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Year 6 – Term 1 Summative Assessment revised time-table

Date Day Subject

14.11.23 Tuesday English Reading Comprehension English Reading – 1 hour
Islamic studies Islamic studies – 1 hour 30min
15.11.23 Wednesday History History 1 hour
16.11.22 Thursday English Composition and SPaG English Composition – 1 hour
SPaG – 1 hour
17.11.23 Friday Geography Geography – 1 hour

20.11.23 Monday Mathematics and UAE Social studies Maths - 2 hours

UAE – 1 hour
21.11.23 Tuesday Arabic Arabic – 2 hours
22.11.23 Wednesday Science Science – 1hour
23.11.23 Thursday Hindi/French Hindi/French – 1 hour 30 min
Year 6 – Term I Examination Syllabus (2023-24)
Subject Syllabus
Reading: (20 marks)
Fiction and Non-fiction

Writing Composition: (10 marks)

Persuasive Letter (Formal)

Writing SPaG: (20 marks)

Language I. Spellings as per the spelling list
(50 marks) II. Clauses – Main and Subordinate Clause
III. Sentence Structure: Simple, Compound and Complex Sentences
IV. Types of sentences: Declarative, Interrogative, Exclamatory and Imperative
V. Modal Verbs
Punctuation will be assessed with Writing Composition.
Written (30 marks) Mental Maths (5 marks)
1. Number place value and rounding up to 10,000,000 - 6A Power Maths practice book pgs. 9 – 23
2. Problem Solving – Using written methods of addition and subtraction 6A Power Maths practice book pgs.
Maths 29-34
(35 marks) 3. Formal multiplication and division method - 6A Power Maths practice book Pgs. 35 – 59
4. Equivalent Fractions, Adding and Subtracting Fractions, Multiplying and Dividing Fraction - 6A Power
Maths practice book pages 105 – 121 and 126-143
5. Geometry- Calculate Area and Perimeter of a rectilinear shape (Notebook)
Living things and their habitat
1. Classification of Plants (Flowering and non-flowering).
2. Classification of Micro-organisms, useful and harmful micro-organisms.
Science 3. Classification of Animals- Vertebrates (mammals, birds, fish, reptiles and amphibians) and Invertebrates
(25 marks) (annelids and arthropods).
1. Components of an electric circuit. (Scientific symbols)
2. Circuit diagrams. (Drawing labelled diagrams)
3. Comparing Circuits (Complete and incomplete circuits).
4. Varying circuits (Brightness of the bulb/ loudness of the buzzer with voltage/ voltage/ amount of cells/
thickness of the wire

Written (35 marks) Dictation (5 marks)

Arabic Comprehension:
(40 marks)
‫ مراجعة الفقرة الخاصة بكل درس‬Review the paragraph for each topic
‫في بيتي‬
‫وقت المرح‬
1- ‫ تكوين السؤال بأدوات االستفهام الستة‬Formulate questions using the 6 question words (‫ هل‬-‫ متى‬-‫ أين‬-‫ َمن‬-‫ ماذا‬- ‫) ما‬
2- ‫ تكوين الجملة في زمن المضارع‬Formulate sentences in present tense with ‫نحن‬-‫هي‬-‫هو‬- ‫انا‬
3- ‫ تكوين الجملة في زمن المستقبل‬Formulate sentences in future tense with -‫نحن ا‬-‫هي‬-‫هو‬
4- Conjunctions ( ‫ ايضا‬-‫ ألن‬-‫ ثم‬-‫ لكن‬-‫او‬-‫)ًو‬
5- Prepositions (‫على‬-‫ في‬- ‫ الى‬-‫) مِ ن‬
6- Possessive pronouns with ‫ نحن‬- ‫انا‬
7 - ‫ الذكير والتانيث‬Masculine and Feminine
Vocabulary: · The 2 groups of words for each lesson
French Written (25 marks) Oral (5marks)
(30 marks)
-Reading comprehension:

Unseen passage with questions following the patterns of the textbook.

-Vocabulary Taught: UNITE 1: En ville

UNITE 2: On fait des projets

-Les verbes en ER : (Regular verbs ending in ER) conjugation of regular ER verbs in the present tense with all
-Aller (To go) + infinitif : conjugation of To go + infinitive with all personal pronouns(je, tu, il, elle, nous, vous,
Ils,ells) in French.
-Venir et Voir (To come and To see): conjugation of both irregular verbs Venir and Voir in the present tense with
Personal pronouns (je, tu, il, elle, nous, vous, ils,ells) in French.

• Carte postale: Mes vacances.
The writing should be a minimum of 50 words about holidays respecting the format of post card

• Se présenter: The students are requested to introduce themselves in French talking about their
personal information,
What they like or dislike in one minute speech respecting rules of pronunciation, silent letters.

Written (25 marks) Oral (5marks)

Lesson- 1 नीम , सबसे अच्छा बस्ता, नन्दन वन की सैर।
शब्दार्थ- word meanings

Grammar- वचन, ल िंग ,कारक, सिंज्ञा और उसके भेद सवथनाम, लिया और उसके भेद।
पयाथयवाची, लव ोम शब्द
(30 marks) अपलित गदयािंश, लचत्र वर्थन
Paragraph writing- (अनुच्छेद ेखन)- पेड़, मेरा लवद्या य।
Islamic Studies Portion for Orals (10 marks):
(50 marks)
Surah Al Infitar 1-19

The date of oral will be 20th Nov to 30th Nov 2023.

Mode of submission: First Term Oral channel in their Islamic MSTeams.

Portion for written Exam (40 marks):

Translation of the Surah Al Infitar ayah 1-10

- All Ayaat and hadith done from the textbook and notebook in the topics done to be memorised and students
should be able to reflect, apply and explain them.

Belief in the Day of Judgement, doing good to people and doing good deeds.
-Congregational Prayer.
Loving Allah Glory be Him: The Night Journey and Ascension to Heaven.
*Everything done in the notebook and read the textbook well.
History Vikings
(15 marks) 1. Who ruled the Vikings?
2. The Vikings at home
3. How did the Vikings get around?

Textbook pages for reference: Pages 8 to 15

(Refer to the study material uploaded under files in the History/Geography Team)
Geography 1. Drinking Water
(15 marks) 2. Restless Earth

Textbook pages for reference:

Pages 8 to 13
Pages 2 to 5

(Refer to the study material uploaded under files in the History/Geography Team)
UAE Social studies 1. Prehistory – Stone Age
(15 marks) 2. Ancient Egypt and the River Nile
3. Mesopotamia and Agriculture

(Refer to the study material uploaded under files in the UAE SST Team)

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