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Epidemiology of

59 Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Hashem B. El‐Serag
Department of Medicine, Baylor College of Medicine and Michael E. DeBakey Veterans Affairs Medical
Center, Houston, TX, USA

TRENDS IN HEPATOCELLULAR had increased risk of HCC compared with their originating
CARCINOMA ­countries [5]. Among Chinese expats, HCC risk decreased com-
pared with that of Chinese population; however, the risk was still
higher than that of the host country. Even within similar geo-
Global epidemiology graphic regions there can be wide variations, such as the 75.5%
Liver cancer, of which hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the difference in age‐standardized incidence rate observed between
dominant variety, represents the fourth leading cause of cancer persons from Bhopal and Dindigul, India and from Qidong City,
deaths worldwide. Globally, it ranks sixth in cancer incidence China [2]. The environmental factors contributing to these differ-
and second in the absolute years of life lost. The incidence and ences in HCC risk have yet to be clearly identified.
mortality of liver cancer vary by region. The age‐standardized
incidence rates of liver cancer are highest in Asia Pacific, East
Asia, and central sub‐Saharan Africa and lowest in southern
Sex differences in rates of HCC
Latin America and tropical Latin America. Liver cancer ranks In general, HCC is more prevalent in men than women
first in cancer deaths in Egypt and Thailand, whereas it ranks (Figure 59.1). For men, liver cancer was the most common can-
14th in Ukraine and Poland [1]. cer diagnosis in 11 countries and cause of cancer death in 40
The geographic map of the incidence and mortality of HCC countries. By contrast, Mongolia was the only country in which
has changed over time. Regions that traditionally have lower liver cancer was the most common cancer diagnosis for women,
incidence of HCC, such as North America and certain areas of and liver cancer was the most common cause of cancer death for
Europe, have seen increased incidence, and regions that are tra- women in only five countries [1]. Typically, the rate of liver can-
ditionally high risk, such as Japan and China, have shown declin- cer is two to three times higher in men than women [6]. There are
ing rates. This observation is likely due to changes in exposure to some exceptions; several countries have HCC rates in women
HCC risk factors, including chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) or that approach those of men, but the risk factors associated with
hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection, heavy alcohol consumption, the increased incidence in women have yet to be identified [4].
diabetes, and non‐alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) [2, 3]. Notably, there is no correlation between gender disparity and the
In low‐risk countries, increases in the rates of obesity, diabetes, level of HCC risk of the geographical region [2].
and NAFLD threaten gains in reducing the incidence of HCC, There are several hypotheses, including differences in behaviors,
whereas in high‐risk countries, aggressive HBV vaccination and alcohol consumption, immune responses, and epigenetics [7–9],
or aflatoxin‐reduction programs and the use of antivirals to treat regarding the source of this disparity. One particularly strong
hepatitis B and C infections have reduced HCC incidence [2, 4]. hypothesis involves differences in endogenous sex hormones. A
Environment could play a role in regional and temporal varia- prospective cohort study of more than 9000 men in Taiwan found
tions in HCC incidence. This hypothesis is built in part on rates that the relative risk of HCC increased between 50% and 400% for
of HCC in migrant populations. Migrants moving from low‐risk men in upper tertile of testosterone level compared with the middle
African, Asian, or South American countries to Western Europe and lowest tertiles [10, 11]. Several studies of CAG repeats in exon

The Liver: Biology and Pathobiology, Sixth Edition. Edited by Irwin M. Arias, Harvey J. Alter, James L. Boyer, David E. Cohen, David A. Shafritz,
Snorri S. Thorgeirsson, and Allan W. Wolkoff.
© 2020 John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Published 2020 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
59: Epidemiology of Hepatocellular Carcinoma 759

