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1. word is a noun?
a) Running
b) Quickly
c) Dance
d) Happily

2. Choose the correct past tense of the verb "swim":

a) Swam
b) Swimmed
c) Swum
d) Swimming

3. What is the plural form of the word "child"?

a) Childs
b) Childrens
c) Childes
d) Children

4. Identify the correct order of words to form a grammatically correct sentence:

a) Always me helps my friend
b) Helps my friend always me
c) My friend always helps me
d) Me helps my friend always

5. Choose the correct synonym for the word "beautiful":

a) Ugly
b) Pretty
c) Hideous
d) Repulsive
6. Choose the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence:
She ___ to the store every day.
a) Go
b) Goes
c) Going
d) Gone

7. Identify the correct comparative form of the adjective "good":

a) Gooder
b) Goodest
c) More good
d) Better

8. Fill in the blank with the appropriate preposition:

He lives __ a small town.
a) On
b) In
c) At
d) For

9. Choose the correct word to complete the sentence:

I'm not sure if I ___ the party tonight.
a) Attend
b) Attending
c) Will attend
d) Attends
10. Identify the correct spelling of the word:
a) Accommodate
b) Accomodate
c) Acommodate
d) Acomodate
11. Choose the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence:
He ___ his homework before dinner.
a) Finish
b) Finished
c) Finishes
d) Finishing

12. Select the correct word order for the question:

"Do you like to read books?"
a) You like to read books do?
b) Do you to read books like?
c) Do you like books to read?
d) Like you to read books do?

13. Fill in the blank with the appropriate article:

She bought ___ new dress yesterday.
a) A
b) An
c) The
d) No article needed

14. Identify the correct form of the verb in the past participle tense:
a) Drinked
b) Drank
c) Drinken
d) Drink

15. Choose the correct word to complete the sentence:

The cat is sleeping ___ the table.
a) On
b) At
c) In
d) Under
16. Choose the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence:
I ____ to the beach last weekend.
a) Go
b) Went
c) Goes
d) Going

17. Select the correct word to complete the sentence:

My friend has ___ dog.
a) An
b) A
c) The
d) No article needed

18. Identify the correct form of the verb in the present continuous tense:
a) Plays
b) Played
c) Playing
d) Play

19. Choose the correct word to complete the sentence:

The book is __ the shelf.
a) In
b) On
c) At
d) Under

20. Select the correct form of the pronoun to complete the sentence:
___ is a great student.
a) He
b) Her
c) They
d) Them
21. Choose the correct word order for the question:
"Where is the nearest coffee shop?"
a) Nearest coffee shop is where?
b) Where is nearest coffee shop the?
c) Where the nearest coffee shop is?
d) The nearest coffee shop is where?

22. Select the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence:
They ___ to the movies last night.
a) Go
b) Went
c) Goes
d) Going

23. Fill in the blank with the appropriate preposition:

He lives __ a big city.
a) On
b) In
c) At
d) For

24. Identify the correct form of the verb in the present perfect tense:
a) Ate
b) Eaten
c) Eating
d) Eat

25. Choose the correct synonym for the word "happy":

a) Sad
b) Angry
c) Joyful
d) Tired
26. Choose the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence:
She ____ a new car last week.
a) Buy
b) Bought
c) Buys
d) Buying

27. Select the correct word to complete the sentence:

I have ___ interesting book to read.
a) An
b) A
c) The
d) No article needed

28. Identify the correct form of the verb in the past continuous tense:
a) Plays
b) Played
c) Playing
d) Play

29. Choose the correct word to complete the sentence:

The keys are __ the table.
a) In
b) On
c) At
d) Under

30. Select the correct form of the pronoun to complete the sentence:
___ are my best friends.
a) He
b) Her
c) They
d) Them
31. Choose the correct word order for the question:
"What time is the meeting?"
a) Is the meeting what time?
b) What time is meeting the?
c) What is time the meeting?
d) What time is the meeting?

