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High readiness regime

Decree of the Head of the LPR UG-456/20 dated 20.07.2020 amending the Decree No. UG-160 \
20 of 03.13.2020 “On the introduction of high readiness regime”. Key provisions:

1) Citizens, who visited territories, where new cases of COVID-19 were registered are obliged:
- to notify about their return to LPR, the place and dates of their stay on the
abovementioned territories, their contact information on the “Hotline” of the “Ministry
of Health of LNR”, phone: (0642) 92-05-10;
- to seek medical help at home when the first respiratory symptoms appear
- to comply with the requirements of medical workers to stay in isolation at home.
2) Citizens, arriving from RF or DNR are additionally subject to compulsory hospitalization if
they have high body temperature and respiratory symptoms.
3) Employers shall provide a measurement of body temperature for employees at workplaces
with the obligatory suspension of people with fever from being at the workplace
4) «The Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport» should suspend transportation of passengers
by road from the Russian Federation to the LPR and vice versa starting from 00:00 on
04.10.2020 until the cancellation of the high readiness regime. This does not apply to the
transportation of children to pass the uniform state exam on the territory of RF and to
transportations to perform the order of the Head of LPR No.224-рг/19 dated 26.04.2019 (not
5) It is forbidden to hold mass events with the number of participants over 50 people.
6) This document does not apply to the crossing of LoC, issues of exit to the territory of Ukraine
and entry into the LPR are regulated by a separate act.

II. Crossing LoC

Decree of the Head of the LPR No. UG-467/20 dated 24.07.2020 added one more reason for which
entry in LPR of people who are not registered in LUH territory may be granted: “to receive financial
support by separate categories of citizens, who are in difficult life circumstances, who live in the
Donbas region including under the control of Ukraine in the expense of the State Budget of the LPR
within the framework of realization of the Humanitarian program on the reunification of the people
of Donbas”.

Be reminded that currently the issue of crossing LoC on the part of LPR is governed by the Decree of
the Head of the LPR No. UG-359/20 of 10.06.2020, which was amended by the Decree of the Head
of the LPR No. UG-378/20 dated 18.06.2020.

1) Entries to LUH territory and exits to Ukraine will take place from 07:00 to 19:00.
2) Those, who enter the LUH territory:
- and have high body temperature and respiratory symptoms are subject to compulsory
- must ensure self-isolation at home for 14 days if the abovementioned symptoms are
3) The crossing shall take place with social distancing (1,5 meters), respiratory protection and
gloves. Also, body temperature should be measured.
4) The entry of people registered in LUH territory is granted upon presentation of documents
proving this fact.
5) The entry of people who are not registered in LUH territory is granted based on lists, and
justified by one of the following reasons: relatives are registered in LUH AoR; arrival for
medical treatment; to study in LUH AoR; to take care of ill people; to attend funerals of
relatives or close people + one more reason mentioned above.
6) The lists are drafted upon the presentation of an application and supporting documents
proving the reasons for entry, which must be sent to (Note: this is the
“Ministry of Foreign Affairs”).

III. Registration

Regulation of the Government of the LPR No. 476/20 dated 21.07.2020 declared invalid the
Regulation of Council of Ministers No.118/19 dated 26.02.2019 “On the vesting local self-
government bodies with powers for state registration of acts of civil status and determining the
specifics of state registration of acts of civil status».

Please let me know if you would like to know more details on any of the mentioned regulations.

Best regards,

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