Male:Female ratio
Thailand 2.7:1
China 3.4:1
Japan 3.0:1
Philippines 2.9:1
Singapore 3.8:1
Italy 3.0:1
France 5.5:1
Switzerland 4.8:1
Uganda 1.3:1
Spain 3.6:1
Croatia 2.8:1
Germany 2.6:1
Austria 3.1:1
United States 3.2:1
Brazil 2.3:1
Czech Republic 2.5:1
Slovenia 3.4:1
Slovakia 2.7:1
Latvia 3.1:1
Costa Rica 1.6:1
New Zealand 2.7:1
Finland 2.5:1
Australia 2.9:1
Russia 2.6:1
Poland 2.0:1
United Kingdom 2.2:1
Denmark 2.6:1
Colombia 1.3:1
India 2.4:1
Ecuador 1.3:1
Canada 2.7:1
Estonia 2.1:1
Sweden 2.0:1
Iceland 2.5:1
Malta 2.6:1
Israel 2.4:1
Norway 2.2:1
The Netherlands 2.6:1

30 20 10 0 10 20
Male Female
Age-Adjusted Rate Age-Adjusted Rate

Figure 59.1 Age‐adjusted incidence rates of hepatocellular carcinoma in men and women separately. The men:women incidence ratios are also
shown. Data from [1].

1 of the androgen receptor and its role in HCC have been conducted. When broken down by year, these changes in incidence
In one study, men with chronic HBV infection who had fewer increased approximately 4.5% between 2000 and 2009 and
CAG repeats (≤20) and increased testosterone levels had a fourfold began plateauing in 2010 [14]. The Centers for Disease Control
increase in HCC risk compared with men with more repeats [12]. A have reported similar increases in mortality through 2015.
similar study was performed in women both with and without Further investigation of the registry showed that the populations
chronic HBV. Those with two androgen receptor alleles with more experiencing the greatest increase in incidence were men aged
than 23 repeats had a higher risk of HCC compared with those who 55–64 years and in individuals of Hispanic, African American,
had two short alleles or a short and long allele, and the risk was and white ethnicity [15].
increased further when the woman was an HBV carrier [9]. Notably, the overall age‐adjusted incidence rates for HCC
Transgenic mouse studies investigating the role of the androgen have skyrocketed among persons of Hispanic ethnicity, sur-
receptor in HBV infections demonstrated that increased androgen passing even that of persons of Asian race (Figure 59.2). The
pathway signaling can increase HBV gene transcription [13], indi- trend is amplified among the Hispanic population born in the
cating that the combination of chronic HBV infection, a substantial United States. The higher rates of HCC in this population have
risk factor for HCC, and sex hormone levels could contribute to the been attributed to a higher incidence of HCV [16] as well as
apparent gender disparity in the incidence of HCC. increased rates of alcoholic liver disease, NAFLD, metabolic
syndrome, and diabetes [17, 18], all of which are risk factors
for developing HCC. Among Hispanic patients with chronic
United States trends in incidence HCV or NAFLD, the risk of progression to cirrhosis and HCC
In the United States, the number of cancer‐related deaths attrib- is higher. This observation has been attributed in part to a
uted to HCC is rising rapidly. One study of the United States genetic predisposition to cirrhosis, such as that associated with
Cancer Statistics Registry reported the age‐adjusted incidence the phospholipase domain‐containing 3 gene (PNPLA3)
rate increased by 2.3/100 000 persons between 2000 and 2012. ­polymorphism (discussed later) [19].



Age-adjusted rate per 100,000


8 Black


























Figure 59.2 Yearly age‐adjusted incidence rates of hepatocellular carcinoma in the United States between 2000 and 2012, broken down by race
and ethnicity. API, Asian Pacific Islanders; AI/AN, American Indian or Alaska Native. Modified from [14].

