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Thank you for accepting my invitation and it is my pleasure meeting such a woman

like you here on Facebook. I hope we can be friends and exchange messages. Do reply
soon if you agree.


I know my last message might look funny to you as we don't know each, I am a single
American soldier. I wish you answer me politely by telling me your marital status.


Hello dear,

I am happy to receive your respond. My name is , US Military, 49 years age from

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania’s, United State of American. I was deployed to Syria for
a peace keeping under United Nation keeping mission. I want to have a good close
friend from your country which can lead into a relationship. Do you have an United
State friend? Have you been to United State before? I do not mind about age
differences between us.

I am a single father, so I am all by myself and will need someone to talk to and
share things of my heart. I prefer a mature woman because I feel she will
understand me better and I don't want to be taken advantage of by a young lady.
Plase tell me more about your self like yourself, are you married? and what is your
age, your occupation.

I look forward to hearing from you.


Thank you for your respond. My name is from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania’s , I am 50

years old and I am gentle and single.. in search of a serious and dedicated
relationship. One that could lead to marriage. I work as an intelligence analyst,
as a result I travel to different countries for peace keeping and currently in
Aleppo Syria.

I lost my parents when I was 8 years old and I was raise by a Catholic priest. I am
the only child and I have never been married before but I have a Son and a daughter
from Ex Girl friend but I love my kids a lot. Are you a Christian / Buddha
something tells me you are more than just a Christian .. I think you are an angel
sent from heaven to make the rest of my days on earth the happiest .

Did it hurt when God removed your wings and sent you to earth? I always wanted to
marry a woman who will be ready to be with me, and love me for who I am and I
believe coming across you makes you that special woman.

So tell me, are you married or single? What is your age, your work for a living and
your country? Please feel free and tell me more about you and if you have been to
American before?

Thank you

That�s so good .. I am proud of you .. and you should be proud of yourself too for
being who you are. You are a wonderful woman, there is something so special about
you which I am yet to discover amd soon I will discover that and If things work out
between the both of us, I can come down there and see you. My dear all I want is
just for you to be honest to me. I want to let you know that since I lost my ex
girl friend, my life has been filled with making some certain decisions about my
career, meeting new friends, counting my blessings and facing squarely the
challenges and vicissitude that life has presented including being a single father,
I'm very optimistic that one day I will meet someone very special to fill the
vacuum she has left may be on FB. To be honest with you, I'm searching for a
lovely, caring, God-fearing-family-oriented-woman to start up a home once I return
from Syria. Can we consider each other as friends for now?


How are you my dearest? I want you to know that I am ready to go any where in the
world to be with the woman I love as I have not been to your country before. I
chose to be alone because I was not really ready for any relationship and now I
think the time is right.

I have been through several heart breaks in the past. I got so scared of women, I
got cheated on in my past relationships. I need a mature woman like you. I know
you are matured enough to understand me.. I need a woman who would love me for who
I am and not because of my worth or my career. I need you listen to your heart ; I
would like to feel those gaps between each beat.

I would fight for your love and always make you happy even in worse conditions you
are my precious I just want to see that beautiful face every morning forever. I
think we all were born alone and a relationship working out is in our own hands, if
we chose to make it work out it will and if we chose not to be serious about it,
its still our decision. You are far from me, that is an undeniable fact, but we can
always keep each other close not only by mails but also by having imaginations of
being closer.

Always write a message to me because nothing makes me more happy than when I read
from you as I may not be online always to chat with you due to the nature of our
job here but I will always message you during my free hour... Kisses


Hello dear. its so nice to read from you. To be honest my knees are killing me
because I fall for you each time I read your message. To you, I am probably just
one person but to me, you are everything to me. I have tried, but it is now
official that I cannot stop thinking about you. Sorry for not coming online
frequently due to the nature of my job as a military soldier on a troop.

I am happy in a way but I miss so much of the warmth of another person and feel I
can offer a lot to you. I am very gentle, romantic, sensitive, understanding,
considerate and polite, very sincere and optimistic person. They say I have got
good manners and good character too. I take care of myself and interested in
fitness to stay in shape. I enjoy simple things in life and thank God for giving me
a chance to enjoy life. But I want to share it with a special person in my life
like you.

