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Circular No: Orbis/Pune1/2021-22/ 175

Date Sheet, Syllabi, Question Paper Pattern and Reinforcement Schedule for Annual Assessment
Class 7 (2021-22)

Date sheet


Important Instructions
24 February 2022 Thursday Marathi II
1. The school will begin at the usual school
25 February 2022 Friday ICT timing, 8:30 am everyday.
2. Uploading of Question Paper - 8:50 am
28 February 2022 Monday Science
3. Reading Time- 8:50 am- 9:00 am
2 March 2022 Wednesday Hindi 4. Writing Time - 9:00 am - 10 :30 am
5. Turning in the answer script- 10:30 am -
4 March 2022 Friday English
11 am
7 March 2022 Monday Mathematics 4. There will be no classes after the paper on
exam days.
9 March 2022 Wednesday Soc Science
11 March 2022 Friday French/ Marathi/ Sanskrit

Literature reader: Literature Reader:- Ls 4 - The Luncheon, Ls 7 - Uncle Podger Hangs a Picture, Ls 8 - Ozymandias, Ls
9 - A Birthday Letter, Ls 10 - Lincoln's First Public Speech, Ls 11 - The Bird with the Broken Pinion, Ls 12 - The
Merchant of Venice
Course Book and Workbook:-
Grammar Concepts:- Parts of Speech, Determiners, Phrases, Clauses, Conditional Clauses, Active and Passive voice,
Connectors, Homophones, Reported speech, Idioms, For and Since, Compound words, Prepositions, Portmanteau
words, Mixed tenses.
Creative Writing:- Informal Letter Writing, Diary entry, Formal letter, Article writing, Newspaper report writing, Email
writing, Note making / summarising, Dialogue writing.
Comprehension : Unseen passage / poem

Question Paper Pattern:

Objective: 20 marks - MCQ’s (Literature- 10 marks, Grammar -10 marks)
Subjective: 20 marks - Reading - 5 marks unseen passage / poem, Creative Writing - 5 marks descriptive & 5 marks
format based, Short / long answers - 5 marks
(Textual questions and reference to the context will be asked from the Literature Reader. Please refer to Workbook
and Coursebook only for grammar and creative writing)

अपिठत ग ांश ,पिठत प ांश
वसंत भाग 2-- पाठ-3- िहमालय की बेिटयाँ , पाठ 11- रहीम के दोहे , पाठ-16- भोर और बरखा , पाठ-17- वीर कुँवर िसंह , पाठ-18-
संघष के कारण
ाकरण -- पाठ 7 - य , पाठ 12 - ि या , पाठ 13- काल , पाठ 14- अिवकारी श , पाठ15- वा (रचना के आधार पर ),
‘ पाठ 16 -अशु वा ों का संशोधन ,पाठ 17 - िवराम िच
पाठ ५ श भ ार--
िवलोम श -- (परतं से ् तक -- 51 से 100 ) अनेकाथक श (पद से मत तक - 21 से 40 )
पाठ 18 -- मुहावरे ( कान खड़े होना से जंगल की आग तक --23- 45 )
पूरक पु क--बाल महाभारत --िवराट पव , ोण पव ,कण ,श तथा सौ क पव और शेष पव की कथा
लेखन --नारा लेखन, अनु े द लेखन,औपचा रक प

िहं दी प नमूना
व ु िन - 20 अं क - अपिठत ग ां श (6x1=6) ाकरण (10x1=10) पिठत किवता(4x1=4),
वणना क -20 अं क - वसंत / बाल महाभारत कथा - 10 अं क - लघु रा क उ र (2x1=2) िव ृत उ र (2x2X2=6) मू परक
(1x2=2) रचना क लेखन 10 अंक - (2x5=10)

अपािठत ग श,
माझे मराठ :-१०. रान म ाची वाट ११. सोनेरी दसरा १३. पु क ानाबरोबरच अनुभवाचे श ण १३. महारा ाची सर ती १४.
बाहेरची संकटे १५. डॉ . श ती प भटनागर १६. मातृदेवो भाव: १७. पु क
भाषा ास ( ाकरण) - पाठाखालील समानाथ , िव धाथ श , वा चार , वा तयार करणे , अ य , पाठाखालील ाकरण
लेखन -िनबंध लेखन,औपचारीक प लेखन ( ावसाियक क
ं वा सावजिनक प े )

प ती-
Objective: २० गुण - (पा पु क)लघु री - १० गुण (MCQ’S), ाकरण - १० गुण
Subjective: २० गुण - अपठीत ग ांश - ४ गुण, िदघ री - ६ गुण, लघु री - २ गुण , ाकरण (वा चार ) - ३ गुण
(िनबंध,प लेखन) - ५ गुण

Apprenons le francais Book 3 Lesson 3 to 10
Reading: Unseen prose passage
Writing: Paragraph writing, Fill in the blanks, Put the sentence in order, Describe the picture, Rearrange the dialogue

