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NAME : ______________________________________ CLASS : _________________



Section A : Grammar
Questions 1 – 5

Rearrange the words to make correct statements. Write the sentences in the spaces

1. Is the in my mother cooking kitchen?

Is my mother cooking in the kitchen?

2. to bathroom. the sing Susie likes in

Susie likes to sing in the bathroom.

3. children The week. will for picnic next a go

The children will go for a picnic next week.

4. She after saw a running cat a mouse.

She saw a cat running after a mouse.

5. Upin skillful is using not in chopsticks.

Upin is not skillful in using chopsticks.
NAME : ______________________________________ CLASS : _________________

Section B : Vocabulary
Questions 6 – 15
Part A

Identify the things found in the kitchen and write the answers in the box provided.

6. 7.
Cabinet Stove


9. Sink
Fridge Drawer
NAME : ______________________________________ CLASS : _________________





Questions 16 - 25

Part B

Fill in the blanks with suitable words from the pictures in Part A.

My uncle has just fitted a new kitchen in his house. The kitchen has a fridge (16)
where he keeps vegetables and meat. There is a row of wooden cabinet(17) where
he keeps the [(18 – 21) pot/kettle/pan/frying pan/skillet/whisk] and other cooking
utensils. In the drawer(22), he keeps the knife(23) and other sharp objects because they
are harmful to children. He has a modern stove(24) where he cooks his meals. The
kitchen is equipped with a sink(25) where he washes and cleans up after cooking.
NAME : ______________________________________ CLASS : _________________

Section C : Forms and Function

Questions 26 – 30
Write the correct responses in the spaces provided to fit the situations.
Accept any logical & suitable answers

Hello, I am Anna. 26. To greet I’m having a 27. To decline

How are you? birthday party
this weekend.
Would you like to

Sir, I’m worried 28. To encourage Asrul, what should 29. To suggest
about the mid- we do next?
term examination
next week.

Siti, my son got 30. To congratulate

straight A’s for
his exam.
NAME : ______________________________________ CLASS : _________________

Section D : Error Correction

Questions 31 – 35
The following sentences contain one error which is underlined. Write the correct word
in the boxes provided.

31. Suzy left her handbag at the table. On

32. My grandfather’s house is in the end of the road. At

33. Tina poured the soup on the bowl. Into

34. We sat on the beach in the umbrella. Under

35. The horse jumped under the fence. Over

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