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A. buisness entity owned by the government.

The government controls, supervises,

and orgamises the production
within the firm [2]

B. Just get hanegbok's notes, comment on forward and backward vertical integration

C. first define monopoly, ask for syna's notes, also contestability means
competition is high.
Monopoly earns higher profits to find new methods of production to produce better
quality products, dynamic efficiency
monoypolies can do price discrimination, which may be able to benefit a few select
consumers, like apple us costumoers
vs apple inid acustommers??? Dominant firm can also produce variety of products,
can prodivde choice???
increase supply to match demand???

D. travel lines open up to the entire population, help lower income ppl travel,
free up roads, efficient movment
of reserouces and factors of production, less pressure on factors of production

however, depcriate in value as they are slower ??? de forest station and
environment encorachments, depends on views
on untouched lands. opportunity costs on spending on this rather than education,
etc etc. also government budget defecits
debt, etc.

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