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AOIFE ARITMENGARDE aaa cakaj onan sot AP cit oy err dcp Sf Te eee sats bya bya Fie eee ary deh ae caged eC pea ect Beato te peor inl emlbamces Fe Sts oie tarot, gc Sees elo eel moa SugavaL ADO SNOUIV aul enowned ‘ The Armengares hve «QM matrarchal radon, with the olde. eal female child inheriting the Warrant spon the death of her mother As fist daugher Aoife grew up on Scinilla with the knowledge tha she would one day become a Rogue Trader. Her mother Maeella was away for years ata time (her fxcher died before her bith), and Aoife grew up amongst the Sectors nobility and grandees She was expected (0 Jearn decorum and exiquete in this environment, nd ‘become honed in he realm of political manoeuvring, ‘To the great dismay of her advisors and tutors, she appeared ofl on all thre accounts. ‘Whenever she could, Aoife shunned her studies and avoided her tutors. Rather than visit formal {galas and banquets, she would vanish into the depths of Hive Sibellus for weeks at a time, ride the land- crawlers across the wastes to Hive Tarsus, duel in the deadly heat of Gunmetal City’s Infernus, and swing from the chains below Ambulon, Even when she di acquiesce 10 her advisors demands and frequent the raid circles of the noble lasses, the results were far from ideal. The spires of Sibellus sil hear the tory of when Aoife Armengarde ‘witnessed “spurring’—where members of the 1 nobility abduct undeshivers, inject them with the drug spur, then compe! them to take pat in a play or performance. The lucky victims are only mocked, while others suffer injury or death from the drug or the crueles of their captors. While at @ gala the young scion witnessed such an entertainment, and she swifly denounced her host—a member ofthe Machenko Dynasty. The resulting duel was to be to “fist wound’ only. Unfortunatly for the host, Aoife dealt ber first wound by lopping off his hand The resulting feud between their dynasties continues to this day Tr was soon decided that the earlier Aoife began training to be a Rogue Trader, the better. Marcella took her aboard the Armengarde's flagship, che Bersidbe Both departed for the Expanse, and Aoife would not return until her mothers death, several decades later. In that time, the careffee and rebellious gitl matured into an intelligent and strong-willed Rogue Tradet However, she maintained her stubborn and idealistic core Inthe years since, Acife has elevated the name of Armengarde tomev heights Her exploits are extensive and varied, tothe point that it has grown dificult to tell uth ffom fiction. For instance, itis secret that Aremngarde avoided an arranged mariage by her mother, and had a child ltr in ife—her daughter and eit Igraine. However if anyone in her dynasty knows the identity ‘of the father, they remain silent. Rumours abound: a low-

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