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Cybersecurity is the protection of internet connected systems, including

hardware, software and data from cyberattacks
The concept of cybersecurity
This is also known as the CIA triad
Availability – this is when data is available for a genuine user for a
genuine business purpose
Integrity – the ability to ensure that data is not modified or deleted by
unauthorized parties
Confidentiality – the ability to protect and keep data private so that
unauthorized individuals cannot view it . Ways to maintain
confidentiality: encryption(this is when information or data is converted
to ciphertext
Types of hackers
Black hat hackers - take advantages of vulnerabilities that exist in the
systems of organizations and threaten these organizations by
orchestrating attacks for their personal benefit
White hat hackers/ ethical hackers - they find vulnerabilities in
organizational networks and fix those problems so that external attack
can be prevented
Gray hat hackers - they hack into computer networks but not for
malicious intent but do this for enjoyment. however, they don't always
take the most ethical route when doing so.

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