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Equal rights are made for everybody.

The United States Constitution may not

guarantee that citizens’ rights are protected, but with the addition of the Equal

Rights Amendment, everyone will now have legal civil, human, and diplomatic

rights from any and all types of prejudice.

Senators, for the following reasons I give you today, I urge you to vote in

negation/affirmation of Senator _____________________’s legislation for the

following two reasons: one, women’s rights will be given a legal basis, and two,

the abolition of gender discriminating laws.

Firstly, Senators, women’s rights will be given a legal basis. According to Crystal

L. Lombardo, who has a thriving career in women’s rights, “The Equal Rights

Amendment will effectively put an end to the discussion or debate regarding

gender equality. Men and women will be finally recognized as equals, sparing

women from the need to fight for their standing in the society and to have level

footing with men. And, “She will be able to take advantage of medical care, travel,

vocational training and a wider range of associations.” According to,

the Equal Rights Amendment would clarify the legal standard for court rulings on

cases related to gender discrimination. At present, nearly everything women

receive has to go through the courts where officials have an opportunity to use
‘protective laws’ to place women in their rightful place in society, effectively

ending further arguments. But when the Equal Rights Amendment is passed, all

forms of gender discrimination will no longer be tolerated and legal rulings will be

given a set standard.

Secondly, Senators, the abolition of gender discriminating laws. According to, “Once the Equal Rights Amendment becomes part of the

Virginia Constitution, all Virginia federal laws and family court laws that

discriminate on account of sex would be completely abolished. Gender favoritism

would become illegal as well as any prejudice is shown based on gender.” It will

minimize gender discrimination as well as, “it would also be easy to take legal

action against anyone who violates the law.”

Senators, a long time ago… women were once seen to be less important than boys

and men. It cannot be denied that even today, men are being treated better than

women, so Senators, there are 50 states, 15 states have not passed the Equal Rights

Amendment, so allow us to be the first and change the life for the women being

discriminated for their gender. We must do something…

For the following reasons I’ve given you today, I urge you to vote in

negation/affirmation of Senator ________________’s legislation for the following

two reasons: one, women’s rights will be given a legal basis, and two, the abolition

of gender discriminating laws.

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