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Literal humanism Orientalism Frankfurt school of Marxism Cultural Materialism

Liberal humanism as the “theory before theory” Edward said’s orientalism (1978) presents the idea Frankfurt school stands for social and philosophical Cultural Materialism developed on England as a new
that out lines how English became an academic of orientalism he defines “orientalism” as the west’s movement it is known as critical theory and the way of historical reading of literature.
subject. representation of the colonized countries of Asia and institute for social research. Cultural Materialists understand the physical world
The establishment of oxford and Cambridge Africa. The leading Marxists Horkheimer T.W Adorno, as infrastructure (inner-structure) structure and
universities in Britain was a milestone in the Edward said states that orientalism is construction Walter Benjamin, Herbert Marcuse and Erich from superstructure. Infrastructure is the basic level
development of English studies. of the west to legitimate colonial rule. Said were associated with the Frankfurt school. which includes the environment with its forces and
According to Yuval Naah Havari Liberal as the categorises “orientalism” into latent and manifest. They applied basic tenets of the Marxist theory to laws.Structure is connected with the society’s
essense of the meaning of and political athoritiy. Latest orientalism resides in the imagination of the analyse society and social relations. economic, social and political organization.
Liberal humanists did not care to analyse the depiction of the orient in the western texts. The leaders of the Frankfurt school adopted the The main characteristics of cultural Materialism
context of the work of literature like historical peried. The manner and method of the representation principles of psycho analysis structuralism and the are summarised as ;
The Values of liberal hightghts democracy decency change according to different periods in the history. principles of Hegel. a) Historical context b) Theoretical method
tolerance rationality the belief in human progress. . According to Frankfurt school critical theory is c) Political commitment d) Textual analysis
Liberal humanism holds that good literature is the Structuralist Narratology disting uished from the traditional theory the critical Gyno Criticism
time less significance. Structuralist narratology is the structuralist theory theory rejects the traditional method of theory. Elaine show alter wrote the essay “Towards a
According to peter Barry human nature and the critique of narration cladode LeviStrauss is Frankfurt theorist TW Adorno was influencect not feminist poetics” which was published in 1979. Gyno
permanent and unchanging. the Father of structural anthropology. His structural only by Carl Marx but also by Hegel. means woman.
Terry Engletion in his work literary theory: An analysis of my the led to the development of There is a group of people traditionally designed as Elaine Showalter was born in 1941. She is an
Introduction (1903) links the rise of English literste as structuralist narratology. intellectuals because of their profession. American literary critic and feminist.
an area of study in the nineteeth century to the rise Structuralist narratology is concerned with the Gramsci calls them “traditional intellectuals. In the present essay Showalter says about feminist
of liberal humanism. general codes that structure the literary narration. Louis Althusser criticism with a new language and a new way of
Literary theory Structuralist narratologists believe that meaning is French Marxist philosopher Louis Althusser reading.
The word theory came from a Greek word derived from universal structure of the narrative. contributed to structural Maxism and the concept of Showalter truces the history of women’s literature
“theoria” which means contemplation literary theory Gerard Genette developed the structuralist ideology. Ideology has a historical role to perform in and divides it into three Phases feminine from 1840
studies the production distribution and reception of concept of narrator and narrate in the narrative. each society. to the death of George Eliot in 1880.
meaning in literary text as well as the author reader He lists three basic kinds of narrators. Althusser lists ideological state Apparatus as the Feminist from 1880 to 1920 and female from 1920
and the cantext of the texts. 1. The Heterodiegetic :- where the religious, educational, family, legal communication, to the present now women reject imitation and
Literary theory became a powerful factor in the narrator is absent from his own culturalAccording to Marxists the state Apparatus protest as they are forms of dependency.
second half of the twentieth century. According peter narrative. (SA) contains the administration the Army the police, Women should turn to female experience as the
Barry theory Ye-establishes the connection between 2. The Homodiegetic :- where narroter is the courts, the prison. Ideology provides identity of sources of an autonomous art.
literary studies and disciplines of linguistics history inside his narrative. the individual According to Louis Althusier Feminist criticism is divided into two varieties. The
and philosophy. 3. The Autodiegetic :- the narrator is interpellation is at best when an individual thinks or first is concerned with the woman as a reader. The
Literary theory stands for the different work to inside the narrative and also the main believes the values ideas and choice. second type of feminist criticism is concerned with
Evaluate and interpret of literature. Literary theory character. New Left woman as writer.