32. Select the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence:
We ___ to the party last night.
a) Go
b) Went
c) Goes
d) Going
33. Fill in the blank with the appropriate preposition:
She lives __ a small apartment.
a) On
b) In
c) At
d) For

34. Identify the correct form of the verb in the past perfect tense:
a) Ate
b) Eaten
c) Eating
d) Had eaten

35. Choose the correct synonym for the word "sad":

a) Happy
b) Angry
c) Joyful
d) Unhappy
36. Choose the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence:
He ____ basketball every weekend.
a) Play
b) Played
c) Plays
d) Playing

37. Select the correct word to complete the sentence:

I need ___ help with this problem.
a) An
b) A
c) The
d) No article needed

38. Identify the correct form of the verb in the future tense:
a) Plays
b) Played
c) Playing
d) Will play

39. Choose the correct word to complete the sentence:

The cat is sitting __ the chair.
a) In
b) On
c) At
d) Under

40. Select the correct form of the pronoun to complete the sentence:
___ is a talented musician.
a) He
b) Her
c) They
d) Them
41. Choose the correct word order for the question:
"How old are you?"
a) Are you how old?
b) How are old you?
c) How old you are?
d) How old are you?

42. Select the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence:
They ___ a great time at the party.
a) Have
b) Had
c) Has
d) Having

43. Fill in the blank with the appropriate preposition:

The book is __ the shelf.
a) On
b) In
c) At
d) Under

44. Identify the correct form of the verb in the present participle tense:
a) Walked
b) Walks
c) Walking
d) Walk

45. Choose the correct antonym for the word "big":

a) Small
b) Tall
c) Wide
d) Long
46. Choose the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence:
She ____ her favorite song on the radio.
a) Sings
b) Sang
c) Singing
d) Sing
47. Select the correct word to complete the sentence:
Can you lend me ___ pen?
a) An
b) A
c) The
d) No article needed

48. Identify the correct form of the verb in the future continuous tense:
a) Plays
b) Played
c) Playing
d) Will be playing

49. Choose the correct word to complete the sentence:

The keys are __ the table.
a) In
b) On
c) At
d) Under

50. Select the correct form of the pronoun to complete the sentence:
___ are going to the movies.
a) He
b) Her
c) They
d) Them
51. Choose the correct word order for the question:
"What is your favorite color?"
a) Is your favorite color what?
b) What color is your favorite?
c) What is color your favorite?
d) Your favorite color is what?

52. Select the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence:
She ___ to the concert last night.
a) Go
b) Went
c) Goes
d) Going

53. Fill in the blank with the appropriate preposition:

The cat is hiding __ the bed.
a) On
b) In
c) At
d) Under

54. Identify the correct form of the verb in the past participle tense:
a) Ate
b) Eaten
c) Eating
d) Eat

55. Choose the correct synonym for the word "fast":

a) Slow
b) Quick
c) Strong
d) Easy
Choose the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence:
They ____ to the beach every summer.
a) Go
b) Went
c) Goes
d) Going

Select the correct word to complete the sentence:

I saw ___ movie last night.
a) An
b) A
c) The
d) No article needed

Identify the correct form of the verb in the present continuous tense:
a) Plays
b) Played
c) Playing
d) Play

Choose the correct word to complete the sentence:

The book is __ the shelf.
a) In
b) On
c) At
d) Under

Select the correct form of the pronoun to complete the sentence:

___ is my best friend.
a) He
b) Her
c) They
d) Them
Choose the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence:
She ____ her homework yesterday.
a) Finish
b) Finished
c) Finishes
d) Finishing

Select the correct word to complete the sentence:

Do you have ___ plans for the weekend?
a) An
b) A
c) The
d) No article needed

Identify the correct form of the verb in the past perfect continuous tense:
a) Plays
b) Played
c) Playing
d) Had been playing

Choose the correct word to complete the sentence:

The cat is sitting __ the table.
a) In
b) On
c) At
d) Under

Select the correct form of the pronoun to complete the sentence:

___ are going on vacation next week.
a) He
b) Her
c) They
d) Them

Identify the correct word order for the question:

"Where are you from?"
a) You from where are?
b) Where from are you?
c) Where are you from?
d) From where you are?

