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Relationship Analysis Report

Compatibility between Partners On Different Parameters

Report Prepared By

Team Cyber Astro

Dear XYZ,

Please find our analysis on your Personalized Relationship Analysis Prediction.

We thank you for giving us the opportunity to analyse your birth charts.

It is not Vedic Astrology’s purpose to replace an individual’s responsibility to decide for

themselves or to present a fait accompli forecast for the future. We believe that you control and
shape your own destiny by your Karma and your efforts. However, this report tells you, how much
and when the planets will be supportive for you or they will be challenging and can create
obstacles and difficulties on your path.

We believe that stars will influence only 75%, and rest 25% is controlled by your own actions.
However, sometimes that 75% may become critical over which you may not have any control.

With Warm Regards,

B. B. Sorcer
Team Cyber Astro

Table of Content

Sr. No. Content Details. Page Nos.

1. Person 1 birth details & brief description of Vedic birth chart. 5 to 6

2. Person 2 birth details & brief description of Vedic birth chart. 7 to 8

3. Preamble: The primary purpose to get compatibility analysis. 9

4. Ascendant compatibility: To judge personality, nature & interaction

between partners, 10 to 11
 XYZ’s ascendant analysis 10
 ABC’s ascendant analysis 11
 Interaction between ascendants of both of you. 11

5. The dialectics of relationship between two of you. 12 to 13

 Leanings on different parameters 12 to 13
 Advantages on different parameters 13
 Weaknesses on different parameters 13

6. Moon-Sign Compatibility: To judge mental compatibility between partners 14

 Interaction between Moon Signs of both of you. 14

7. Ashtakoot analysis from different aspects of relationship (8 fold tests) 15 to 25

 Varna Test - mental compatibility analysis 17

 Vasya Test -power compatibility analysis 18
 Tara Test - birth star compatibility analysis 19
 Yoni Test - physical & sexual compatibility analysis 20 to 21
 Grahamaitri Test-planetary harmony analysis 22
 Gana Test - compatibility between nature of two of you 23
 Bhakut Test -compatibility between two Moon signs 24
 Nadi Test - compatibility between life forces 25

8. Final kundali milapak scores & conclusion for relationship. 26

9. The Mars compatibility or kujadosha analysis between two charts. 27 to 28

10. Role of planet Venus for harmony and love in both the charts 29 to 30
♥ The meaning of love for both of you 29
♥ Mutual respect & trust for each other 30

11. Status of house of marriages on marital point of view 31

12. Astrological signatures for next 12 months on marital point of view 32

13 Final recommendation and address of primary concern for compatibility 33

14. Remedial recommendation for happiness in romance/married life. 34

Person 1 Birth Details
Name XYZ

Date Of Birth 07/27/1974

Time Of Birth 20:05:00

Place of Birth Sompeta, AP, India

Person 1 Vedic Birth Chart

Brief Description of 1 Person Vedic Birth Chart
Your Ascendant (Janma Lagna) Aquarius
Your Vedic Sun Sign Cancer
Your Moon Sign (Janma Rashi) Libra
Your Birth Star (Janma Nakshatra) Vishakha, Phase- 3
Retrograde Planet/s Jupiter
Combust Planet/s None
Exalted Planet/s None
Debilitated Planet/s Rahu & Ketu

Person 2 Birth Details
Name ABC

Date Of Birth 09/02/1981

Time Of Birth 21:05:00

Visakhapatnam, AP,
Place of Birth

Person 2 Vedic Birth Chart

Brief Description of Person 2 Vedic Birth Chart
Your Ascendant (Janma Lagna) Aries
Your Vedic Sun Sign Leo
Your Moon Sign (Janma Rashi) Libra
Your Birth Star (Janma Nakshatra) Chitra, Phase- 4
Retrograde Planet/s None
Combust Planet/s None
Exalted Planet/s Mercury
Debilitated Planet/s Mars & Venus

Preamble: The primary purpose to get compatibility Analysis
ABC, you have ordered this report in order to assess what will be your relationship equation and
marriage compatibility with XYZ with whom you are considering marriage through proper match
making. You mainly want to have long-term prospect of business and also future of the relations
with other. We will prepare this report by analyzing both your charts and will try to advice you,
astrologically what are the factors will be supporting for both of you to strengthen your
relationship, as well as what are the factors which will be challenging to disrupt the relationship
and what each one of you must do or must not do which can create problems and challenges in
your relationship with each other in the long run.

Ascendant Compatibility
To Judge Personality, Nature & Interaction Between Partners
Ascendant is the most unique signature in our horoscope. Ascendant (Janma Lagna) in our chart
signifies the way we shall express our body, mind and soul to the world at large in this life.
Ascendant compatibility will give important clues to our personality and nature. It also gives us
important clues to our personality and nature and the way we shall interact with our partner in our
life together.