I long for you just as much as a drowning man longs for air. It would kill me to
have you just a little. I would rather be in hell with you than in heaven without
you. Babe, you are my dream woman, and like my late parents always say when I was a
kid, never give up on your dreams which I believe your my dream woman. Please give
a chance to rain in between us OK.

Thank you


I feel so great that you took your time in writing to me . I value every single
word you type . its like I am looking at the most beautiful hand writing in the
world, a handwriting of an angel. I'm really impressed. I may not have gold to
offer you but I know I am honest, reliable, resourceful, supportive, caring and

Before I came online, I had a lot in my mind. I have a lot of expectations and I
thought about the challenges that I would face if I find a woman whose interests
are similar to mine...

I am online to search for a soul mate and there you are. So I have been very
optimistic for a wonderful, serious, dedicated and a lasting love life. and now I
found you. Looking at your pretty face makes me happy and filled with joy.


Hello my beautiful, charming , sweet, tasty , romantic, I wish chatting with you
of course I have missed you so much. Baby, I want you to give me a reason to love
again. I want you to make my days so nice. I can feel you everyday breath in me.
You are the other life I never lived. I have interests in you because you have
given me a reason not to look at my past boring life. Little things matters a lot
to me, Although we just started but you have so far acted mature and very
responsible and I will be an ungrateful fool not to love and respect you in return.

I believe I can conquer the world with a single hand so long as you are holding
the other. I will love you F.O.R.E.V.E but no R because it would be the end of
forever. Every time I ready your message, I fall in love with you all over again. I
put a tear in the ocean and the day you find it is the day I will stop loving you.

You are all I have ever wanted in a Girlfriend. You are the best thing that has
ever happened to me.


Hello dear,

How are you today? I want you to understant that my life is so much better, and I
owe it all to you. I may not be a photographer, but I can sure picture us together
You are the only woman I love right now. If I had a star for everytime you made me
happy, I would own a galaxy in the centre of my palm. I think its time for me to
stop being shy and act like a man. I am now bold enough to say this to you. I LOVE
and I promise to always to stand by you and never break your heart.

If you turn me down I would have no other option than to forget about women
completely because no other woman can make me feel so happy the way you make me
feel since we met. You are the queen of my heart.

I do not donate organs but I couldn�t help but give you my heart. If I had a rose
for every thought I had of you, I would have a garden that had no end. Please let
me know your respond.


How are you my Angel? it is good to read from you again, I think of nothing again
but what to do to make you happy. If there�s one thing I would ask of God before I
leave the world, there�s nothing more I would wish for than to have a glimpse of
you and hear your voice before the last beat of my heart.

I want to meet you soon honey and I know I will... just hang in there for me my
sweet chocolate. I am making preparations on coming over to you. But I have to
round up with my job here in Syria as my assignment will be completed in weeks to
come. I love you so much my angel.


Hello my pretty queen, have you had anything to eat yet? I wish I were there with
you so I could cook for you.. I am a very good cook and a good singer too, tonight
I am going to make a painting of your picture. and keep it close to me so I could
feel you so close. There is something that has been bodering me and I really want
to discuss it with you.

Few minutes ago, I was lonely in my bunk.. I had alot in my mind about you and
I... sometimes I fight with my emotions and thoughts about leaving everything about
my job just to be with you, but when I think about this, I also think if you can do
the same for me. In life we fight for what we want to make them ours..

Can you sacrifice your most valuable asset for me? will you be able to stand by me?
both in times of pains, hardship and suffering? are you willing to spend the rest
of your life with me? are you ready to experience what true love means? do you
fight to be with me as much as I do here?? fighting for me isn't what matters to
me... what matters more is... can you sacrifice for me when I need it?? This is
what I need to find out about you. I will say I am not selfish and I can do


My love how are you? honey I miss you and I love you so deeply that my mind can�t
work with my thoughts.. am just going nuts.. I LOVE YOU BIGGER THAN YOU CAN EVER
IMAGINE Last night I was looking at the stars and matched each star with a reason
why I love you. I was going great until I run out of stars. You see, actually there
is no reason why I love you, because if I had a reason for loving you , I would
also have a reason to live the rest of my life with you becaue you are my world.
I love you baby. Take care of yourself for me.

