of the character's abilities (Gtrength, Wisdom, ete.) Roll 1420 and com pare it with the appropriate ability. If the The World of Krynn fallow one of these two faiths. AIL PC elves in the adventures are Qualinesti elves. Two other elven races, Silvanesti and Kagonesti, were discussed. in Diz, Al PC dvvarves are bill dwarves, Other <évarven races were introduced in DLA ‘The equivalent of halflings on Keynn are ender. Kender resemble ‘wizened L-year olds and (unlike balflings) wear shoes. See Tasselhol’s character statistics for more infor mation on header The value of gold and other rade items is completely’ different in this world than in familiar campaigns. Steel is the main tade etal and 10 gold picees are worth only one stecl piece. PCs who enter Kryan from other campaigns may be allowed to trae their gold number rolled is less than or equal to the abil- ity, the action succeeds; if greater than the ability, the action fils If you are playing DLS without having played previous modules, Chapter 10 will 0 a Jong way toward setting up the situation for ‘both you and your players. IF you have played the DRAGONLANCE series Up to this point, this adventure follows DL7 and begins a8 the Ineroes contract passage on a ship from the Solamnic oupest on the western shores of Southern Ergosh, Tt is Very important that the PCs reach at least one of the Adventure Goals and recover at least one of the Goal Anifiets. Without a Goal Anifat the Whitestone forces ace over ‘whelming odds atthe Tower of the Clerst, Some of your players may have read the DRAGONLANCE novels. The information related there is similar, but not identical, to that in the modules, secret door in a medule ‘may not be in the same location asin the book and the heroes in the modules will not act the sume as their counterparts in the book. This allows the game 10 have its own feeling and Remember that the DRAGONLANCE story isa complex saga. To run it well, read the module carefully, anticipate your players actions and think of ways to motivate them to ‘move in certain directions, The main adven- ture in “Dragons of War" is the fist contact with large-scale war and the secre hidden in the ancient Tower of the High Clerist, Do not be afta to improvise to make the adventure enjayable for the players, pieces for steel—though they will fnd their personal wealth greatly reduced Lastly, dragons have been absent from Keynn for nearly 1,000 years. They are stil ‘considered legend by people wo have not y ‘met the mighty juggemauts of the Dragona my’s forees, Those who have seen the dragons ‘know them all too well, and their fear expands the tales of the might of the draconian foes, striking fear imo the heans of listeners, knights of Solomnia The Knights of Solamnia were once the areatest order of chivalry in all the history of Keyan, Now, their entice way of Hie shifs in precarious balance betwsen the code of honor that once was and the truh of what the world has become, The Onighy of the knights ‘The Knights came into being nearly 2,000 years before the War of the Lanes, during the ‘Age of Dreams, rising ike a phoenix from the ashes of the empire of Ergot, Vinas Solammus, commander of the Emper- o's Palace Guard, set forth on his emperor's frders from the capital city of Daltigoth «0 squash the rebellion brewing in the northeast- em reaches of the empire. However, Solam- hus, who was @ tue’ and honorable man, found that the rebellion was well justified Solamnus called his toops together and pre- sented the ease of the people, Any knights who believed in the cause of the rebels were cntreated 10 stay. Those who did not were tgiven leave to return to Daltigoth. Even though his men knew that doing so meant cxile and possibly death, most chose to stay ‘with Solamnus Thus began the War of Ice Tear. Altho Ergoth was in the grip of the most terble winter ever chronicled, Solammus and his ded- feated amy of knights and frontier nobles marched on Daltigoth and laid siege to it Solamnus personally lad daring raids into the city. Within two months, the eapial ell as a revolt of the people foreed the emperor to sue for peace. [AS a result, the northeastern plains of Ergoth, fom the Vingsard Mountains to the Estwild gained its independance. The grateful people of tha region chose Vins as their king ‘and named their new country Solamnia in his honor. Although it never tained any great power during the rest of that Age, Solamnin became synonymous with honesty, integrity, and fieree determination. ‘Vinas Knew that those who followed him as rulers of Solamnia might not be as honorable as be. Thus he organized the Knights of Solamnia, Through seats with bordering States, the Thin Dragon War and Solamnia’s subsequent rise to power during the Age of Might, the Knights of Solamnia remained true 0 the Oath and Measure established by the great and long-dead king The Ongwsizaon of The Knights The organization of the Knights has not changed in the last 1,800 years. The Knights subscribe to two codes: The Outh and The Measure. The Oath is “Est Sularus oth Mithas” (iterally, "My Honor is my Lite”) The Measure is an extensive set of laws, many volumes in length, that defines what honor actually means. The Measure is compli cated and exacting only a bref summary of ts Jaws is given here. I is important to remember that exact and unquestioned adherence to the Jaw was the goal of the Knights, "The greatest problem facing the Knights row is that the spirit of the Oath has left them. Only the rigid, unbending shell of the Measure remains. If the Knights can be brought to understand that honor does not He in the aged and dusty codes of the Measure, but in the heart of the true Knight, then they can unite against the Dragonarmies and avoid certain door, The Oath and The Measure The following are excempts from the Measure hood, compiled from the writings of Vinas Solamnus and his successors. (The Whole Measure consists of 37 volumes.) The excerpts given here are sufficient for purposes of this adventure “The Oats gover all a Knight is and does It is his lifes blood, it more sacred to him than life aself “The Measure of a Knight is taken by how ‘well he upholds the Oath, We judge a Knight fagainst the Measure and by the Measure. The “Measure of the Rose deals with holy wisdom among the Knights. The Measure of the Sword deals with the discipline of Honor song Knights. The Measure of the Crown seals with the disciplines of Loyalty and Obe- dence Pertaining To The Order of Kuights wy Bate Knights who take the field in defense of honor and the realm follow dhe order st forth by the Measire. Armies are made up of three