Choose the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence:

I ___ a new car next month.
a) Buy
b) Bought
c) Buys
d) Buying

Select the correct word to complete the sentence:

I need to buy ___ groceries.
a) An
b) A
c) The
d) No article needed

Fill in the blank with the appropriate preposition:

The cat is playing __ the garden.
a) On
b) In
c) At
d) With

Identify the correct form of the verb in the present perfect tense:
a) Ate
b) Eaten
c) Eating
d) Have eaten

Choose the correct synonym for the word "happy":

a) Sad
b) Angry
c) Joyful
d) Tired

Select the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence:

We ___ to the park yesterday.
a) Go
b) Went
c) Goes
d) Going

Fill in the blank with the appropriate article:

She is ___ architect.
a) An
b) A
c) The
d) No article needed
Choose the correct word to complete the sentence:
The keys are __ the drawer.
a) In
b) On
c) At
d) Under

Identify the correct form of the verb in the past continuous tense:
a) Plays
b) Played
c) Playing
d) Was playing

Select the correct form of the pronoun to complete the sentence:

___ is waiting for you outside.
a) He
b) Her
c) They
d) Them

Choose the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence:

She ___ to the gym every day.
a) Go
b) Went
c) Goes
d) Going

Select the correct word to complete the sentence:

I saw ___ interesting movie last night.
a) An
b) A
c) The
d) No article needed

Fill in the blank with the appropriate preposition:

The book is __ the shelf.
a) In
b) On
c) At
d) Under

Identify the correct form of the verb in the future perfect tense:
a) Will play
b) Plays
c) Played
d) Will have played
Choose the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence:
They ____ their homework every day.
a) Do
b) Did
c) Does
d) Doing

Select the correct word to complete the sentence:

Can you lend me ___ book?
a) An
b) A
c) The
d) No article needed
Identify the correct form of the verb in the future continuous tense:
a) Plays
b) Played
c) Playing
d) Will be playing

Choose the correct word to complete the sentence:

The dog is sleeping ___ the couch.
a) In
b) On
c) At
d) Under

Select the correct form of the pronoun to complete the sentence:

___ is going to the party tonight.
a) He
b) Her
c) They
d) Them

Identify the correct word order for the question:

"What is your favorite food?"
a) Is your favorite food what?
b) What food is your favorite?
c) What is food your favorite?
d) Your favorite food is what?

Choose the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence:

She ___ to the store yesterday.
a) Go
b) Went
c) Goes
d) Going

Select the correct word to complete the sentence:

I need to buy ___ milk.
a) An
b) A
c) The
d) No article needed

Fill in the blank with the appropriate preposition:

The bird is flying __ the sky.
a) On
b) In
c) At
d) Over

Identify the correct form of the verb in the present perfect continuous tense:
a) Plays
b) Played
c) Playing
d) Has been playing

Choose the correct synonym for the word "beautiful":

a) Ugly
b) Handsome
c) Pretty
d) Boring
Select the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence:
They ___ soccer last weekend.
a) Play
b) Played
c) Plays
d) Playing

Fill in the blank with the appropriate article:

He is ___ engineer.
a) An
b) A
c) The
d) No article needed

Choose the correct word to complete the sentence:

The cat is hiding __ the table.
a) In
b) On
c) At
d) Under

Identify the correct form of the verb in the past perfect tense:
a) Ate
b) Eaten
c) Eating
d) Had eaten

Select the correct form of the pronoun to complete the sentence:

___ are my parents.
a) He
b) Her
c) They
d) Them

Choose the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence:

I ___ a new job next month.
a) Buy
b) Bought
c) Buys
d) Buying

Select the correct word to complete the sentence:

Can you pass me ___ salt?
a) An
b) A
c) The
d) No article needed

Fill in the blank with the appropriate preposition:

The pen is __ the desk.
a) In
b) On
c) At
d) Under

Identify the correct form of the verb in the future perfect continuous tense:
a) Will play
b) Plays
c) Played
d) Will have been playing
Choose the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence:
We ___ to the movies last night.
a) Go
b) Went
c) Goes
d) Going

Select the correct word to complete the sentence:

There is ___ apple on the table.
a) An
b) A
c) The
d) No article needed

Identify the correct form of the verb in the present perfect continuous tense:
a) Plays
b) Played
c) Playing
d) Has been playing

Choose the correct word to complete the sentence:

The cat is sitting ___ the chair.
a) In
b) On
c) At
d) Under

Select the correct form of the pronoun to complete the sentence:

___ will be late for the meeting.
a) He
b) Her
c) They
d) Them

Identify the correct word order for the question:

"How old are you?"
a) Old are how you?
b) Are how old you?
c) How old are you?
d) You are how old?

