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Volume 7 Number 2 Desember 2023

Development of Islamic Religious Education (PAI) Learning Media

Based on TikTok to Improve Students' Critical Thinking Skills

Lidra Agustina Tanjung, Mardianto, Siti Halimah

Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara Medan, Indonesia,,

Corresponding Author: Lidra Agustina Tanjung

Article History Received : September 13 2023

Revision : November 17 2023
Publication : Des 30th 2023

This article discusses the development of Islamic Education (PAI) learning media
based on TikTok to enhance students' critical thinking skills at SMA Negeri 1
Binjai. Based on data from We Are Social, social media, especially TikTok, is very
popular in Indonesia, particularly among Generation Z. Social media, including
TikTok, has become a tool for seeking information and knowledge, including
knowledge about Islam. TikTok is one of the most popular social media platforms
currently. As a social media platform, TikTok can be utilized as a tool in the
learning process. This article emphasizes that in this era of technological
advancement, students are "Digital Natives," born and raised alongside digital
technology. Therefore, teachers must adapt teaching methods that are more
suitable for the characteristics of these digital-native students, including using
social media as a learning tool. This research employs the Research and
Development (R&D) method in developing the PAI learning media based on
TikTok. The 4D development model (Define, Design, Develop, Disseminate) is used
in the development process. The results of limited trials indicate that the PAI
learning media based on TikTok is practical and suitable for use in learning,
improving students' critical thinking abilities. In conclusion, this research states
that the development of PAI learning media based on TikTok effectively enhances
students' critical thinking skills. This article highlights the importance of keeping
up with technological advancements and using social media as an effective
learning tool for Generation Z, who are "Digital Natives."

Keywords: Learning Media, Islamic Religious Education, TikTok

Volume 7 Number 2 Desember 2023

TikTok, a rising social media platform, facilitates easy access to knowledge
for the younger generation. It allows users to connect, interact, and share
information, particularly within the scope of Islamic teachings (Putri & Astutik,
2021). Notably, TikTok ranked second globally in 2020 (Kemp, 2021). This
platform, launched in September 2016, gained immense popularity for creating
short music videos (Pea et al., 2021).
A survey conducted in 2021 revealed a significant increase in TikTok users in
Indonesia, reaching 63.1% of the population, up from 37.8% the previous year
(Kemp, 2021). Despite traditional teaching tools like chalkboards and markers, the
role of media in aiding comprehension, especially for complex subjects, remains
In the context of online learning, social media serves as a tool for interaction,
communication, and knowledge-sharing. Additionally, it functions as a means of
self-expression and branding (Zubaidi et al., 2021). The development of TikTok-
based Islamic Education learning media adopts the microlearning process suitable
for the current technological era (Wibowo et al., 2023).
Teachers need to adapt to the evolving technological landscape, considering
the prevalence of Digital Natives—students born into a world immersed in
technology (Prensky, 2001). These students are accustomed to rapid information
processing, preferring graphics over text and frequent internet connectivity. The
challenge lies in educators embracing new methods that align with students'
digital language and styles (Prensky, 2001).

In 2019, Andi Saputra conducted a study titled "Survey on the Use of Social
Media Among University Students in Padang City Using the Uses and Gratifications
Theory." The research, involving three state universities, concluded that students
spent an average of 1-6 hours daily on social media, with a global usage rate of
86% (Saputra, 2019).
Acknowledging the necessity of incorporating technology into education, the
Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) framework becomes
relevant (Mishra & Koehler, 2006). This framework emphasizes the
interconnectedness of Content Knowledge (CK), Pedagogical Knowledge (PK), and
Technological Knowledge (TK) to develop suitable teaching strategies (Koehler et
al., 2014).
In conclusion, the underutilization of social media in the current educational
landscape, despite the potential of platforms like TikTok, hampers the
development of critical thinking and creativity among students. Hence, this
research, titled "Development of Islamic Education Learning Media Based on
TikTok to Improve Students' Critical Thinking," becomes imperative in addressing
this gap.