brie sgades, cach commanded by & Lord Knight from one of the three Orders of Knights, All amed persons operating under the protection fand command of the Knights will be part of fone of these thre brigades. ‘The anny is commanded by a Warrior Lord, fone of the three Lond Knights commanding brigades. The Warrior Lord is chosen by majority consent of the three Lord Knight brie tgade commanders and must exemplify the highest ideals of the Knighthood. Recogni- tion of the Warrior Lond is to be made openly in Knighily Council Should a Lont Knight fallin bate, another must step forward and take his place. Shou the Warior Lord be los, then shall each Lont Knight separately command his own brigade unil such time as a Knightly Couneil ean be calle Penttaininng To The Knightly Councit ‘Such councils shall be convened as requited by the Measure. They must include three Lond Knights, one from each of the Orders of Knights’ If any order cannot provide a Lord Knight, then a Knight may stand in his stead so long as there i atleast one Lord Knight pre- siding Councils shall convene for the following purposes: 10 determine strategies of war; 10 Assign onders for war and baile; to selec the Warrior Lord prior to a bate; to hear charges Cf unknightly conduct; to honor those who have performed valiantly on the field of honor; for setlement of questions conceming the Measure KwichtLy Orders and The Measure ‘The Onder of the Rose takes its Measure from deeds of wisdom and justice. Examples of deeds befitting the Measure of the Rose: tak- ing compassion on the less fortunate; strife ing one’s life forthe sake of others; taking no thought 10 one’s own safety in defense of the Measure and its honor: protecting the lives of Fellow Knights; sesing that no life is wasted or sacrifiad in vain "The Order of the Sword takes its Measure from affairs of courage and heroics, Examples of acts befiting the Measure of the Sword: facing evil without regard to personal sue ing accepting the challenge of combat for the honor of the Knighthood: defending the honor of the greater Knighthood; defending the honor of a fellow Knight in good stand: ing: protecting the defenseless and weak “The Onder of the Crown takes iis Measure from affairs of loyalty and obedience to authority of the greater Knighthood through its High Councils and commanders. Examples of acts belting the Measure of the Crown: lunguestioned obedience to those whose authority is righteously maintained in the Knightly Councils; dedication to the ideals of the Measure; layaly to brother Knights ofall Orders; and all other acts that cause the strengthening of loyalty among the Knight No Knight found wanting in the Measure of ‘any Order shall command Knights on the field of bale nor council with them until repented of his unknightly deeds. Changing of The Guard: PCs Take Change Player characters may be chosen to lead the Kaights of Solamnia should replacement of their leadership bocome important, The proc cs for replacing & leader as fllows: 1. The leader must relinguish his: command: This may be done either with the Knight's consent or forced through @ Knightly Council If a Knight in leadership position is found wanting in the supreme qualities of the Knighthood, then he may not command and tnother must be elevated to command 2A new leader must be selected: No Knight ‘ay nominate himself forthe office in ques tion; his ease must be given by another Knight in good standing. Not-Solamnics may not participate in this process, 3. The general Knighthood must consent The Knighthood must make a morale check For purposes of this roll only, use the follow ing rules for morale determination: if « PC is nominated, subtract any morale modi due t0 heroic PC action. If no PC is not rated, then do not include heroic PC action toifers for this rll. 1 the Knights fail their morale check, the PC's nomination is fceepted and the PC becomes the leader ofthe unit or brigade in_ question. ‘The Knights always nominate 13 NPC Kights for any position in ation to any PC nominations. The consent of the Knights (Gtep 3 above) is carried out for each nomi fated person in tum. If consent is given to more than one person, then step 3 is repeated until only one character has the consent of the Koights. step 3 is repeated more than seven times, then the Knightly Council is declared undecided and the function of command is relegated 10 the unit's commander until the council muy meet again. (Le. units fill under brigade “commanders temporarily; brigade ‘commands fall under the Warrior Lord.) This severely limits the effectiveness of the unit unil the situation is remedied PCs who become commanders of units are not required to stay with the unt, but unless they are with the unit when a batle takes place, their unit is considered out of com ‘and for BATTLESYSTEM™ purposes, The Morale of The Knights ‘The Knights of Solamnia are seriously demor- alized by the time the adventurers arrive (cur rent Morale Rating is 13, down from the Knights? normal 17). For BATTLESYSTEM urpeses, use the following system for dete mining base morale at the beginning of any Sorte; ako use the same system foe determin ing certain events according to the Events of Honor listad below. No morale additions can bring the morale of the Knights higher than their original 17 nor can any subtractions bring the morale of the Knights lower than 8 Morale Modifiers por SoLamwic Kwichts Heroie Actions (+1 10 +8) The Knights’ morale inereases with every vie- tory oF whenever the PCS perform a heroic faction. The amount of increase depends on the act, These include, but are not limited to, the folowing 11 For every enemy’ unit destmyed oF routed from the buatleficld #2 Whenever a PC becomes commander of the forces atthe tower. +3. For every vieiory in a Sortis or battle +5 Unselishly ste ing one's life for oth- Non-Heroie Actions (1 These acts lower the morale of the Knights. 