Choose the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence:

We ___ our homework yesterday.
a) Do
b) Did
c) Does
d) Doing

Select the correct word to complete the sentence:

I need to buy ___ new shoes.
a) An
b) A
c) The
d) No article needed

Fill in the blank with the appropriate preposition:

The dog is hiding ___ the bed.
a) On
b) In
c) At
d) Under

Identify the correct form of the verb in the past continuous tense:
a) Plays
b) Played
c) Playing
d) Was playing

Choose the correct synonym for the word "happy":

a) Sad
b) Excited
c) Joyful
d) Angry

Select the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence:

She ___ her lunch an hour ago.
a) Eat
b) Ate
c) Eats
d) Eating

Fill in the blank with the appropriate article:

I need ___ pen to write.
a) An
b) A
c) The
d) No article needed

Choose the correct word to complete the sentence:

The keys are ___ the drawer.
a) In
b) On
c) At
d) Under

Identify the correct form of the verb in the future perfect tense:
a) Will play
b) Plays
c) Played
d) Will have played

Select the correct form of the pronoun to complete the sentence:

___ is waiting for you outside.
a) He
b) Her
c) They
d) Them

Choose the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence:

She ___ to the gym every day.
a) Go
b) Went
c) Goes
d) Going

Select the correct word to complete the sentence:

I saw ___ interesting movie last night.
a) An
b) A
c) The
d) No article needed

Fill in the blank with the appropriate preposition:

The book is __ the shelf.
a) In
b) On
c) At
d) Under

Identify the correct form of the verb in the future perfect continuous tense:
a) Will play
b) Plays
c) Played
d) Will have played


Which word is a noun?

Answer: c) Dance

Choose the correct past tense of the verb "swim":

Answer: a) Swam

What is the plural form of the word "child"?

Answer: d) Children

Identify the correct order of words to form a grammatically correct sentence:

Answer: c) My friend always helps me
Choose the correct synonym for the word "beautiful":
Answer: b) Pretty
Choose the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence:
Answer: b) Goes

Identify the correct comparative form of the adjective "good":

Answer: d) Better

Fill in the blank with the appropriate preposition:

Answer: b) In

Choose the correct word to complete the sentence:

Answer: c) Will attend

Identify the correct spelling of the word:

Answer: a) Accommodate
Choose the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence:
Answer: c) Finishes

Select the correct word order for the question:

"Do you like to read books?"
Answer: c) Do you like books to read?

Fill in the blank with the appropriate article:

She bought ___ new dress yesterday.
Answer: a) A

Identify the correct form of the verb in the past participle tense:
Answer: b) Drank
Choose the correct word to complete the sentence:
The cat is sleeping ___ the table.
Answer: a) On
Choose the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence:
I ____ to the beach last weekend.
Answer: b) Went

Select the correct word to complete the sentence:

My friend has ___ dog.
Answer: b) A

Identify the correct form of the verb in the present continuous tense:
Answer: c) Playing

Choose the correct word to complete the sentence:

The book is __ the shelf.
Answer: a) In

Select the correct form of the pronoun to complete the sentence:

___ is a great student.
Answer: a) He
Choose the correct word order for the question:
"Where is the nearest coffee shop?"
Answer: d) The nearest coffee shop is where?

