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Barbie of Swan Lake/Transcript







The movie begins with Barbie checking in on a group of sleeping campers in a cabin in the woods. When
she notices one bed is empty, Barbie looks up and sees that Kelly is sitting outside by herself. Barbie joins
Kelly where she’s sitting.


What’s wrong, Kelly?

Kelly, dejected:

I can’t sleep. The bed’s all bumpy.


I remember my first sleep-away camp. It takes a day or two to get used to things.


I’ll never get used to it!


But you were looking forward to race day tomorrow. You’re part of the team!


Somebody else can run for me.

Barbie puts her arm around Kelly.


It wouldn’t be the same without you. We’d really miss you!

Kelly leans against Barbie.


I just want to go home!

Barbie frowns at Kelly, then looks up at the sky.

Barbie, pointing:

Look over there, do you see those two big stars, and the four little ones in a row?
Kelly looks where Barbie is pointing, then back at her.


Sort of.

The camera cuts to a shot of the stars as Barbie continues speaking.


Well, that’s the constellation Cygnus. It’s a swan. Imagine the four stars are the long neck, the big stars
are the body, and running crosswise, those stars are the wings.

As she explains the constellation, the shape of the swan is traced over the stars. The camera cuts back to

Kelly, surprised:

I see it!


Did you know there was once a girl who turned into a swan?

The camera pans up from the two sisters.


She did? How?


Her name was Odette.

The sky changes from a starry night to a sunny day as the camera pans down to show a bustling village.


She worked in the family bakery with her sister and her father.


But you said she was a swan.

Barbie laughs.


Not at first.

The camera changes to a shot of the bakery’s exterior, showing a pair of children running up to the
window to see Odette, played by Barbie, as she places a pie in the window. She waves at them. She takes
a plate of rolls from the display and carries them into the bakery, waltzing to herself as she goes. She sets
the tray down and continues to dance around the store. She doesn’t immediately notice her father when
he walks in, carrying a plate of freshly baked cookies.

Oh! Papa!

Her father hands her the plate of cookies.


Odette, you’re a wonderful dancer. You should go to the village dances with your sister.


And have everybody stare at me? I—I couldn’t.


Ah, but you’d have fun and—

He stops mid-sentence when he smells something burning.


Oh! The Cornbread!

Odette takes one of the cookies from the plate.


Sugar cookies, your favorite.

Kelly, interjecting:
Make it chocolate chip. That’s my favorite.



In Odette’s hand the tray of sugar cookies magically changes to chocolate chip cookies. Odette eats one.


Mmm, chocolate chip. You work too hard, papa.

The Baker chuckles.


What can I do? You and Marie keep eating the inventory.

Just then, outside the window, a woman on a horse rides into town. Odette gasps as the woman’s horse
leaps over a pile of brambles and speeds down the cobblestone street before stopping outside the
bakery. Odette goes out and meets her.


Any faster and you’ll be flying!

That’s the idea! Come on, I’m heading out again—you’ll love it!


Uh, thanks, but—

Before Odette can finish her sentence, Marie’s horse whinnies and rears up, startling her.


“No thanks”, right?



Odette hands Marie a small satchel.


Thought you might want breakfast, Marie.

Marie opens the satchel and looks inside.


Apple muffin, juice. You’re gold, Odette!

Odette smiles bashfully at the compliment. Marie grasps the reins of her horse and takes off down the


I’ll be back to help soon!

Odette watches her leave as their father walks out to meet her.


Was that your sister?


Here and gone, papa. Flying like the wind.

A nearby bird flies off of a rooftop and soars towards the palace, which sits atop a hill surrounded by a
moat. It circles a fountain on the grounds before landing on a haybale painted with a target. An arrow
hits the target, scaring the bird away.


Oh-ho-ho-kay. But can you make it four for four?


What do you say I hit that top sack over there?

Reggie laughs.

All ze way over there?

Reggie continues laughing as the camera zooms out to show the distance between the prince and his
target, a pile of grain sacks on a cart across the grounds from them.


