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1. Which of the following is an example of an action verb?

A) Running
B) Happiness
C) Tree
D) Quickly

2. Select the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence: She ________ to the store every
A) Go
B) Goes
C) Going
D) Gone

3. What is the main verb in the following sentence? "The cat is sleeping on the couch."
A) The
B) Cat
C) Is
D) Sleeping

4. Which of the following is a linking verb?

A) Run
B) Became
C) Eat
D) Jump

5. Identify the verb phrase in the sentence: "I have been studying for the exam."
A) Have been studying
B) For the exam
C) I
D) Exam

6. Choose the correct past tense form of the verb "swim":

A) Swimmed
B) Swam
C) Swum
D) Swimming

7. Select the verb in the present participle form: "The children are playing in the park."
A) Children
B) Are
C) Playing
D) Park

8. Which of the following is a transitive verb?

A) Run
B) Laugh
C) Sleep
D) Eat

9. Choose the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence: They ________ the basketball
A) Win
B) Wins
C) Winning
D) Won

10. What is the base form of the verb "drove"?

A) Drive
B) Driven
C) Driving
D) Drives

11. Which of the following is an example of a proper noun?

a) book
b) teacher
c) New York City
d) happiness

12. Which of the following is a common noun?

a) table
b) Paris
c) Michael
d) honesty

13. Identify the abstract noun in the sentence: "She showed great courage in facing her fears."
a) great
b) courage
c) facing
d) fears

14. Choose the plural form of the noun "child":

a) childs
b) childes
c) children
d) child's

15. Select the collective noun in the sentence: "A flock of birds flew across the sky."
a) flew
b) birds
c) sky
d) flock

16. Which of the following is a countable noun?

a) water
b) knowledge
c) chair
d) love

17. Identify the possessive noun in the sentence: "The cat's toy is missing."
a) cat's
b) toy
c) is
d) missing

18. Choose the abstract noun in the sentence: "Happiness is a state of mind."
a) state
b) happiness
c) mind
d) is

19. Which of the following is a collective noun?

a) apple
b) team
c) happiness
d) courage

20. Identify the concrete noun in the sentence: "She picked up the beautiful flower."
a) picked
b) beautiful
c) flower
d) she

21. Which of the following is an adjective?

a) Run
b) Beautiful
c) Quickly
d) Table

22. Select the adjective in the sentence: "The tall building stood proudly in the city."
a) The
b) Tall
c) Stood
d) In

23. Identify the adjective in the sentence: "She wore a red dress to the party."
a) She
b) Wore
c) Red
d) Party

24. Choose the adjective that correctly completes the sentence: "The ___________ cat slept
peacefully in the sun."
a) Running
b) Sleep
c) Peacefully
d) Sun

25. Which word is an adjective in the sentence: "The old book had yellowed pages."
a) The
b) Old
c) Had
d) Yellowed

26. Select the adjective in the sentence: "The loud thunder scared the children."
a) The
b) Loud
c) Thunder
d) Scared

27. Identify the adjective in the sentence: "He is a talented musician."

a) He
b) Is
c) Talented
d) Musician

28. Choose the adjective that correctly completes the sentence: "The ___________ flowers
bloomed in the garden."
a) Bloomed
b) Garden
c) Beautiful
d) In

29. Which word is an adjective in the sentence: "The happy family enjoyed their vacation."
a) The
b) Happy
c) Enjoyed
d) Vacation

30. Select the adjective in the sentence: "The cold wind blew through the open window."
a) The
b) Cold
c) Blew
d) Open

31. Which of the following is an adverb?

a) Quickly
b) Cat
c) Running
d) Beautiful

32. Choose the adverb that correctly completes the sentence: "She sings ________."
a) Good
b) Beautiful
c) Well
d) Amazingly

33. Identify the adverb in the sentence: "The dog barked loudly."
a) The
b) Dog
c) Barked
d) Loudly

34. Select the adverb in the sentence: "They arrived late to the party."
a) They
b) Arrived
c) Late
d) Party

35. Which adverb describes how an action is performed?

a) Noun
b) Adjective
c) Verb
d) Adverb

36. Choose the adverb that correctly completes the sentence: "He speaks ________."
a) Good
b) Beautiful
c) Well
d) Amazingly