Select the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence:

They ___ to the movies last night.
Answer: b) Went
Fill in the blank with the appropriate preposition:
He lives __ a big city.
Answer: b) In

Identify the correct form of the verb in the present perfect tense:
Answer: b) Eaten

Choose the correct synonym for the word "happy":

Answer: c) Joyful
Choose the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence:
She ____ a new car last week.
Answer: b) Bought

Select the correct word to complete the sentence:

I have ___ interesting book to read.
Answer: a) An

Identify the correct form of the verb in the past continuous tense:
Answer: c) Playing

Choose the correct word to complete the sentence:

The keys are __ the table.
Answer: b) On

Select the correct form of the pronoun to complete the sentence:

___ are my best friends.
Answer: c) They
Choose the correct word order for the question:
"What time is the meeting?"
Answer: d) What time is the meeting?
Select the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence:
We ___ to the party last night.
Answer: b) Went

Fill in the blank with the appropriate preposition:

She lives __ a small apartment.
Answer: b) In

Identify the correct form of the verb in the past perfect tense:
Answer: d) Had eaten

Choose the correct synonym for the word "sad":

Answer: d) Unhappy
Choose the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence:
He ____ basketball every weekend.
Answer: c) Plays

Select the correct word to complete the sentence:

I need ___ help with this problem.
Answer: b) A

Identify the correct form of the verb in the future tense:

Answer: d) Will play

Choose the correct word to complete the sentence:

The cat is sitting __ the chair.
Answer: b) On

Select the correct form of the pronoun to complete the sentence:

___ is a talented musician.
Answer: a) He
Choose the correct word order for the question:
"How old are you?"
Answer: d) How old are you?

Select the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence:

They ___ a great time at the party.
Answer: b) Had

Fill in the blank with the appropriate preposition:

The book is __ the shelf.
Answer: a) On

Identify the correct form of the verb in the present participle tense:
Answer: c) Walking

Choose the correct antonym for the word "big":

Answer: a) Small
Choose the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence:
She ____ her favorite song on the radio.
Answer: a) Sings

Select the correct word to complete the sentence:

Can you lend me ___ pen?
Answer: b) A

Identify the correct form of the verb in the future continuous tense:
Answer: d) Will be playing
Choose the correct word to complete the sentence:
The keys are __ the table.
Answer: b) On

Select the correct form of the pronoun to complete the sentence:

___ are going to the movies.
Answer: c) They
Choose the correct word order for the question:
"What is your favorite color?"
Answer: b) What color is your favorite?

Select the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence:

She ___ to the concert last night.
Answer: b) Went

Fill in the blank with the appropriate preposition:

The cat is hiding __ the bed.
Answer: d) Under

Identify the correct form of the verb in the past participle tense:
Answer: b) Eaten

Choose the correct synonym for the word "fast":

Answer: b) Quick

Choose the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence:

They ________ to the beach every summer.

Answer: a) Go
Select the correct word to complete the sentence:

I saw _______ movie last night.

Answer: b) A

Identify the correct form of the verb in the present continuous tense:

Answer: c) Playing

Choose the correct word to complete the sentence:

The book is ______ the shelf.

Answer: b) On

Select the correct form of the pronoun to complete the sentence:

_______ is my best friend.

Answer: a) He

Choose the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence:

She ____ her homework yesterday.
Answer: b) Finished

Select the correct word to complete the sentence:

Do you have ___ plans for the weekend?
Answer: b) A

Identify the correct form of the verb in the past perfect continuous tense:
Answer: d) Had been playing

Choose the correct word to complete the sentence:

The cat is sitting __ the table.
Answer: b) On

Select the correct form of the pronoun to complete the sentence:

___ are going on vacation next week.
Answer: c) They

Identify the correct word order for the question:

"Where are you from?"
Answer: c) Where are you from?