RISK FACTORS FOR HCC Relative risk of HCC from HBV

The relative risk of HCC from HBV is consistently quite high.
Hepatitis B virus One meta‐analysis looked at case–control and prospective
HBV is a double‐stranded DNA virus that preferentially infects studies evaluating individuals positive for HBsAg, a marker
hepatocytes. Infections can be acute or chronic, the latter being of HBV infection. When individuals who were HBsAg posi-
a risk factor for HCC. The risk of the infection turning chronic tive were compared with those who were HBsAg negative, the
increases with earlier age at infection. Among adults who are authors found that the lifetime relative risk of HCC was 15–20
infected via sexual contact, needle stick, or transfusion, fewer [26]. When evaluating case–control studies from across the
than 10% develop chronic infections, whereas among infants globe, the estimated odds ratios of developing HCC ranged
infected by vertical transmission from HBV‐infected mothers, from 5 to 65 among individuals with chronic HBV. This
80–90% develop chronic infections [20]. observation is supported by prospective studies of HBV carri-
With chronic infections, HBV integrates into the host genome. ers, who had relative risks for HCC of 5–103 compared with
This integration is a precursor to hepatocarcinogenesis. HBV noncarriers [2].
induces chronic necroinflammatory disease, a continuous cycle
Absolute risk of HCC
of hepatocyte necrosis and regeneration, which promotes muta-
tions in liver cells and leads to HCC [20, 21]. When evaluating The World Health Organization estimates that the lifetime
HCC tissue from individuals with chronic HBV, HBV DNA is risk of developing HCC in individuals carrying HBV ranges
integrated into the genome in nearly all cases [2]. Worldwide, from 10 to 25% [2]. Based on cohort studies, the incidence of
chronic HBV accounts for 50% of HCC cases [20]. However, HCC in patients with HBV seems to vary based on the level
this percentage varies by country. In areas with endemic HBV of cirrhosis. Those with inactive disease had an HCC inci-
infections, such as Asia and sub‐Saharan Africa, HBV accounts dence of 0.02–0.2 per 100 person‐years, those with active
for more than 70% of HCC cases [22]. By contrast, HBV only chronic infections but no cirrhosis had an incidence of
accounts for 10–15% of HCC cases in the United States [23]. 0.3–0.6 per 100 person‐years, and those with compensated
It is estimated that 350–400 million individuals have a cirrhosis had an incidence of 2.2–3.7 per 100 person‐years
chronic HBV infection – approximately 5% of the global popu- [27, 28]. Much of our information on the risk of HCC among
lation [24]. In the United States, approximately 0.33% of the individuals with HBV comes from areas where HBV is
population are thought to have chronic HBV based on data from endemic and the individuals evaluated were infected in
the National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys between infancy or early childhood [29]. In a multicenter study from
1988 and 1994. Those analyses showed that there was a higher the United States, where most individuals are infected later in
prevalence of chronic HBV carriers among men compared with life, the annual incidence was estimated to be 0.42%. However,
women and among non‐Hispanic blacks compared with non‐ more than 50% of the evaluated cohort were Asian Pacific
Hispanic whites and Mexican Americans [25]. Islanders [30]. Another recent study evaluated a cohort of
Most individuals with chronic HBV have inactive infections. more than 8000 primarily male patients with chronic HBV
However, 10–30% develop active infections. Cirrhosis develops infections identified from the United States Veterans Health
in approximately 1–2% of those with chronic active infections. Administration (VHA) database between 2001 and 2013.
Among those with cirrhosis, 1–6% per year will progress to Among that cohort, the annual incidence rate of HCC was
HCC. The time between infection and HCC development is esti- 0.65% for American Pacific Islanders, 0.57% for whites, and
mated to be in the range of 30–50 years [20]. 0.40% for African Americans [31].
59: Epidemiology of Hepatocellular Carcinoma 761