Are you kidding? It’s impossible!


Ah, my favorite word!

Daniel draws an arrow and looses it, the arrow whizzing through the gaps on a statue before landing in
the topmost sack.


Amazing! Oh-ho-ho, Amazing, your highness!

Daniel bows dramatically to his friend.


Thank you, Reggie!

Just then, Daniel’s mother, the Queen, walks out of a large set of doors near the cart. Just as she walks
near the cart the arrow slits the bag of grain and spills its contents onto her.

The Queen:

Oh my!

She shoots a glare at Daniel.

The Queen:


Daniel, embarrassed, hands his bow to Reggie who shakes his head and smiles. Daniel rushes to his
mother’s side.

Daniel, chuckling:


The Queen:

More target practice?

She brushes some of the grain from her sleeves before handing a stack of letters to Daniel.

The Queen:

I came to give you these. They’re all responses from princesses coming to the Royal Ball.
Daniel sighs deeply.

The Queen:

Eligible Princesses. You need to pick a bride.


Ah, but—

The Queen, interrupting him:

Well I’m tired, son. Soon you’ll take over the throne! I want to spend my golden years spoiling my


Mother, you know I’ll marry someday, but first I want to do so much! Explore, travel…

The Queen:

And so you shall!...After my grandchildren.

She pats him on the face and leaves. The camera cuts back to the little bird from before which lands in
the open window of the bakery to watch Odette dancing with a tray of bread loaves. It mimics her
movements, chirping and twirling on the windowsill before losing it’s footing and falling into a bowl of

Odette, laughing.
Hey, you!

The bird shakes to dust itself off, sending a cloud of flour into the air.


Okay, okay!

She pets the bird before releasing it out the front door of the bakery.


There you go.

It chirps as it flies away. Suddenly, a round of gasps comes from a nearby crowd as a purple unicorn runs
across the bridge through the center of town. It stops to stare at Odette for a moment.

Odette, in awe:

I don’t believe it!

A group of hunters are seen chasing after the unicorn. It tries to run away but is cut off by a man. It rears
up and whinnies as he snaps a rope at it like a whip. The unicorn dodges him and runs down a nearby
alley. One of the hunters pulls out a bow and nocks an arrow.


Wait, you’ll hurt it!

The man pays her no mind and looses his arrow, which the Unicorn narrowly dodges. It runs further up
the street and notices a man hauling a cart of timber further up the road. It nickers and charges the cart,
sending the logs cascading down the road towards the hunters. With the impression that it had
outwitted the hunters, the unicorn prances in a circle with a grin on its face. A lasso suddenly snaps
around the neck of the unicorn, pulling it to the ground.

Man with the lasso:

Got it! A real unicorn! This should fetch a pretty price, eh?



The unicorn spies an axe lodged in a stump nearby and bolts towards it, using the blade to sever the
rope between it and the man. The man stumbles backwards and crashes into a crate of fruit which falls
around him. The unicorn hides around a corner to make sure it’s no longer being pursued before making
its way back towards the path out of town. On it’s way the unicorn glances at Odette again before taking
off into the forest. The rope around its neck gets caught on several branches and shrubs as it runs, and
Odette decides to follow it into the woods. It leads her further into the forest until stopping at a chasm
bridged by a fallen tree. It begins to cross the tree towards the waterfall on the other side, but stumbles.
Odette runs from where she was hiding towards the bridge to try and help it, but freezes when she sees
the chasm below. The unicorn stumbles again and Odette rushes along the bridge to aid it.


Hold on!

The unicorn notices Odette and nickers, pushing itself to its feet before running the rest of the way to
the other side behind the waterfall. Using its horn it opens a secret passage into a cave, which it enters.
Curious, Odette follows it inside before the passageway closes. The cave leads out into a large clearing,
hosting a lake surrounded by willow trees and glistening waterfalls, which Odette admires for a moment.
Odette hears the distressed whinny of the unicorn and follows it. She eventually finds the unicorn again,
the rope around its neck now tangled in a pile of brambles.

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