Hello my darling angel.. the light of my life .. my bright and morning star . my
sunshine , my joy , my smiles , my happiness. The first time I will see you in
person will be the best time of my life. You're the one who taught me how to love
again. You brought me so much happiness and so much joy to my heart since I met you
here ... keep in mind always that whatever happens, "You're my one and only love."
I love you with all my heart and soul.. Thank you my heart for loving me and I
promise that I will treat you nice and show you how much I love you and how much
you mean the world to me.

I know we're a thousand miles apart right now, but I'll always have you right here
in my heart, my love. I love you always and forever.


Hi honey. you were in my dreams last night .. we made love . it was hot,
interesting and one dream I would never love to wake up from, but when I remember I
will be meeting the real you, I feel happy to wake up. I have a reason to stay
alive .. and its you I have been shot 6 times but I survived all of them and now I
know the reason why and the purpose of staying alive .. so I could experience
love , care, joy and happiness with you. You are my strength.

I wish I can tell you face to face but you are far away, so I am going to put my
feelings in words, on this page. Since the day I came in contact with you, I
haven't been the same. My feelings I just can't seem to tame. I am starting to care
for you in a different way. I think of you every day!

I look at your picture every time and I love everything about you! Your smile, your
eyes, your hair, your body, etc... I am pretty sure you got the point.
I can't get you off my mind, my angel, you got me feeling stupid, because I know
you may not feel the same, but my feelings for you just keeps growing each and
every day.

Well, what I am trying to tell you is this. I have fallen so deeply in love with
you - yes, this is true! But I understand if you don't feel the same. Damn, I know
this sounds lame, but I have to let you know how I really feel. And this is no lie,
I am for real... I have to go back to duty now.. kisses to you. I love you


Hello my darling angel.

I am so sad at this moment as today is the worse day of my life. I feel so terrible
and heart broken. I need you here with me. You are the only one who can make me
feel better.

I got a letter from the authority that I will be going to Daraa this evening.. I
am very sad at this moment, because I was not even given time to rest. This has
shattered all my plans of coming to you. Because I already applied for my

Have you been following the news? The crisis down there is so much. I am so
scared at this point my love. I do not want to lose my life. Not now that I have
found happiness with you. Not now that I have found my wife. I am in tears right
now and I am filled with fear. Please help me my love .
Well, it seems I have no other option my love, I just have to go on this mission
since I cannot get help from anywhere. I am heart broken. I hope I survive this.
I hope I stay alive and come back home to you. I love you so much my angel.

First 50 soldiers who went there never returned complete. only 12 returned. I am
depressed because of this. I need your love right now more than ever. I hope things
will be fine when I get there... I will miss you..I should return back in 5 days if
I am alive but if I am not, do not let me down..

I will be leaving this night to Daraa. I always want you to be careful and pray for
me ok? I will try as much as possible to stay alive ok? I love you so much my
darling wife. I have to go now so I could prepare for the journey this night. Take
care and love you honey and pray hard for me.


Thank you for your wonderful message to me.. it gives me joy that wonderful people
like you cares, I have arrived at Daraa with my troop for a special mission. this
mission will last for few days and then I will be returning home to meet you..

Life here isn't easy but when we have people like you in mind it goes much easier..
I really need a life partner,someone to be with,someone to talk to in times of
trouble and I want you. Am developing strong hope and trust for you and I will like
you to know about it and also give me the same. Remember I have your picture here
with me . I feel safe when I look at you . I love you my darling angel.


Dear Sweetheart,

You brought love and laughter to my empty, sad and boring life and I promise to
visit you as soon as I completed my duty here in Syria. My heart had known only
emptiness until the day you came and filled my heart to overflowing with your
jovial ways. Your sense of humor has turned my frown into a smile.

You taught me how to love again, you taught me to give and receive love by trusting
in you and believing. You taught me to go the extra mile. And though there are
miles between us, I never stop thinking of you, you have brought a change into my
life and my heart is forever yours. I can never forget you, or keep thoughts of you
out of my mind. I think of your sweet lips and kisses, feel them as if it was
yesterday. Thoughts of your warm heart. You complete me, you are everything my
heart desire.

I will always Love you


Hi my Love, I hope you are well and everything is okay with you. Our journey of
love has been really awesome, I enjoy reading your messages, you're a very honest
and and transparent woman and I pray our meeting bring us more happiness and long
time love and unity.

