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Asian architecture is characterized by its rich diversity and distinctive regional styles

that have evolved over centuries. The earliest known examples of urban planning

and architecture in Asia can be traced back to the ancient Indus Valley Civilization,

where cities like Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro were built with remarkable city

planning and architectural features.

In China, ancient architecture was primarily made of thatch and timber, with grand

im p erial b u ild in g s reserv ed fo r th e u se o f th e em p ero r. C h in ese arch itectu ral sty le is

d efin ed b y b ilateral sy m m etry , en clo sed o p en sp aces, an d fen g sh u i, a d irectio n al

h ierarch y fo r arran g in g sp aces to h arm o n ize in d iv id u als w ith th eir en v iro n m en t.

Distinctive features of Chinese architecture include the use of color symbolism, with

y ello w reserv ed fo r em p ero rs, red p ro m isin g g o o d fo rtu n e, an d g reen rep resen tin g

w ealth , g ro w th , an d h arm o n y .

The hip and gable roof, also known as a xieshan roof, originated in China during the

Eastern Han Dynasty and has since spread throughout Asia. The double-eaved

xieshan roof with colored ceramic tiles and heavy ornamentation at the end of the

eves is the stereotypical Chinese architectural form.

Buddhist architecture, which originated in India, consists of viharas (monasteries),

stu p as (p laces to v en erate relics o r tex ts), an d ch aity as (tem p les). T h e o ld est

B u d d h ist stru ctu res are th e 'cav es' o r 'g ro tto s,' w h ich are v ih aras cu t fro m sto n e w ith

a cen tral h all co n n ected to sm all cells.

In contrast, Japanese architecture has had a largely consistent history but has been

relativ ely iso lated , w ith little im p act o n o th er sty les. H in d u an d S ik h arch itectu re, o n

th e o th er h an d , h as tak en o n u n iq u e ch aracteristics, w ith tem p les an d w o rsh ip sites

th at h eav ily in co rp o rate th e in flu en ces o f n atu re.

Overall, Asian architecture is a testament to the rich cultural heritage and history of

th e co n tin en t. Its d iv ersity , u n iq u e reg io n al sty les, an d relig io u s in flu en ces m ak e it a

fascin atin g an d in flu en tial sty le o f arch itectu re.

In th e co n tex t o f th e p ro v id ed research , th e P ark ro y al o n P ick erin g in S in g ap o re is a

n o tab le ex am p le o f m o d ern A sian arch itectu re th at in co rp o rates su stain ab le an d

en erg y -efficien t d esig n p rin cip les. T h e b u ild in g 's ex ten siv e u se o f v ertical g reen ery

an d o th er eco -frien d ly featu res d em o n strates th e p o ten tial fo r m o d ern arch itectu re to

co n tin u e th e leg acy o f su stain ab le an d en v iro n m en tally -co n scio u s d esig n in A sia.

(Note: This answer is based on the knowledge cut-off of 2021, and I do not

acknowledge any sources of information.)

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