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Title: The Challenge of Crafting a Pain Research Paper: Why ⇒ BuyPapers.

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Crafting a research paper on the intricate and sensitive topic of pain is no easy feat. As scholars and
students delve into the depths of this complex subject, they often find themselves grappling with the
challenges of extensive research, critical analysis, and effective communication of their findings. The
process of writing a thesis on pain requires not only a deep understanding of the subject matter but
also a keen ability to synthesize information from various sources and present it in a coherent and
impactful manner.

One of the primary difficulties encountered by individuals attempting to write a pain research paper
lies in the vast and multidisciplinary nature of the topic. Pain is not confined to a single discipline;
rather, it spans across medical, psychological, sociological, and even philosophical realms. This
interdisciplinary aspect adds layers of complexity to the research process, demanding a
comprehensive exploration of various perspectives and methodologies.

Moreover, the emotional and subjective nature of pain further complicates the writing process.
Crafting a thesis that effectively captures the essence of pain, its manifestations, and its impact on
individuals requires a delicate balance between objectivity and empathy. It necessitates the ability to
convey scientific findings while acknowledging the human experience of pain, making it a
challenging task for many writers.

Recognizing these challenges, we recommend seeking assistance from a reliable source that
understands the intricacies of pain research. ⇒ ⇔ is a platform that specializes in
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In conclusion, writing a thesis on pain is undeniably challenging, but with the right support, the
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Chronic pain is a matter of concern which has been studied and discussed often in the field of
psychophysical system and factors that affects pain perception in individuals. Since they are closest
to the patients, they are in a position to provide constant personal, emotional and spiritual support.
The other key back pain treatment is education and attitude change. Normally, physicians and nurses
are the people who face this problem while dealing with their patients. It will also be realized that the
nurses do not have proper guidance and counseling skills necessary to convince the substance abuse
patients to stop the substance abuse behavior. CONCLUSION In conclusion, the objective of this
research is to address the issue of pain management in patients with substance abuse history by
overcoming barriers to effective pain management in patients with substance abuse history.
According to the results, 45 patients (33 men and 12 women) with an average age of 41.18
participated in this research. All participants completed the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-??) and
the World Health Organization Quality of Life Questionnaire (WHOQOL-BREF) in pretest and
posttest. WHO's Pain Relief Ladder (WHO, 2009) is a useful guide to prescribe pharmacotherapy
for pain. The repeated measure ANOVA test was used to compare variables between two groups. It is
also expected that medical practitioners in health institutions will bring to an end the discrimination
and alienation of patients with substance abuse history from the other patients. Measuring pain
includes intensity, quality and locating the pain. Involuntary response is that response that is not
under direct concious of the individual experiencing the pain. Receive a tailored piece that meets
your specific needs and requirements. Often, in biology, only living organisms undergo pain. Some of
the useful forms of exercises are yoga, walking and swimming (Brenman, 2007). Substance abuse
includes consumption of hard drugs such as cocaine and heroin to mention but a few. Download Free
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unavailable. The feeling of pain depends additionally on the physical stimuli. Materials and methods:
This was a single blinded randomized control trial study with probability simple random sampling
technique. The impact factor is one of the many elements that determine the quality of a journal. The
authors state that the nurses should ask questions regarding pain position, radiation and also the
nature of pain. Many youths feel that nobody should know what, when and where they take the
drugs. You can download the paper by clicking the button above. According to the International
Association for the Study of Pain (IASP), pain can be differentiated into acute and chronic based on
intensity and duration. Pain assessment and management are also mandated by the Joi8nt on the
Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO, 2006). It is expected that the patients will
abandon their secretiveness, medical practitioners in health institutions will bring to an end the
discrimination and alienation of patients with substance abuse history, there will be abolition of harsh
treatment by nurses and doctors towards patients, technology will be enhanced in hospitals and more
experienced medics will be involved in ensuring effective pain management in patients with
substance abuse history. During the research, it will be identified that several hospitals lack the
necessary technology and expertise needed to deal with the management of pain in patients with
substance abuse history. The patient was thus admitted with a diagnosis of acute right sided
abdominal pain and her code status was full. Pain is defined by the involvement of psychological
stimulus but the stimulus does not determine the ensuing pain behavior.