Determinants of risk associated with HBV other viruses, such as HCV and HIV, can have substantial effects
on risk. The extent of the effect is somewhat controversial. With
Increased risk
respect to HCV coinfection, older meta‐analyses support an
Numerous risk factors for HCC have been identified for indi- additive effect on HCC risk [41, 42]. Studies conducted more
viduals with chronic HBV infections. Demographics (e.g. male recently, including those in countries where coinfection is
sex, older age, Asian or African ancestry, family history of uncommon, have reported sub‐additive effects on HCV [26].
HCC), clinical features (e.g. cirrhosis), viral factors (e.g. high Previous studies have noted a negative correlation between lev-
HBV replication levels, HBV genotype, infection duration, els of HBsAg and anti‐HCV antibody in serum, indicating viral
coinfection), and environmental exposures (e.g. aflatoxin expo- interference [42, 43]. This observation could account for the
sure, alcohol and tobacco use) all contribute to the development sub‐additive effects observed.
of HCC [27]. Environmental factors that increase risk include both behav-
With respect to demographics, a 90 000‐participant prospec- ioral factors (alcohol and tobacco) and exogenous exposures.
tive cohort study showed that male patients with chronic HBV Alcohol is hepatotoxic but in itself is not mutagenic. Heavy
have a higher risk of both cirrhosis and HCC than female alcohol consumption can compound damages already incurred
patients [32]. Age has been shown to play a role in HCC risk, from chronic HBV infection and is thought to have a greater
both in general and based on race. Studies conducted in East than additive effect on the development of HCC [44]. For exam-
Asia showed a marked increased risk of HCC beyond 40 years ple, a population cohort study in Korea noted that the relative
of age [31]. Studies in South Africa from the 1970s and 1980s risk of HCC increased significantly with increasing daily alco-
reported that African black patients with chronic HBV could hol intake [45]. The effect of cigarette use is smaller, but a sig-
develop HCC at less than 40 years of age [33, 34], and these nificant positive interaction has been found between smoking
data were confirmed in a recent study evaluating HCC in mul- and the risk of HCC in individuals with HBV [46, 47]. One
tiple African countries [35]. Data from the VHA cohort known exogenous environmental risk factor for HCC is afla-
described above showed that HCC risk increased with age. In toxin B1, a mycotoxin generated by Aspergillus sp. that is found
that cohort, adjusted hazard ratios for HCC were 1.97 for indi- in food items stored under warm, damp conditions. Aflatoxin is
viduals 40–49 years of age, 3.00 for those 50–59 years of age, known to mutate the p53 tumor suppressor, and this mutation is
and 4.02 for those older than 60 years of age compared with often found in HCC tumors from individuals with HBV infec-
individuals younger than 40 years of age. Notably, the risk of tions who live in aflatoxin‐endemic regions [8]. When evaluat-
HCC was extremely low in individuals younger than 40 years ing the risk of HCC based on aflatoxin exposure and HBV
of age, including those who were African American [31], indi- infection, the HCC risk for aflatoxin exposure alone is fourfold
cating that in the United States, African American race may not greater, for chronic HBV carriers it is sevenfold greater, and for
