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UCSP REVIEWER (M1-M9) are passed along by communication and

imitation from one generation to the

Cultural Variation- refers to the rich next.
diversity in social practices that different
cultures exhibit around the world. Society- defined as a group of people
- Ethnicity who share a common economic, social,
- Religion and industrial infrastructure.
- Nationality
Politics- the way that people living in
2 types of family structure: groups make decisions, making
- nuclear agreements between people so that
- extended they can live together in groups such as
tribes, cities, or countries.
Social Difference- a situation where
people are discriminated against on the Anthropology- a behavioral science
basis of social, economic, and racial that deals with the study of culture
inequality. (focuses on the various human, and
- Gender human behavior)
- Socio-Economic Classes
- Exceptionality Sociology- a behavioral science that
deals with the society (social
Lesbian differentiation is a normal feature of
Gay every known culture in the world.)
Transgender Political Science- science that deals
Queer with the foundation of the state and
Intersex principles of government
The word Sociology was derived from
Political Identity- refers to a group two words logos which means study or
affiliation and describes the ways in science and socius which means group
which being a member might express or partner.
specific political opinions and attitude.
- Political Party Article III- politics clarify your rights
- Partisan Affiliation
- Political Loyalist According to Mahatma Gandhi, a
nation’s culture resides in the heart and
Culture- a way of life of a group of the souls of its people.
people--the behaviors, beliefs, values,
and symbols that they accept, generally Culture- It is define as sets of traditions,
without thinking about them, and that rules, symbols that shape and are
enacted as feelings, thoughts, and
behaviors of groups of people. Social-Conflict Approach
society as an “arena of inequality that
Norms- Are behavioral rules or generates conflict and change” therefore
standards for social interaction. These highlights inequality and change.
often derive from values but also
contradict values, and serve as both Symbolic-Interaction Approach
guides and criticisms for individual society as the “product of the everyday
behavior. interactions of individuals”

Values- a set of ideas people share Society - the key concept of the
good or bad, desirable or undesirable sociological concept.

Language- a system of verbal symbols Culture - The Characteristics and

through which humans communicate knowledge of a particular group of
ideas, feelings, experiences. people.

Social scientist- they are the one ELEMENTS OF CULTURE:

responsible who coined the term society - symbols (anything that carries
to facilitate their exploration of social particular meaning
phenomena. recognized by people who share the
same culture)
Society- the key concept of the - language (a system of communication
Sociological Perspective. and by a particular group)
- values (culturally-defined
3 social approaches: standards that serve as broad
- Structural-Functional Approach guidelines for social living)
- Social-Conflict Approach - beliefs (specific statements that
- Symbolic-Interaction Approach people hold to be true)
- norms (rules and expectations by
Structural-Functional Approach which a society guides the behavior of
society as a “complex system whose its members).
parts work together to promote solidarity
and stability” Sociology - the study of development,
structures, and functioning of human
Social structure society.
to identify a structure’s social
functions or “the consequences of any Behavior - the way which one acts or
social pattern for the operation of conducts oneself.
society as a
whole” Tradition - The transmission of customs
and beliefs from generation to Symbolic Interactionism- can be
generation. applied to the use of social networking
sites and how one's identity is presented
Practices - The actual application or on those sites.
use of idea, belief or method. - Max Weber
- George Herbert Mead (1920)
Charecteristics of culture:
Cultural Heritage- a representation of
- Learned the ways of living developed by society
- Shared or group and passed on from generation
- Based on symbols to generation.
- Integrated (known as holism)
- It includes buildings and historic
Enculturation - the process of learning places, monuments, artifacts.
6 aspects of culture: - includes oral tradition, performing arts,
- language social practices, rituals, festive events.
- religion
- daily life
- history
- arts UNESCO: United Nations
- government Educational, Scientific and Cultural
We can also describe culture as - established in 1945
Dynamic, Flexible, Adaptive.
Threats to Tangible and Intangible
Conflict Theory was first purported by Heritage.
Karl Marx. - Earthquake
- a Marxist inspired perspective on the - Floods
question looks at the other side of the - Cyclones
issue. - Human-induced hazards (arson,
- does not deal with either order or armed
conflict. conflict and civil unrest)
- a theory that society is in a state of
perpetual conflict because Legacy- It magnifies one’s life and living
of competition for limited resources.
Social Change- an adaptive response Ethnocentrism is the tendency to use
to some tension within the social system one’s own cultural standards and
values to judge the behavior and beliefs
of people with different cultures.
- William Graham Sumner.

Cultural relativism is the idea that a

person's beliefs, values, and practices
should be understood based on that
person's own culture, rather than be
judged against the criteria of another.

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