4 Jnwise PC actions Violations of the Measure Unwise commands Disobedience to commanders -2 Bach Sortie in which the Knights suffer a deat events of honor Events of honor occur aecording to the Knights’ Morale Rating. When the morale of the Knights aches a certain Keel, flow the instructions listed here. Also, the Morale Rat- ing of the Knights affects how well they defend the tower. If the BATTLESYSTEM rules are not used for tis adventure, then the Morale Rating of the Knights automatically determines the outcome of battles as deseribed in the Evens section of Chapter 11 events of honor MR = 12, 10, or 9: Knightly Couneil ‘The leadership of the Knights is called into question, Any PC who has exhibited heroic conduct will he put forwant to replace one of the brigade commanders: MR ~ 8: Desperate Attempt (One of the Lord Knight brigade commanders attempts to command his entire brigade out ‘onto the Held of bale. Any brigade with eav= aly will be first to lave. This reflets the des: petation the Lord Knights feet as the morale of the Knights slips. Their reasoning seems 10 ‘be that things will only get worse so best 10 attack now. If using the BATTLESYSTEM rules, run the Knights Breakout Sorte using the appropriate brigade of Knights. and sol dicts. Otherwise, the entire brigade disap pears with the exception of one soldier retuming 10 tell the tle of bow they were trapped between thousands of monsters and cenished as between tW0 rocks. Kioight NPCs During this adventure, the morale of the Knights is of supreme concern. The NPC Knights encountered should be no more adventurous than the PCs, Take the same pre= cautions with them as the players do with their Cs, The Knights will not normally volunteer for hazardous assignments and will probably be reluctant t help the PCs. Knights never allow themselves to be ordered about by any ‘one but their superiors. Chapter 10: WinTer Councils The major part of this adventure centers around the events at the High Clerist Tower located at the Westgate Pass south of Ps thus. ‘At the conclusion of DL7, the heroes wer 1 coastal port of Southern Ergoth. This is a Tong way fiom the High Clerist Tower and there is much that the PCs must eam along. the way “This chapter offer the DM (wo options as to how to run the journey fiom Southern Ergoth tothe High Clerist Tower 1. Interactive Narrative: Starting with Eneouoter 1, ra the boxe section of tx 10 the pl choices of where to go next Read the options and ask the players to choose one «majority rules) and m encounter. Mark off the in ays from the Adventure Clock and also record any Adventure Goals that are reaches! Repeat tis process until the party High Clevist Tower. This method enables y players to learn the venture backround, ‘hin clues necessary fora successful adventure, and also lets them fee! that they have patici- pated in the story. The major benefit of this Imethod is that it ony takes a few minutes t0 transport the characters hundreds of miles direely into the heart of the adventure Ht) ni Mi uae Mderness Adventuring: IF you prefer 1 role play the journey to the Clerist Keep, the contain sufficient information 0 ers Chart, and the Chapter 10 Events keyed 10 time) to role play the journey and get your payers to the war on time. Give the players the five poins of information in Eneounter | to help them decide where to go. events event 1: The Council of WhifesTone This’ occurs only if the PCs are on Sanerst on day 15 (month 1). The Couneil desides to take the Orb and Dragonlanoss from the heroes for funber study. Thi may be avoided by leaving Sanerst Isle before day 15 or by stal- ing the weapons and Orb back aftr they have been taken. event 2: Wheeling Binds On day 20 of month 1, wheel portent of war, are soon in the fion of Solamnia, event 3: Fzbus ReTurns (On day 30, the ancient wizard Fizban meets the pay and urges the heroes toward Palan- 1 | Pe heii thus. There might the adventurers find answers to their many questions, Besides, he ‘wants to visit an old friend and needs someone te help him with his bageage event 4: haunted kwights On day 40 (day 12, month 2), the party ‘encounters 20 wat-weary Knights of Solamnia returning home after serving at the High Clesist Tower. They advise the PCs to get to the tower with all speed eveNT 5: a hard-RBing Messenger ‘month 2) the party meets tells them the message is an urgent request fd before the tower is ovenshelmed by the Dragonarmy. Ignore this Event ifthe PCS are already atthe tower Evenst 6: Impressed wsfo Service On day 60 (day 4, month 3), a lie force of Solamnic Knights impresses the heroes into the eause ofthe High Clerist Tower. Chapter 10: Encounters Encounters (bvTeractve. Narrative) 1. The Solamutc Sex TA genile breeze walls over the shore, The quiet life of the Solamnic outpost, far from the war, belies trouble and fear of its people. Here and there, knights eant their horses down the roughly cobbled sets, [A tis point the players have to decide where to go. There are ships at the outpost that are setting sail for several destinations: Palan thus, Caengoth, Crystyn, and Sancrist Isle The PCs can also go overland to Eastport (on Southern Exgoth’s easter shore) and catch ship to Caergoth from there ‘The PCs" priorities right now are to fnd out hhow to operate the Orb and lances and to get to the war before it's too late. Remind the payers of this and give them the following Information from the Knights 1) Council of Whitestone (on Sancrist) may have advice on the Orb and lances, 2) Sailing to Cacrgoth i the fastest way to reach the war 3) Crystyn reportedly has treasures and weap ‘ons far those bold enough to search the misty isle 4) Overland to Eastport isa long journey but safer than the sea vayages. Rumors abound at the outpost of terrible devastation to. the north, along the route to Eastport, 5) Time is of the essence, The Dragonarmy controls almost all of Ansalon and the forces of good are backed agains! the sea. The lances reed to get into action. While the players are deciding where to go, read the following to them. Three ships are ready to sail. Their eaptains tare known to the Knights as good and hon- fest seamen, One great gull-winged ship stands ready to ply the seas to Sanrist, hhome in exile of the Solamnic Knights Another stands ready fora journey to Cry siya, The third captain ts risking the treacherous Chislev Break betwoen North ern and Southern Ergoth to sail 16 Cacrgoth in southem Solamnia. He is impatient to return and fight with bis comrades These ships are all small merchant vessels (see DMG, p.53) with hull values of 1d10 #20, Cast Your Fate! Sall for Sanerist? —read LA: mark 7 days off the Adventure Clock; go to Encounter 3 Sail for Crystya? —read 1C; mark | day off the Adventure Clock: go to Encounter 2 Sail for Caergoth? —read 1B; mark 12 days off the Adventure Clock; go to Encounter 12 Journey overland to Cacrgoth? —go to "Encounter 7 1At The ship weighs anchor at evening tide, cutting pink salt spray with its bow. For several days you course dirough the waters fof Krynn, At last, Sanerist is seen on the horizon, ‘The ship weighs anchor and heaves to noth and east. On the fifth day you're buffeted and driven back by terrible storms. The rocky shores of soither and northern Ergoth foam death white to the south and north The grim captain stands determined watch; his