 XYZ’s Ascendant Analysis

Your Ascendant is Aquarius which is ruled by Saturn. Aquarius is a fixed sign with Air element. As
sign number 11, it indicates the group or the social circle that you belong to and your need to
understand what individuality really is and how you fit into the group. As an Aquarian person, you
can be very self – negative person especially on day to day mundane affairs in life. Though on a
higher level, you can have more faith and the capacity to surrender the ego to the Divine. On a
lower level, you are likely to have more belief in others and tend to denigrate yourself towards the
ego demands of others or peer group influences. For this reason you may have a tendency towards
sexual deviations or sexual disloyalties. You may be prone to do what you are told not to do from a
rational perspective and to befriend those whom you have been told to avoid. In this way, your
energy can be blocked, dissipated, confused or darkened. You may be somewhat eccentric and
scattered in what you do, unclear about who you are and what you really want from your life.

 ABC’s Ascendant Analysis

Your Ascendant is Aries which is ruled by Mars. Aries is a cardinal sign with fire element. As sign
number 1, Aries gives independence, force, self expression and a strong personal orientation in life.
You are dynamic, aggressive, competitive and possess much initiative with very strong self
expression. You have strong emotions and passions, but will usually remain in control of them. But
you can be wilful, impulsive or headstrong and can be critical or judgmental towards others.
Though ruled by Mars, but the martial energy will be expressed more through the mind than the
body in form of biting criticism and strong expression towards others. You can be prone to
argument in the guise of being logical and analytical specially towards people who are close to
you. You can be vain, self indulgent or just overly preoccupied with yourself. This in a relationship
may be perceived by your partner as being insensitive and self centered. But if you can develop a
strong emotional bonding with your partner and learn to share your anxieties and fear, then you
will be able to balance your insensitivity and self centered nature in a relationship.

ABC, in your horoscope, Venus and Mars are debilitated, whereas Mercury is exalted. 7th house of
marriage is occupied by Moon and its Lord Venus is placed in the 6th house in weak condition with
cluster of planets.

XYZ, in your horoscope, Jupiter is retrograde. Rahu and Ketu are debilitated. Mars is placed in the
7th house of marriage, whose Lord Sun is placed in the 6th house. Natural benefic Jupiter is Digbala
in the ascendant and it is influencing the 7th house of marriage and marital life.

 Interaction between Ascendants of both of you

You relate to each other progressively like “The leader and the reformist”. This is a relationship
that can really go places, change things, set new standards, etc. You are both independent and
freedom loving, and so respect each other’ space and wises. There is a dark side to such undeniable
brightness and lightness, however: the little needy child hiding in one or both of you can get

The Dialectics Of Relationship Between Two of You
For XYZ’s

 Leanings on different parameters

Liberation- Through your relationship you look for the true reason for being in a relationship at
all. It is essential that you have an openness with each other as only this can grant you the freedom
to find out why you are together as a unique couple of two unique human beings. Ultimately it is
about finding the right amount of freedom; neither too much nor too little.
Unusualness- This goes hand in hand with Liberation because without being unusual in some way,
as a pair you’d conform to some stereotype which stifles freedom and originality. Relatively at
least, you should be involved as a couple in some out of the ordinary or awakening pursuits.
Equality- The presence of any kind of discrimination between you is an abomination for it goes
against the basic fabric of your relationship, whether you know it or not. Any though of one of you
being better or less than the other would automatically destabilize the whole relationship.
Originality- Like a distinct individual, yours is a relationship that follows its own star, is true to
itself. This will also be evidenced in the actual circumstances of your being together having a
unique and unprecedented quality. You can inspire other couples to be this way too.
Broad – mindedness – There is an openness and spirit of experimentation about your being
together. You not only tolerate odd people and things, but may even venture into unusual and
ground breaking way of discovering your sexual and emotional parameters.
Friendliness- This part of this Theme is highly valuable in a relationship because it is actually
more reliable than passion or what passes for love. This is because Friendliness is none possessive
and non judgmental, and you apply it to each other and those involved with you.
Indifference- Because your relationship inclines toward cool impartially rather than fiery passion,
there is an incipient tendency to ‘de-emotionalize’ your interaction with each other so that
gradually an absence of motivation or meaning can beset you as a couple.
Alienation- Your relationship stands in danger of cutting itself off from the society or culture in
which it lives. When your qualities of unusualness and originality are not recognized or positively
expressed, you tacitly or actively turn yourselves as a couple into misfits or outcasts.
Rebelliousness- This is really the shadow of your specialness and uniqueness as a couple. Rather
than living and expressing your sense of freedom and originality, you attract the ‘petty tyrant’, that
is, someone who suppresses you, causing one or both of you merely to rebel or be bolshy. Then
again, rebellion may be your only way to free yourselves.