be as high a risk factor for early HCC in the absence of other aflatoxin and HBV combined it is 60‐fold greater than unex-
risk factors. posed individuals, indicating a synergistic association between
Cirrhosis is the primary clinical risk factor for HCC. In the two [2].
patients with chronic HBV, 70–90% of HCC cases arise from All of these risk factors have been translated into scoring sys-
cirrhotic liver [23]. As mentioned earlier, the incidence of HCC tems to identify individuals with chronic HBV for HCC surveil-
in patients with HBV increases substantially with the progres- lance. The American Association for the Study of Liver Disease
sion of cirrhosis. This observation was supported by the results devised a surveillance system based on cirrhosis, family history
of the VHA cohort study, which found an adjusted hazard ratio of HCC, age, and race. Specifically, the guidelines recommend
of 3.69 for patients with cirrhosis compared with those without surveillance for all patients with cirrhosis, for Asian men older
cirrhosis [31]. than 40 years and Asian women older than 50 years in the
Several viral factors have been shown to increase the risk of absence of cirrhosis, and at younger ages for Africans and
HCC. The effects of viral load have been investigated in a pro- African Americans [48, 49]. Several other scoring systems
spective cohort of HBsAg‐positive participants in a Taiwanese developed for Asian patients with HBV infections have been
study. The authors found a proportional increase in the inci- validated and yielded high 3‐ to 10‐year negative predictive val-
dence of cirrhosis and HCC with increasing serum levels of ues for HCC development. These scoring systems are based on
HBV DNA [36]. HBV genotype also factors into HCC risk. age, sex, cirrhosis, viral load, HBsAg status, and alanine ami-
In studies of Asian populations, the association between geno- notransferase levels [50–53]. The REACH‐B score is highly
type and severe liver disease, cirrhosis, and HCC is greater for effective at identifying at‐risk patients who are not cirrhotic.
genotype C than genotype B. Among studies out of North The GAG‐HC and CU‐HCC scoring systems incorporate cir-
America and Western Europe, the incidences of severe liver dis- rhosis and HBV core promoter mutations into the calculations
ease and HCC were greater for genotype D than genotype A and could potentially be applicable for non‐Asian populations
[37]. Population‐based studies have shown that the risk of HCC [3]. However, these scoring systems are not adequate for pre-
associated with genotype C is higher than that of genotypes A2, dicting HCC risk in patients with HBV who are successfully
Ba, Bj, and D [38]. When looking deeper into the viral genetics, undergoing antiviral therapy [54, 55]. Among patients with
studies have shown that specific mutations in the basal core pro- HBV on nucleoside analog therapy, age, sex, cirrhosis, liver
motor and precore region affect the incidence of HCC. In the stiffness, platelet count, and diabetes are known HCC risk fac-
case of the former, mutations at T1762 and A1764 have been tors [56–58]. Notably, pretreatment viral load, HBsAg status
shown to increase incidence [39]. In the case of the latter, infec- and quantity, and aminotransferase level are not predictive of
tion with the G1896A mutation is associated with decreased HCC risk for patients treated with nucleoside analogs [36, 59,
incidence [40]. In addition to the virus itself, coinfection with 60]. To address the unmet need for an HCC risk scoring system