will alone, it seems, gets you through. Now, under ‘cold grey skies, you see the towering wails of Caergoth 1c; Te ship weighs anchor at fist ight, sprays fof blue winter sea foaming about its bovr Come evening, the hulking grey mist of yur goal is on the horizon. The captain ‘rops anchor and you row ashore in fang boat. Nothing can be seen but the grey mists through. I takes five days to casually explore @ hhex and four weeks to carefully explore. Encounters on Crystyn are in the [10 +34 range on the Random Encounter Chart If the players explore a hex (even casually), read the following! Seugaling through dense forest, you su daly come upon the remains of an ance ower. Most ofthe tower was destroyed in some long-past confit, but a broken ng fo stones stl stands 7 Ifthe players enter the tower they find a wand of fre (10 charges), a ring of fire resistance, and a ring of protection +3. This encounter is not repeated ifthe PCs return to Crystyn Roll 1d4 when the players wish to leave Cry= syn, The result i the number of days they ‘wait for & boat to bring them back to the out Post. Mark the number of days off the Adven ture Clock and retum t0 the Cast Your Fate section of Encounter 1 3. Thalaw Bay “Towering mountains form one side of Tha lan Bay, the harbor of Sancrst Isle. Deep, lush forests ring the harbor and hold Caste Wistan, home in exile of the Solamnic Knights. Here also is the fabled Glade of the Whitestone where the eouneil of fee poopies wil soon convene. You ate told that an ancient race of jomes lives in the mountain of Never mmind. They hold many answers for those ‘with technical questions, although the nssers are not alsvays intelligible Thalan was once a great port and sent ships to Taris, Isr, alanis, and even Silvanost. Regular routes exist only 10 Palanthus and Caergoth nowadays. 2. Ceystyns A continuous white mist laces the trees and round in delicate splendor. Towering Tountains stand dark against the br night sky Mark one day off the Adventure Clock for every Wildemess Map hex the PCs pass 6 Cast Your Fatel Sail for Palanthus? — ack off 25 days; Encounter 13 Atfend the Whitestone Council? days; go to Encounter 5 Inquire of the Knights of Solamnia? —mark off 2 dayss go to Encounter 4 Climb Mount Nevermind? days; go to Encounter 6 snark off 2 mark off 4 IUNTERS Vessels found here are small merehant ships (bull values of 1d8 +28), Encounters are in the 1d12 + 7 range on the Random Encounter Char. 4. Caste Uth Wists ‘The spires of Castle Wistan rise above the forest canopy. Many Knights have set up camp on the castle grounds, There is flury of activity and a sense of great urgency. Read the following only if this isthe Sirs time the PCS have been bere "AS you approach the camp, guards hal you and ask your business. You are quickly ‘escorted io Lord Gunthar Uth Wistan, Gunthar sits straight and proud in his ‘great high-backed throne. A good and noble leider, he is despertely tying. to keep the Knighthood intact. He wishes t0 speak to you alone and dismisses the attendants, ‘As they leave, Gunthar’s demeanor changes. He slumps forward with a sigh, “I was tokd of your coming, I fear forall, free people in Ansalon. The Dragonarmies nave pressed across the Solamnic Pain and ‘only now have we discovered our folly in Palanthus. Draconian emissaries have charmed the Palanthians with lies whi building ther armies. Now only the High Clerist Tower protects the most coveted fleet of ships in all Ansilon, Unless the ‘Westgate Pass is held our cause is doomed, Yet there is worse than that, My Knights waste themselves in pointless con tests of power, my position is threatened by commanders in the Feld: my orders are questioned and even disobeyed! The Knighthood! is dead unless an exemplar of honor and strength comes to us and renews cour Fath “There ate three commanders at the tower, Lords Aurik, Michael, and Jeotie Lord Aurik is commander but i fr in bi years and lacks the wisdom he once had Lord Alffed has great sense in batle but is indecisive. Lord leoftey is motivated by his fown_ambition-watch him with are “We will give you what we can spare from our armory if you agree to aid our cause, 1 would that you journey to Palan= thus with avwrit to Astins and urge him to fonce again plead our case before the Sen ate. Then go 10 the High Clerist Tower. Another writ | give yo to gein entrance into the towerst is our holy place and the ‘oops wil allow no one in without my per mission. None have entered there for hun dreds of years, to our knowledge. Our cause is desperate enough that | am requesting that you go into the tower that is forbidden t us. Within, [am told, isthe ancient wealth of the High Clerst. Perhaps itcan be used in our cause. Now you must hhasten for time is short.” The PCs may tke the following items if they agree to aid the Knights: plate armor +4 human sized), plore armor 3 (dwarf sized, shield of missle prowetion +1; eloak of ints: ibility; longeword +3; shortsword +2. Lord Guntha’s castle is a medium-sized castle swith a curtainwall (a igh, forified wall that surrounds a castle). The castle is in excellent condition and fully functioning Tents and portable pavilions stand ‘encamped all around the castle, forming & sea ‘of color from the eastle moat 10 the forest, “There are three distinct camps (one for each (Order of the Knighis) and tempers often flare up. Encounters in this area will be in the 112+6 range on the Random Encounter Chart. Knights act according tothe guidelines sven on pages 3 and 4 ‘The Knights can offer no funher aid and strongly encourage the PCS to head toward PPalantbus and the tower as quickly as posi bie. Cast Your Fatel Attend the Whitestone Council days; go to Encounter S ‘Climb. Mount Nevermind? 