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Sugammadex-Associated Anaphylaxis: Summary and

Proposed Management
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Pamela A. Chia, MD, MS and Michael W. Wolfe, MD

ACLS = advanced cardiovascular life support; FDA = Food and Drug Administration; IgE = immuno-
globulin E; IM = intramuscular; IV = intravenous; REVERSE = R: recognize anaphylaxis, E: epineph-
rine, V: volume resuscitation, E: evaluate serial tryptases, R: record suspected allergy to chart, S:
send to allergist and primary care, E: educate patient; WAO = World Allergy Organization

ugammadex, a modified γ cyclodextrin, was the administration of sugammadex has become more
approved by the US Food and Drug Administration widespread, it has been suggested that the rate of ana-
(FDA) in 2015 for reversal of steroidal neuro- phylaxis may increase by one-third, from 1 in 10,000–
muscular blockade.1 Used in the perioperative set- 20,000 to 1 in 6000–14,000.6 Ultimately, timely diagnosis
ting for reversal of amino-steroid paralytics, such as and early initiation of appropriate treatment is essen-
rocuronium and vecuronium, sugammadex works tial for the management of these cases.
effectively and rapidly by encapsulating the neuromus- Anaphylaxis is an uncommon but important cause
cular blocking agent and inactivating it. Studies have of perioperative morbidity and mortality. Reported
shown a faster recovery from neuromuscular blockade rates of perioperative anaphylaxis in the United States
and fewer postoperative pulmonary and fewer cardiac are approximately 1 in every 6500 procedures, lead-
complications with sugammadex compared to gly- ing to increased rates of perioperative mortality, hos-
copyrrolate and neostigmine.2 Although it has a rela- pital length of stay, and cost.7 Female gender, younger
tively safe profile, adverse reactions such as nausea, age, history of drug allergies, and vascular, cardiac,
vomiting, pain, hypotension, bradycardia, drug–drug and transplant procedures appear to be risk factors
interactions (eg, as a steroid binder, it may reduce the for anaphylaxis.7 The major triggers for perioperative
effectiveness of oral contraceptives), hypersensitivity, anaphylaxis include antibiotics, neuromuscular block-
and anaphylaxis have been described.2 An initial FDA ers, latex, chlorhexidine, and blue dye, which account
safety study reported the incidence of sugammadex- for >90% of cases.8 As these common allergens are typ-
related anaphylaxis to be 0.3%; in this randomized ically encountered during induction or at the begin-
controlled trial of 299 patients, a single episode of ana- ning phases of a procedure, most cases of anaphylaxis
phylaxis occurred after administration of sugammadex occur at the start of an anesthetic. Anaphylaxis to
16 mg/kg.3 Multiple large observational and cohort agents given typically at the end of a procedure (eg,
studies with sample sizes of approximately 15,000 to ondansetron, opioid analgesics, amide-type local anes-
50,000 patients have since reported much lower rates thetics) is uncommon. However, with increasing use
of sugammadex-associated anaphylaxis, with the inci- of sugammadex both in the United States and world-
dence ranging from 0.01% to 0.039%.1,4,5 However, as wide, there is increasing potential to see anaphylaxis
at emergence and recovery phases of an anesthetic.
From the Department of Anesthesiology & Perioperative Medicine, Sugammadex-associated anaphylaxis is notable
University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California.
as cyclodextrin is a common molecule used as a
Accepted for publication August 18, 2023.
Funding: None.
food preservative, drug carrier, and in commercial
The authors declare no conflicts of interest. products, so sensitization may occur even without
Reprints will not be available from the authors. previous sugammadex exposure.9 Unfortunately,
Address correspondence to Pamela A. Chia, MD, MS, Department of no common demographics or risk factors have been
Anesthesiology & Perioperative Medicine, University of California, Los identified that may otherwise provoke a higher
Angeles, 757 Westwood Plaza, Suite 3325, Los Angeles, CA 90095. Address
e-mail to index of suspicion. Sugammadex-associated ana-
Copyright © 2024 International Anesthesia Research Society phylaxis has been reported in pediatric patients as
DOI: 10.1213/ANE.0000000000006759 young as 3 years and in elderly patients up to 89