offers the different perspectives about literature and The term new left stands for the different groups of Marxist Feminism
literary work. activists and intellectual movements in 1950s and Feminism as a movement has several philosophical
Literary theory helps the readers to gain the Psycho analytic theory 1960s in western Europe and north America. historical anthropological and social variations.
deeper understanding for insight in to literary texts. Psycho analytic theory or psycho analytic criticism The term is used to left students movements. Marxist feminism is connected with Marxist
Linguistic turn is based on the psycho analytical principles of Some of the common are as are the anti-war stance philosophy. Marxism examines the evolution of
Linguistic turn is defined as a change in emphasis Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) the most influential and opposition to nuclear weapon. society in the struggle of the classes against
the discourse of the humanities and social science thinker of the modern world. Iterbest Marcuse is known as the father of new left domination. Material forces control the world. In
reflecting a recognition of the important of language Psycho analytic criticism seeks to understand a movement. The new left movements were formed in each specific period of history a particular class
in human meaning making. work art on the basis of an analysis of the Asian and African countries also. dominates the modes of production in the society
Linguistic turn became popular with the psychological traits of its author. The new left is a logical and organic sequel to and controls the other classes. In addition to the
publication of the book named “the linguistic turn” According to psycho analytic theory a literary work classical Marxism. material condition of suppression they make use of
(1967) written by American philosopher Richard reveals the unknown world of desires, Fears, E.P Thompson, Louis Althusser, Fidel Castro many ideological apparatus for control and
Rorty. inhibitions and Fantasies of its author. influenced the new left movement. The new left has exploitation of the down trodden. Marxist feminists
Linguistic turn caused inereased attention on The Four Major concern of psycho analytic literary its impact in the fields of culture and art. believe that empowerment equality for women
language and philosophy. criticism are: The Mes of literature and arts were reoriented to cannot be achieved in capitalism. They also believed
The linguistic principles of the Swiss linguist (a) The author and his/her life and intentions. the burning issues like inequality deprivation and that the struggle against patriarchy is not divided
Ferdinand de Saussure have greatly influenced the (b)The characters and their motives dehumanism. from the struggle against capitalism. Marxist feminist
linguistic turn both in philosophy and literary studies. behaviours and mental process. like Alexandra Kollentai proclaimed revolutionary
(c)The readers. concept about sex love and desire.
(d) the text and its language narration and Culturalism
Cultural turn symbolism. Culturalism sees culture as the determining factor
Cultural turn in comtempory theory is understood Freud’s most important work “the interpretation of or organizing force in the life of individuals as well as Black Feminism
the centrality of culture in philosophical and Dreams” published in 1900. Which marked the societies. Black feminism concentrates on the lived
theoretical inquiry. beginning of the branch of psycho analytic criticism. Culturalism holds that culture shapes the view of experiences of black women related to racism Sexism
The Marxist theorist Raymond Wiliams formulated Dreams have great importance in Freudian the individual culturalism takes culture as a political and class. Black women protested against
the principles of cultural materials on the basis the psychology. According to Freud dreams are symbolic ideology. Which determines the life of subjects in the marginalization. The Black women’s oppression was
theories of Carl Marx and Marxist thinker Antonio fulfilment of unconscious wishes. nation. the result of a double discrimination. The black or
Gramsci. Psycho analysis is a form of therapy which aims to The concept of culturalism was coined by the Negro women faced a double discrimination- being
Critical turn cure mental disorders by investigating the interaction American social philosopher florign znanieki in his woman and being black woman. Feminism opposes
Critical turn signifies the rise of critical theory. of conscious and unconscious elements in the mind. book cultural Reality (1919) Later he developed patriarchy and white feminism. Patricia Hill Collins,
Critical theory refers to the critical for mulation to the Psycho analytic criticism is connected with the culturalism into humanism. Hortense Spillers and Hazel car by were the pioneers
Marxist philosophers. author and the content of the work Freud compares Richard Hoggart Raymond Williams and Edward of black feminism. Black feminism dealt with several