in this population, the Cirrhosis, Age, Male sex, Diabetes (CAMD) [68]. However, because lamivudine is associated with drug resist-
score was developed. The model was based on data from Taiwanese ance, the first‐line therapies are currently entecavir and tenofovir
patients in the national healthcare database who received entecavir disoproxil [67]. Increasing evidence suggests that NA treatment
or tenofovir to treat chronic HBV and was externally validated can reduce but not eliminate the medium‐term risk of HCC [56,
using data extracted from the Hong Kong national healthcare data- 69–71]. A meta‐analysis evaluating cohort studies and clinical tri-
base [61]. This system has a high level of accuracy and has been als that investigated NAs, primarily lamivudine, and HCC risk
validated in Caucasian and Asian populations [62]. found that HCC incidence was significantly lower in NA‐treated
patients compared with untreated controls. Furthermore, patients
with lamivudine‐resistant HBV had a significantly higher risk of
Decreased risk
HCC compared with NA‐naïve patients, and patients with lami-
The most effective way to decrease the risk of HCC associated vudine‐resistant HBV who achieved virological response follow-
with HBV infection is to not get the infection in the first place. ing rescue therapy did not have a significant reduction in HCC
The development of an HBV vaccine has made excellent strides risk. Collectively, these data suggest that long‐term viral suppres-
toward reducing HBV infection rates in endemic areas, which sion is critical for HCC risk reduction [71]. In a randomized
could reduce the incidence of HCC long term [63]. A large ran- controlled trial investigating lamivudine versus placebo in
domized controlled trial in China found that HBV vaccination Taiwanese patients with chronic HBV and cirrhosis or advanced
reduced the risk of developing primary liver cancer by 84% over fibrosis, HCC incidence was significantly lower in the lamivudine
25 years [3]. This effect is starting to be seen in other areas group. However, this trial was terminated early due to the signifi-
where vaccination programs have been implemented [63]. The cant response (median treatment duration, 32.4 months) [68].
30‐year report following the implementation of a universal There are fewer studies evaluating risk reduction in the newer
HBV vaccination program in Taiwan found that sex‐adjusted NAs. A retrospective nationwide study out of Taiwan identified 21
HCC incidence declined 80% and sex‐adjusted HCC mortality 595 matched patients with chronic HBV who either received NA
declined 92% in cohorts born after the vaccination program therapy (lamivudine or entecavir) or were untreated. Among
began compared with those born before it began [64]. patients who received entecavir, the 7‐year HCC incidence was
Vaccination programs have been implemented in most Asian significantly lower than in untreated patients (7.3% vs. 22.7%,
and Eastern European countries, Spain, and many sub‐Saharan respectively) [72]. A Japanese study comparing entecavir‐treated
countries. Many of the countries that implemented their pro- patients with a matched historical control of untreated patients
grams in the 1980s, such as China, Singapore, and Spain are found significantly lower 5‐year HCC incidence rates for the ente-
seeing reductions in the prevalence of HBsAg that are similar to cavir‐treated group (3.7% vs. 13.7%, respectively) [73]. A study
those seen in Taiwan, and the HCC incidence in these countries investigating entecavir or tenofovir treatment in Caucasian patients
is expected to decrease at similar rates [2, 63]. Many of the with chronic HBV found that 5‐year HCC risk reduced in patients
countries that have implemented vaccination programs are with cirrhosis following treatment, but the overall risk was still
places where aflatoxin exposure is also endemic. Aflatoxin higher than that in patients without cirrhosis. They also found that
abatement programs have the potential to further decrease HCC all cases of HCC in their cohort developed in patients who began
risk. One such program was implemented in Qidong, China, an NA treatment after the age of 50 years [7]. In a multinational
area with one of the highest rates of liver cancer. This program European cohort study of clinical outcomes of patients with
was initiated at approximately the same time as the government chronic HBV treated with entecavir, patients who had a virologic
began a slow rollout of an HBV vaccination program. In cohorts response were 71% less likely to develop hepatic decompensation
with reduced aflatoxin exposure and minimal vaccination or HCC or to die than those who did not have a response, but this
­penetrance, the liver cancer mortality decreased by 45% and age‐ effect was only significant in patients with cirrhosis. However, this
specific liver cancer incidence decreased 1.2‐ to 4‐fold. In study had a small sample size and short follow‐up, so strong con-
cohorts where reduced aflatoxin exposure was combined with clusions cannot be drawn from these data [74].
higher vaccine penetrance, the age‐specific liver cancer inci- In addition to NAs, interferons can be used to treat HBV,
dence decreased 14‐fold, indicating that a combination of afla- although they are less used due to side‐effects and associated
toxin reduction and HBV vaccination has the potential to make patient compliance. Several meta‐analyses have evaluated the
meaningful reductions in HCC incidence in these areas [65, 66]. effect of interferon treatment on HCC risk in patients with
Although HBV vaccination can prevent future cases of HCC, chronic HBV, and they suggest that interferon treatment reduces
the primary intervention in patients with HBV is antiviral treat- HCC incidence in those patients who can sustain a virological
ment. Randomized controlled trials have provided evidence that response [75–77]. Overall, the data support that patients with
antiviral treatment can achieve sustained reductions in HBV chronic HBV who receive treatment have a lower incidence of
DNA levels as well as improve liver function and histology, but HCC. However, these treatments do not eliminate the virus, so
the evidence that these agents meaningfully affect long‐term clin- continuous treatment is likely needed to sustain the effect until
ical outcomes or risk of HCC is limited [3]. The primary drugs new treatments capable of viral eradication are developed [3].
used to treat chronic HBV infection are nucleoside a­nalogs
(NAs). The five NAs with regulatory agency approval – ­lamivudine,
telbivudine, adefovir, entecavir, and tenofovir disoproxil – can
Hepatitis C virus
suppress HBV DNA levels in nearly all patients [67]. Lamivudine HCV is a positive‐sense RNA virus that primarily infects liver
treatment is associated with reduced progression to cirrhosis, tissues [20]. There are several HCV genotypes and subtypes
lower Child–Pugh scores, and a 50% reduction in the rate of HCC with different ethnic and geographic distributions [27, 78].
59: Epidemiology of Hepatocellular Carcinoma 763

