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How did wants, choices, scarcity and opportunity cost, and

tradeoffs affect you during this activity? What would you cut if
you had $200 less than your stated amount? Why? What would
you add if you had $200 more than your stated amount? Why?

I feel like this activity made a significant effect on many things on my life
and the things that I do to afford it. But I think I have managed to find a good
balance between needs like bills to wants like my streaming services. Especially
since I made something called the RSM (Random spending money) which is two
hundred dollars I take out of my budget to spend on whatever I want and if there
is any left at the end of the month, I use it for next month’s budget.
But I guess if I had two hundred dollars less change the amount in the RSM
and instead of putting three hundred dollars in the emergency fund it would
contain two hundred and fifty dollars and the RSM would contain fifty dollars. Or I
would take away the fifty dollars I use for entertaining friends and put it in the
RSM, so I still have a three-hundred-dollar emergency fund. Probably because
even though that money could be used for an emergency like my car breaking
down, I like to create a fine line between needs and wants so my life doesn’t
become super boring and empty.
Although if I had two hundred more than my original amount, I would use it
for one of two things. One, putting it in my emergency fund because you can
never tell when you will need something fast when something unexpected
happens, it’s nice to have a plan. And two, donating it to charity along with the 6
dollars and twelve cents I donated this month, because it’s always nice to help
people that have less than you.

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