Critical theory formulated the Marxist theories, art to neurosis. Thompson have greatly contabuted to culturalism. issues such as class and labour which concerned the
gender studies (male/female) race theory feminism The Freudian psycho analytic critics give the main Culturalism recognizes the capacity of common material lives of the black woman. Black feminism
psycho analysis. importance in literary interpretation to show the people to construct culture. studies the patriarchal nature of black society and
Critical turn beginning from 1960s (from 1960- distinction between the conscious and unconscious Stuart Hall traditions. The critical race the orists analysed that a
1970) radically changed the understanding and mind. Q. the two paradigms within cultural studies? woman has racial socio economic sexual political and
practices in humanties and social science. They also give the attention to unconscious Ans. Stuart Hall (1932-2014) is a Famous British cultural identities. The theorist Alice walker define
Structuralism Structuralism which become a motives and feelings. cultural theorist. In his essay “cultural studies”. Two that black feminism is termed as womanist
powerful and intellectual movement in 1960s. it In his Famous structural theory Freud envisages paradigms (1980) Stuart Hall visualizes the existence movement. According to wakera woman is a
signifies the work of French critics linguists three level of human psycho such as id, ego, and of two paradigms within cultural Studies culturalism feminist who loves all woman irrespective of other
Anthropologists psychologists philosophers during super ego. and structuralism He traces this paradigms to identities.
the period. This movement has its roots in the Swiss ‘id’ is the repository of our basic instincts. Raymond Williams’s book “Long Revolution”. Womanism
linguist Ferdinand de Saussure thinking. ‘ego’ is the structured level of logic and reason. According to Stuart hall, Williams examines the Alice walker coined the term “womanism” to
The central point of discussion of the movement ‘super ego’ is the surface level of our concept of culture. According to Stuart Hall two signify a movement of women who stand up for all
was the construction the meaning in different area. consciousness which develops simultaneously with paradigms are culturalism and structuralism. The the women in the world. Her collection of essay titled
Structuralism is opposition mimetic criticism ego. fundamental difference between the two paradigms in search of our mothers Gardens. Womanist prose
animitation of reality structuralism constitutes an According to psycho analysis our desires and is how they understand culture. (1983) is a manifesto of womanism. Alice walker
analytical and interpretative method focusing on instincts havboured in our unconscious shape and According to culturalism the lived experience of wanted men and racism of whitemen. The Black
language. control our behaviour. human beings determine culture. feminists are committed to the welfare of all women
De Construction Freud him self found out that psycho analysis as a Euro centrism and of humanity. It observes gender descrimiration.
Jacques Derridas deconstruction is the post- tool to understand art and culture. Euro centrism puts Europe and it’s ways of life. It Alice walker Empiasizes (stresses) on the word
structuralist interface with literature. The French Antonio Gramsci divides history, culture and areas of human thought “woman” and she understands it as culturally more
philosopher derrida is best known for developing the Antonio Gramsci the Marxixt philosopher who has and activity. significant. According to Alice walker the word
form of semiotic analysiz known as deconstruction. greatly nfluenced twentieth century sociocultural Euro centrism is an ideological view that specifies ‘woman’ signifies courage and responsibility for the
The concise oxford dictionary defines studies. He developed the ideas of Carl Marx that Europe is the seat of all learning and civilization. rights of all women.
deconstruction as a method of critical analysis of Gramsci’s observation on the formation and As a system of knowledge Euro centrism Diaspora
philosophical and literary language. functions of intellectuals are central to critical theory. exemplifies how Europe is portrayed as the originator Diaspora is an important concept in post
Deconstruction is a critical out look concerned with According to him all human beings have the of all development. colonialism’s engagement with nationalism. Diaspora
the relationship between text and meanings potential to be intellectuals The hegemony of the Europeans held themselves a superior race. is described as communities of people living together
capitalist class in the society is maintained. They thought it was their duty to rule, subjugate, in one country who acknowledge the “the old
Gramsci considers hegemony as powerful than the control, and regulate the barbarians who have no country” a notion in language, religion.
repressive forces of the state. culture, civilization and desire for refinement. Differences of generations gender race class
. make diaspora communities always dynamic.
