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'HSDUWPHQWRIElectrical Engineering, Department of Electrical Engineering, Department of Electrical Engineering,
Diponegoro University, Diponegoro University, Diponegoro University,

$EVWUDFW² ,Q WKLV SDSHU D FRPSDULVRQ RI OHDNDJH FXUUHQW conductor with a tower or supporting pole is isolated by a
EHWZHHQVLOLFRQHUXEEHULQVXODWRUVGLIIHUHQWVKHGHSR[\UHVLQV solid insulating material called an insulator [1].
DQG WKH VDPH HSR[\ VKHG UHVLQ WR REWDLQ FRPSDUDWLYH YDOXHV The most common and widely used insulation materials in
EHWZHHQLQVXODWRUIRUPVDQGLQVXODWRUPDWHULDOVXVHGE\WHVWLQJ Indonesia are ceramics (porcelain), glass and polymers, with
some disanvatages and advantages. The advantages of
ceramic and glass insulating materials are good heat capacity
WKHIORZRILQIRUPDWLRQDYDLODEOH,WZDVIRXQGWKDWWKHFRQWDFW and low thermal conductivity, corrosion resistant, hard and
DQJOHRIWKHVLOLFRQHUXEEHULQVXODWRUZDVͼ7KHGLIIHUHQW strong, but the ceramic and glass insulation materials have a
ZDUHKRXVH HSR[\ UHVLQ FRQWDFW DQJOHV IURP ULFH KXVN DVK mechanical weakness that is heavy and water-absorbing
LQVXODWRUV EHIRUH EHLQJ FUXVKHG KDG ͼ FRQWDFW DQJOHV (hygroscopic) so that leakage current easily on a surface that
WKH VDPH HSR[\ IODNH UHVLQ IURP ULFH KXVN DVK EHIRUH EHLQJ Compared to ceramic or glass materials, polymer insulation
FUXVKHG ZDV ͼ EXW DIWHU WLG\LQJ WKH YDOXH FKDQJHG WR materials have the advantage of being dilutive, volume
ͼ%DVHGRQGDWDREVHUYDWLRQDQGDQDO\VLVLQIRUPDWLRQLV resistivity and good thermal properties, relatively light
construction, high acid resistance and hydrophobic
OHDNDJH FXUUHQW YDOXH RI  P$ DQG IRU WKH VPDOOHVW properties, while for lack of weatherproof resistance will
OHDNDJHLVWKH6LOLFRQH5XEEHULVRODWRURQWKHN9VLJQDOZLWK cause decreased mechanical strength as well as susceptible to
WHVWLQJ FRQGLWLRQV ZLWK D FRQGXFWLYLW\ YDOXH RI  P6 WKH Various studies show thats the failure of insulators
ELJJHVW OHDNDJH FXUUHQW LV WKH VDPH VKHHG LQVXODWRU ZLWK D that cause large losses is the result of two aspects of surface
OHDNDJH FXUUHQW YDOXH RI  P$ DQG WKH OHDVW OHDNDJH aspects that cause the emergence of surface leakage current
FXUUHQWRQWKHVLOLFRQHUXEEHULQVXODWRUDWDYROWDJHRIN9 and bulk aspects with decreasing dielectric properties that
ZLWK D OHDNDJH FXUUHQW YDOXH RI  P$  )RU ZHW make the breakdown easily because of lightning strikes or
switching. The insulating aspect of ceramic and glass
containers is stable against aging, but the surface is easily
OHDVW OHDNDJH FXUUHQW RQ WKH VLOLFRQH UXEEHU LVRODWRU DW D moistened (wettability) by mist, moisture or rain because it
YROWDJHRIN9ZLWKDOHDNDJHFXUUHQWYDOXHRIP$ has high surface energy. The characteristics of the surface of
)RU WHVWLQJ FRQGLWLRQV RI ZHW FRQGLWLRQLQJ ZLWK D FRQGXFWLYLW\ the wet insulators (hydrophilic) such as ceramic / glass
YDOXH RI  P6 P6 WKH ODUJHVW OHDNDJH FXUUHQW LV WKH VDPH insulators are less favorable when operated in high-density
VKHHG LVRODWRU ZLWK D OHDNDJH FXUUHQW YDOXH RI  P$ and polluted areas such as industrial / urban areas, coastal
DQGWKHOHDVWOHDNDJHFXUUHQWRQWKHVLOLFRQHUXEEHULVRODWRUDW areas because they can cause corrosion, increased leakage
D YROWDJH RI  N9 ZLWK D OHDNDJH FXUUHQW YDOXH RI  current and trigger tension via flashover.
P$ Chosen ash rice husk as the filler, because during this ash rice
husk is generally only used as abrasive ash, fuel especially in
brick making industry, decoration material or even thrown
into animal cage. In fact, based on the results of research, rice
husks when burned at a temperature between 500°C to 700°C
within 1 to 2 hours turned out to contain a lot of amorphous
silica. And in relation to electricity, silica is usually used as a
filler in the manufacture of high voltage insulators.
, ,1752'8&7,21 Research on the electrical characteristics of silicon
In transmission line and distribution network systems, a rubber polymer insulators and epoxy resin polymer insulators
conductor with another conductor is insulated by air, while a with ash rice husk and alumina ash fillers especially in dry
and wet conditions is not widely practiced. The
characteristics of the suspension type insulator will be