For ABC’s

 Leanings on different parameters

Independence – Much as you are a couple, it is vitally important that both of you feel free to do
your own thing by following your individual impulses, seeking each other’s approval first of all
purely as a formality. However, this should not preclude relying upon one another for support.
Artlessness – As a couple you are childlike and without agenda or guile. This could make for a
‘babes in the Wood’ scenario where your naiveté is a liability, but this ingenuousness can, if it
hasn’t already, evolve into an innocent and straightforward nature that others find refreshing to be
Activity- leading an active and physical lifestyle is important to you as a couple- that is, you need
to be doing things together like sports, walking, dancing, etc. you do not like to stand still, so some
competitiveness acts as a healthy fillip to making all important advances.

 Advantages on different parameters

Courage- If there is a battle to be fought or some challenge to be met, you have the guts and push
to face the music. Significantly, this includes being prepared to take an honest look at the reason
for difficult circumstances you may be in together and act upon them as a couple.
Leadership- In some respect or other, as a pair you lead the way for others. Your relationship is a
pioneering one in that you could be exploring untried methods of being together, discovering the
rules of the game or inventing your own as you go along. You are your own couple.
Spontaneity- At a moment’s notice, you are quite capable of changing your take or dropping
everything and taking off in another direction. As a couple you like to travel light, not be weighed
down by unnecessary ties. You can turn the unexpected into an exciting surprise.

 Weaknesses on different parameters

Impetuosity- Together you leap into things before you have had a proper look at what you might
be getting yourselves into. Very likely this applied to your actually getting involved as a couple in
the first place. It could also be how you quickly leap out of it (and into another relationship)!
Combativeness- You can have quite fierce battles. If the above qualities, like independence and
activity, are not exercised then this could continue to be the case, with destructive consequences.
You have to appreciate the difference between a ‘good ‘ fight and a ‘bad’ one.
Unsociability- Because you often tend to be into your own thing and ways of doing things, or in
conflict, involving other people in your life as a couple can be deemed compromising, frustrating
or awkward. But this can find you uninvited, bored and lonely at a later date.

Moon-Sign Compatibility
To judge mental compatibility between partners
Moon in our horoscope shows our general propensity for relationship and how we will interact
with our partner in life together. The moon gives us sensitivity of human feeling, a strong social
consciousness, and a need to exchange emotions. It makes us require that our feelings are
recognized in life and shared by others.

XYZ’s Moon-sign

Your Moon is placed in the Libra, which is ruled by Venus. Hence your Moon sign is Libra.

ABC’s Moon-Sign

Your Moon is placed in the sign of Libra which is ruled by Venus. Hence your Moon sign is Libra.

 Interaction between Moon Signs of both of you

You relate to each other deferentially like “Two diplomats”. You both are confronted with having
to know how to respond, relate in awkward situations, and socially conduct yourselves in general.
If you are good at this, you both are either particularly gracious or naturally well-mannered, or you
both are being superficial at the expense of emotional sincerity or somewhere between the two.
The decision is yours!

Ashtakoot analysis from different aspects of relationship (8 fold tests)
The horoscope matching that is done in traditional Vedic astrology is essentially based on the
compatibility between Moon-signs in the respective charts of the couple. This is called “Kundali
Milapak” report between the two charts.

Kundali Milapak is a unique and ancient 8-fold test of horoscope matching between a man and
woman's charts for marriage. This ancient technique of Vedic Astrology was formulated about
3,000 years ago and compares various aspects of the natal chart taking the Moon sign in the chart
as the primary factor.

The Natal Charts of the man and woman are drawn and comparatively tested in eight different
ways. Each test has a score. While the maximum points that can be achieved under each test are
different, the 8-fold test can yield a maximum score of 36 points. A score of 16 is deemed to be the
minimum for a reasonable match. Marriages are not recommended for a result below 16

Modern Relevance
Since these tests were formulated 3,000 years ago and based on the social norms and the role of
marriage in the ancient society, we have also made this ancient test applicable to the new
millennium by pointing out the basis of how the tests were scored, so that you can apply your own
judgment of how important a particular aspect is in your personal relationship.
Although the techniques and the basis of this comparison originated in ancient times, the analysis
has not lost its relevance today. This analysis brings out the difference in personality and nature
between two people in a quantitative and more precise manner than any other astrological tool. It
proves to be very accurate and relevant even today in gauging compatibility and the areas of
strengths and weakness in a relationship.