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QUEER THEORY feminism Subaltern studies Subaltern combines two Latin Ferdinand de Saussure
Queer theory has been developed as political and The term “feminism” is understood as a political words sub (under) and altern (other). The word The Swiss linguist and philosopher Ferdinand de
theoretical movement in the 1970s and 1980s. queer cultural or economic movement aimed to establish subaltern means ‘from below’. Subaltern is an Saussure in augurated a new path in understanding
theory is a logical. equal rights and legal protection to all sexes (males important the oretical formulation of Antonia linguistics throught the patterns and structures of
The meaning of the word “queer” is odd strange or and females) Feminism involves political and Gramsci. Subaltern studies are influenced by carl language.
peculiar queer theory connects with different sociological theories and philosophies concerned Marx and Antonia Gramsci. In the famous essy “can Saussure’s contributions on literary studies are
categories of sexuality. with the issues of gender difference. A vindication subaltern speak” Gramsci postulates the idea that summarised as given below.
Queer theory develops the scope of its analysis of the Right of woman (1792) written by Mary women as subaltern is not an autonomous subject. (a) According to him language is a system of
including all kinds of behaviors related to sex, Wollstone craft (the wife of English philosopher The tern subaltern was inspired by Italiam Marxist sign or a structure.
sexuality and gender. Judith Butler the American William Goldwin) is considered as the earliest work of Antonia Gramsci. Subaltern is used to indicate (b)he put forward the idea of linguistic sign as
theorist and activist contributed to queer theory by feminist philosophy. The first ware feminism begins powerlessness in a society. Subaltern studies were the combination of signifier . the sound image
her ideas about the capacity of language working with the campaigns for the right of vote for women also influenced by the historian. E.T Thompson and signified the concept.
within social construct of gendor (male and female) and lasts till the passage of the 19th Amendment to subaltern aim is to bring to light the history of the Ferdinand de Saussure distinguished the system of
In her book “Gender Trouble”:- feminism and the the constitution in 1920. The second ware feminism poor, tribals and the vagabonds. speech elements as langue and parole. According to
subversion of identity (1990) Bulter explores the refers to the period of 1960-1980 it death with issues Jacques Lacan him langue is the underlying speech system or
notion that gender is a social construction. of equality and discrimination. Third ware feminism Q. what are the three stages in the development of structure of language. Parole is the speech of an
Gender is constituted by the expression or actions. began in the 1990s and extended to the 21st century. human psycho as explained by lacain? individual.
This is the function of language. Shllow Ecology Ans. Jacques lacan is known as the “French Freud” he Saussure separated between the synchronic and
LGBTQ are explained as given below. Shllow Ecology rejects eco centratrsm. Shllow lays out three stages in the development of the diachronic approaches to the study of language.
L – lesbian – a woman who is attracted to other. ecology is called environmentalism. Nature is a human psycho these are imaginary the symbolic and Synchronic study means the study of language as a
G – Gay – a man who is attracted to other men. resource for human welfare. the real. He has an important principle of mirror system at any particular time in its history.
B – Bisexual – a person who is attracted to both men Shllow ecology understands ecological threats as a stage (the stage of the development of ego) lacan’s Whereas Dia chronic study is the study of origin
T – Transgenders – persons whose gender identity, danger to human beings. Climate change is bad studies on the development of the consciousness of and development of and language historically.
expression and role does not conform with their sex. because it will effect human interest. Nature is human being led him to the concept of mirror stage. Saussure’s book course in General linguistic which
Many and identity goes beyond the traditional variable as it serves human intereste. Mirror stage is a early stage in the development of the collection of his lecture notes in the university of
definition associated with Sexual orientation and Deep Ecology the mind when a child six to eighteen months old Geneva.
gender identity. Deep ecologist assart that our thinking views begins to recognize his/her own reflection in a mirror. Roland Barthes
Gender identity is person’s sense of gender. (male and actions. Make man at the centre of the universe Lacan remarks that this is a major phase in the A famous French philosopher Roland Barthes
or female) sexual orientation is determined by the deep ecology signifies basic rethinking of the human development of the ego of the child. influenced the literary theory and structuralism.
gender of the person. vision on the environment Human life becomes Ecology? According to Roland the relationship between
Post colonialism is the critical analysis of the meaningful only in the natural environment. Ans. ecology is the branch of science that studies the signifier (the sound image) and the signified (the
history, culture, and literature. That are specific to Environment ethics is a main part of deep ecology. inter relationship of the living organism and their coniept) is motivated.
the former clonies of England, Spain. France and Eco-feminism physical environment. Deep and Shllow ecology are The author only scripts the text with already
other European imperial powers. The main argument of eco feminism is that the two philosophical approaches to nature. existing meaning.