XXX 2024 • Volume XXX • Number 00 1

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Sugammadex-Associated Anaphylaxis

years, with no gender differences noted.10 Common increased airway pressures (18%).10 Notably, 18%
antigens have not been identified, and further, no of patients required reintubation in this case series.
link to individuals with atopy history has been iden- With small sample sizes in most studies reporting
tified. Recognition may be challenging without a sugammadex-associated anaphylaxis, the true fre-
clearly established risk profile and becomes more quency of each organ system manifestation or dys-
difficult during emergence where cardiorespiratory function is currently poorly understood.
parameters are inherently and often rapidly chang- Although laboratory biomarkers can neither con-
ing. Advanced airways may already be removed, the firm nor rule out anaphylaxis, skin testing, serum
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level of monitoring may be lessened or monitors may tryptase, and serum histamine are some of the tests
be temporarily detached entirely, and the patient available to support the diagnosis. Although con-
may be in a state of transfer to a postanesthesia care sistent testing has not been performed in suspected
or intensive care unit during the time anaphylaxis cases of drug-induced anaphylaxis, tryptase has high
presents. Given the unique challenges of identifying specificity and known optimal timing of peak eleva-
and treating sugammadex-associated anaphylaxis, tion after a reaction, making it a potentially useful
an overview of the clinical and laboratory diagnostic adjunct in supporting the diagnosis of sugammadex-
steps is provided, followed by a summary of man- induced anaphylaxis.12
agement considerations and a discussion of systemic Tryptase is a protease released from activated mast
issues. cells and can be elevated in cases of anaphylaxis.
Elevated levels are defined either by an absolute value
DIAGNOSIS AND TESTING (eg, >11.4 ng/mL; reference levels vary by laboratory)
The diagnosis of anaphylaxis is clinical and supported or in comparison to a baseline level (eg, >2 + [1.2 ×
by a history of exposure to a known or suspected aller- baseline value]). Tryptase levels rise within minutes
gen. The criteria for anaphylaxis by the World Allergy of the clinical development of anaphylaxis, peak in 30
Organization (WAO) are outlined in the Table.11 On to 90 minutes, and decline with a half-life of approxi-
mately 2 hours.12 Accordingly, tryptase levels are opti-
examination, generalized urticaria, bronchospasm or
mally drawn within 2 hours of the suspected event.
wheezing, angioedema, an increase in peak inspira-
At least 1 level should be drawn 24 hours after the
tory pressure, hypotension, tachycardia, and hypox-
event, when levels have likely normalized, to estab-
emia are some of the signs and symptoms that can be
lish the patient’s baseline, as rarely patients may have
observed during an anaphylactic reaction. One small
chronically elevated tryptase (eg, patients with mast
case series showed hypotension as the most common
cell disorders).12
presenting sign in sugammadex-associated anaphy-
Serum tryptase levels have low sensitivity and
laxis, occurring in 94% of cases; the next most common
high specificity; thus, tryptase should not be used to
signs and symptoms were tachycardia (60%), cutane-
exclude the diagnosis of anaphylaxis but can be used
ous erythema (52%), oxygen desaturation (45%), and
retrospectively to support that an anaphylactic event
occurred. One review detailing tryptase measure-
Table. Clinical Criteria for Diagnosing Anaphylaxis ments, compared to standards of either skin testing or
Anaphylaxis is highly likely when 1 of the following 2 criteria is met clinical WAO anaphylaxis criteria, found a sensitivity
1 Acute onseta of an illness with involvement of the skin of only 41% to 78% for anaphylaxis during general
and/or mucosal tissue (eg, generalized urticaria, anesthesia. However, specificity was high at 74% to
itching, or flushing)
And any of the following
100%, with positive predictive value of 0.82 to 1.0.12
• Respiratory compromise Serial laboratories drawn within the optimal time
(eg, dyspnea, wheeze-bronchospasm, stridor, hypoxemia) interval further increase specificity, and may double
• Reduced blood pressure or associated symptoms of end- the sensitivity when compared with a testing strategy
organ dysfunction
(eg, hypotonia, syncope, incontinence)
that assesses a singular absolute value of tryptase ele-
• Severe gastrointestinal symptoms (eg, crampy abdominal vation.12,13 Of note, tryptase elevations correlate with
pain, vomiting) the severity of anaphylaxis.12 It is unknown whether
or mast cell stabilization from very early epinephrine
2 The presence of 1 of the following, after an exposure to a
known potential allergen: administration affects tryptase sensitivity. Histamine
• Acute onset of hypotension levels can similarly be used to support the diagno-
(eg, systolic blood pressure <90 mm Hg or >30% decrease sis of anaphylaxis; however, given its quick peak
from baseline)
(5–10 minutes) and short half-life (1–2 minutes), it is
• Acute onset of bronchospasm
• Laryngeal compromise (eg, voice changes, stridor)
often impractical to obtain these measurements while
actively managing a patient with anaphylaxis.
Adapted From WAO Guidelines.11
Abbreviation: WAO, World Allergy Organization. Confirmatory testing, usually supervised by an
Onset is defined as minutes to several hours. allergist, should be considered; however, there is

