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Students: Major factors that really affect their reading readiness are lack of interest and poor

physical or mental health condition. Common reading issues when it comes to physical and
mental health includes poor vision, hearing loss, poor comprehension skills and dyslexia to
mention a few. Children who are behind their peers in reading struggle with low esteem and
feeling of inadequacy.

Teaching strategy: Due to the absence of face-to-face classes, the pupil's academic
performance was affected significantly in reading.

Environment: If the child is exposed to an environment where love for reading is promoted, the
child can adapt to the environment. Sometimes, classroom conditions in public schools are not
conducive for young learners to make them focus on study.

Family: Due to financial constraints of parents, most mothers in far flung areas prioritize
livelihood over teaching their children how to read. Some parents also lack the ability to teach
their children because they didn’t finish their education and they lack the knowledge to teach
their children.
Resources: Insufficient reading materials at home lessen the exposure of the pupils in learning
to read. In school, lack of learning resources is also a factor. If there are limited resources, the
exposure of pupils to reading materials is also limited which will also affect their skills in reading.

Gadgets: Too much use of gadgets kills most of the time of students that they may use in
practicing reading at home.

Teaching Strategy: The pandemic has caused a massive impact to children's reading readiness
since there are no direct instructions from the teacher. Teachers had limited strategies to
address learners' needs.

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