These stdies have focused on the third world values and belief of partrarchal society have resulted Barthes rejected the author centric tradition and
countries of Africa, Asia, the Caribbean islands and in the oppression of women and nature. The the idea of writing self expression.
South colonialism an important text in the field of partriarchal society ignores women’s work Marxism So there is no author but only the scriptor of text.
study of post colonialism was “orientalism (1978) knowledge and the location in nature. The women’s Marxism refers to the philosophical economic and Barthes differentiates between the work’ and the
written by Edward said. Post colonialism is a new a relationship with environment is more intimate than political principles and observations of Carl Marx and ‘text’ in his book from work to text which was
theory appearing about last decades of 20th century mans.Both women and nature are connected with Engels. published in 1977.
along with other new disciplines like queer theory, regeneration and reproduction. Chnaya Datar In the literary theory it signifies reading and writing Barthes applied the structuralist method to the
cultural studies and gender studies. cultural eco feminism, social eco feminism and of literature from Marxist philosophical and historical general field of modern culture.
Eco criticism is the study of literature and socialist eco feminism in her book “ eco feminism perspectives (views). In his work mythologies which was published in
environment. In the united states eco criticism is Revisited” (2011) Liberal eco feminists believe that Marx and Engels extended their thoughts and 1957. He attempted a detailed an thropological
associated with the Association for the study of ecological crises are caused by the problem of observation to the region of literature. Arts and also studies on modern France’s culture.
literature and Environment. (ASLE) William Rueckert development and men and women can jointly work to the social and culturle condition and context. Langue
coined the term Eco criticism in 1978 to signify an for the conservation of nature. According to Carl Marx, the mode of production of Langue is the underlying speech system or structure
application of ecological concepts to the study of Cultural eco feminism makes equal nature women Material life determines the social, political and the word langue is a term in linguistic which refers to
literature. Eco criticism gives the special importance and advocates Goddess worship and ecological intellectual life process. a language considered as a communication system of
to nature-writing eco critics do not limit to their spirituality. Marx defined the history as the history of class a particular community.
inguiry and analysis.They professed their struggle between the working class and the Parole
commitment to the environment and its protection is capitalists. Parole is the speech of individual the word parole is
manifest in the works of Eco critics. New Historicism The Forces and the relation of the production a term inlinguistics which referes to individuals.
New historicism became an important method of constitute the economic structure of the society.
literary criticism in the 1980’s in the united states. Thisis called as the base structure on which the
Orientalism According to Stephen Greenblatt, new historicism society is built. Claude-Levi-Strauss
Edward said’s orientalism (1978) presents the idea places literary and history text for study. The new The social institutions like law, art, literature and Claude-Levi-Strauss was a French anthropologist
of orientalism he defines “orientalism” as the west’s historicist critics like Green blatt and Louis Montrose ideology do not have any independent origin or whose work was a key in developing the theory of
representation of the colonized countries of Asia and formulated their ideas in response and revolt. In existence but they are rooted in the base structure. structuralism.
Africa. Edward said states that orientalism is 2017 Green blatt published a study on the biblical They constitute the superstructure. Claude-Levi-Strauss is considered as the “Father of
orientalism resides in the imagination of the story of the origin of man named “the Rise and Fall The superstructure reflects the interests and structural anthropology” he argused that family
depiction of the orient in the western texts. Adam and Eve” (the first woman in the Bible story of ideology of the ruling class. should not be studied as a single and independent
The manner and method of the representation the creation). Louis Montrose is other new Carl Marx modified this theory and stated that the unit but in relation to other units.
change according to different periods in the history. historicist his famous dictum “the historicity of text relation between base structure and superstructure He argued that all cultures are structurally similar
Hybridity and textuality is the essence of new historicist literary is dialectical. linking cultural anthropology and structural
Homi Bhabha describes ‘hybridity’ as neither the theory”. The French philosopher Michel Foucault Dialectical materialism is Carl Marx’s theory linguistics.