I will be finished my duty here in Syria very soon and for the past few months now,
I have been dreaming and thinking about starting a new family as well as setting up
a business and now that I have you in my life, I want to live a simple and free
life with you honey after my service and to do that, I need to go to somewhere no
one knows me. Jacksonville, Florida is in my top list of a second home to live in
United State.

I am happy that we have met, I hope you can be my love, wife and family and
everything to me. So my love, I want you to suggest the type of business we can set
up in future as soon as we move to Jacksonville, Florida.

Take care my love as I wait for your suggestion.


I will forever love you until death do us part. Honey, once again, Can I give you
all my trust? Can I confide in you? Can I tell you my Secret, am asking you all
these because there is something very important and a secret to me which I will
love to tell you. Please I need you to reassure me of your trust and love and
promise that you will marry me. Honey I am waiting to read from you as soon as you
receive this message.



I'm glad that once in my life time I met a woman like you in my life, you've
touched my heart and I can honestly say you are an angel. , there are many types of
angels among us.

Some angels make people feel good inside. They spread happiness and warmth
wherever they go. Their presence is as bright as the midnight stars, always guiding
us in the darkness. Other angels do good deeds for others. They're always ready to
lend a helping hand to get someone out of a tight spot. They inspire us to reach
for nothing short of greatness. They remind us that we can succeed. Other angels
touch us with heaven's loving light when we're consumed by darkness. They lift our
when we're feeling down, when everything seems hopeless.

They remind us that everything will be all right. They're there for us when the
road seems too rough to travel. They're always at our side, even during the worst
of times, reminding us of our many blessings, and urging us not to lose faith. To
me, you're all these angels wrapped into one... and more. You're my own, heavenly
angel, I appreciate it your presence in my life...I appreciate you my love. I
cherish you so much honey..


Thank you honey. I have an box here in Syria which contain my document as well as
my debit card(ATM) and other valuable item which I want to ship outside Syria for
safe keeping and I want you to help me and secure the box there in your country. My
love, I want you to receive the box which will be deliver to you through the
service of delivery service as I do not want anything to go wrong or anything to
deprive us from meeting. I love you so much and I want to be with you honey. I
have a savings of $1million Dollars inside the debit card account which is part of
my salary for years as well as my wage that was paid to me and the profit I got
from sales of family treasure in United State, I am opened up to you because you
are like part of me honey.

I want to use the money and set up business or venture into any profitable
investment that will be earning us money as soon as we start a new life.

Please try all you could and help me and secure the box in your country pending my
coming as the box is no longer safe at the security company I keep it here in
Syria. I will be waiting for your answer my love. Kiss


Hello my darling angel. I am so sorry I forgot to tell you that I made a mistake in
sending some important documents to you though my mistake was sending my contract
approval letter.. I have 3 very important things inside that luggage. I have my
contract approval letter without it i will remain here for 1 year and it is too
dangerous for me...

Honey you have to receive my luggage and scan the document to me so I can submit. I
also have my ATM master card which has the link to all the money I have suffered
for.. if that ATM master card gets stolen by anyone I will lose every money I have
inside it because I am stocked here and you know the banking systems down here are
not functioning.

This is why I am scared to lose it.. I trust you and this is why I sent it. Then
another important thing I have inside that luggage which is more important is my
gold medal of honor which I got when I was promoted to the Lieutenant. it worth
alot of money and if I lose it I will lose my job and serve in jail for 6 months. I
will die if I lose that luggage, honey you have to do your best to save me from all
this by paying for that clearance to receive my luggage before it is late. You can
take my ATM master and take back every money you spent.. my password is my moms
birthday and month which is 0427 which is April 27th. Honey I count on you.. I love


Hello my darling angel, I forgot to inform you that I have paid for the shipment
here in Syria and if there should be any other charges it should be little and
according to the shipment office, the agent flight will be transiting in Spain
International airport to en-route to your country and there shall be a transit fee
of $900 which must be send to the agent when they arrive in Spain while on transit
before proceeding to your country for the delivery.

This is the information I got some minutes ago and I want you to help me and take
care of the little charges when the agent contacted you while on transit in Spain
so that the agent will use the money and pay for Spanish transit fee before going
to your country OK,like I told you earlier I would have taken care of the charges
but the information came very late and the agent have already left and I can't make
any form of bank transactions because it is restricted here in Syria due to ongoing
terrorist war and beside I do not have enough money with me here.

