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Kasiet: Once upon a time, there was a king who had three sons.And the king decided to marry his
sons. One day he told them to shoot an arrow and marry the one who catches it. The arrow of the
eldest was caught by a beautiful and delicate girl like a rose. And the arrow of the middle was caught
by a supportive and caring girl who can be relied on in any situation. But the arrow of the youngest
son fell into the swamp and that's what happened next

A:-Come in, come in, don’t be afraid, let’s go

-Hello, Father!
K:-Hello, Son!
-Who is it?
A:-She is my bride
K:-Are you joking?
A:-No,I’m serious, my arrow hit the swamp and as you can see she caught it.
K:-Welllll! What’s your name, girl?
K:-No wonder
-Who is your parents?
K:-At least knows the plural of nouns
-So, I’m fair and I ordered the other brides to bake bread for the morning.Could you bake?
N:-Of course!
K:-I will see
A:-Come on, can you bake bread?
N:-What is it?
A:-ehhhh! I’m going to sleep!
N:-Don’t worry Ivanushka, sleep on it, close your eyes “bayu bai”

Kasiet: Night falls, they fall asleep and suddenly the frog wanted to recall the past life in the swamp
and she takes a shower.
So the morning has come and the king comes hoping to see the baked bread.

K:-Good morning, son! Has your frog baked bread?

N:-Yes, of course!
K:-Come on, show me (минута молчания) quickly, quickly!
N:-I can’t because I haven’t baked
K:-Then why do you say that you have baked?
N:-I think that I have beaker
K:-Everything is clear with you
N:-What about other brides?
K:-They have baked
N:-Then that is enough for you!
K:- OK, can you weave a carpet?
K:-Then show it to me tomorrow morning
A:-Do you know how to weave a carpet?
N:-Of course, you don't have to worry and go to bed. Close the eyes (bauy bai)
Kasiet: Night falls, they fall asleep and the frog wanted to take a shower again

S:-Your bride uses our bathroom all the time!
N:-Are you being greedy or something?
S:-Give me my carpet!

Kasiet: They had barely fallen asleep when morning arrived, and the king came to inspect the carpet.

K:-Good morning son!

A:(вздохнув)Good morning father
K:Has your bride weaved a carpet?
A:Have you?
N:-I was hoping you forget about it
K:-Son, kick her out
A:-With pleasure
N:-Have pity on me Ivanushka, don’t kick me out. I have one secret.
A:-Father give her one chance, just one, just for me
K:-Okay, just for you son, then let her sew me a shirt
A:-Okay, thank you, father
(отец уходит и через некоторое время)
-So, tell me, I’m waiting
N:-In fact,I have been enchanted and if you kiss me, I will became a beautiful girl
A:-What?Are you joking?
N:-Of course not, it’s true
A:-okay(целует Набиля в щечку)
N:-Not like this. Kiss me on the lips
A:-Okay(целует в губы)
-Where is beautiful girl?Where?
N:-I’m standing here
N:-I’m joking, you didn’t like it?
A:- эээээх

Kasiet: The moral of such a tale could be that believing in luck can be a powerful source of
motivation and hope, but it's important to remember that success also requires hard work, patience,
and honesty. It can teach that having faith in oneself and one's abilities is important, but one must
also be prepared to overcome obstacles and challenges on the way to achieving goals.

And we just wanted to see your smiles on your faces.

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