The Scoring System
In presenting you this analysis, we have maintained the integrity of ancient principles in the
scoring system and the weightage given to various aspects. However, we want you to understand
the principles behind it completely, so that you can understand the various aspects of your
relationship in which you are completely compatible and where the problem areas may lie so that
you are able to work on it.

In ancient times, the fundamental purpose of marriage was to carry on the lineage in a manner that
increased the material and spiritual prosperity of the couple within the norms of social behaviors in
that time. It is also to be understood that Women had been relegated to a subordinate or inferior
role in the Man/Woman Relationship. The role of the woman, be it the Queen or the wife of an
ordinary man in society, was at home and the primary responsibility was to look after the comforts
of the husband, take care of the children as well as his parents and his entire family.
The system by which this test assigns scores is that when and if in a relationship, the horoscope
chart of a woman rates higher and is superior in intellectual, mental or physical powers than the
chart of the man’s, then the test will fail and there will be a low score or a zero score. The highest
score is also given in this test in a woman’s ability to be a mother.
We encourage you to study this test very closely for its ability to point out the difference in
personality and ego between two different people and their strengths and weakness in maintaining
a nurturing, caring and growing relationship over time.

I will advice both of you to go through this report very carefully and understand the
significance of each of the 8 tests of compatibility and also the significance of the score
obtained by each of the 8 tests.

 Varna Test - Mental Compatibility Analysis

This test has a maximum value of 1 point and shows the basic potential of a person and the
person’s inherent skills and abilities. This also includes the personal egos of the partners and
compatibility between their egos. A partnership in which the woman has higher intellectual and
spiritual qualities will score low in this test.

For purposes of this test, personalities are divided into four classes to indicate potential and
inherent abilities. They are as follows:

Brahmin or Priests – They are the intellectuals and philosophers. Their role in society is that of a
Guru or a teacher. They were traditionally spiritual leaders and were not expected to perform
physical labor. Society looked up to them and looked after them. They have a high development of
spiritual and mental ability.

Kshatriya or Warriors – They form the leaders and the ruling class who are powerful people and
master of strategy and battle. They were traditionally the Kings and protectors of society. They are
considered very courageous and are decisive in their actions.

Vaishya or Merchants/Business people – They belong to the professional or business class of

people who perform all the useful and economic functions of society. They are skilled in different
crafts and professions, signifying tremendous abilities.

Shudra or Laborers/Service people - They belong to the normal hard-working class who had a
tremendous sense of service to society. Majority of the work in society fell upon them; hence they
also have an inherent sense of responsibility.

Maximum point 1
Minimum point 0
Actual Points Scored: 1

The 1st Person belongs to the Shudra / Laborers/Service people category

The 2nd Person belongs to the Shudra / Laborers/Service people category

Both the partners are of Shudra Varna. Both will have a sense of duty, responsibility, and service
and will have mutual trust and faith. This is a clear indication of similarity of intellect and views
and they will have good emotional adjustment. They will co-operate fully and will love and respect
each other. Hence there will be an excellent mental compatibility between them.

 Vasya Test -Power compatibility Analysis

This test has a maximum value of 2 points and shows the power equation between the partners. It
also reflects who will be the more dominant partner in the relationship.

For the purposes of this test, Vedic principles again divide personalities into 5 different categories
reflecting the difference in power status. These are classified by symbol of different living
creatures. The test scores the compatibility between these classifications and the inherent or natural
balance of power. Once again, if a woman has a higher power status, the score will be low. The
classifications are as follows:

Manav or Human- Humans are normally individualistic, they like to have control, have their own
opinions and the power to discriminate.

Vanchar or Creature of the Jungle - Jungle creatures that are powerful and those that are higher
in the food chain like Tigers, and Lions, etc. fall into this category.

Chatuspad or Four-Legged Creature - Animals that are less powerful like deer and goat and
sheep fall in this category.

Jalchar or Creature of Water - Once again they have their own power and their own sphere of

Keet or Insect - They are essential to any ecological balance and exert a quiet power that is
essential for survival. Thus, they have their own strengths and area of influence.

Maximum point 2
Minimum point 0
Actual Points Scored: 2

The 1st Person belongs to the Manav/ Human category

The 2nd Person belongs to the Manav/ Human category

Both partners belong to the Manav (human) classification. While human beings are individualistic
and each has their own independent thinking, they are also likely to respect each other’s views and
emotions. Since both belong to the same classification, the level of love and support between them
are of high order. Both are likely to adjust and be flexible. Hence this test indicates excellent

 Tara Test - Birth Star Compatibility Analysis

This test has a maximum value of 3 points and indicates the health, well-being and longevity of the
partners after marriage. This test reflects if marriage is favorable or unfavorable in promoting
longevity and health of each partner.

