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Nama : Ani Nurlina

Kelas : XII IPS


In an area filled with shady forests, there is a towering castle building. The castle
looks so luxurious yet so creepy. Moreover, the thick fog and smoke made people
shiver when they saw it.
Not many people knew that there was a woman sitting in the room inside the
castle. Sofia is the name, a woman who has been trapped in the castle with her
legs tied in chains.
She has done various ways to get free from the chains, but unfortunately, it can't
be done!
Being trapped in the castle with her legs bound made Sofia bored. Several times
she had tried to escape, but for several times the chains that bound her pulled her
back into the castle. Until finally Sofia began to resign herself to her situation.
But a glimmer of hope appears in her mind, when Sofia finds an ancient book set
in human life out there.
"I want something like this," she said with the desire to be free from the castle
Then Sofia began to look for some more clues to her freedom. She goes to the
library in the castle and looks for books that will give her clues.
She spends her time reading books, but never finds the clues Sofia needs. Sofia
begins to give up.
At the most critical moment, when Sofia is about to give up on her fate, the
glimmer of light that catches her eye from the bookshelf brings a new
understanding. She picks it up and begins to read from page to page. In the book
of legends are hidden various kinds of hidden histories of mythological creature
Until one page caught her attention, where there was a picture of a woman with
chains wrapped around her entire body. Sofia began to read that section because
she felt something familiar to her.

After a while,

Finally... answered! Sofia got the curse because a witch gave her magic when her
world was not okay. Where at that time there was a massive war between the
creatures of the kingdom and the witch nation.
At that time a queen who was leading her kingdom was captured and bound by
chains then the witch killed her and gave her a curse to the queen, until finally the
queen was declared dead in the war.
A memory suddenly flashed, a fragment of the past events appeared in his
memory. Sofia, who feels odd in this case, tries to find out more about everything.
Along with that understanding, a strength grows in her, a desire to fight fate and
change her own destiny.
With fierce determination, Sofia begins to trace the steps needed to break the
curse. She realized that only by discovering the power within herself could she
break free from the shackles of the past. Her first step is to understand the power
she possesses, honing it through learning from ancient books and seeking clues
from forgotten legends.
Sofia embarks on a long journey towards liberation, bravely facing every obstacle
that appears before her. She learns not only about herself, but also about
strength and courage.
Finally, after a long and arduous journey, Sofia manages to shake off the chains
that bind her and discovers the true power within herself. With determination,
she is able to break the curse and free herself from the shackles of the past. As
the sun rises over the eastern horizon, Sofia emerges from the castle victorious,
ready to start a new chapter in her life with her newfound freedom.
Sofia stood in the middle of the silent forest, looking out at the darkness
surrounding her. The dim moonlight shone through the lush trees, creating
mysterious shadows around her. Suddenly, from behind the trees that ducked, a
red-robed figure appeared who stepped closer to Sofia with slow steps. his face
was hidden behind the hood he was wearing, .Sofia wondered, whether all this
time there was someone who also lived in the same place as her. Suddenly, the
figure speaks to her.
"You will never find your freedom. "
"What do you mean?"
Sofia looked at the figure with confusion, why would someone just show up when
she was starting to find her way out. "Who are you? Sofia asked the cloaked
The figure still remained silent. Silent under the moonlight that shines on it like a
living shadow. The figure smiled grinning at Sofia.
"You should have realized that you are just an illusory wanderer in your life, you
are just a soul trapped in the shadow of your life. If only you had remained silent
and stayed in your castle maybe you would have existed for a long time. However,
you were wrong, you chose to follow your desires that will never be realized.
When a ray of light suddenly came from the front.sofia was surprised when the
light came up to her face. Her body slowly began to tremble as the light began to
absorb her body into ashes. She tried to scream, but her voice trailed off as the
light surrounded her more and more. In that instant, her body turned into fine
particles of dust, flakes of dust floated into the air, making her no longer whole.In
a painful silence, Sofia's figure vanished. Only a flake of dust remains, drifting
slowly before finally merging with the light that has brought her.In an instant, it's
all over. Sofia's body vanishes, consumed by the light.
The end of a story, In the silence that surrounds everything, Sofia's figure
disappears, merging with the light that picked her up, leaving a sign of eternity in
the inevitable change.


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