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NWOD Game rules

1 This game will have a rotating Storyteller shifting clockwise around the table for each session.
The storytellers character will just become a NPC for that session. If the Storyteller from the
previous session did not complete their story in the allotted time, the next storyteller in line will
take the reigns and continue with the story from the previous game.
2 Experience point will be divided into four categories:
◦ Attributes: These experience points can only be spent on the characters Attributes.
◦ Abilities: These experience points can only be spent on a characters Abilities.
◦ Magic: These experience points can be spent on a characters Rotes and Spheres only.
◦ Pool: These are just general experience points able to be spent anywhere experience points
can be spent.

When a Storyteller awards experience points for the game session, they will be evenly
divided among the 3 categories above. Any left over will be inserted into the experience pool
Example one: If a Storyteller awards 4 experience points. One goes to each of the
specific categories evenly and the final one goes into the pool category.
Example two: If a storyteller awards 6 experience points they are split evenly among the
three specific categories. There are none left over to go into the general
pool category.
Also to make the game more unified and player driven, an extra experience point reward
will be granted to all those involved in a scene when a player completes a goal. The goal must
be something that a player cannot just spend experience points to complete but instead must be
ran within the story. The current Storyteller is the final arbiter of what constitutes as a
successful achieved goal.
Example one: Matt wants his character to have a firearms rating of 4, he has been saving
his experience points up for several game sessions and final can purchase
it. Because of the way the NWOD game rule are written above this is
NOT the completion of a goal.
Example two: Darrin on the other hand had his car jacked at the end of the last game
session and goes on a epic quest around the city to find his missing car in
the current game session. Steve is running the current session and he
made this into a fully involved story for Darrin to regain his vehicle and
decides that all the players involved gain a pool experience point for
achieving a Darrin's Goal.
Example three: Darrin lost his car again and Jamie used Correspondence magic to find
it, no real story was built around retrieving the vehicle. It was just in an
abandoned parking lot. George is the current Storyteller and decides since
there was no story involved, a goal was not completed.
3 Discussions about rules will be two minutes for the player to express their case and no longer,
furthermore this time is uninterrupted by any other player or the Storyteller. When the two
minute limit has expired as set by a stopwatch, the storyteller who is running the current session
will give a response to the discussion. Like it or not this is what the answer will be and we will
continue the game.
Character Creation
We will be creating Mortal characters from the World of Darkness core book. If you provide a
character background you will gain 5 pool experience points. If you provide a character picture you
will gain 5 pool experience point. These two extra bonuses will only be gained upon the first day the
character is played.

The world
The world will be created by the creativity of the Storyteller running the games and the
interaction of the players within the story. It is important for those who are running the game to take
some notes because then we can have a better flowing story between the different Storytellers.

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