For purposes of this test, the inter-relationship of the birth stars (Tara) are looked at and compared.
Vedic Astrology rates the inter-relationship as being naturally auspicious or inauspicious. This test
rates the relationship of the birth stars as reflected in each partner’s natal chart. There are 9
categories of birth stars—Janama, Sampat, Vipata, Kshema, Pratyari, Sadhaka, Vadha, Mitra and
Ati-mitra. The counting is done from Her Birth Star to that of His and from His Birth Star to that of
Her’s. If by dividing each of them by the other, the remainder comes to 3, 5, 7 then the Tara is
inauspicious. If the remainder comes to 1, 2, 4, 6 8, 0 then it is auspicious. The points are
determined according to the auspicious and inauspicious Birth Stars of both the partners.

Maximum point 3
Minimum point 0
Actual Points Scored: 1.5


The relationship between these two birth stars is moderate. This indicates that peace, prosperity
and financial strength is likely to be of an average level. In addition, this is also considered to be
moderately favorable for birth of progeny and emotional attachment between the partners. An
average result.

 Yoni Test - Physical and sexual compatibility Analysis

This test has a maximum value of 4 points and shows sexual and biological compatibility, as well
as mutual love and sexual inclinations of the partners reflecting attraction, love and sexual joy.

For the purposes of this test, the relationship between the “Nakshatra” in the two natal charts are
compared and each Nakshatra is given the characteristic of an animal. Once again, animals have
either a natural affinity, or are neutral or enemies to each other. The maximum score of 4 is
obtained is obtained in this test when Yoni or the animal character personified is the same for both
Man and Woman. The minimum score of 0 is obtained in this test when the Yoni. or the animal
characteristics personified, of Man and Woman are natural enemies. For example, if the Yonis of
the couple belong to Serpent and Mongoose category, the score will be zero in this test.

The 14 animal characteristics that are endowed on the personalities are as follows:

Ashwa or Horse
Gaja or Elephant
Mesha or Ram
Sarpa or Serpent
Swah or Dog
Marjarah or Tom Cat
Mushika or Rat
Gau or Cow
Mahisha or Buffalo
Vyagrah or Tiger
Mriga or Deer
Vanara or Monkey
Nakula or Mongoose
Singha or Lion

Maximum point 4
Minimum point 0
Actual Points Scored: 4

The 1st Person belongs to the Vyaghra/ Tiger category

The 2nd Person belongs to the Vyaghra/ Tiger category


When both partners belong to the same Yoni, the level of attachment, love, support and co-
operation between them is normally of of a very high order. They are likely to assist each other in
almost every aspect of life. Both are likely to share each other’s joys and sorrows, moreover sexual
satisfaction between them is likely to be of excellent. Instead of thinking about their individual
sexual satisfaction they would strive to satisfy each other. Hence this test indicates excellent

 Grahamaitri Test-Planetary Harmony Analysis

This test has a maximum value of 5 points. It shows progeny prospects, mental qualities and
mutual affection between the partners. It also shows one’s outlook, objective, and intellectual level
as well as spiritual plane of existence. It reflects the fundamental difference in daily behavior,
attitude and norm by which the man and woman relate to each other.For the purposes of this test,
the relationship between the different planetary lords of the Moon Sign in each partner’s natal chart
is compared. Vedic Astrology attributes the planets either to be natural friends, or enemies or
neutral to each other.

The 7 planets are as follows:

Surya or Sun
Chandra or Moon
Mangal or Mars
Budh or Mercury
Guru or Jupiter
Shukra or Venus
Shani or Saturn

Maximum point 5
Minimum point 0
Actual Points Scored: 5

The 1st Person belongs to the Shukra/ Venus category

The 2nd Person belongs to the Shukra/ Venus category


Both the partners are of Shudra Varna. Both will have a sense of duty, responsibility, and service
and will have mutual trust and faith. This is a clear indication of similarity of intellect and views
and they will have good emotional adjustment. They will co-operate fully and will love and respect
each other. Hence there will be an excellent mental compatibility between them.

 Gana Test - Compatibility between nature of two of you

This test has a maximum value of 6 and shows the nature of the two different individuals at a
mundane level, and indicates the compatibility of temperament and mutual daily behavior, for
happiness and prosperity in their lives.

For purposes of this test, by categorizing persons into 3 separate classes, the inherent spiritual and
materialistic values of the two persons are compared and rated for compatibility. Once again, if the
woman were to score higher points spiritually, the scores will be low.

