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Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

Good morning, everyone.

The honorable for the juries of the speech contest.

And for my beloved participants of the speech contest.

First of all, I would like to thank Allah SWT who has been giving us blessings and mercies so we can attend
here in a good condition. And also shalawat and salam for our prophet Muhammad SAW. Then, I thank too for
the juries for giving me opportunity to deliver my speech. My name is ….

My friends,

Let me present a short speech about culture. All of us have our own culture. All regions also have unique
cultures.All nations have a local genius culture too.

If we are speaking about Indonesian culture, then we are talking about cultural diversity. In our country, if we
want to count them, there will be hundreds of tribes, each of which has different cultures.

They have their own pattern of clothing, language, and housing. It is obvious that Indonesia has so many
cultural aspects. Unfortunately, a recent survey shows that some cultural aspects have become extinct.

If that condition keeps on happening then dangerously our original cultures will disappear nd be replaced with
foreign ones.

My friends,

If such conditions are allowed to continue, it will end our own culture. Because of that, we must love and keep
our own culture diversity like this surah QS.Al Hujarat (13):

My beloved friends…

I think enough for the speech.

For the last, I say Wassalamualakum wr.wb.

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