37. Identify the adverb in the sentence: "She carefully placed the vase on the table."
a) She
b) Carefully

c) Placed
d) Vase

38. Select the adverb in the sentence: "He quickly ran to catch the bus."
a) He
b) Quickly
c) Ran
d) Bus

39. Which of the following is NOT an adverb?

a) Slowly
b) Happily
c) Tall
d) Quietly

40. Choose the adverb that correctly completes the sentence: "They played ________ in the
a) Slow
b) Happily
c) Dog
d) Green

41. Which of the following is an example of a personal pronoun?

a) book
b) he
c) run
d) happy

42. Identify the correct indefinite pronoun in the sentence: "Someone left their jacket on the
a) someone
b) left
c) their
d) chair

43. Select the reflexive pronoun in the sentence: "I bought myself a new car."
a) I
b) bought
c) myself
d) car

44. Choose the correct possessive pronoun to complete the sentence: "The pen is ______."
a) they
b) theirs
c) them

d) their

45. Which of the following is a demonstrative pronoun?

a) who
b) this
c) she
d) is

46. Identify the correct relative pronoun in the sentence: "The person who won the race gets
a trophy."
a) person
b) who
c) race
d) gets

47. Choose the appropriate interrogative pronoun for the question: "______ is your favorite
a) What
b) They
c) There
d) She

48. Which pronoun can be used to refer to a group of people?

a) it
b) him
c) us
d) me

49. Select the correct intensive pronoun in the sentence: "I myself saw the accident."
a) I
b) saw
c) the
d) myself

50. Choose the correct pronoun to complete the sentence: "______ is the tallest building in the
a) He
b) She
c) It
d) They

51. Which of the following is NOT a preposition?

a) with
b) after
c) jump

d) by

52. Choose the correct preposition to complete the sentence: "The book is ___ the table."
a) on
b) over
c) through
d) to

53. Select the preposition that correctly fills in the blank: "I went ___ the store to buy some
a) at
b) with
c) into
d) for

54. Identify the prepositional phrase in the sentence: "The cat slept under the bed."
a) The cat slept
b) under the bed
c) The cat
d) slept under

55. Which of the following prepositions indicates location?

a) during
b) since
c) below
d) until
56. Choose the correct preposition to complete the sentence: "The children played ___ the
a) in
b) at
c) with
d) from

57. Select the preposition that correctly fills in the blank: "She lives ___ the city center."
a) by
b) for
c) after
d) without

58. Identify the prepositional phrase in the sentence: "The car drove past the red traffic light."
a) The car drove
b) past the red
c) traffic light
d) drove past

59. Which of the following prepositions indicates time?
a) above
b) behind
c) during
d) across

60. Choose the correct preposition to complete the sentence: "They traveled ___ Europe for
their summer vacation."
a) above
b) through
c) under
d) without

61. Which of the following is a coordinating conjunction?

a) and
b) because
c) although
d) therefore

62. Identify the subordinating conjunction in the sentence: "I will go for a walk if it stops
a) if
b) will
c) for
d) stops

63. Choose the correct conjunction to fill in the blank: "She studied hard _______ she passed the
a) but
b) or
c) so
d) nor

64. In the sentence, "He enjoys playing soccer and basketball," the conjunction "and" is used
a) join two independent clauses
b) show contrast
c) introduce a result
d) connect two verbs

65. Which conjunction is used to express a choice or alternative?

a) and
b) but
c) or
d) for

66. Select the conjunction that correctly completes the sentence: "I wanted to go to the party,
_______ my parents didn't allow me."
a) so
b) nor
c) yet
d) but

67. Identify the coordinating conjunction in the sentence: "I want to go to the movies, but I
have to finish my homework."
a) but
b) have
c) to
d) movies

68. Choose the correct conjunction to fill in the blank: "She was tired _______ she stayed up late
a) so
b) yet
c) for
d) and

69. Which of the following is a correlative conjunction?

a) because
b) if
c) either
d) when

70. In the sentence, "I like both chocolate and vanilla," the conjunction "both" is used to:
a) join two independent clauses
b) show contrast
c) introduce a result
d) express a combination
Read the text 1 and answer the following questions.