An estimated 75–85% of HCV infections become chronic based also had cirrhosis [90]. However, genotype 3 has been consistently
on the continued presence of HCV RNA, an HCV biomarker, and strongly associated with a higher risk of both cirrhosis and
in serum [16]. HCC in studies based in the United States [86]. Patients with geno-
The association between chronic HCV infection and HCC type 3 infections also have the highest risk of cirrhosis and HCC,
has been firmly established [20]. Unlike HBV, which integrates with incidence rates of 30 per 1000 person‐years and 7.9 per 1000
in the genome to initiate tumorigenesis, HCV does not integrate person‐years, respectively [86, 91]. Genotype 1 infections tend to
into the genome and is unlikely to initiate tumorigenesis itself. respond well to antiviral treatments compared with other genotypes
Because as much as 90% of HCV‐associated HCC cases are [8], whereas genotype 3 is more difficult to treat, so genotype 3 is
preceded by cirrhosis, it is likely that HCV promotes tumori- considered the greater risk [86, 91].
genesis through the repetitive killing of hepatocytes by HCV Patients with HCV/HIV coinfections have been shown to
and the subsequent cellular regeneration that leads to cirrhosis. progress to cirrhosis and decompensated liver disease faster
HCV infection can also alter lipid metabolism, leading to liver than those with an HCV mono‐infection. Further, the risk
steatosis [79]. When considering the burden of HCV in HCC increases as immunosuppression increases, indicating that
incidence, estimates vary based on geography, largely due to the uncontrolled HIV infection exacerbates the pathological dam-
geographic differences in prevalence [22]. It is estimated that age caused by HCV [92, 93].
HCV accounts for approximately 20% of HCC cases worldwide Patients with HCV who are insulin resistant have a higher
[8] and 40–50% of new HCC cases in the United States [23]. risk of hepatic steatosis, advanced fibrosis, and HCC. Notably,
A model based on the population of HCV‐infected individuals several retrospective and prospective studies showed that
in the United States estimated that the number of HCV‐associ- patients with HCV have an approximately 68% increased inci-
ated HCC cases increased by 130% when comparing the cases dence of diabetes compared with uninfected persons [94]; how-
occurring between 1990 and 1999 with those occurring between ever, there is little evidence of a synergistic effect between HCV
2000 and 2009. The model projected that the number of cases and diabetes with respect to HCC risk [94, 95]. The implications
would increase an additional 50% for cases occurring between of insulin resistance and diabetes in hepatocellular carcinoma
2010 and 2019 [80]. Similar trends were seen in a cohort of risk are discussed in detail later.
veterans diagnosed with HCV. In that study, the prevalence of Environmental factors can also affect the risk of HCC. Studies
HCC increased 19‐fold between 1996 and 2006 [81]. This have demonstrated a synergistic effect between heavy alcohol
observation could be due to the high prevalence of HCV consumption and HCV infection [44, 96]. Patients with HCV
infection found in persons born between 1945 and 1965 [4]. who are also heavy drinkers have a twofold increased risk of
Accordingly, the numbers of HCV‐associated HCC are antici- HCC compared with persons who are heavy drinkers alone [44].
pated to continue to rise and to peak in 2020 [63]. A similar relationship has been identified between cigarette
smoking and HCC risk in subgroups of patients with HCV [46].
Relative and absolute risk of HCC from HCV There is some evidence of a synergistic effect between HCV
and aflatoxin on HCC risk, but the scope of this issue is limited
The estimates of relative risk of HCC in persons with HCV com- because HCV infections are less common in aflatoxin‐endemic
pared with those who are uninfected vary in cohort studies between areas [2, 97].
10 and 20 [23, 41, 63, 82–84]. HCV‐related HCC cases typically
arise from patients with advanced fibrosis or cirrhosis [82, 83].
The annual incidence of HCC in patients with HCC‐induced cir- Decreased risk
rhosis ranges from 0.5 to 10% [85, 86]. At 25–30 years post infec- As mentioned above, the cohort of persons born between 1945
tion, the incidence of cirrhosis ranges from 15 to 35% [87, 88]. and 1965 who have a high prevalence of HCV infections have
contributed to the rise in HCV‐related HCC [4, 63]. The main
Determinants of risk associated with HCV factor that will likely decrease HCC incidence in this cohort is
sustained virologic response (SVR) achieved via directly acting
Increased risk
antiviral (DAA) treatments [98]. SVR is the primary modifier of
There are several known risk factors for HCC in patients with HCC risk among patients with HCV. SVR has been shown to
HCV, including sex, race, HCV genotype, coinfections with slow the progression of liver disease and reduce cirrhosis and
HBV or HIV, insulin resistance, obesity, diabetes, and alcohol HCC risk [95]. A meta‐analysis of interferon‐based therapies,
consumption [27, 85, 86, 89]. When compared with non‐ the predecessor to DAAs, found that SVR following treatment
Hispanic white patients, Hispanic patients have a higher risk of reduced the risk of HCC 76% at all stages of liver disease com-
cirrhosis and HCC development and African American patients pared with non‐responders. A similar reduction was found when
have a lower risk. The detection of HCV RNA in serum, which analyzing only those patients with cirrhosis. Although the risk
indicates viremia, is a strong risk factor for HCC. Some studies was reduced in patients with SVR, the rates did not revert to
reported correlations between viral load and HCC; however, baseline levels, especially for patients with cirrhosis. These data
other studies were unable to reproduce this correlation [3]. indicate that virus eradication with antiviral treatment is an
The HCV genotype represents a substantial risk factor for HCC important part of managing HCC risk [99]. Interferon‐based
in patients with HCV. A meta‐analysis of studies investigating gen- treatments were eventually phased out because of their medio-
otype 1b as a risk factor for HCC found that patients infected with cre SVR rates and disabling side‐effects. By contrast, DAAs
genotype 1b had a 78% greater risk of HCC than those infected achieve greater than 90% SVR rates and have comparatively
with other genotypes and a 60% greater risk among patients who few side‐effects [100]. DAAs have been shown to be at least