k,((( 260
evaluated by providing various climate and artificial
pollution by referring to IEC 1109 standards and research that
has been and is working both within and outside the country.

,, (;3(5,0(17$/6(783
The samples used in this research are sillicone rubber
(factory-made) insulator and 20 kV epoxy resin insulator
(different sheed and same sheed). Measurements were made
using high-frequency alternating 50 Hz to obtain leakage
current on the surface of the test insulator. The use of high Fig 3, Angle surface contact of insulator
voltage is intended to have sufficient electrical pressure From the measurement of the contact angle on the resin epoxy
(electric field strength) on the surface of the insulator. For resin of the same shed and different shed before it was known
epoxy resin insulators using the ratio of base polymers of that the values obtained were 110.57° and 99.70°, this
DGEBA (Diglycidyl Ether of Bisphenol-A) epoxy resin indicates that the resin epoxy resin sample is same shed and
polymer (40%), MPDA (Metaphenylene - diamine) or different shed in the range 90° to 180° which can be
hardening agent (40%), Alumina (Al2O3) (10%), and rice categorized as Not wetted. While the result of measurement
husk ash (10%). of contact angle on the resin epoxy resin of the same shed
and different shed after puncture can be known that the value
obtained is 70,87 ° and 66,09 ° measurement of contact angle
of epoxy resin polymer resin conditioner after the above
refined show average contact angle value -70,87° and is in
the range of 300 to 890, so it can be categorized as Partially
Wetted and contact angle on silicone rubber insulator in the
average angle of contact value of 81.44° and is in the range
of 0° to 90°, categorized as partially wetted (partially wet).
The result of measuring the contact angle between the epoxy
(a) (b)
resin insulator before smoothing with the epoxy resin
insulator after smoothing indicates that the insulator before
Fig 1, Insulator test (a). Insulator resin epoxy different shed and
same shed (b). Silicone rubber (artificial) the smoothing has a larger contact angle value. This means
that the insulator before smoothing is more water resistant
In the test, the insulator is placed in a chamber test made of (hydrophobic).
glass (80x80x100) cm with a thickness of 5mm. The test
chamber is equipped with a system of temperature and Table 1, Measurement Results Contact Angle Resolves Insulator
humidity regulation, mist system, and heating system. with Epoxy.
the same test treatment ie testing dry and wet conditions. For
No Insulator Awal After
wet testing use different conductivity values that is 10mS /
cm, 12mS / cm and 14mS / cm. 1 Silicone Insulator Rubber (SiR) 81,44 81,44
The leakage current measurement circuit used in this 2 Epoxy Resin Different Shed 99,70 66,09
experiment is shown in Fig 2. Direct measurement of analog 3 Epoxy Resin Same Shed 110,57 70,87
output interfacing and data is recorded through an
oscilloscope and then stored on a personal computer, PC. The Based on the data in Table 1, it shows that the insulator of
rated voltage is set to 15 kV, representing the line-to-neutral Epoxy Resin Different Shed and Same Shed in the initial
voltage operation for each of the two insulators supporting condition is Not wetted. This is due to the influence of
the 20 kV distribution line. alumina in the insulator. Alumina has chemical constituents
Al2O3 which is an omphoteric oxide and has hydrophobic or
water-resistant properties. The decrease of the angle of
contact from the initial condition to the subtle condition is
due to the fine condition of the surface shape is better, the
surface of the previously rugged insulator and still has the
pores become smooth and the pores disappear after the
smoothing process with the paper sandpaper number 500cw
and 1000cw.

