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Before starting the lesson, we will talk a little bit about some issues

As we know it, human have 3 basic needs including : surviral, physiological

and advanced needs. In general, people's daily activities such as food, drink, fun,
entertainment, etc. Human needs also evolve over time. In the past, People just
need to eat to fight hunger, They use leaves or anything to cover sensitive parts.
Nowadays, it's not just about aeting full and dressing warmly, but also eating
well and dressing beautifully. Other needs are also enhanced, especially
enjoyment of life.
1.When you hear about enjoying life, what do you think about? ( health care,
beauty, sleep, going out with friends, traveling )
Yes, playing football, watching Tv, sleeping, study can also be enjoyment of
life. Because it does not have a clear definition and differs from person to person
One of the enjoyment trends of people is traveling to new places or scenic spots.
When the world opens up, traveling between countries becomes easier.
Most people like to travel. Just imagine. When you go to a new land, see
beautiful scenery you have never seen before, eat a lot of delicious dishes, you
feel extremely excited.
Have you ever traveled anywhere? Alone with family, friends, domestic or
Besides beautiful memories, have you ever encountered any difficulties while
How do you feel about traveling there?
( tích cưc…., Offer a higher price, fake restaurants and stalls, security issue )
These problems not only occur in Vietnam but are also big problems in
countries around the world
In particular, local criminals have caused a lot of trouble for customers and
Today we will learn about this issue together

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