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E  The Open Mind

no currently validated or well-accepted protocol for including providers who can establish a surgical air-
the testing of sugammadex-induced anaphylaxis.14 way, and any monitoring that has been discontinued
In general, skin testing plays an important role in should be promptly reestablished. Consideration
evaluating and confirming an immunoglobulin E should be given to establishing invasive monitoring
(IgE)–mediated reaction to an allergen. Interestingly, and access for continuous blood pressure measure-
sugammadex can trigger an anaphylactic response ment and administration of indicated medications.
either by itself or when complexed with rocuronium Clinical vigilance is paramount after sugammadex
despite no observed response to isolated sugamma- administration, and prompt management and sup-
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dex or rocuronium.14,15 Accordingly, skin testing for a portive treatment are required whether or not the
suspected anaphylactic response should include test- offending agent is known.
ing to the separate components of sugammadex, the The management of anaphylaxis has been well-
sugammadex–rocuronium complex, and γ cyclodex- documented, with epinephrine as the first-line treat-
trin. If any of these are positive, sugammadex should ment. The adrenergic properties of epinephrine treat
be avoided in future situations, even if other amino- most of the clinical manifestations of anaphylaxis. α-1
steroid neuromuscular blockers are used. Receptor agonism leads to vasoconstriction, improve-
ment of blood pressure, and reduction of mucosal
MANAGEMENT AND FOLLOW-UP edema. β-1 Receptor agonism leads to increased car-
The management of sugammadex-associated ana- diac inotropy and chronotropy, which improves blood
phylaxis is similar to other sources of perioperative pressure, and β-2 agonism causes bronchodilation and
anaphylaxis but does have some unique consider- stabilizes mast cells and basophils, leading to a reduc-
ations. Sugammadex is often given immediately tion of vasoactive mediator (eg, histamine) release.
before emergence, a time that can already be accom- In the perioperative arena, where intravenous (IV)
panied by changes in cardiorespiratory parameters, access is usually already established, IV epinephrine
making recognition and diagnosis of anaphylaxis can be considered by providers familiar with its use,
challenging.6 Delay in diagnosis may lead to further titration, and side-effect profile. The recommended
cardiopulmonary insult. Polypharmacy at this stage dosing of epinephrine varies depending on the sever-
can also make it difficult to identify which medication ity of the reaction but applies to most general cases
is the offending agent even when anaphylaxis is sus- of anaphylaxis. Suggested initial epinephrine dosing
pected. A sugammadex-induced anaphylactic reac- for moderate hypotension is 20 µg IV, followed by a
tion at the end of a surgical procedure can potentially recommended dose of 50 µg IV after 2 minutes if there
be catastrophic. is an insufficient response.17 For severe hypotension,
Anaphylaxis after sugammadex administration the suggested initial dose is 50 to 100 µg depending
generally occurs within 5 minutes of exposure, during on whether other vasopressors are given, followed by
which time a patient may experience tracheal extuba- a recommended dose of 200 µg for severe hypoten-
tion, transfer from the procedural table, and poten- sion at 2 minutes if there is no clinical improvement.17
tially even reduction or removal of monitoring and For cardiovascular collapse, 1 mg IV as an initial and
exit from the procedural theater.10 If an endotracheal follow-up dose is recommended as outlined in the
tube has been removed, edema may rapidly compro- ACLS17 and anesthesia ACLS guidelines.16 An infu-
mise the patency of the airway. Thus, it is important sion of 0.05 to 0.1 µg/kg/min is suggested for refrac-
to recognize the signs of anaphylaxis, because com- tory hypotension.17 In cases where IV access is lost or
plete obstruction of the airway from angioedema can if the provider is unfamiliar with dosing and titration
make tracheal reintubation extremely challenging or of IV epinephrine, intramuscular (IM) epinephrine
impossible. According to the most recent anesthesia and transtracheal epinephrine can be considered. The
advanced cardiovascular life support (ACLS) guide- IM route has been associated with fewer side effects
lines, immediate tracheal intubation or reintubation and similar efficacy to the IV route, though there is
is recommended in cases of severe anaphylaxis.16 If a paucity of literature on route of administration in
muscle relaxation is required for tracheal reintuba- the perioperative arena.18 Recommended dosing of
tion, succinylcholine administration should be con- IM epinephrine varies, with suggested dosing of 0.01
sidered if not otherwise contraindicated. Further mg/kg up to 0.5 mg total.11,18 Although transtracheal
doses of an amino-steroid nondepolarizing neuro- epinephrine via the endotracheal route has not been
muscular blocker may both be ineffective in the pres- described in the treatment of anaphylaxis, for ACLS,
ence of sugammadex and worsen anaphylaxis if the transtracheal epinephrine is typically given at a dose
complex is the inciting allergen, and a benzylisoquin- of 2 to 2.5 times the indicated IV dose.
oline nondepolarizing neuromuscular blocker may Because anaphylaxis leads to increased vas-
be too slow if airway edema is rapidly progressing. cular permeability as well as increased venous
Assistance from other providers should be sought, capacitance, patients may experience a dramatic