They are as follows:

Devata or Godly — This represents a person who is more spiritual than materialistic.

Manushya or Mortal — This indicates a person who has an even balance between the spiritual
and the materialistic.

Rakshasa or Demon — This represents a person who is more materialistic than spiritual

This is an important test with high values. The maximum point of 6 is obtained when both partners
belong to the same ‘Gana’. This signifies an identical outlook towards life. The scores in this test
can be 6, 5, 1 or 0. The minimum score of 0 is obtained when either partner belongs to a “Demon”
category. However, if both were to belong to the Demon category, the score would be high.
Marriage or a long-term relationship between inimical Ganas brings quarrels, disharmony,
separation and divorce.

Maximum point 6
Minimum point 0
Actual Points Scored: 6

The 1st Person belongs to the Rakshasa/ Demon category

The 2nd Person belongs to the Rakshasa/ Demon category


Both the man and the woman belong to the same Gana. When both of them belong to the same
Gana, mental, emotional and behavioral compatibility between them is normally of a very high
level. Their intellectual thinking and ideological thoughts are likely to be almost similar. Love,
respect, co-operation and adjustment between them is likely to be excellent. Both are likely to co-
operate with each other in almost every aspect of life and thus both are likely to lead a peaceful and
progressive life. Hence the result of this test indicates excellent results.

 Bhakut Test -Compatibility between two Moon signs

This test has a maximum value of 7 and is a crucial test to check overall prosperity in the growth of
family, family welfare and economic prosperity after marriage.

For purposes of this test, the compatibility between the Zodiac Moon Signs are compared by
checking the angles created by these signs in the two different charts.

The Moon Signs are as follows:

Mesh or Aries
Vrisha or Taurus
Mithun or Gemini
Kark or Cancer
Singha or Leo
Kanya or Virgo
Tula or Libra
Brischik or Scorpio
Dhanu or Sagittarius
Makar or Capricorn
Kumbha or Aquarius
Meena or Pisces

Maximum point 7
Minimum point 0
Actual Points Scored: 7

The 1st Person belongs to the Tula / Libra category

The 2nd Person belongs to the Tula / Libra category


The Moon signs in the birth chart of the couple are the same. Both form a 1/1 axis from each other.
When the moon signs are same, the different facets of their personality are also similar. Mental,
emotional, ideological and behavioral compatibility is perfect. This indicates that the relationship is
likely to be warm and affectionate and they are likely to co-operate with each other in almost every
aspect of life. Hence this test indicates excellent results.

 Nadi Test - Compatibility between Life forces

This test that has the highest value of 8 shows the pulse and nervous energy indicating the
physiological and heredity factor. This test also measures the genetic compatibility between the
couple to produce healthy progeny after marriage.

Please consider that in ancient Vedic times, the main purpose of marriage was to produce healthy
children and to continue the family lineage. In this age of modern science and technology, where
the most advanced medical facilities are available, this score should be considered in light of this
factor. In addition, in those relationships where birth of children is not required, this score can be
completely discarded from the overall points and the points scored.

For purposes of this test, life forces are categorized as follows:

Adi or Beginning
Madhya or Middle
Aanta or End

Maximum point 8
Minimum point 0
Actual Points Scored: 8

The 1st Person belongs to the Antya/ End category

The 2nd Person belongs to the Madhya/ Middle category


Dissimilarity between the nadis is considered to be favorable for marital bliss and better prospects
of progeny. This is also considered to be favorable for achieving peace and prosperity in life.
Enjoyment of romance is also likely to be of a high order. Hence this test indicates excellent

Final Kundali Milapak scores & Conclusion for relationship

Maximum Score Possible =36

Total Points Scored =34.5

Conclusion Of Kundali Milapak

You will observe both your charts have scored 34.5 points out of maximum score of 36 points.
This is considered as outstanding and very rare score, as far as match making is concerned. There
is Mangal Dosha in both of your horoscopes. Therefore the inauspicious effects of Mangal Dosha
thus get neutralized. The compatibility or graha maitri score does suggest strong karmic bond and
understanding between both of you as the score is mere 5 out of the total score of 5. Considering
these all planetary forces, it can be concluded that the overall strength of this match is excellent
indicates good stability and harmony in conjugal life. However there may be minor bad times
during malefic influences of planetary forces. You may not expect totally tension-free conjugal
union. However your conjugal life will be based on mutual understanding and adjustment.

The Mars compatibility OR Kujadosha Analysis between two charts
Mangalik chart and Non Mangalik chart is a term most familiar in India. It is also called
“Kujadosha” between the charts.