Local Wisdom: Harnessing the Power of Community Knowledge

In the vast tapestry of human experience, local wisdom stands as a testament to the rich
heritage of communities worldwide. Defined as the collective knowledge, practices, and
beliefs passed down through generations within a specific locale, local wisdom encapsulates
the essence of a community's identity. It is a reservoir of insights derived from the intimate
connection between people and their environment, fostering a sustainable and harmonious
way of life.
Local wisdom often emerges in response to the challenges presented by a particular
geographical, climatic, or cultural context. From indigenous tribes in the Amazon rainforest to
rural villages in the Himalayas, each community's unique set of circumstances shapes the

development of its wisdom. This wealth of knowledge encompasses a diverse range of
domains, including agriculture, resource management, healthcare, and social harmony.
One hallmark of local wisdom is its rootedness in the principle of sustainability.
Communities have, for centuries, fine-tuned their practices to ensure the balance between
human needs and environmental preservation. Traditional farming techniques, water
management systems, and herbal remedies are often grounded in a deep understanding of the
ecosystem and its interconnected dynamics. By prioritizing sustainability, local wisdom
provides a valuable counterpoint to modern practices that sometimes overlook the long-term
consequences of human activities.
Furthermore, local wisdom serves as a vehicle for cultural preservation. Through oral
traditions, rituals, and storytelling, communities pass on their unique worldviews, values, and
histories to younger generations. This transfer of knowledge not only sustains cultural
identities but also fosters a sense of belonging and continuity. In a world that is becoming
increasingly interconnected, local wisdom acts as a bulwark against cultural homogenization,
celebrating the diversity of human experiences.
Despite its inherent value, local wisdom faces challenges in the contemporary era. Rapid
urbanization, globalization, and the encroachment of modern technologies can threaten the
continuity of traditional practices. Recognizing the importance of local wisdom is crucial for
creating a more inclusive and sustainable global society. It calls for a delicate balance between
preserving time-honored traditions and embracing progress, acknowledging that both can
coexist harmoniously.
In conclusion, local wisdom represents the collective intelligence of communities, honed
over centuries. It is a source of resilience, sustainability, and cultural richness. Embracing and
preserving local wisdom is not only a means of safeguarding our heritage but also a pathway
toward a more holistic and interconnected world.

Multiple Choice Questions:

71. What does local wisdom encompass?
a. Modern technologies
b. Collective knowledge, practices, and beliefs within a specific locale
c. Global traditions
d. Urban lifestyles

72. How is local wisdom shaped?

a. By global influences
b. Through centuries of tradition and practices
c. By prioritizing short-term gains
d. By ignoring environmental dynamics
73. In what way does local wisdom contribute to sustainability?
a. By promoting practices that overlook environmental consequences
b. By fostering a balance between human needs and environmental preservation
c. By rejecting traditional farming techniques
d. By encouraging rapid urbanization
74. What is a hallmark of local wisdom regarding agriculture?
a. Ignoring the ecosystem's dynamics

b. Using only modern farming techniques
c. Balancing human needs with environmental preservation
d. Focusing solely on short-term gains
75. How does local wisdom contribute to cultural preservation?
a. By promoting cultural homogenization
b. Through oral traditions, rituals, and storytelling
c. By discouraging the transfer of knowledge to younger generations
d. By ignoring cultural identities
76. What challenges does local wisdom face in the contemporary era?
a. Encroachment of modern technologies and globalization
b. Overemphasis on traditional practices
c. Isolation from global influences
d. Rapid urbanization and cultural homogenization
77. What does the transfer of knowledge in local wisdom foster?
a. Environmental degradation
b. Cultural homogenization
c. A sense of belonging and continuity
d. Disconnection from traditional practices
78. Why is recognizing the importance of local wisdom crucial in the contemporary era?
a. To reject progress and modern practices
b. To create a more inclusive and sustainable global society
c. To isolate communities from global influences
d. To discourage cultural diversity
79. What is the role of local wisdom in the face of globalization?
a. To promote cultural homogenization
b. To resist any form of change
c. To celebrate the diversity of human experiences
d. To ignore global influences
80. What does embracing and preserving local wisdom signify?
a. Rejecting progress
b. A pathway toward a more holistic and interconnected world
c. Cultural isolation
d. Overlooking the challenges faced by communities
Read the text 2 and answer the following questions.