20 10 Encounter 6 Go to the ships of Thalan Bay? days; go to Encounter 3 smack off 2 mark off 4 days mark off 2 5. Counc op Whitestone The dense forest opens to reveal a great ci cular meadow. Lush grist and cool, clean air greet you as you enter the glade ‘A slab of white gemstone rises at slight tangle from the center of the glade: the fabled and holy Whitestone. It is here that Paladine last touched the world, Read the following only if this isthe fist time ‘As you watch, delegates from all the fee lands of Anstion enter the grove and sit taound the Whitestone, The glade fills ‘with elves, dwarves, kender, and humans, Lastly do" the Knights of Solamnia enter ‘with Gunthar standing before the seated sembly “Lords and Ladies, [call the Whitestone Council. May our discussions yield fruit in these evil times The meeting begins with an account of your travels and discoveries. silence atest the end of the tae Tt is the last moment of peace at the meeting. The glen erupts into a conlision of shouting voices. “send these lads and their new-found ‘weapons to Palarthus! Let them prove the mettle of their weapons and. valor! the Orb of Teewall belongs to the Qualinest: Elves. We demand its immedi ate return!” “2 tales of the Dragonlance are known to all yet are these true Dragonlances? Per haps the gnomes could study them.” like the Orb in the High Clerst, ‘Tower! This Orb must not leave § Not until we understand it and dangers ean we dare. ‘0 I soe no reason why we kenders shouldn't take care of i We have never lost anything as fr as [can recall.” The Council comes to no conclusion Indeed, the elves are ready to declare war fon the Knights, while the dwarves care filly fuel the argument on both sides. The ender aren't helping: much as they taunt Doth sides to Keep tempers hot. Still the general mood seems to be ‘against you, IT you return here the Orb and lances might be taken fom you. Swift dopartre is advised by Gunther Record that the PCs have reached Adventure Goal C.If the PCs stay on Sancrist for she more days, run Event 2. Cast Your Fatel Go to Castle Wistan? —aark off 2 days; go 00 Encounter 4 limb Mount Nevermind? 40 to Encounter 6 Go to the ships of Thalan Bay’? days: go to Encounter 3 The Council of Whitestone consists of both seated and unseated members. Seated mem bers may vote in the Council's decisions and include Lord Gunthar, Duncan Hammerrock (Maser of Ergoth hill dwarves), Mir Kar-thon, (Northern Ergoth king), Serdin MarThasal (Duke of Vingaard Keep), and Gnosh (Gnome Representative of the Collective Guilds). Unseated members may not vote in Council but may voice their concerns. Many members of all races take part in Councils as unseated members The council is unable o decide on a course of action. The elves demand that the Orb be returned to them and ane prepared t9 go t0 war to regain it, The dwarves are skeptical of the worth of a Dragonlance not forged by the Hammer of Kharas. They demand possession of Huma’s Tomb and sole night to forge and wield the lances. The Knights and other ‘humans want the Tanees and Orb 10 go © the High Clerist Tower and Palants, respec: tively. None of the delegates tst the oles nor are they willing t work together mark off 4 days mark off 2 6. Mount Nevermind For three days you climb the ergy moun- tainsides. The termi is devoid of ie unl you come to the til’s end, ‘A small gnome stands in the mouth of a huge, gaping tunnel. His name is. Ghar] and he proudly tells the history of the tun: rel’s Fighting system. AC first, tempered ‘metal rods running the length of the tun nel wore heated until they emitted a bril Tiant white light. Thus, the tunnel was ighted but passersby were roasted by the hat. Cold coils were placed between the rods to offset the heat. Tis eased the tem- perature problem but resulted in billowing fog. The gnomes placed a large fan at the far end to blow the fog out. The tunnel is now hot and cold and foggy and windy all at once-but at last it % lightod. All this was done as a courtesy 10 visitor since ‘gnomes could see in the dark all along, Grae takes you inside and several com- rites of gnomes handle and investigate all your possessions. You leam firsthand of the gnomes" improvement on stars (they use catapults) and finally have an audionce with the collective guild leaders to diseuss {your equipment. You seem to reall Fizban ing that there never was a gnome who could finish a sentence, The gnomes are the technologists of Kryan They love intricate and mechanical things 10 the extent that they make everything four times larger and 1D plex than needed, As a result thei devices seldom work right (average failure rate of 70%). The gnomes ean give advice on any of the following. subjects. Read the boxed descrip ton only ifthe PCs have the item. Aer read. ing any pertinent sections, read the final section of boxed text. Dragonlance: The Weaponsmith Guild| goes into emergency session and a special Aelegation i in negotiation with the Mel aismith Guild over which guild has juris- ction in this matter ‘An officious-looking gnome reports: “The traditional Dragonlance id terrife damage to dragons and was allegedly indispensable during. the ast dragonwa, noe they used the lager version 's mounted on good dragons although the footman's model such as you have was hardly something to take lighily, ly if you are a dragon. “Anyway. Well, thee is only one ques- tion our guild has, to wit, that the Dragoniances you bring were not forged by the Hammer of Kharas, which is an impor tant part, according to legend, of the proper forging and any other method runs the risk ofthe lanee breaking upon firs use as indicated by our studies in the fields of... Ahem, That's ail we know about Dragonlances, 1 think” ‘Dragon Orb: Many guilds argue over the Orb including the Curtinmakers Guild) but finally Gnael gives you the report “The Dragon Orb or Orb as it has come to be knovn in these latter days after the foriginal loss of the Orbs which occurred around the time of the Cataelysm-the reason for which, T point out, has not yet been satisfactorily explained ‘by the Cat- ‘aclysm Section of the Cartogrphers Guild with whom I have a particular bone to pick." ‘Anyway. In any event the Orb bas properties that none of our guilds has been able 10 discover, despite the fact that the (Orb seems to constantly form a number of runic symbols on its surface and in its translucent interior. The Orb was made by the most powerfil wizards of the Age of Dreams and was originally designed to contol dragons during the time of the last ragonwar by somebow taking contol of the device through «mental process that we donot understand,.That’s all we know about Orbs The gnomes say they can tll you no more about your equipment than they have already explained. Somehow" you manage to escape with most of i Encounters inside a gnomish kingdom are almost always (90%) with gnomes. The ober 10% are inthe 1d12 + 7 range onthe Random Encounter Chart (only iH monsters encoun- tered each time). Cast Your Fatel Attend the Whitestone Council? days; go to Encounter Inquire ofthe Knights? to Encounter 5 Go to the ships of Thalan Bay? days; go to Encounter 3 mark off 4 mark off4 days; eo snark off 4 7. Southern Forest The gnarl forest resists your every step. This as though a power has been awakened by your trespass and now tnes to hold you back. Yet, after four days, you reach the caster edge of the woods, The plains stretch endlessly before you under a chill sky. It will take some time to cross that empiy expanse fo Easipor, yet the only aliemative is 10 fight your way bck through the forest Cast Your Fate! Return to the Solamnic outpost? —muark off 4 days; go to Encounter | Venture onto the Dead Plains? days; go to Encounter 8 snark off 5 Chapter 10 ENCOUNTERS 8. The Dead Plas of Exgoth Dried grastes on the westom plhins soon give way to barren wastelands, There is no fame and even water is now scarce ‘One day, as sunset tums the blue sky t2 brilliant orange, you sce a tower suddenly appear tthe north, glowing in the day's last light. The shimmering, ghostly shape looks more and more solid as the light fades. It soems to be too ephemeral 10 sir vive in the harsh light of day Cast Your Fate! Continue toward Eastport? 