Kujadosha or Mars affliction is an astrological condition which negatively affects a person’s

married life and domestic harmony. It occurs when Mars is in the 1st, 4th, 7th, 8th or 12th house,
unless it is posited in a sign designated as an exception for that particular house.

These exceptions are as follows:

Mars in first house, unless posited in Aries. Mars in the 4th house, unless posited in Scorpio. Mars
in 7th house, unless posited in Capricorn or Pisces. Mars in 8th house, unless posited in Cancer.
Mars in 12th house, unless posited in Sagittarius.

For a detail analysis, position of Mars must be checked in the same manner not only in Natal
(Lagna) chart, but also in Moon-Sign (Rashi) chart and also in Navamsa ( 9th harmonic chart).

The effect of Kujadosha is to cause a person to be somewhat victimized in his/her marriage. This
can of course occurs in any number of ways, but ultimately one is likely to end up divorced and
generally through no obvious fault of one’s own. The person will also have to endure hardships in
the marriage generated by the spouse.

The way out of this problem is for a person with Kujadosha to marry another who also has it. A
person with Kujadosha does not have the nature to victimize his spouse, and therefore if both
partners have the condition, it’s effect is neutralized. This is the usual procedure in cases of
arranged marriage in India where horoscopes of the couple are matched before the go ahead is

However, the problem does not really get fully solved, even if this precautions are taken while
deciding about a bride/ groom.

The mechanics of Kujadosha are such that it causes a person to be attracted to a partner who by
his/her very nature cannot blend or function compatibly for any great length of time with that
person who does not have Kujadosha in his/her chart. Therefore one is quite simply at the mercy of
his/her fate and the marriage may eventually come to an end.

However the most significant problem is a person with Kujadosha will not feel much physical
attraction or any special chemistry for another who also has Kujadosha in his/her chart. In such
cases the marriage may be saved but excitement and passion may soon vanish within a few years of
Life Together.

XYZ’s Chart

As per his birth chart, Mars is posited in the 7th house in Leo. It indicates that there is Mangal
Dosha in his birth chart as Mars is placed in the 7th house.

As per his Moon-Sign chart (Rashi Chart), no Mangal Dosha has constituted since Mars is Located
in 11th house of Leo and in this house Mangal Dosha is not considered

As per his 9th harmonic /divisional chart (Navamsa chart), there is no Mangal Dosha, since Mars is
Located in his 6th house with Jupiter.

ABC’s chart

As per her birth chart, Mars is posited in the 4th house in Aries in its debilitated sign or house. It
indicates she is partially Manglik, as Mars is weak in strength in the sign of Cancer.

As per her Moon-Sign chart (Rashi Chart), there is no Mangal Dosha since Mars is Located in the
10th house, in its debilitated sign or house.

As per her 9th harmonic / divisional chart (Navamsa chart), there is no Mangal Dosha as Mars is
Located in her 3rd house.

Role of planet Venus for harmony and love in both the charts
Venus is the planet for love and passion in our chart, both emotional love as well as physical
passion. Venus in the chart indicates the way we will express or project our love to our partner as
well as the way we would like to receive love from our partner in a relationship. A good and
harmonious Venus between the charts will go a long way to build a strong emotional and physical
bonding between the couple which in turn can sustain and nurture the relationship over a long
period of time.

 The Meaning of Love for both of you

♥ XYZ’s Chart

Love for you is something that you do not want to become too dark or heavy; it should have just
enough shade to keep you interested without feeling you have to probe and plumb the depths.
However, carrying this lightness too far may well attract some kind of emotional crisis and
confrontation, because an equal blending of the light and the dark is what makes the difference
between real love and mere fancy.

♥ ABC’s Chart

Love for you is something that has an excruciatingly fine line between being true and false,
acceptable and unacceptable. You have a very delicate and discerning sensibility, but you do not
want it crushed or abused by indiscriminate treatment. This very critical inner state can attract just
what you want, or find no one at all who measures up, or by way of compensating for such
fastidiousness, cause you to succumb to some mere fancy.

 Mutual Respect & Trust For Each Other

XYZ’s Chart

You gain respect from your partner due to-

♥ An aura of gentleness and receptivity in you that makes your partner feel safe, creed for, and
as if they belong somewhere and to someone.
♥ Your feeling of familiarity that implies an awareness of how your partner feels
♥ Your sense of ambition and tenacity that ensures future security for your partner and family.

You lose respect from your partner due to-

♥ Your discomfort with hard cold reality by consistently avoiding your responsibilities.
♥ Your concern for your partner when really it is your fear of losing your partner; using other’s
fears to keep them where you want them.
♥ Your softly – softly approach in order to avoid confrontation with your partner or some
uncomfortable matter.