Exploring Opportunities Abroad: The Dynamics of Working Overseas

Working abroad has become an increasingly appealing option for individuals seeking new
challenges, career growth, and cultural enrichment. The globalized economy has facilitated
the movement of professionals across borders, opening doors to diverse employment
opportunities and unique experiences.
One of the primary motivations for working abroad is the chance to broaden one's
horizons. Exposure to different work environments, business practices, and cultural nuances
can contribute significantly to personal and professional development. Whether it's gaining a

deeper understanding of international markets, learning a new language, or adapting to
diverse workplace dynamics, the experience of working abroad is often transformative.
Additionally, working abroad provides individuals with the opportunity to build an
extensive professional network. Networking on an international scale opens doors to
collaborations, partnerships, and a broader range of career prospects. Many successful
professionals attribute a portion of their success to the connections made during their time
working in a foreign country.
While the benefits are substantial, working abroad also comes with its challenges.
Cultural adjustment, navigating legal and bureaucratic processes, and dealing with
homesickness are common hurdles faced by expatriates. The ability to adapt, communicate
effectively across cultures, and develop resilience are crucial skills for those considering or
currently engaged in international work.
Moreover, the demand for global skills has led to an increase in opportunities for remote
work, allowing individuals to contribute to projects and teams from anywhere in the world.
This shift has further blurred the lines between working locally and working abroad, offering
a flexible approach to international employment.
As individuals explore opportunities abroad, it is essential to research and understand the
specific requirements and expectations of working in different countries. Legal
considerations, cultural norms, and professional etiquettes vary significantly, and a thorough
understanding of these aspects is vital for a successful and fulfilling international work
In conclusion, working abroad is a multifaceted journey that offers a spectrum of
opportunities and challenges. It is a pathway to personal and professional growth, cultural
enrichment, and a broader perspective on the global landscape.

Multiple Choice Questions:

81. What is one of the primary motivations for working abroad?
a. Job security
b. Cultural homogeneity
c. Broadening personal and professional horizons
d. Isolation from diverse experiences

82. How can exposure to different work environments and cultures contribute to individuals?
a. By limiting personal growth
b. By hindering language learning
c. By inhibiting professional development
d. By significantly contributing to personal and professional development
83. What is a potential benefit of working abroad for building a career?
a. Limited exposure to diverse workplace dynamics
b. Narrowing professional networks
c. A broader range of career prospects
d. Isolation from international collaborations
84. What is a common challenge faced by individuals working abroad?

a. Lack of cultural adjustment
b. Limited need for resilience
c. Avoiding legal and bureaucratic processes
d. Expanding professional networks
85. What skill is crucial for those engaged in international work, according to the text?
a. Avoiding adaptation
b. Effective communication across cultures
c. Resisting change
d. Limiting exposure to diverse experiences
86. What has the demand for global skills led to in terms of work opportunities?
a. A decrease in remote work options
b. A reduction in international collaborations
c. An increase in opportunities for remote work
d. A decline in professional networking
87. How has the distinction between working locally and working abroad changed?
a. There is no longer a demand for global skills
b. The lines have become more defined
c. The demand for global skills has increased, but opportunities have decreased
d. Remote work has blurred the lines, offering a flexible approach to international
88. What is essential for individuals exploring opportunities abroad?
a. Avoiding research on legal and bureaucratic processes
b. Ignoring cultural norms
c. Understanding specific requirements and expectations in different countries
d. Limiting exposure to diverse workplace dynamics
89. According to the text, what can international work be considered in terms of personal and
professional growth?
a. A hindrance to growth
b. A pathway to stagnation
c. A multifaceted journey offering personal and professional growth
d. An obstacle to broader perspectives

90. What is the overarching theme of the text regarding working abroad?
a. The disadvantages of international work
b. The isolation of working abroad
c. The multifaceted nature of opportunities and challenges in working abroad
d. The limitation of career prospects in foreign countries

Read the text 3 and answer the following questions.