one nor other coloniser’s representation of carefully declared. The power is everywhere. According to him Marxist philosophical approach is based on dialectical He also argued that the “savage” mind and
constructed on the basis of exclusion and power is a structure of action his another observation materialism. civilized mind had the same structures and human
displacement of the other is subverted by the “where there is power there is resistance”. Ideology is an important concept in Marxism characteristics are some every where.
linguistic and cultural plurality. Dalit Feminism originated with Marx and developed by Marxist Levi Strauss imbibed that the structuralist
According to Bhabha hybridity is the fusion of The word ‘Dalit’ means oppressed and broken. The theorists. philosophy which recognizes all human beings as
clear and defined identities. literature aimed for the liberation of the Dalits is Cultural Studies fundamentally equal.
Concrete identities make the way for hybrid called Dalit literature. Dalit literature is a product of Cultural studies is the field of study concerned with He analysed myths and he argued that myths are
identities. new awareness and protest. Dalit literature is not cultural production and reproduction in a society. just varitions of the same themes which have
Post modernism only of down trodden but also an expression of Dalit It is dedermined by the social, political and common universal structures.
The tern “post modernism” was first used by the anxiety, and their struggles for liberation. economic forces acting in that society. Narratology
Franch philosopher Jean-Francois Lyot and in his book Dalit movement in India are very active in the social It’s principles and methodology of cultural analysis Narratology is the structuralist theory and critique
“the post modern condition” (1978). It influenced the and is concerned with the experience of women is influnced by Marxist critique of culture and society. of narration.
area of human inquiry, particularly the humanities fighting against stigmas marginalization and Cultural studies critically qestions the common Levi-Strauss’s structural analysis of myths led to
and philosophy. Post modernism is a historical subordination. Dalit feminists accuse feminist critics understandings beliefs and history that shape the the development of structuralist narratology.
condition after modernism a method of the literary of possessing a monufatured ignorance about society. In his book “structural an thropology” Levi-Strauss
theory in many branches of knowledge. Post and marginalization of Dalit women. Raymond Williams wrote “culture and society” proposed a new theory that all myths of humanity are
practice which has become popular in literature and The first generation of feminists recorded which was published in 1958. In was the first major the variation of certain themes.
arts since the 1980s. post modernist critics seeks autobiographical accounts of their suffering and event in the history of cultural studies. He holds that myths are certain types of language.
theme tendencies and attitude in texts. strggle. They were social activits who followed Dr. Richard Hoggart founded the center for A.J.Greimas analyse the components of narrative
The post modernist critic does not bother about B.R Ambedkar. comtemporary cultural studies (CCCS) at the as in dependent entities.
high or low culture. Anthropocentrism university of Birmingam in 1964. Post structuralism
Enlightenment Anthropocentrism places human beings at the The term cultural studies was first used by Richard The term post structuralism refers to a period after
Is an intellectual movement of eighteenth and centre of the universe. Anthropocentrism believes Hoggart the works of Raymond Williams, Stuart Hall dtructuralism in literary criticism. Post structuralism
nineteenth centuries. It is related to historical events that human beings are the only possessors of all and Richard Hoggat made “cultural studies” a questions the structuralist concept of reality.
like the Frwnch Revolution. Post modernism essential values. Anthropocentrism as a philosophy prominent academic and theoretical field all over the The pioneer of the post structuralism is Jacques
represents a total rejection of the western values is significant in almost all walks of world. derrida. Post structuralism sees multiplicity of
inherited from the Enlightenment. Post modernism lifeAnthropocentrism is the offspring of western They pioneered enquiries about the practices of the meaning. Within the discourse post structuralism also
strengthens the conception of knowledge based on philosophy and religion. working class and marginalised sections. rijects the concept of the university of the structure.
society. The computer technology has influenced the Human greed has caused the depletion of the Hoggart studied the cultural habits and peculiarities
natural resources, mild life, and caused immense of the working class and women of his book “the uses
modes of knowledge of production distribution and
consumption in post modern society. hardships to the surviving living animals including of Literacy” (1957) . ( ͡❛ ͜ʖ ͡❛)
men and women of the third world.

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