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The search results provide various interesting facts about monkeys:

1. Monkeys are intelligent, social animals that belong to the primate group of mammals, which
includes apes and humans. They are known for their communication skills, using a variety of pitches
to warn each other of danger, call a mate, and talk to their young[4].

2. Monkeys are highly social omnivores that live in groups called troops, consisting of several
females with young and a single male[2].

3. Monkeys have a distinct set of fingerprints, similar to humans, which indicates a close connection
between primates[4].

4. Monkeys are diurnal and tropical or subtropical, with most species leaping from tree to tree using
all four limbs. They are capable of standing and sitting straight and running along branches instead of
swinging arm in arm like apes[2].

5. Monkeys are known for their inquisitiveness and intelligence, with the ability to solve complex
problems and learn from experience. While they are good at using objects as tools, they do not
reach the cognitive levels of great apes[2].

These notes highlight the social nature, intelligence, and unique characteristics of monkeys as
fascinating members of the primate group of mammals.







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