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Appeal against visa

Name :- : Abd El Aziz Ismail Basiouni Badr

Date of Birth : 28/9/1968

Nationality : Egyptian

Address : 14Elamal STElk blat St. El amyria-Cairo-Egypt

Marital Status : Married

Mobile : 01146542754

Email :

Passport No. : A23119575

TLS application No. : 3025689

The visa rejection letter I received dated 18/1/2024 No.: (700496)

Dear Sir/German Embassy

I am writing to object to the refusal of my Schengen visa application.

Which gave the following reasons for refusing my application

10. Die vorwelegten Informationen aber den Zveck und die Bedingungen des
geplanten Aufenthalts waren nicht glaubhaft.

12. & Ps bestehen begriindete Zweifel an der Zuverldssigkeit, an der Echtheit


eingereichten Belege oder an ihrem Wahrheitsgehalt.

13, Bs bestehen begrindete Zweifel an Ihrer Absicht, vor Ablauf des Visums aus

Hoheitsgebiet der Mitgliedstaaten auszureisen.

I received a notification that my application was rejected,at 18/1/2024 which I
recieved at 29/1/2024 but I strongly believe that the decision was unjustified
and unfair.

I provided all the necessary documents to support my visa application, including

my travel itinerary, accommodation bookings, and travel insurance.

I believe that the consulate/embassy of Germany was wrong to reject my

Schengen visa application, for the following reasons

Reason number 10

10. Die vorwelegten Informationen aber den Zveck und die Bedingungen des
geplanten Aufenthalts waren nicht glaubhaft.

(10. 2 The information provided but the purpose and conditions of the planned
stay were not credible.)

10- Reply

I have a valid reason and purpose for my visit to the Schengen area, in
Germany which is to attend and participate in the FAT test (factory acceptance
test ) for the packaging and filling lines and machines which produce a
pharmaceutical liquid syrup, suspension and drops which purshased from a
German company HANSELLA(formerly Bosch or Syntegon company) to my
company ARAB DRUG company (ADCO) related to my profession (R&D
expert and Production consultant at ADCO) .

This FAT test is an important to finalize the Purshasing order

(P.O of 3.3185million Euro)) dated 19/8/2021 between Elgomhoria company

(Agent of ADCO ) and HANSELLA(formerly Bosch or Syntegon company),
which will benefit The Egyptian patients and contribute to the development of
my home country and also will benefit the german company
HANSELLA(formerly Bosch or Syntegon company).

Refer to

1- the Hansella invitation letter which mention the purpose if the visit for FAT
2- Swift for paying a first part of price of the line
3- SKMBT_28323081415310 for paying the price of the lines
Reason number 12

12. & Ps bestehen begriindete Zweifel an der Zuverldssigkeit, an der Echtheit


eingereichten Belege oder an ihrem Wahrheitsgehalt.

(12. & Ps there are reasonable doubts about the reliability and authenticity of
the submitted documents or their truthfulness.)

12- Reply

I confirm that all documents in my application of visa are true and my ADCO
company guarantees that refer Where ADCO company give and provide us with
money needed in the Bank for the bank statement for this visit because we are in
an official mission and my company ADCO arab drug company are responsible
for us any accidental events that may happened during the german visit according
to our working Egyptian laws .
Also Hansella company afford accommodation and hotels during the visit to
their factory in Germany refer to
Reason number 13

13, Bs bestehen begrindete Zweifel an Ihrer Absicht, vor Ablauf des Visums
aus dem

Hoheitsgebiet der Mitgliedstaaten auszureisen.

13, Bs there are reasonable doubts about your intention to leave the country
before the visa expires to leave the territory of the Member States.

13- Reply

However, my application was still rejected based on the assumption that I do

not have sufficient ties to my home country and that I may not return after my
visit to the Schengen area.

I would like to clarify that I have strong ties to my home country, including

1-my family (my wife my 6 kids), property, and

2-a stable job(At ARAB DRUG COMPANY a governmental company)For

more than 30 years till now (refer to ADCO HR letter).

I have no intention of overstaying my visa or engaging in any illegal activities

during my visit to the Schengen area.

I am willing to comply with all the rules and regulations governing my visit
and will return to my home country as scheduled.

And I visited many countries around the world before and return to my
country home again (Jordan 2012,South Korea 2014,Saudia Arabia

I am assured that and gurantees my return after this visit to Germany

To bring machines and lines of production to our company

Given the above circumstances, I strongly believe that I am eligible for a

Schengen visa, and I respectfully request a review of my application and
reconsideration of my eligibility for a visa.

I would appreciate your prompt attention to this matter, and I remain at your
disposal for any further information or documentation you may require.
Thank you for your time and consideration.


Abdelaziz Ismail Basuni abdelaziz

Arab Drug Pharmaceutical Company

Affiliated to the Holding Company for Pharmaceuticals and the Ministry of
Business Sector in Egypt

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