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Mast cell studies in uterus following Cardiovascular changes in vaginal

insertion of intrauterine contraceptive deliveries and cesarean sections
To the Editor:
To the Editor: Due to vagaries of various intermediaries, de-
I have read with interest the article, “The livery of issues of your JOURNAL is often erratic
relationship between endometrial mast cell count and usually late, so I have only now had an
and bleeding in women following insertion of an opportunity of reading the paper by Drs. Nis-
intrauterine device,” by Mehra, Devi, Chakra- wonger and Langmades on this subject. My re-
varti, and Chaudhuri, which appeared in the July action was rather florid but my comment will be
15, 1970, issue of your esteemed JOURNAL, vol. brief. I find it incredible that an account of a
107, p. 852. detailed investigation into cardiovascular changes
On p. 854, the authors remarked, “However, which occur during pregnancy (and especially
no report in literature on mast cell studies in those observed in labor and at cesarean section)
the human uterus following insertion of an IUD can be presented and published and yet contain
is available.” This is surprising, as a report on not a single reference to the posture of the pa-
mast cells in the human uterus following inser- tient during the investigation. I would have
tion of an IUD was presented to the annual thought that by 1976 the influence of vena caval
conference of the Association of Physiologists and compression was universally appreciated. For the
Pharmacologists of India, held in Baroda, De- benefit of your contributors and readers, I append
cember 27-29, 1968. An abstract of this paper, a list of recent and pertinent references.
“The influence of intrauterine device on the J. SelElyn Crwford
mast cell population of the human uterus,” by Consultant Anaesthetist
G. Chaudhury, S. Arora, S. Bhagat, and A. Dass Birmingham Maternity Hospital
appeared in the Indian Journal of Physiology and
Birmingham, England
Pharmacology, vol. 13, p. 49-P, 1969. Please note
the next paper and abstract in the same journal REFERENCES
on the same page is by one of the authors who 1. Lees, M. M., Scott, D. B., and Kerr, M. G.:
has contributed to the article in your paper. J. Obstet. Gynaec. Brit. Comm. 77: 29, 1970.
A detailed report of our work has been pub- 2. Ang, C. K., Tan, T. H., Walters, W. A. W..
lished as, “The effect of the intrauterine con- and Wood, C.: Brit. Med. J. 3: 201, 1969.
3. Scott, D. B.: Brit. J. Anaesth. 40: 120, 1968.
traceptive device on the mast cell content of the 4. Ueland, K., Gills, R. E., and Hansen, J. M.:
human uterus,” by S. Bhagat, A. Dass, S. Arora, AMER. J. OBSTET. GYNEC. 100: 43, 1968.
and R. K. Sanyal in the Japanese Journal of 5. Lees, M. M., Scott, D. B., Kerr, M. C., and
Pharmacology, vol. 19, pp. 427-430, 1969. Taylor, S. H.: Clin. Sci. 32: 453, 1967.
6. Lees, M. M., Taylor, S. H., Scott, D. B.. ant1
The above statement within quotes by Mehra Kerr. M. G.: 1. Obstet. Gvnaec. Brit. &mm.
and associates, is therefore, not accurate, and, 74: 319, 1967.”
in spite of appearances, I would like to believe 7. Scott, D. B., and Kerr, M. G.: J. Obstrt.
it to be due to oversight. However, I feel that Gynaec. Brit. Comm. 70: 1044, 1963.
it is only fair that your readers should be ap- 8. Niswonger, J, W. H., and Langmade, C F.:
AMER. J. OBSTET. GYNEC’IO~: 337. 1970.
praised of the correct position in this regard.
R. K. Sanyal
Maulana Azad Medical College and Associated
Irwin and G. B. Pant Hospitals
Department of Pharmacology
New Delhi, India


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