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Importance of work and employment:

_________________(1) _________________(2):
- Need for earning money to cover living costs, support family, and _________________(3)
personal and family needs.
- Jobs help in buying food, paying bills, and meeting _________________(4)
Achievement and purpose:
- Individuals _________________(6) _________________(7) to achieve personal goals and
- Work provides a sense of purpose and _________________(8) in life.
Social interaction:
- Jobs _________________(9) meeting new people and socializing in the workplace.
- Work helps individuals find their place in society, _________________(10) connections
and relationships.
Contribution to society:
- Employment not only earns money but also _________________(11) to society, making
individuals feel useful.
2. Education and career path:
School and university:
- Individuals choose schools and universities based on _________________(12)
- University education helps in _________________(14) _________________(15) and job
Career determinants:
- The selected job influences future lifestyle and living conditions.
- Job choice impacts how individuals live and what they achieve in the future.
3. Labour market:
Economically active population:
- Includes those willing and able to work, including _________________(16) and
- _________________(18) job seekers actively searching for employment.
Economically inactive population:
- Includes _________________(19), _________________(20), _________________(21),
or those _________________(22) or _________________(23) to work.
Elements of labor market:
- _________________(24) _________________(25) between employers and employees.
- Self-employed individuals manage their businesses.
- Unemployed individuals seek new jobs with support from job centers.
4. Employee selection:
Factors considered:
- Job seekers consider factors like type of _________________(26),
_________________(27) _________________(28), _________________(29),
_________________(30) _________________(31), and _________________(32).
- Job advertisements are published in newspapers and online platforms.
_________________(33) process:
- Candidates submit job applications and CVs, detailing personal information, education,
skills, and work experiences.
- Successful candidates go through oral interviews, answering questions about motivations
and expectations.
5. Unemployment:
- Unemployment poses challenges impacting _________________(34)
_________________(35), _________________(36), and overall quality of life.
- Inability to secure a job leads to _________________(37) _________________(38) and
difficulty meeting basic needs.
- Prolonged unemployment erodes self-confidence and generates feelings of isolation.
- Maintaining professional skills and relevance during unemployment is challenging.
- Effective support systems, skill development programs, and job-search resources are crucial.
6. Types of employment contracts:
- _________________(39), _________________(40), _________________(41),
_________________(42), and _________________(43) _________________(44)
7. Job search methods:
- Look at job advertisements in newspapers or online, inquire with family and friends, or seek
assistance from _________________(46) _________________(47) or
_________________(48) _________________(49).
8. Job application process:
- Contact potential employers through post, telephone, or email.
- Prepare a CV with personal and educational details and send it along with
_________________(50) _________________(51) _________________(52) to potential
- Gather information about working hours, salary, job duties, responsibilities, and start date.
9. Work and family:
- Raising children involves significant responsibility, and one parent may go on
_________________(53) _________________(54) for 2-3 years.
10. Retirement:
- _________________(55) is when a person completely stops employment, typically around
the age of 62.
11. Workaholics:
- _________________(56) are individuals deeply dedicated to their jobs, often working long
hours without much free time.
- Emphasizes the importance of balancing work with hobbies, family time, and recreational

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