20 to Encounter 10, Divert to the ghostly citadel? ay; go to Encounter 9 mark off 2 days marke off 1 9. Ghostly Cmadel. Rushing madly across the darkening plain, ‘you reach the pret tower. Its form is haey and hard to se. ‘The great doors open before you. Within, broad steps rise to a safly glowing dis, A brilliant erovm of interwoven plat: num strands set with jewels is alop the ais. [As you move toward the crown, the tower grows dark and transforms. You are Sanding atop a great tower with a batle ‘breaking against is fomitied walls, A shad- ‘wy figure places @ crown atop a skull. Rays of light fy from the skull, dealing death to the enemies below. Seatered bones gather to the skull and a great bishop of 00d stands before you in bilint robes. ‘Abruptly, the scene disappears. You are standing in’the midst of the baren plain, Yer all is not as it was, An are of sand platinum fited with mu-dulled jewels is half buried in the ground. There is no doubt that this is one-third of the crown, ‘You Saw on the tower dais, The players now possess one-thind of the Crown oF Yanis (ee page 31). If the crown is discovered here then the sea captain in Encounter 13 does not have it. Con versely, ifthe PCs already have the crown piece fom the sea captain then its not found here Encounters hee are in the 1d10 +34 range ‘on the Random Encounter Chart Mark off 3 days as well as Advemure Goal A. Then go to Encounter 10, 10. Eastport [A stung salty breeze beckons to you fom ‘over a last Fine of hills, Barren plains have fiver way (0 scattered farmlands and now the outpost of Easipot lies below “The dirt strets are wet and muddy near the great docks. The small hatbor provides some protection for the fishing boats that bob ike toys in the storm-roughened ‘At dock stands a massive Palanthian ‘warship, proof that the Palanthian tt stil maintains her great and ancient war- ships the only warships in Ansalon to sur vive the Catactysm, ‘A nearby inn is full of troops from the ship. They jostle about with riotous aban don. You strike up @ conversation with one ff the soldiers, He urges you to take pas sage on his ship. I's leaving at dawn and is the only craft capable of taking you off Ergoth in this weather. Cast Your Fatel Return to the Solamanic Outpost? — mt off 7 dlays; go to Encounter 1 Sail withthe Palanthians? off 17 days and Adventure Goal; go to Encounter 11 11. The Warship “The great warship offers you a chance to bone’ your skills in battle. The Palanian troops’ of? you their best weapons to take ‘with you into bate mmeilium shield +2, two-handed sword handed armor +2, chain mail armor +3, Battle axe +2. ‘The PCS also meet the same sokier they saw at the ian in Eastport. He strikes up a converse- tion with them. “What a job, eh!” he says. “The Senate sends us ut 1 find rare plants, Pras Paladine we have found them and are now returning home. “Tl bet you're heading for the war Well, you could do worse than come 10 Palantius and help those poor crazed Solamnies! They are out at theit holy tower, getting the draconians all stirred vp. They're gambling our safety as though itwere a game of Khas and I sincerely doubt 9 they have the 33h in their pocket “Haven't heard of the 33rd, eh? Wel, it's an old legend of the Clerst Tower. Old Yarus, the last High Cleric of the place, Joved ‘Khas and seklom los. It was said that he had a 33nd Khas piece, one more than the game eal for, that he could bring onto the board t© magically eliminate his ‘opponent’ pieces. rhat's a miracle and 1 doubt the Knights have any lef.” The ship is a Warship with @ hull rating of and a crew complement of 50, fot Eneounter 17 12. Crengoth Citadel Read the first boxed section only if this is the first time the PCs have been here. The second boxed section may’ be read each time the PCS center Cacrgoth ‘The great ciffs of Caergoth rise from the sea in breathtaking splendor. The gleam: ing towers of the citadel crown the cliff. People hurry through the streets, imps tient at even the slightst delay. There are ‘many ships, heavily laden and all bound for distant shores. [As you travel through the city, you hap- pen upon a group of wizards. Their Fesponse to you is most perplexing. "We were worried that you would not come in time. We fear for the Knights at the High Clerist Tower. They are involved with powers far beyond their ken! “That great tower was built during the ‘Age of Dreams. Most peculiar is tha its constriction was planned! around one cen- tral objecta dreal Dragon Orb? Litle is known of the Orhs save they ‘were wrought by the mightiest of our fonder! We would not dare to use an Orb Yet we fear an Orb still remains in the tower. If itis used by the Knightswoe unto them! "The wizards leave you as quietly as they The great city is emptying as ts people ee to the wes. There i litle ese for you ready to sail to Palanthus. Ps tes at Thelgaard and Solanthus could most benefit fom your aid. You could always, take the western roads overland to Palan- thus fom ether of these cities Marke Adventure Goal C on the Adventure Clock Cast Your Fatet Sail for Palanthus? Encounter 13, Journey north toward Solanthus? — mark off 7 days: go to Encounter lt mark off 13 days: go 10 15. Sea Voce ‘On the long sea voyage, you soon get 1 Jkaow the captain of he ship. A hearty salt, the captain does his best to care for your eds, invites you into his cabin 1 have word of where you be and would like t tell you a tle. “My mother was a disciple of the rei tion of the Clerist Tower. O'course, th was many years after the place had become ranght but a home for ghosts and the lke, Sill she felt the spirit of the Old Ones and from time to time went to worship in the temple-not that the Knights liked it! They don’t allow a soul into thsit edifice, not even themscives, so T hear Sill, | remember when she would tell re about the great temple and the time she managed to give those Solamnics the Slip and get