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Dela Cruz, Aleli A.

Reflection Paper: A Perfect Society

"No man is an island," they say. Each human being in this world we're connected to the
other. Just like society, in sociology, it is a group of individuals who interact with each
other and share common interests, cultures, and traditions. Mac Iver said, "A society is
the web of social relationships." People were not only living with one another, but they
also continuously interacted. We decide and do things corresponds to the people
surrounding us. Society is constantly changing because norms and customs change
too. Also, newly invented technologies make their way into our lives, which we continue
to embrace and learn. On the other hand, a state is a community of persons who
permanently occupy a definite portion of territory, independent, or nearly so, of external
control and possess an organized government to which the great body of inhabitants
render habitual obedience, from what we discussed in the last meeting. It has four
elements; people, territory, government, and sovereignty.

According to the 1987 Constitution of the Philippines, Article II Section 1 states, "The
Philippines is a democratic and republican State. Sovereignty resides in the people, and
all government authority emanates from them." The people have the supreme power to
elect representatives that govern the country. In the present, the status of the
Philippines as a state and political society, in my own opinion, is not good. Citizens have
different views about the people in the government. Social manipulation and
disinformation reign the country. We're in the 21st century, where social media and
technology emerge. It plays a good part in giving information to people. Opening their
gadgets to scroll on the internet is part of a person's daily routine, and imagine how a
single post can manipulate the minds of every person who reads it. The people in the
government and the citizens of a country should meet at one end.

My idea of a perfect society is about how well the government understands the people.
They should act as one because the people are the one who makes the country. Trust
should build to have a good connection for the betterment of everyone. Children and
youth should not be deprived of their rights to have the freedom to dream and achieve
it. Social status should not be a hindrance to everyone's life and, instead, be an
inspiration to accomplish more. I cannot see a future without these children. The
Philippines can transform into this kind of society. Wanting to be perfect is not easy.
Conflicts may arise, but we should face them together and continue to move forward.

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