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What is technology?

Technology is the product of transferring scientific knowledge to

practical use. Different forms of technology are the result of people
trying to find more efficient ways to do things and testing new ideas.
Technology is constantly improving and generally aims to make
processes easier for people. For example, the internet makes
communication easier and more efficient.Related: 12 Essential
Technology Skills (And How To Improve Them)
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Common types of technology

While a single piece of technology often overlaps into different areas,
there are generally six different categories of technology:
communication, electrical, energy, manufacturing, medical and
transportation. Here are the six different categories of technology with
examples for each:


Communication technology consists of any technology people use to

communicate with one another. Some early examples of
communication technology include Morse code and the telegraph.
Below are some examples of more modern communication

1. Television

Television sets transmit signals we can listen to and view audio and
visual content. People use television for entertainment, information
and news, advertisements and marketing, and educational purposes,
among other activities. Most televisions receive signals from a cable
wire or over the internet, which relays signals that tell a television
what content to display. The digital signals help compress the audio
and visual data, which helps optimize bandwidth usage, allowing for
seamless high-definition content.
2. Internet

Many people consider the internet the most popular and powerful
communication technology. It allows people from around the world to
interact through written messages and audio and video messages in
real-time. The internet is a powerful tool for businesses, charities,
governments and individuals to use for marketing, communication and
outreach, information broadcasting, social interactions and
information sharing.

3. Cell phones

Cell phones are a modern improvement over the telephone, enabling

the transfer of text, audio, and video content over the internet. With a
cell phone, people can call other phones and converse with people
worldwide. Cell phones are also equipped with applications that allow
individuals to easily access information from anywhere in the world,
take pictures and videos, communicate globally over social media and
perform their professional duties. People can now use mobile devices
to navigate, monitor their health, make payments, and integrate them
with other smart devices. Related: 16 Communication Technology
Examples To Use at Work


Many pieces of modern technology use electricity in some form. A few

examples of electrical technology include:

4. Computers

Computers operate through a rapid pulsing of electrical currents. The

core foundation of computers is binary code, which determines
whether there is an electrical current. The machine codes in the form
of binary instructions, a combination of zeroes and ones, prompting
the computer to perform various functions, including arithmetic
calculations, logical operations, image processing and language
translation.Computers are vital in storing and retrieving information,
performing complex mathematical and scientific calculations, and
executing software. Apart from simpler tasks, they’re also used in
machine learning applications, big data analytics, and robotic and
automation tasks.

5. Circuitry

A collection of electrical components that perform a particular

function is a circuit. An example of an electrical circuit is a computer
processor, a small component that translates electrical signals into
computer code. Another example of an electric circuit is the audio
amplifier used in speakers that amplifies electrical signals to produce
sound. Electrical circuits exist in many modern-day items, such as
computers, remote controls, cell phones and appliances.

6. Artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a computer system designed to make

decisions and perform actions autonomously. Many of our daily tasks
have varying degrees of artificial intelligence sophistication. For
example, online navigation apps use artificial intelligence to analyze
the best route for a traveler based on traffic, road closures and more.
Another example is search engines, which use artificial intelligence to
determine the best results to display for each unique user. Artificial
intelligence uses machine learning algorithms to identify patterns,
recognize trends and aid decision-making. Advanced AI systems
use natural language processing (NLP) to understand and generate
human language, which forms the core of chatbots, voice assistants,
and translation systems. Another use of AI systems is in image
processing and deep learning to identify, detect, and classify objects
in images and videos, making them integral in medical imaging, facial
recognition, and AR and VR.

7. Software

Software contains a set of instructions and code that instructs the

computer to function as intended. Developers build and deploy
software to enhance user experience, automate processes, and make
tasks more efficient. For example, word processing software makes it
easier to create and edit documents when compared to older forms of
technology, such as a typewriter. Another example is Chrome, a
software application that allows users to access and navigate the

8. Audio and visual technology

Audio and visual technology comprises items such as cameras,

microphones and projectors. The systems use sensors to convert
analog signals, here light and sound, to digital data. Their purpose is
to capture and display audio and visual mediums to users.Audio and
visual technology often integrate with other forms of technology, such
as cell phones, to provide camera functionality, for example. These
devices use embedded systems and software to control and enhance
audio-visual functionalities, offering familiar features such as
autofocus, image stabilization and advanced audio
processing. Related: Electrical Technology vs. Electrical Engineering:
Definitions and Differences


Energy technology aims to help generate, store and transmit energy

for various purposes. Common examples of energy technology include:

9. Solar panels

Solar panels harness sunlight to generate electricity. People use these

panels to power buildings, homes, outdoor lighting systems, water
heating systems and more. Solar panels are a form of renewable
energy, which is becoming a more popular form of energy generation
due to its lack of carbon emissions.Related: Guide To Becoming a
Solar Installer

10. Wind turbines

Wind turbines use the kinetic energy of the wind to generate

electricity. Wind turbines are typically tall pillars located in open
plains or within the ocean where winds are the strongest. As
propellers spin, they generate energy, which the turbine stores in a
battery or transmits directly to a desired source.

11. Batteries
Batteries store energy for later consumption, and people use these to
power other forms of technology, such as a television remote. They
range in size—from small batteries in items such as watches to larger
batteries for use inside cars or large solar panel installations. There
have been significant improvements in battery technology recently,
with batteries now able to store more energy for longer periods. For
example, research on solid-state batteries offers several advantages,
including higher energy density and faster charging times. There have
also been significant developments in recyclable and biodegradable
battery components.


