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Good evening, everyone.

I would like to remind all of you that I will not be at our practice tomorrow and Monday. And on
Tuesday, when I come back, we’ll expect and we want all of you to have memorized and practiced the
whole song because y’all have today till Monday to memorize that, hence I’ve given y’all 4 days(3 days
left) to memorize a 7 min song. It’s easy to memorize since parts of the song are repeated. Therefore,
what I expect when I go to school on Tuesday is that we will be able to rehearse properly.

In addition, leader and I will be deducting credit points if one of you still doesn’t memorize the song on
Tuesday. I apologize if we’re gonna be a bit strict, but it still isn’t our fault. We’re just doing this because
some of you are not taking our assigned task/s seriously. And memorizing a song is a very easy task.
Unlike leader’s task which is to make our instrumental background music. And mine, which is to help
and teach all of you how to sing properly. Furthermore, leader and I will stop giving special treatment
just because we’re acquaintances, friends, or close. Here are some rules that we have decided upon
noticing from recent events.

You’re officially cut off from this group when(3 strikes):

- Had not finished a task after the due date. We always give you a 24+ hour due date, that’s why
we don’t understand why almost all of you can’t do it on time, but leader and I can (we also
have more assignments and activities unlike some of you who are not in an additional class such
as journalism or Nihonggo). A valid reason must be said before we extend the due date.
- We have observed(in our rehearsals), that some of you do not treat us with respect.
- You complain to an older person because of a reasonable thing we did. (Like what we did with
the credits and other stuff)

Of course, before we kick you out of this group, you will first talk with our class president, vice president,
and/or secretary.

Another thing, if you have a problem with the credits that we have given all of you and other stuff,
please complain yourselves, and do not use anyone just because you want to force us to do what you
want. You will be talking with our class Pres., VP, and/or secretary too when this happens.

I will repeat, we should not let our problems(in this group) get to our older siblings, parents, friends, and
especially, our teacher/s. Because there’s a very high possibility that this will result in another issue.

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