Of the total 1740 articles found, 14 articles were selected for review. Nurses have to be aware of
various factors that can influence how the patient feels and how he or she expresses pain. Pain
medication was administered, and she expressed relief. Pain assessment and measurement involves a
lot of issues that have to be approached with a lot of attention. FM is explained by multiple
interacting mechanisms such as hypersensitivity of the central nervous system, deficits in
endogeneous pain inhibition, alterations in the neuroendocrine system, autonomic nervous system,
immune system and stress regulation mechanisms, and additionally, by genetic vulnerability and
psychological mechanisms. The reaction of pain has a biologicl and physical focus. This proves to be
a challenge to the nurses since the alienation will be a barrier to obtaining information from the
patients. The overall purpose of Rubria’s research is to investigate the appropriate pain management
strategy in health care settings, to identify the gaps in knowledge on the topic of pain management in
the acute care setting in patients with substance use disorders and finally to identify the significance
for the acute care nurse practitioner in addressing the problem of pain management. If this is done, it
will be one of the greatest steps taken towards dealing with pain management. Research hypotheses
were examined using univariate covariance analysis. The patient who has undergone surgery will
experience pain, the severity of which is dependent on emotional, societal and biological factors.
Nurses are essential in the diagnoses and treatment of pain in all types of settings of health care. The
nurse helps relieve pain by administering pain-relieving interventions (including both pharmacologic
and nonpharmacologic approaches), assessing the effectives of those interventions, monitoring for
adverse effects, and serving as an advocate for the patient when the prescribed intervention is
ineffective in relieving pain (Watt-Watson, 2000). All product names, trademarks and registered
trademarks are property of their respective owners. The aim of this study is to ascertain strategies to
manage chronic back pain in relation to holistic nursing practice. A detailed history should follow the
initial description of pain. People can easily recognize an alternative concept and not the main
concept (Walker and Avant, 1995). A Pain Assessment Checklist may be used to assess pain among
aged patients, or the Abbey Scale for cognitive impaired patients. Measurements are not clearly
defined, and although a long explanation is not suitable at this stage, a mention of how analysis was
carried out might be included. Food or liquids do not make a difference in abdominal pain. Opioids
are often best for treating pains that result from substance abuse disorders and diseases. These
categorical data were combined with bibliometric data obtained from citation databases. Pain is often
resolved through the introduction of painkilling drugs or antibiotics that totally help to withdraw the
pain from the body of an individual. Everyone learns the application of the word pain through his or
her experience which relates to an injury in his or her early life. Patients having chronic pain also
experience different sensorimotor complications, mental and social. Therefore, one of the nursing
theories that serves as a framework for pain management in patients with substance abuse history is
the comfort theory. It will be realized that this usually acts as a discouragement to the patients
causing them not to cooperate with the medics during their treatment. The Quantitative portion of
the study examines and measures quantifying relationships among the demographic variables and
provides means and standard deviations relating to the questioner responses. Maiers, M.J.,
Hartvigsen, J., Schulz, C., Schulz, K., Evans, R.L., Bronfort, G. (2007). Chiropractic and exercise
for seniors with low back pain or neck pain: the design of two randomized clinical trials. Pain
consequences relate to pain reactionand the person’s personal interpreatation of what pain means.
Holistic nursing may be defined as “all nursing practice that has healing the whole person as its goal”
(AHNA, 1998). Let us write or edit the research paper on your topic. Visually impaired patients can
use a verbal rating scale which has been adapted to meet their need in pain assessment and
measurement. Lui LY, So W, KW, Fong DY. (2008). Knowledge and attitudes regarding pain
management. In spinal cord stimulant implantation, low-level electrical signals to block specific
nerves in the spinal cord are sent by a surgically-implanted device in the body so that pain signals are
not transmitted to the brain and is useful in neuropathic conditions (Brenman, 2007). For others, the
recurrence of pain may mean worsening of the disease, such as the spread of cancer (McCaffery,
2000).The meaning attached to the pain experience helps the nurse can understand how the patient is
affected and assists in planning treatment. This requires the nurse to take various factors in to
consideration when assessing and measuring pain. Pain management is an ongoing process and the
concept analysis of pain help advanced nurses get a better understanding of the term pain. It is
evident that substance abuse has caused several disorders and diseases among the youth. The
researchers are all eminently qualified in the fields of research, nursing, education and management.
The Black Death was a devastating pandemic of bubonic plague that struck Europe and Asia in the
mid-1300s. Various tools and surveys are helpful to patients trying to describe pain intensity.
Consumption of tobacco in large amounts can also lead to lung cancer. Advocates for improved care