Fig 2, Leakage Current test circuit. /($.$*(&855(177(675(68/7

,,, 5(68/76$1'',6&866,21 Measurement of leakage current on the insulator Epoxy Resin
+<'523+3%,&&217$&7$1*/( Different Shed after smoothing conditions describes the
The following is the calculation and analysis of contact angle normal conditions when hanging insulators are installed in
insulator silicone rubber resin epoxy different shed and resin outdoor conditions and in a sunny state. Measurements were
insulator epoxy same shed. made at a temperature of 25ͼC with 68% humidity. The result
of measurement of leakage current on silicone rubber

insulator, insulator of Different Shed Epoxy Resin and the ingredients are easily obtained is also the most conductive
same shed epoxy resin insulator. type of salt compared to other salt types so it is considered
representative enough to represent the influence of pollution
on the performance of polymer insulators in the tropics. The
data of leakage current on wet condition testing condition
between Silicon Rubber insulator with Different Shed epoxy
resin insulator and with Same Shed epoxy resin insulator
compared to graph, 7, 8, and 9:

Fig 4, Graph of comparison of average leakage current at SiR and

Same Shed Epoxy resin insulator in dry condition

Fig 7, Graph of comparison of average leakage current at SiR

insulator Wet test with various conductivity values.

Fig 5, Graph of comparison of average leakage current at Different

Sheed Epoxy Resin Insulator and Same Shed Epoxy resin insulator
in dry condition

Fig 8, Average leakage current comparison chart on insulator

Epoxy Different Shed Resin Wet test with various conductivity

Fig 6, Graph of comparison of average leakage current in different

sheed and same sheed insulators in dry Condition
Based on the curve of fig 4 above, it is seen that in the test of
silicone rubber insulator with the same shed epoxy resin is
the comparison of the type of material used. In the test in the
value can be leakage current insulator with silicone rubber
material is smaller than the insulator resin epoxy same shed. Fig 9, Average leakage current comparison graph on isolator
Based on the curve image 6, it is seen that in testing of Epoxy Same Shed Resin Wet test with various conductivity values.
different shed epoxy resin insulators with the same shed
epoxy resin is a comparison of the type of insulator form From the graph above, it is known that the concentration of
used. In the test in the value can be leakage current insulator salt have an effect on the leakage current characteristic of
with the same shed material smaller than the resin insulator Silicone Rubber (SiR) insulator as well as isolator of Epoxy
epoxy different shed. This is because the epoxy epoxy resin Different Shed Resin and Same Shed insulator. At a salt level
insulator of the different sheed type is shorter the track of up to 10 mS/cm the leakage current in the polymer
distance than the shed epoxy resin insulator. insulator is still very small but after the salinity is raised up
to 14 mS/cm it is known that the leakage current in each of
%/HDNDJH&XUUHQW:HW&RQGLWLRQ the Different Shed epoxy resin insulators is greater than the
Testing of leakage current characteristics of the SIR polymer leakage current in Silicone Rubber (SiR) and Same Shed
insulator under the influence of wet conditions is carried out epoxy resin insulators. Furthermore, to determine the effect
by making salt mist in the chamber with varying of wet conditions on aging and degradation on polymer
concentrations. The salt we use is NaCl because the

insulators can be known by following IEC 1109 procedure on
testing the effect of simultaneous pressure made.

,9 &21&/86,21
The conclusion, this study shows that at dry testing the value
of leakage current increases as the applied voltage is raised,
and in wet test conditions the higher the pollutant is applied
the more the leakage current increases.
Leakage of current moisture variation is not much different,
although the leakage current of rice husk epoxy resin
insulator is greater than that of silicone rubber. However, the
material used to make the efficiency of rice husk epoxy ash
insulators is more environmentally friendly because it utilizes
waste, ie in the form of agricultural rice husks into something
useful for electrical equipment.

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