Volume 7 Number 2 Desember 2023

The term used by Borg and Gall to describe this research is Research and
Development (R&D), which translates to "Perancangan dan Penelitian
Pengembangan" in Indonesian. According to them, Research and Development is "a
process used to develop and validate educational products," such as textbooks,
instructional films, computer software, teaching methods, and educational
programs designed to address students' problems and provide development
programs for educators (Sugiyono, 2018).
The development model consists of four stages. The first stage is "Define" or
needs analysis, the second stage is "Design" or preparing the conceptual
framework of instructional media, the third stage is "Develop" or the validation
and feasibility assessment of the media, and the fourth stage is "Disseminate" or
the implementation of instructional media in real subjects (Winarni, 2018). These
four stages can be visualized in the following diagram:

• Define (Pendefinisian)

• Design (Perancangan)

• Develop (Pengembangan)

• Disseminate (Penyebaran)

Data collection is a crucial and primary stage in research. The data collection
stages in this study include:
1. Observation: This initial activity involves directly observing the school's
situation, environment, or the conditions of students.
2. Validation: This is the process of checking the accuracy and quality of data.
Validation is also used in assessing the feasibility of developing PAI-based
TikTok instructional media to enhance students' critical thinking abilities.
3. Questionnaire: This data collection technique involves providing a set of
statements to students and teachers related to the development of PAI-
based TikTok instructional media to improve students' critical thinking
The data analysis techniques in this research are divided into qualitative and
quantitative data analysis. Qualitative data are obtained through field observations
and expert opinions using validation sheets related to the development of PAI-
based TikTok instructional media to enhance students' critical thinking abilities.

Volume 7 Number 2 Desember 2023


Test Results of Islamic Education Learning Media Based on TikTok
The assessment of the effectiveness of the development of Islamic
Education (PAI) learning media based on TikTok to improve students' critical
thinking abilities at SMA Negeri 1 Binjai was obtained through pre-tests and post-
tests, as detailed in the attached appendices. Pre-test scores were obtained from
the PAI subject teacher, Mr. Muhammad Andika, based on the assessments given
after students' evaluations. Post-test scores were obtained from the evaluation
results during the implementation of the development of PAI learning media based
on TikTok, as follows:
1. Group assessment through the analysis of TikTok-based viral
videos by filling out a pre-prepared worksheet containing: a)
positive and negative behaviors in TikTok-based viral videos, b)
examples of exemplary behavior in TikTok-based viral videos, c)
the connection of TikTok-based viral videos with knowledge of
worship and d) analysis of TikTok-based viral videos.
2. Individual assessment by creating a creative TikTok-based video
about examples of respectful and obedient behavior towards
both parents and teachers, and its connection to the story of
Uwais al Qarni with students' current conditions by replying to
TikTok-based video links (attached).
3. Group and individual assessment by creating a paper on the
evidence, examples, benefits, and the connection of worship
knowledge with respectful and obedient behavior towards
parents and teachers, then presenting it in front of the class.

Table 1. Recapitulation of Student N-Gain Results

No Presentase Kriteria
1. N-Gain > 0,70 Highly Effective
2. 0,30 ≤ N-Gain ≤ 0,70 Effective
3. N-Gain < 0,30 Less Effective

Referring to the pre-test and post-test tables (attached) on the implementation of

the development of PAI learning media based on TikTok at SMA N 1 Binjai, the
results obtained were 0.58%, categorized as effective.

Volume 7 Number 2 Desember 2023

Development of PAI Learning Media Based on TikTok
The product development of PAI learning media based on TikTok to improve
students' critical thinking abilities was designed following the 4D research
methodology, starting with needs analysis, design, development, and finally, the
dissemination phase.
In this development, the researcher used the 4D development model, an
acronym for Define, Design, Develop, and Dissemination. This model, developed by
S. Thiagarajan, Dorothy S. Semmel, and Melvyn I. Semmel in 1974, is used to
develop instructional tools (Anam et al., 2022). PAI learning media based on
TikTok can be applied in the learning process to enhance students' critical thinking
Marc Prensky notes that students evolve according to the technology
surrounding them, referring to them as "Digital Natives," individuals fluent in the
digital languages of computers, video games, and the internet (Prensky, 2001).
This aligns with the TPACK theory developed by Mishra and Koehler, aiming to
modify education by mastering the conceptual framework of technology,
pedagogy, and content (Koehler et al., 2014).
In the learning process, teachers present TikTok-based videos for analysis
and criticism by students, followed by creative TikTok video assignments and
paper creation on the taught subjects. Students conclude with creative TikTok
videos uploaded to TikTok as a final evaluation of their critical thinking abilities.
Based on expert descriptions, the development of PAI learning media based
on TikTok is capable of enhancing students' critical thinking abilities. Therefore,
this media can be used as a teaching tool in delivering PAI materials to students,
providing an engaging learning experience and achieving learning goals.
The primary goal of developing PAI learning media based on TikTok is to
enhance students' critical thinking abilities and foster creativity in utilizing TikTok
as a social media platform. Additionally, this development aims to facilitate
effective and engaging learning.
Effectiveness in this context pertains to the learning process's ability to
enhance students' critical thinking abilities, while attractiveness relates to using a
new medium that has not been previously used by teachers. In the implementation
process, educators follow the Lesson Implementation Plan (RPP) as a guide to
ensure focused and organized PAI learning based on TikTok.
Overall, the validation results from subject matter experts for PAI learning
media based on TikTok to improve students' critical thinking abilities indicate a
score of 98%, categorizing it as highly feasible. This implies that the developed PAI
learning media based on TikTok is suitable for use. The results then proceed to the
next stage, field trials.