in, Said she cred at the altar for the beauty of the temple. Then angels ‘came and led her to the heart of the tower. There she saw a piece of the Yanis Miter, the Crown of the High Clerist. She Tifted it up and heard voices crying out in ther head! She didn't remiember more and awoke outside the tower with the crown sill in hand, The thing cut deep into her Flesh. She carried the scars to her final rest, she did. She sid the spirits had tld her to keep the piece safe from evil until the the miter could be united and again crown the dead 10 save the living, ‘She lel it to me and i€ all I gather is itis better that you have it than LT’ fal if you would return it to the He gives you a velvet bag. Within is an ‘are of platinum fitted with delicate jewels ‘The remainder of the journey passes without incident Soon your ship passes the Gates of Pafadine and anchors in the mugaificent hurbor of Palantus! Tell the players that they now possess one part of the Crown of Yarus (see page 31), Mark Adventure Goal A on the Adventure Clock, then go to Encounter 17. 14, Southlind Bitter winds sweep from the north down the Solamnie plain, Brittle twigs of brush shiver over the slushy ground on either side of the road. ‘You have traveled north fr several days Now the road forks to the northeast (oward the Solamnic plain) and to the northwest (along the west side of the Vine gard Mountains). Read the following boxed text only if this is the first time the PCS have been her From the northeast, a singe line of can be seem approaching. Armored knights 18 they near you. exchanging greetings they give you news of the wars “The armics to the northeast are doing well enough,” says Markus, a mereenary Knight lntely in the service of the Solamnic Koights at’ Solanthus. “I's the army at Palanthus that has “em wortied stiff. Sure enough the war may well be lost unless they get some help up there mighty quickly The mercenaries are tired of war and offer you the use of excess armor they hi picked up. “Where you're goin” you'll need it more than we.” The PCs receive the following: plate armor +3 (human sized), plate armor +2 (avart sized), langsword +3, dwarven hattleaxe +3 Cast Your Fatel Go west to Palanthus? {20 t0 Encounter 16 Go east to Solanthus? Encounter 15 Return to Caergoth? —mark off 7 days; go to tw Encounter 12 smatk off 7 days: go mark off I day; go 10 Chapter 10: Encounters 15. Thelgaand The smell of smoke filly the air. The city surrounding Thelgaand Keep is a burning ruin. Yet the castle stil stands. Far to the cast the towers of Solanthus can be seen, Great armies clsh on the plain between the castle and the distant eitdel. The bru- tal war continues. You are soon halted by a guard and taken 1 the commanding officer of the watch, He hears only half your tale before taking you before the Lord Regenald, War- rior Lord of Thelgaard. You tll him of your journeys “Your aid is desperately needed to the north. Look upon this map af Solamnia Show the players a map of Solamnia as you read the following “Here, between Thelgaard and Solanthus, is where we have stopped the advance of the the Blue Wing of the Dragonarmy. The Dragonarmy started its move from Daargard Keep. The northern force pressed swifly across the plain o Vingaard Keep, taking it ina few weeks, The south fern branch, supported by fresh troops from Lemish, quickly moved to cut off Solan thus from outside help. It was beween Solanthus and Thelgaard that the Dragon ighlord met her first real resistance, “Our armies are giving @ good fight 1 those temble dragons and draconans ‘Much of the Dragon Highlor!'s might is concentrated here, Yet 100 late do we dis fever the flaw in our plan, “Here, at the High Clerst Tower, is the small contingent we placed to guard the pass. Yet we have news that the northern branch of the Dragonanmy has marched fiom Vingaard Keep and is moving toward the tower, Our armies here are engaged in fierce batle-we cannot aid the tower Our northern brothers have only a tenuous hold on the very gates to Palanthus ‘Should Palantas be lost, then £0 shall its fleets. Without them, we have little hope of sustaining ourselves in this long “Please take this writ to Palanthas, If the Palanthian armies come to our aid we have a hance to hold our free lands.” Encounters here are in the 1420 + 12 range. You should encourage your players to avoid this are, leading them instead to where they tare more needed: Palanthus and the High Clerst Tower. Chapter 1C Lp rorol ea] If you are using BATTLESYSTEM™ for this adventure and the PCs become involved in battles between the Whitestone Forces and the Dragonarmies, select representative units fom Appendix 4 and use tern layouts from the BATTLESYSTEM Scenario book. Again, the players should understand that they are needed urgently atthe High Clerist Tower. 16. Coustlund ‘The days pass as you travel through the small settlements and towns lacing the fooibills west of the Vingaard Mountains. ‘The towns and countryside are overflowing ‘with refugees from the Solamaie plains who are now trapped between the moun- tains and the sea In one small towa, an innkeeper hap. pens to overhear your destination, “Par. {don me, but an elder of our town had an facestor who was a steward in the Clerst Keep. Would you want to speak with him before you leave? He might be able to tll you about the 3nd picce! He is but a day's travel up the mountain. (Mack Adventure Goal B on the Adventure Clock. Cast Your Fatel limb the mountain to the elder? —mack of? 15 days; ead both following boxed sections; {g0 0 Encounter 17 Continue on to Palanthus? —mark off 13 days; read only the second section of boxed text go to Encounter 17 ‘A Tight rain begins to fal as you joumey up the mountainside, The last rays oF the son stream through a break in the clouds, bathing the scene in orange light ‘A simple cottage sits at a bend in the road, just as the innkeeper said. Inside you find ‘an okd man. The years have Tined his Face and whitened his thin hair, but bis yes are bright and cleat. Tht night, to the constant ratile ofthe min, he tells you his tale. “My ancestor was there at the time of the Cataclysm, His tale has boen passed down the generations in my family. Now I tel it to you “The tower is a deceptive build times of peace, one could walk from the base of the tower to is uppermost reaches ‘sage. Yet those who knew the ways of the tower could activate its marvelous defenses and make ita temible forress of war. “Lord Yanus was the Lord High Clerist of the Knights of Solamnia in those times the last of the Lond High Clerist. A good man and the most powerful cleric of his time. Yarus