Mechanical technology is the application of engineering principles to

achieve tasks more efficiently. People use this technology in a wide
variety of machinery, with some common examples of mechanical
technology including:

12. Manufacturing

Manufacturing technology aims to produce goods faster and in a more

cost-effective manner. A popular example of manufacturing technology
is an assembly line, which greatly improved the speed of production
processes. Manufacturing technology's benefits also include product
quality improvements, better tracking and systems analysis, faster
shipping speeds and enhanced employee safety. The introduction of
predictive maintenance through the use of sensors, data analytics
tools, and machine learning algorithms is also prominent, as it helps
make machine maintenance less expensive and more proactive than

13. Heavy engineering

Heavy engineering technology helps professionals perform tasks such

as building bridges or digging tunnels and other construction activities
more precisely, accurately and easily while improving safety. For
example, using robotics in heavy engineering has eased tasks like
bricklaying and concrete pouring. Another example is the use of smart
construction materials with embedded sensors that aid in monitoring
structural health and predictive maintenance.

Medical technology helps improve people's quality of life in several

ways. Some examples include:

14. Diagnostics

Diagnostic technology helps medical professionals attain more

information about a patient. Examples of diagnostic technology
include thermometers, MRIs, X-ray machines, electrocardiographs and
stethoscopes. The tools can help medical professionals diagnose
conditions, assess injuries and plan appropriate treatments without
invasive procedures.

15. Pharmaceutical

Researchers learn more about how different substances impact

humans using pharmaceutical technologies, such as nanotechnology,
microenvironments and artificial organs. They can then develop new
prescription drugs, with the aim of curing or significantly decreasing
instances of harmful disease. AI and machine algorithms expedite the
process of identification of novel compounds to optimize the drug
development process. A recent example is AlphaFold, which uses deep
learning algorithms to predict the 3D structure of proteins, which is
essential in drug discovery.

16. Surgical

Surgical technology allows surgeons to perform complex operations.

Some recent examples include smart surgical glasses that display
essential information directly within a surgeon's glasses and remote
robotics, which allow surgeons to operate remotely with increased
precision. Surgical technology assists in every type of surgery—from
basic procedures such as appendectomies to more complex types
such as spinal or brain surgery.

17. Monitoring

Healthcare professionals increasingly rely on technology to monitor a

patient's health and status. A common example is smartwatches,
which can monitor biometric data such as heart rates and sleep
quality. Other monitoring technology includes devices implanted
directly into a patient, providing even more advanced monitoring
capabilities to healthcare professionals. Another example is using
biometric sensors and patches that adhere to the skin to monitor vital
signs such as heart rate and respiratory rate.


Thanks to technological improvements, it's much easier to travel than

it once was. Examples of transportation technology include:

18. GPS

GPS, or a Global Positioning System, is a technology that can pinpoint

locations on Earth from satellites in Earth's orbit. The satellites emit
signals that are received by GPS receivers in devices on the ground.
GPS can accurately determine a device's location by triangulating
signals from multiple satellites. Using this technology, we can now
receive real-time directions, monitor the transit of different objects or
record precise time measurements. GPS is a feature in many devices,
such as smartwatches and larger tracking systems used by
corporations and governments. It is also vital in applications like fleet
management and asset tracking.

19. Flight

Flight technology has become safer and more efficient over time due
to innovations in materials, aerodynamics and engineering. We use
flight technology in several ways—from the construction of planes to
navigation equipment on an aircraft. Due to improvements in flight
technology, such as advancements in GPS, navigation systems, and
radar systems, there is increased precision in flight routes and safe
take-offs and landings. Improvements in flight technology are even
more apparent in space flight, which occurs fairly regularly. For
example, the concept of reusable rocket technology can significantly
reduce space exploration costs.

20. Vehicles
Similar to flight technology, vehicles are now faster and safer. In
addition, they are more fuel-efficient and comfortable and often
provide entertainment options. Vehicle technology has improved how
engines run, the safety features within vehicles, such as airbags, and
the entertainment options available in a car. The improvement in
vehicular technology is so prominent that it has allowed for
autonomous driving cars, electric and hybrid vehicles, and connected
vehicles. There is also significant research in advanced materials,
such as carbon fiber composites and high-strength alloys, to reduce
weight and improve fuel efficiency.

Frequently asked questions

What are the most important technology skills for work?
Which technology skills are most important depends on your industry
and specific role. These are some technical skills that may be useful
in many roles:

 Data collection
 Spreadsheets
 Presentations
 Word processing
 Email
 Troubleshooting
 Programming and coding
 Data analysis and interpretation
 Database management and security
 Networking and cloud computing
 App development

How does technology affect the workplace?

Technology can help improve processes and communications in the
workplace. It can help streamline activities by automating repetitive
tasks so teams can focus on work that is more creative and
challenging. Emails, instant messaging, and collaborating platforms
have made communication swift and easier. The smart use of data
analytics tools has helped gather valuable information from large
datasets to help in decision-making. Technology can also slow down
productivity when people use it as a distraction during work, are not
adept at using it as intended or over-rely on it. It's helpful to be aware
of how technology affects you at work. Try to only implement
technology that enhances your processes, like automation software or
productivity tracking apps.
Can technology help improve deep work?
Deep work is when you can focus completely on a single task and
optimize efficiency. Some technology, like headphones, timers and
automated email responses, can help you improve your deep work.
Task management tools also contribute to the practice of deep work
by allowing you to plan and structure your deep work sessions and
helping you keep track of tasks and deadlines.

All Copyrights aren`t mine. Written by Satwik Mishra

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