Grammar: Articles, Adjectifs , Adjectifs - Possessifs, Démonstratifs, Interrogatif, Prépositions, Verb Conjugation -
Regular, Irregular, Pronominal Verbs, Impératif, Interrogation, Négation, Expressions with avoir and faire
Culture and Civilization (Literature): Questions based on textbook
Question Paper Pattern
Objective : MCQ- 20 marks (Grammar - 15 marks, Literature- 5 marks)
Subjective : 20 marks (Reading comprehension - 5 marks, Creative Writing - 5 marks, Grammar - 5 marks, Literature
- 5 marks)

िचरा ि तीयो भागः पाठ ८- ि वणः जः , पाठ ९- अहमिप िव ालयं गिम ािम ,पाठ १०- िव ब ु म्, पाठ ११-समवायो िह दु जयः
पाठ १२- िव ाधनम्, पाठ १३- अमृतं सं ृ तम्, पाठ १४- अना रकायाः िज ासा ,पाठ १५- लालनगीतम्
ाकरण: दै िनक जीवन म योग आने वाली व ुओं के नाम, श प - उकारा पु ंग - (गु ) , ऋकारा पु (िपतृ ),
ऋकारा ीिल (मातृ ), सवनाम प - तत्, एतत् ,िकम् ( ीिल ), अ द् (दोनो िल ों के समान ), यु द् (दोनो िल ों के समान ) ,
धातु प - लट् लकार (वतमानकाल ) पठ् ,धाव् , ीड् , था (ित ), लृट् लकार (भिव त् काल) पठ् ,धाव् , ीड् , था (ित ), लङ् लकार
(भूतकाल) पठ् ,धाव् , ीड् , था (ित ) लोट् लकार (आ ा / ाथना ) पठ् ,धाव् , ीड् , था (ित ), सं ावाची - ५० से १०० ,
मवाचीपूरणीसं ा १ से १० (तीनों िलंगो म) अ य ,पयायाः एवम् िवपयायाः , वा -रचना ,अशु शोधन , उपपदिवभ यः (िबभेत्
,र ित ), याः (तुमुन् , त त् , अनीयर) ,स ः (वृ स ः , यण स ः , अयािद स ः)
अपिठत अवबोधन

रचना क काय -िच वणन ,वा ालाप एवं प लेखन

Question Paper Pattern प :- Subjective :( 20 marks)

अपिठत ग ां श- 6 अं क , ो र (अित लघु /लघु र थान , सही उ र छाँिटए 2अंक+2अंक.+5अंक),
सृजना क लेखन-िच वणन-5 अं क, वा ालाप 5अं क
Objective : MCQ’S - 20 marks र थान , सही उ र छाँिटए .(पाठ- 10अंक+ ाकरण - 10अंक),
Mathematics :
L. 6 : The Triangle and its Properties, L.7 : Congruence of Triangles, L. 8: Comparing Quantities, L. 9: Rational Numbers,
L.10: Practical Geometry, L.11: Perimeter and Area, L.12: Algebraic Expressions , L13: Exponents and Powers, L14:

Question Paper Pattern

Objective Type - 20 marks
MCQ - 20 Marks (20 questions of 1 mark each)
Subjective Type - 20 marks:
Short Answer Type Questions - 6 Marks (3 questions of 2 marks each)
Long Answer Type Questions- 6 Marks (2 questions of 3 marks each)
Very Long Answer Type Questions - 4 Marks (1 question of 4 marks)
Case study Based Questions - 4 Marks (1 questions of 4 mark each)

General Science:
L-2: Nutrition in Animals, L-5: Acids, Bases & Salts, L10: Respiration In Organisms, L11: Transportation in Animals and
Plants, L13: Motion and Time, L14: Electric current and its effects, L15: Light, L17: Forest -Our Lifeline
Question Paper Pattern
Objective : 20 Marks (MCQ’s, FIB, T&F, Odd One Out)
Subjective : 20 Marks
Short Answer Type Questions -Definitions/ Give reasons 2x5=10,
Long Answer Type Question- Hots/ Reasoning /CBQ 3x2=6,
Draw a Diagram/Identification of the given Diagram and sub-questions 1x4=4

Social Studies:
History: L-6: Towns,Traders and Craftspersons , L-7 : Tribes, Nomads and Settled Communities,
L-10: Eighteenth Century Political Formations , Map work
Geography: L-4 : Air, L-8: Human Environment Interactions -The Tropical and the Subtropical Region, L9 :Life in
Deserts , Diagrams
Civics:L-6 :Understanding Media , L-7 :Markets around us

Question Paper pattern

Objective- 20marks: Multiple choice questions (MCQs), FIB,T/F
Subjective - 20 marks: Short Questions- 10 marks ( 5 questions of 2 marks each) definitions, give reasons,
differentiate ), Long Questions- 10 marks (3 questions of 4, 3, 3 marks inclusive of maps and diagrams)

Information and Communication Technology (ICT):

Syllabus: L 6 - Review Python, L 7 - Iterative statement in Python, L8- Internet Services, L9-The Virus
Practicals : L 6 - Review Python, L 7 - Iterative statement in Python

Paper Pattern: MS FORMS- MCQ- 30 marks

Practical- 10 marks.