XXX 2024 • Volume XXX • Number 00 3

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Sugammadex-Associated Anaphylaxis

reduction in cardiac preload. Accordingly, fluids IV access is not available, IM epinephrine can be
are indicated in the majority of patients with ana- administered as 0.01 mg/kg up to 0.5 mg total.
phylaxis, usually starting with a bolus of 500 mL • “V” represents volume resuscitation, which usu-
of a crystalloid solution for moderate hypotension ally starts with a bolus 500 mL of a crystalloid
and 1 L for severe hypotension, with repeated dos- solution for moderate hypotension and 1 L for
ing until there is an appropriate clinical response.17 severe hypotension, with repeated administra-
Bronchodilators such as albuterol can be used as tion until there is an appropriate clinical response.
needed for respiratory symptoms such as broncho- • “E” highlights the evaluation of serial tryptase lev-
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spasm.17,18 Medical evidence supporting the role els within 2 hours and again at 24 hours after a sus-
of corticosteroids and antihistamines in the acute pected event. We believe this is a reasonable and
treatment of anaphylaxis is weak, and although easily obtained laboratory test that can be quickly
administration may be considered, it should not drawn once clinical stability is achieved. A tryptase
delay first-line medications.17,18 The suggested level should be drawn within 2 hours to coincide
dose for steroid administration is 1 to 2 mg/kg of with peak levels, and at 24 hours when acutely
methylprednisolone or the equivalent of a differ- elevated levels will have normalized in this time
ent corticosteroid,18 and for diphenhydramine (H1 frame, to establish a patient’s baseline. Although
blocker), it is 25 to 50 mg IV.18 the results from these tests are not immediate,
this objective data would be helpful during a case
SUMMARY AND PROPOSED RECOMMENDATIONS review and help guide future management.
Although anaphylactic events from sugammadex are • “R” is for recording the suspected allergy to the
infrequent overall, with its growing use, the potential chart as documentation of suspected events is
for an anaphylactic event during emergence could vital in these situations.
increase. Thus, we propose a general framework • “S” represents sending the patient to see an aller-
after a suspected sugammadex-induced anaphylac- gist and primary care physician after a suspected
tic episode (Figure) to help guide medical provid- anaphylactic event to ensure confirmatory test-
ers to provide consistent and appropriate follow-up, ing for an accurate diagnosis. Testing should be
which can be easily remembered with the mnemonic performed at least 6 weeks after an anaphylactic
“REVERSE.” event.19 Additionally, with confirmatory testing
and appropriate follow-up, we hope to avoid
• “R” represents the need for early recognition
inaccurate medication allergy reporting. It is
of the clinical signs of anaphylaxis. During this
important to acknowledge that 25% of Americans
step, it is also important to quickly assess and
do not have access to a primary care provider, and
rule out other causes for instability as the clinical
there is an overall shortage of physicians, includ-
picture evolves.
ing primary care providers and allergists.20,21
• “E” is for epinephrine, the first-line treatment
Systemic barriers to health care access may also
for anaphylaxis. This is preferably administered
make follow-up difficult or impossible. For those
through the IV or IM route. Suggested initial epi-
facing obstacles to health care access, allergy con-
nephrine dosing is dependent on the severity of
sultations can be considered before discharge
the reaction, with doses ranging from 20 µg to 1
from the hospital to arrange for appropriate
mg. In cases of refractory hypotension, an infu-
testing, precautions, and aid with care coordina-
sion of 0.05 to 0.1 µg/kg/min can be started. If
tion. Telehealth and video visits with health care
providers offer follow-up that may be more con-
venient to schedule and attend. Additionally, if
R Recognize anaphylaxis
hospitals have a perioperative clinic, this may be
E Epinephrine an opportunity for coordinated care among the
surgical, primary, allergy, and anesthesiology
V Volume resuscitation providers to ensure optimal communication and
minimize loss to follow-up.
E Evaluate serial tryptases
• “E” stands for educate, as it is important the patient
R Record suspected allergy to chart is knowledgeable of their potential allergy so they
may play a role in the active avoidance of potential
S Send to allergist & primary care
allergens, especially before future surgeries that
E Educate patient may use sugammadex as a reversal agent.

Figure. REVERSE mnemonic can be used to summarize suspected In summary, sugammadex is a medication that is
sugammadex-associated anaphylactic events. widely and increasingly used for reversal of the action

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E  The Open Mind

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XXX 2024 • Volume XXX • Number 00 5

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