Ensuring Workplace Safety: A Vital Priority

Workplace safety is a paramount concern in any organization, aiming to create an
environment where employees can perform their duties without undue risk to their health or
well-being. A commitment to safety not only protects employees but also enhances
productivity, morale, and the overall success of the business.
One of the key aspects of maintaining a safe workplace is the implementation of proper
safety protocols. These protocols are guidelines and procedures designed to prevent
accidents, injuries, and illnesses. They cover a broad spectrum, including emergency response
plans, hazard communication, personal protective equipment (PPE) usage, and regular safety
The responsibility for ensuring workplace safety extends to both employers and
employees. Employers are tasked with providing a safe work environment, which includes
maintaining equipment, addressing potential hazards, and offering comprehensive safety
training. On the other hand, employees play a crucial role in adhering to safety guidelines,
using provided protective equipment, and reporting any unsafe conditions promptly.
Regular risk assessments are essential for identifying potential hazards and implementing
measures to mitigate them. This proactive approach helps prevent accidents before they
occur and ensures a safer working environment. Additionally, it fosters a culture of safety
consciousness among employees, making them active participants in the overall safety
Communication is another vital component of workplace safety. Clear and effective
communication ensures that employees are aware of safety protocols, emergency procedures,
and any changes in the work environment. This transparency empowers employees to make
informed decisions about their safety and the safety of their colleagues.
Furthermore, promoting a culture of reporting incidents and near misses encourages
continuous improvement in safety measures. An environment where employees feel
comfortable reporting potential hazards or incidents without fear of reprisal fosters a
proactive approach to safety.
In conclusion, workplace safety is a shared responsibility that requires a collaborative
effort between employers and employees. By implementing robust safety protocols,
conducting regular risk assessments, fostering open communication, and promoting a culture
of continuous improvement, organizations can create a safer and healthier workplace for all.

Multiple Choice Questions:

91. What is the primary aim of workplace safety?
a. Enhancing productivity
b. Maximizing profits
c. Protecting employees' health and well-being
d. Encouraging competition
92. What do safety protocols in the workplace encompass?
a. Only emergency response plans
b. Guidelines for maximizing profits
c. Measures to prevent accidents, injuries, and illnesses
d. Employee competition guidelines

93. Whose responsibility is it to provide a safe work environment?
a. Only employees
b. Only employers
c. Both employers and employees
d. Regulatory authorities
94. What is the role of employees in ensuring workplace safety?
a. Ignoring safety guidelines
b. Reporting unsafe conditions promptly
c. Avoiding the use of protective equipment
d. Leaving safety responsibility solely to employers
95. Why are regular risk assessments essential in the workplace?
a. To encourage accidents
b. To identify and mitigate potential hazards
c. To discourage a safety-conscious culture
d. To limit productivity
96. What does a proactive approach to workplace safety involve?
a. Ignoring potential hazards
b. Reacting to accidents after they occur
c. Preventing accidents before they occur
d. Encouraging a culture of complacency
97. What is a crucial aspect of workplace safety communication?
a. Ambiguous communication
b. Lack of communication
c. Clear and effective communication
d. One-way communication
98. How does fostering a culture of reporting incidents contribute to workplace safety?
a. It encourages a culture of complacency
b. It discourages continuous improvement
c. It promotes open communication and proactive safety measures
d. It limits employees' involvement in safety programs

99. What empowers employees to make informed decisions about their safety?
a. Lack of information
b. Ambiguous safety protocols
c. Clear and effective communication
d. Ignorance of safety guidelines
100. What is the overarching theme of the text regarding workplace safety?
a. Maximizing profits
b. Creating a competitive work environment c.
A shared responsibility requiring collaboration between employers and employees
d. Leaving safety solely to regulatory authorities


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