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I don't sleep in the

afternoon. / I don't do
the laundy.

You don't call me. / you

don't miss me. / you
don't do homework.
DO NOT (I, you, they,

They don't eat

vegetable / They don't
speak english

Do not (don't) / does not

NEGATIVE SENTENCES We don't have english
class ON sunday.

She doesn't sleep in the

afternoon. / Nicolás
I didn't get married. / doesn't do laudry.
Nicolás didn't travel to
Canadá. / you didn't didn't ( did not) NEGATIVE SENTENCES
She doesn't call me. He
play. / Angie didn't call AUXILIARY IN
DOES NOT (She, he, it) doesn't miss me. Diana
PRESENT (Do / doesn't eat vegetables.

Do you like coffee? / Do
they eat vegetables? / It doesn't matter. / It
doesn't rain / It doesn't
VERB TO DO Do we sleep in the
arfetoon? snow. / It doesn't exist.
Do / does + subject +
Did you get married? / QUESTIONS
did he travel to AUXILIARY IN
Does she call me? / Does
Canada? / Did you DID + pronoun + verb QUESTIONS
PAST (Did) he miss me? / Does it
play? / Did Angie call
you? - what did she say? rain? / does it matter?

I did get married. / He

did travel to canada / AFFIRMATIVE
"did" before the verb
You did play / She did SENTENCES I do clean! / he does eat
call you! vegetables! / I do eat
AFFIRMATIVE "do" or "does"
chocolate everytime! /
Nicolas does miss me!

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