and his bitter enemy, Kurs, Bishop of Sargonaas, often played Khas within Yaruss chambers. They would play before the throne of Yarus high above the Council Chamber in the uppermost reaches of the tower. “So it was en the day of the Cataclysm, Kurnos was there with Yarus when the world came to an end, My ancestor was tutside the tower could not get back in Sounds of bate and horror and tormented Spirits came from within, Yet he was confi- dlent that Yarus would win in the end. My ancestor said Yarus must have had the 33rd ieee “The 33nd piece was a legend of old Yarus. A'game of Khas has only 32 picces When asked how he always won, Yans would smile and say he had a 33nd pice. The legend grow that it epresentad Khas pieces from previous games that retumed Unseen and swayed the game in his favor. “Now the Knights of Solamnia guard the tower and only those who can slip past their watchful eyes can find the way imo the inner chambers, The tower's vast trea: sury at the end of the Etemal Hall has ever been plundered because of the ‘guards and the terror inside the tower. The southern entrance leads straight to the heart of the tower. My ancestor also men- tioned a stair that ascended the height of the structure, That isthe end of my know! edge of the tower” You bid farewell and depart forthe jour rey down the mouatai, The day is) sill chilly despite the impending. spring You continue your joumey northward for nine more days until you at last come around the northern end of the impassable Vingaard mountains. The great Gates of Paladine stand on either side of the bay's entrance while four days to the south fleams the city of Palanthus. 17. Palanithas without ever being hindered in one's pas The great Cityhome of Palanthus majest cally eradles the Bay of Branchala in her ‘utswept armas. Spires of gleaming. white Pierce the blue sky. In the bay Sits the u ‘greatest let on Krynn: mighty warships ‘vith their low hall, merchant ships with tall rigging, fishing craft, and many smaller boats. It 8 a city without equal untouched by the Cataelysm. Streets paved in closesfited stone are Manked by luncounted statues of the ancient heroes Great wide steps of white granite rise to colossal pavilions supported by fluted columns. Its a city fom a different age You find your way to the Library of Palanthus, a tremendous building ising from the east side of the city’s vast main square, ‘Your request 9 see Astinus is greeted with skepticism until Astinus.himsel? ‘comes from his chambers to greet you. He alone has seen your deeds and recorded them. Though he can only see events in the pas, his visions of history may aid in your endeavor. Astius has much information to give the PCs about the Adventure Goals they have reached and the tower artifacts connected to those goals The tower will contain the Goal Anifiets that correspond to the Adventure Goals the PCs Feached in this chapter. For each goal (A, By and C) the PCS reached, read the mati boxed text below. Then toll 1d6 and consult the Anifaet Placement Table. This tale tells you where the artifact sin the wwer and gives tn additional section of boxed text 10 read 10 the players. (Roll twice if the players reached Adventure Goal A-once for each of the two remaining pieces of the Crown of Yarus) If @ roll indicates a previously rolled lotion, roll the die again, Note the location of each arti- Fact on the Adventure Clock, Arfflact Placement Table Die Boxed text Anifaet Roll to read location lop 35. Alar of the Orb 2 £ (62. The Ftemnal Halls 3 oF 65. Treasury 406 80, Nest of the Kingfisher 5 ou 78. Grim Watch 201 63, Tron Golems Ics important to remember that only the anti= fits that correspond to reached Adventure Goals will be in the tower. ‘The Cataelysm suck the tower and felled the high clerst as be sat playing Kas. His great crown, which held his life, was sundered into three pieces and taken ‘Quickly by his spirit guardians 10 places of Safe keeping. Fitst one piece, then another. Only two of the pieces do I se...” “Indeed there was a 33rd Khas piece, dat of a wizand made of crystalline steel whose powers were said to be connected with the Knights of Sokamnia of old It was secreted in the tower long c gh Clerist was built ‘most oddly. There was once a Dragon Orb there, although to what purpose it existed, D “The Tower of the Hi none ow understand.” ren as the Cataelysm rang across the land, it was placed eareflly om a das atthe base of a great shat surrounded by weld secured doors.” E “A guardian in the tower brought it with his last breath to a Hall of Etemity: that looked infinitely far in all directions” F “Ik was placed in the most secure place of the tower, with all the other precious gems and treasures, suspended over a great shaft” G was lifted through the levels of the tower into the high places and locked H “In Yarus’s own chambers, under the uardianship of loyal and wondrous ser ants, was i set “In the days of an endows fall was room watched over by on ant wierd Tere was it secured” When all these preparations are completed finish by reading the following. ‘Much to your dismay, Astinus’s advice is the only ad this city offers. Complacent in thei ploy, the eiizens do not believe that the Drigonamy will trouble Palanthus “The Senate as been taken in by dhe assur lances and_ smooth words of the draconian femissories. Comuption is rife and the army ean be bought into service if enough money is offerad. You feel sure that the Drgonarmy will crush the city unless the people are brought to their senses soon You travel south to the Clevist Tower under cloudy skies. Rain soon pelts you, tuming the toad into a muddy moras, Palanthus is a focal point forall the good in ‘man as well as the bad. The beauty ofthe city the vast knowledge stored in her library, and ity culture and history contrast sharply with the Senate's coeruption and the complacence and indifference of the populace. The Palan- thians believe that the war, like the Cata- clysm, will pass them by. ‘They deride the Kaighis of Solamnia for drumming up sup- port for the war. Only a great shock will bring them to their senses The army of Palanthus could be bribed into action with approsimately 80% of the tre sure in the High Clerst Tower. Proceed to Chapter Ll. ‘Music by Frank Mentzer d= 104 Grandioso ‘Words by Tracy Hickman ¢ . Dee eit Po ; ae * 4g Be @ Blew thas i ries 6 tens un ke meine for slo 9: font a of my dees Barus oth Tie ern ie eead tr sesh rch Ps by dragon Po 2 @t tho rom alloy my wil ah st pl =m dae Be ane —— word — ma-fib at - aud an masini breiving Gods strength. =10 my pevamoth kan Temond fou epar ab nd of ace bio fam