Volume 7 Number 2 Desember 2023

Improvement suggestions from subject matter experts for PAI learning

media based on TikTok
The development of PAI (Islamic Education) learning media based on TikTok
for the purpose of improving students' critical thinking skills undergoes validation
and reconfirmation processes by subject matter, media, and language experts.
Subsequent to the feedback and suggestions provided by these experts, the
developer implements necessary improvements to the TikTok-based PAI learning
The development of instructional tools is based on the designed product,
involving validation by subject matter and instructional design experts.
Subsequently, the developer refines the instructional tools in accordance with the
guidance, suggestions, and input from subject matter and instructional design
experts, thereby improving both the module's appearance and content. This
ensures its enhanced usability for implementation activities, following the 4D
development method.
Media developed for testing with students must undergo prior validation by
experts (Sa’adah and Wahyu, 2020). Referring to Table 4.4, outlining the criteria
for learning media feasibility by experts (attached), the assessment by subject
matter experts regarding the TikTok-based PAI learning media for enhancing
students' critical thinking skills is 98%, categorizing it as highly feasible.
Referring to the validation sheet (attached), the assessment by media experts
regarding the TikTok-based PAI learning media for enhancing students' critical
thinking skills is 90%, falling into the highly feasible category. Furthermore, based
on the language expert assessment (attached), the evaluation for the TikTok-based
PAI learning media for enhancing students' critical thinking skills is 97%,
indicating its high feasibility.
The results of material, media, and language validation suggest that the
product is worthy of progression to the next stage, i.e., field trials, after undergoing
revision and improvements based on previous feedback.
The conclusion drawn from the validation and research results is that the
validator's input significantly influences the feasibility of developing TikTok-based
PAI learning media, determining its usability. Suggestions from validators provide
valuable insights for the development of TikTok-based PAI learning media,
rendering it suitable for testing with students. Recommendations from subject
matter experts aim to enhance the content, ensuring it is better and more suitable
for implementing TikTok-based PAI learning media to improve students' critical
thinking abilities.

Volume 7 Number 2 Desember 2023

1. Development Process Using the 4D Method:
• Define: In this stage, an initial analysis of the problem, participants,
tasks, concepts, and learning objectives is conducted.
• Design: The product is designed in this stage, including the use of
TikTok-based learning media.
• Develop: Validation tests are carried out by subject matter, media,
and language experts, followed by limited testing on 5 students from
SMA N 1 Binjai, Class XI IPS 1.
• Disseminate: This stage involves widespread testing on 33 students
from SMA N 1 Binjai, Class XI IPS.
2. Feasibility Test Results:
• Expert assessments for subject matter, media, and language yielded
percentages of 98%, 90%, and 97%, respectively. The average
percentage is 95%, categorizing it as highly feasible.
3. Practicality Test Results:
• Limited testing on 5 students resulted in a score of 76.82%, and
extensive testing on 33 students resulted in a score of 75.48%, both
categorized as practical. The overall average score from the
recapitulation is 82.21%, falling into the highly practical category.
4. Effectiveness Test Results:
• The effectiveness test, measured by implementing TikTok-based PAI
learning media, showed a normalized gain (N-Gain) score of 0.58%,
categorized as effective.

In summary, the development of TikTok-based PAI learning media using the

4D method has undergone thorough stages, from initial analysis to widespread
testing. The product demonstrates high feasibility with expert assessments,
practicality with favorable scores in limited and extensive testing, and
effectiveness in improving students' critical thinking skills. The N-Gain score of
0.58% indicates the media's effectiveness in enhancing students' learning
outcomes and critical thinking abilities. Overall, the findings support the
conclusion that TikTok-based PAI learning media is a highly feasible, practical, and
effective tool for education.

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