You don't have to go to the airport when the agent arrived in your country because
the service of the delivery agent is to deliver it to your home address once the
luggage arrived in your country, that is the reason why I forwarded your home
address to the agent before he departed, all you have to do is to wait in your home
and when the agent arrive he will contact you before he proceed to your house for
the delivery.

Once again, I forgot to tell you that I made a mistake in sending some important
documents to you those where the things I sent to you but my mistake was sending
my contract approval letter.. I have 3 very important things inside that luggage...
I have my contract approval letter without it I will remain here for 1 year and it
is too dangerous for me... you have to receive my luggage and scan the document to
me so I can submit.. I also have my A.T.M master card which has the link to all the
money I have suffered for.. if that atm master card gets stolen by anyone I will
lose every money I have inside it because I am stocked here and you know the
banking systems down here are not functioning.

This is why I am scared to lose it.. I trust you honey and this is why I sent it.
Then another important thing I have inside that luggage which is more important is
my gold medal of honor which I got when I was promoted to be a Lieutenant..It worth
alot of money and when I lose it I will lose my job and serve in jail for 6yrs... I
will die if I lose that luggage.. you have to do your best to save me from all this
by following the agent instruction as well as helping me to send the transit fee of
$900 to the agent when they contacted you on phone while on transit in Spain OK.

When you received the luggage, Kindly open it and take my atm master and take back
every money you spent.. my password is my moms birthday and month which is 0427.. I
count on you.. I love you




I have been paid off for my peace keeping mission fund to leave the camp but due to
the situation of things over here ,the US Government said that I have to stay and
wait for 3 weeks more before I can leave for good because they have to get
replacement for my post .

So right now, I can't keep my pay off funds here with me because of the terrorist,
I might lose the money if we have any other attack before 3 weeks I will stay more.

My love, since we have agreed to be husband and wife and we have plans that I will
move in to your country and we agreed to do busines together and also buy house, so
I want to send part of the money to you for safe keeping and you will use part of
the money to buy house for me like I told you and keep the rest for me pending my
arrival in 3 weeks after am done with my hand over to the new appointed person.

So my love, I have trust in you and that is why I want you to help me and keep the
money. Please help me as I put all my trust in you and I believe you won't betray
my love for you honey! So my love, I hope you will understand me and help me as
your future husband okay.
Honey I wait for your reply.
Thank you


I'm from San Francisco Bay Area, California. I serve in the US Army UU Here in
Syria I am currently stationed in Aleppo since 2013 for a peacekeeping mission,
since I am currently deployed in Aleppo, Syria, in support of the Sentinel of
Operation Freedom as a member of the Joint Task Force of Joint Special Operations.
I was born in Rio Vista on November 21, 1972.

Our family originated in a city of Netanya, Israel. Have children? I want you to
know that I am looking for a lovely woman, attentive, hard-working and God-fearing,
family oriented, willing to love me with all her heart without any condition.

It has always been my dream and the intention to start a new life and a new career
once I return home before meeting him online.

I want to tell you about my family, I lost my father in a fatal car accident at the
age of 4 years. I was raised by a military priest, Rev. Fr. Ivan Mikhailov (late)
who made me enter the military school of the United States in 1984. Losing my
father was my worst experience in life.

My relatives were never great with me and my mother, they mistreated us and left us
for family revenge. Joining the army was my only hope of survival.


Hello my darling wife . I am so happy to read from you .I am very happy that this
dream I have is coming true. I have finally gotten my vacation letter and this
means I will be coming back soon, I will be coming to your destination from here...

I want you to know that I will be sending some of my luggages that I cannot carry
along with me, this luggage contains some of my documents and my gold medals, and
also my gifts for you. because of how important this things are, I am not allowed
to leave the camp with any of them just incase of any casualty.

We the soldiers has to be at alert all day since I will be coming alone this
luggage will be too big for me to carry alone, I shall send them to you next week,
I need few details from you honey so I will send it to you, I need your full name :
house address : phone number : email address: country: city: please provide me
with these details.

I will be waiting OK. I love you so much.


Honey my luggage contains my master card ATM, my work documents, and also my medal
of honor.. this medal is made of gold and it is worth a lot of money. Please baby
if I lose that medal I will lose my job and this is why I am worried but I trust
you so much and that is why I am sending my luggage to you. I love you so much.

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