Marathi II
Syllabus: १२. पु क ानाबरोबरच अनुभवाचे श ण १३. महारा ाची सर ती १४. बाहेरची संकटे १५. डॉ . श ती प भटनागर १६.
मातृदेवो भाव १७. पु क ( किवता)

Paper Pattern: MS FORMS- MCQ- 25 marks that will be converted into 40.

Reinforcement Schedule:
1. Objective: To recapitulate, identify and solve problems and reinforce concepts.
2 Important: Students need to be well prepared for the RL’s.
3. RL marks will be taken into consideration for Term 2 Multiple Assessment.
RL details

Subjective RL

S.No Date Day Subject Syllabus

1 3rd February Thursday पाठ-3- िहमालय क बेिटय , पाठ 11- रहीम के दोहे , पाठ-16- भोर और बरखा ,
Hindi पाठ-17- वीर क
ँ ु वर संह , पाठ-18-संघष के कारण

2 4th February Friday L 6 - Review Python,

2022 7 - Iterative statement in Python

ICT Practicals : 10 marks.

3 7th February Monday Parts of Speech, Determiners, Phrases, Clauses, Conditional Clauses,
2022 Active and Passive voice, Connectors, Homophones, Reported speech,
Idioms, For and Since, Compound words, Prepositions, Portmanteau
words, Mixed tenses.
4 8th February Tuesday L. 6 : The Triangle and its Properties,
2022 L. 8: Comparing Quantities,
Mathemati L.10: Practical Geometry,
cs L13: Exponents and Powers,
5 9 February Wednesday Soc History L-7:Tribes, Nomads and Settled Communities, L-10:Eighteenth
2022 Science Century Political Formations
6 10 February Thursday Verb Conjugation - Regular, Irregular, Pronominal Verbs, Impératif,
2022 French Interrogation, Négation,
7 10 February Thursday पाठ १३- अमृतं सं ृ तम् ,पाठ १५- लालनगीतम्,धातु प - लट् लकार
2022 (वतमानकाल ) लृट् लकार (भिव त् काल) , लङ् लकार (भूतकाल) ,लोट् लकार
Sanskrit (आ ा / ाथना ) ,

8 10 February Thursday १३. महारा ाची सर ती

१४. बाहेरची संकटे

Marathi १५. डॉ . श ती प भटनागर

9 11 February Friday L-2: Nutrition in Animals

2022 L11: Transportation in Animals and Plants
L14: Electric current and its effects,
Science L17: Forest -Our Lifeline

Objective RL

Category under which

S.No Date Day Subject Syllabus marks will be taken Marks
1 3rd February Thursday ाकरण -- पाठ 7 - य , पाठ Multiple Assessments 10 marks
2022 14- अिवकारी श , पाठ 16 -
अशु वा ों का संशोधन
पाठ ५ श भ ार--
िवलोम श -- (परतं से ् तक
-- 51 से 100 )
अनेकाथक श (पद से मत तक
Hindi - 21 से 40 )
पाठ 18 -- मुहावरे ( कान खड़े
होना से जंगल की आग तक --23-
45 )
2 7th February Monday Ls 4 - The Luncheon, Ls 7 - Multiple Assessments 10 marks
2022 Uncle Podger Hangs a Picture,
Ls 8 - Ozymandias, Ls 9 - A
Birthday Letter, Ls 10 -
Lincoln's First Public Speech, Ls
11 - The Bird with the Broken
Pinion, Ls 12 - The Merchant of
3 8th February Tuesday L.7 : Congruence of Triangles, Multiple Assessments 10 marks
2022 L. 9: Rational Numbers, L.11:
Perimeter and Area, L.12:
Algebraic Expressions L14:
Mathematics Symmetry
4 9 February Wednesday Geography -L9 :Life in Deserts Multiple Assessments 10 marks
2022 Civics- L-6 :Understanding
Soc Science Media , L-7 :Markets around us
5 10 February Thursday Articles, Adjectifs , Adjectifs - Multiple Assessments 10 marks
2022 Possessifs, Démonstratifs,
French Interrogatif, Prépositions
6 10 February Thursday पाठ ११-समवायो िह दु जयः पाठ Multiple Assessments 10 marks
2022 १२- िव ाधनम् ,पाठ १४-
अना रकायाः िज ासा , उकारा
पु ंग - (गु ) , ऋकारा पु
(िपतृ ), ऋकारा ीिल (मातृ ),
सवनाम प - तत्, एतत् ,िकम्
( ीिल ), अ द् (दोनो िल ों के
समान ), यु द् (दोनो िल ों के
Sanskrit समान ) ,
7 10 February Thursday १६. मातृदेवो भाव Multiple Assessments 10 marks
: १७. पु क

Marathi पाठाखालील ाकरण

8 11 February Friday L-5: Acids, Bases & Salts Multiple Assessments 10 marks
2022 L10: Respiration In Organisms
L13: Motion and Time
Science L15: Light
9 14 February Monday १३. महारा ाची सर ती Multiple Assessments 10 marks
१५. डॉ . श ती प भटनागर

Marathi II १६. मातृदेवो भाव

10 15th Tuesday Multiple Assessments 10 marks.

February L8- Internet Services, L9-The
2022 ICT Virus

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