ABC’s chart
You gain respect from your partner due to-
♥ Your aura of certainty that enables your partner to become more confident in themselves
and own abilities.
♥ Your positive and cheerful glow that gives the impression that you have life under control.
♥ Your dignity as you bear life’s difficulties without complaint.

You lose respect from your partner due to-

♥ Your need for admiration in order to gain a sense of importance and specialness.
♥ What you see as your strengths because you can equate weakness with being unlovable.
♥ Your convictions and ‘rules’, fearing that you’ll lose your grip if you are magnanimous
enough to loosen it.

Status of House of marriages on marital point of view
7th house is the house of marriage in our chart. 7th house per se indicates the status of your marital
life, irrespective of the partner with whom you are married to.

XYZ’s Chart

His 7th house is Leo, which is ruled by Sun and it is placed in the 6th house. Powerful and malefic
Mars is placed in the 7th house of marriage in his birth chart and Jupiter is influencing the 7th
house of marriage. There is aspect of Saturn on the 7th house of marriage in his birth chart
indicating some challenges in conjugal life. Jupiter’s aspect on the 7th house will act as saviour
despite the fact that malefic Mars is posited in the 7th house of marriage and conjugal life. Jupiter is
retrograde and Digbala in your horoscope.

ABC’s Chart

Her 7th house is Libra, which is ruled Venus and it is placed in the 6th house in debilitated
condition in her horoscope. Venus is afflicted and associated with cluster of planets and it is not a
positive signature for you vis-à-vis conjugal related matters. Moon is placed in the 7th house and
Mars has aspect on the 7th house of marriage and conjugal life in her horoscope. This will create
mismatch of views and opinions.

Astrological Signatures for next 12 months on marital point of view
We will examine your respective charts to see when each one of you is likely to get married
astrologically as per your charts.

XYZ’s Chart

XYZ is undergoing inauspicious Ketu main period and sub period of Venus and this period will
rule his life till 17th August, 2018. This period is favourable for him to walk down the aisle, as
Venus is the signifier of marriage, romance and love in male’s horoscope. Venus is also his sole
Yogakaraka planet in his horoscope.

ABC’s Chart

ABC is undergoing Saturn main period and sub period of Saturn and this period is going to rule her
life till 20th April, 2020.

Saturn is considered as a functional malefic planet because of its Lordship of the 10th and 11th
house respectively.

Saturn is placed in the 6th house with stellium of planets. At the present moment, Jupiter is passing
over your natal Moon and transiting through the 7th house of marriage, I feel 2018 will remain
highly conducive for her to walk down the aisle.

Final recommendation & address of primary concern for compatibility
Considering all the factors in your respective charts, I have no hesitation to strictly say ‘YES’ to
marriage for both of you with each other.

As planetary orientation with compatibility as well as Ashtkoot Guna score does indicate a stable
marriage, however there will be conjugal stressful and occasional fret and fume in conjugal life.

I suggest you to make some positive changes in your behavioural patterns. You should try to
maintain balanced attitude and behaviour with your life partner after marriage. Astrological
remedies will help you to neutralize negative planetary afflictions in your horoscopes. You need to
maintain conjugal parity with each other by adjusting yourself as conjugal life is all about
adjustment and accommodation.

Considering these all planetary forces, I arrive at the conclusion that the overall strength of this
match is considered as excellent, which may lead to success and prosperity. However, due to
different way of rearing up in individual life and family culture, you may face initial hiccups in
adjusting with each other in nature. If you wish to go ahead with the marriage, you are strongly
recommended following remedial measures as mentioned before.

Remedial Recommendation for happiness in romance/married life


You must wear the gemstone White Sapphire for planet Venus. Venus is the lord of the 4th and
9th house in his chart. Thus Venus is the key planet in his horoscope for domestic happiness.

You should strengthen the planet Venus by wearing a White Sapphire weighing 5 carats in
potency. It must be mounted on a silver pendant around your neck. The gem must be put on first on
a Friday morning.


You must wear the gemstone Yellow Sapphire for planet Jupiter, Jupiter being her 9th house and
12th house Lord in her natal chart.

You should strengthen the planet Jupiter by wearing a Yellow Sapphire weighing 5 carats in
potency. It must be mounted on a gold ring and worn on the index or fore finger of your right hand.
The gem must be put on first on a Thursday morning.

In order to know more about the remedies given above, please click on the links below:

♥ White Sapphire;

♥ Yellow Sapphire;

May God Grant You Peace & Prosperity in your Life!

On behalf of CyberAstro.Com

With Warm Regards,

B. B. Sorcer


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