Choose the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence:

I ___ a new car next month.
Answer: a) Buy

Select the correct word to complete the sentence:

I need to buy ___ groceries.
Answer: b) A

Fill in the blank with the appropriate preposition:

The cat is playing __ the garden.
Answer: b) In

Identify the correct form of the verb in the present perfect tense:
Answer: d) Have eaten

Choose the correct synonym for the word "happy":

Answer: c) Joyful

Select the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence:

We ___ to the park yesterday.
Answer: b) Went

Fill in the blank with the appropriate article:

She is ___ architect.
Answer: a) An

Choose the correct word to complete the sentence:

The keys are __ the drawer.
Answer: a) In

Identify the correct form of the verb in the past continuous tense:
Answer: d) Was playing

Select the correct form of the pronoun to complete the sentence:

___ is waiting for you outside.
Answer: a) He

Choose the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence:

She ___ to the gym every day.
Answer: c) Goes

Select the correct word to complete the sentence:

I saw ___ interesting movie last night.
Answer: a) An

Fill in the blank with the appropriate preposition:

The book is __ the shelf.
Answer: b) On
Identify the correct form of the verb in the future perfect tense:
Answer: d) Will have played
Choose the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence:
They ____ their homework every day.
Answer: a) Do

Select the correct word to complete the sentence:

Can you lend me ___ book?
Answer: b) A

Identify the correct form of the verb in the future continuous tense:
Answer: d) Will be playing

Choose the correct word to complete the sentence:

The dog is sleeping ___ the couch.
Answer: b) On

Select the correct form of the pronoun to complete the sentence:

___ is going to the party tonight.
Answer: a) He

Identify the correct word order for the question:

"What is your favorite food?"
Answer: b) What food is your favorite?

Choose the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence:

She ___ to the store yesterday.
Answer: b) Went

Select the correct word to complete the sentence:

I need to buy ___ milk.
Answer: b) A

Fill in the blank with the appropriate preposition:

The bird is flying __ the sky.
Answer: d) Over

Identify the correct form of the verb in the present perfect continuous tense:
Answer: d) Has been playing

Choose the correct synonym for the word "beautiful":

Answer: c) Pretty

Select the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence:

They ___ soccer last weekend.
Answer: b) Played

Fill in the blank with the appropriate article:

He is ___ engineer.
Answer: b) An

Choose the correct word to complete the sentence:

The cat is hiding __ the table.
Answer: d) Under

Identify the correct form of the verb in the past perfect tense:
Answer: d) Had eaten

Select the correct form of the pronoun to complete the sentence:

___ are my parents.
Answer: c) They

Choose the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence:

I ___ a new job next month.
Answer: a) Buy

Select the correct word to complete the sentence:

Can you pass me ___ salt?
Answer: c) The

Fill in the blank with the appropriate preposition:

The pen is __ the desk.
Answer: b) On

Identify the correct form of the verb in the future perfect continuous tense:
Answer: d) Will have been playing
Choose the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence:
We ___ to the movies last night.
Answer: b) Went

Select the correct word to complete the sentence:

There is ___ apple on the table.
Answer: a) An

Identify the correct form of the verb in the present perfect continuous tense:
Answer: d) Has been playing

Choose the correct word to complete the sentence:

The cat is sitting ___ the chair.
Answer: b) On
Select the correct form of the pronoun to complete the sentence:
___ will be late for the meeting.
Answer: c) They

Identify the correct word order for the question:

"How old are you?"
Answer: c) How old are you?

Choose the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence:

We ___ our homework yesterday.
Answer: b) Did

Select the correct word to complete the sentence:

I need to buy ___ new shoes.
Answer: b) A

Fill in the blank with the appropriate preposition:

The dog is hiding ___ the bed.
Answer: d) Under

Identify the correct form of the verb in the past continuous tense:
Answer: d) Was playing

Choose the correct synonym for the word "happy":

Answer: c) Joyful

Select the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence:

She ___ her lunch an hour ago.
Answer: b) Ate
Fill in the blank with the appropriate article:
I need ___ pen to write.
Answer: b) A

Choose the correct word to complete the sentence:

The keys are ___ the drawer.
Answer: a) In

Identify the correct form of the verb in the future perfect tense:
Answer: d) Will have played

Select the correct form of the pronoun to complete the sentence:

___ is waiting for you outside.
Answer: a) He

Choose the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence:

She ___ to the gym every day.
Answer: c) Goes

Select the correct word to complete the sentence:

I saw ___ interesting movie last night.
Answer: a) An

Fill in the blank with the appropriate preposition:

The book is __ the shelf.
Answer: b) On

Identify the correct form of the verb in the future perfect continuous tense:
Answer: d) Will have played

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