for the dying have stated that acceptance, management, and understanding of death should become
fully integrated concepts in mainstream health care (Callahan, 2003). CONCLUSION In conclusion,
the objective of this research is to address the issue of pain management in patients with substance
abuse history by overcoming barriers to effective pain management in patients with substance abuse
history. Many authors prefer to use 6 months as the cut-off time for chronic pain (Farkas, 2005).
Questioners were used to assess LTC professional’s perception’s on pain management, demographics
of healthcare staff, and perceived barriers related to providing optimal pain management. Evidence
based practice (EBP) in medical practice promotes safe, appropriate and effective patient care. You
can use essay samples to find ideas and inspiration for your paper. This ailment has different
conditions there certain times when the. Without technology and experienced nurses and medics,
definitely pain management in the patients will remain to be an uphill task. The aim of this study is
to ascertain strategies to manage chronic back pain in relation to holistic nursing practice. We use
cookies to create the best experience for you. Nurses can also evaluate the effects of the medications
prescribed after the patient uses the medicines. A pain is negative if it cause is an injury on a tissue.
Materials and methods: This was a single blinded randomized control trial study with probability
simple random sampling technique. This makes the patients to develop a formed opinion about their
health and hence they are discouraged and do not cooperate with the medical practitioners. Some
general assessment forms have drawings of human figures, and the patient is asked to shade in the
area involved. In assessing a patient with pain, the nurse reviews the patient’s description of the pain
and other factors that may influence pain (eg, previous experience, anxiety, and age) as well as the
person’s response to pain relief strategies. Substance abuse can also be in the form of consumption of
alcohol in large amounts.
Other goals may include a decrease in the intensity, duration, or frequency of pain, and a decrease in
the negative effects the pain has on the patient, and a decrease in the negative effects of pain has on
the patient. Antecedents and consequences will then be concluded followed by an operational
definition of the term pain that incorporates crucial attributes. The Pixar Way: 37 Quotes on
Developing and Maintaining a Creative Company (fr. Reaction of pain may be a voluntary or
involutnatry response. You can download the paper by clicking the button above. The cognitive-
evaluation dimension places its basis on the analysis of multi-modal information, response strategies
and past experience. With 3,332 papers, the United States has regularly led the world in pain
management research production. “Pain”, with 1717 p. The most widely employed method of pain
relief is pharmacotherapy. Farkas, H. (2005). Chronic Pain. EmedicineHealth. Retrieved on 21st
March, 2010 from. Often, in biology, only living organisms undergo pain. Important issues when
dealing with patients with substance abuse history is their comfort, happiness and cooperation with
the medics. The oldest evidence of reflexology, dating back to 2500 BC is in the form of a painting
that was found from the tomb of ancient Egyptian physician Ankmahar. Several hospitals will be
visited to compare and contrast their conditions and how pain management is done in various
hospitals. This is 100% legal. You may not submit downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating.
Also you. It will also be realized that most hospitals lack proper technology and expertise necessary
for pain management in patients with substance abuse history. The comfort measures implemented by
the nurse aim at providing relief to the patient and supporting the patient undergo the painful
experience. Pain includes a series of responses by a system of actions that start with reflex responses
and continues with complicated strategies that eliminate the pain (Bonica, 1990). Barbie - Brand
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Company (fr. The experimental group received six sessions of weekly treatment based on the ACT
matrix. The research will also examine the various problems that nurses and other medical
practitioners face when handling patients with substance abuse history. In the experiment group, the
subjects were initially classified according to mechanical diagnostic tests of McKenzie. Mrs. She in a
54 year old female and was diagnosed with breast cancer. The theory of planned behavior is also
relevant in pain management as it provides nurses with great insights in assessing and managing pain.
With the exception of measures for anxiety and depression, all measurements for disease severity
differed significantly among the groups, with greater severity reported. RESEARCH DESIGN In
conducting this research, youths having substance disorders will be studied at length. It is important
to document the exact words used to describe the pain and which words were suggested by the
nurse conducting the assessment (Loeb, 2001). Everyone learns the application of the word pain
through his or her experience which relates to an injury in his or her early life. The nurse explained to
him what he was going to do during the visit that day. Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or
find out how to manage cookies. With a nursing staff shortage nurses time at the bedside is limited
leaving the nurse less time to thoroughly assess pain, offer support, provide non-pharmacological
interventions or provide adequate patient teaching.

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