equivalent to interferon with respect to HCC risk. A systematic relatively high for these patient populations and others, includ-
review comparing the two treatment regimens found no differ- ing patients with diabetes and those who achieved SVR at an
ences between treatments in both HCC occurrence and recur- older age, those who have high α‐fetoprotein levels, and those
rence risk following treatment [101]. with low platelet counts [95, 105–107] (Figure 59.3).
Studies overwhelmingly show that de novo HCC risk is Accordingly, these patient populations are likely to require con-
reduced by 50–80% in patients who achieve SVR following tinued HCC surveillance over time [108]. A study by Kanwal
DAA treatment [102–104]. However, HCC risk remains et al. [108] found that the risk of HCC reduced 76% in patients

With cirrhosis
Younger than 65
65 year and older
African American
Alcohol use
Drug use
Previous HCV treatment

Without cirrhosis
Younger than 65
65 year and older
African American
Alcohol use
Drug use
Previous HCV treatment

0.1 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 5.0
Incidence rate (per 100 person year)

Figure 59.3 The cumulative incidence and determinates of hepatocellular carcinoma following directly acting antiviral (DAA)‐related sustained
virologic response (SVR) among Veterans Administration (VA) patients with hepatitis C virus (HCV). The incidence rates are shown according to
several demographic and clinical features for patients with and without cirrhosis at baseline. Modified from [108] with permission of Elsevier.
59: Epidemiology of Hepatocellular Carcinoma 765

who achieved SVR following DAA treatment. Among patients because of differences in mean alcohol consumption and inter-
who achieved SVR, the annual incidence of HCC was 0.9%, and actions with other risk factors [2].
the highest rate of 1.0–2.2% was seen among patients who had
cirrhosis [108]. These incidence rates are at or below the thresh- Relative and absolute risk of HCC from heavy
old for cost‐effective HCC surveillance [48, 49, 108]. Another alcohol consumption
consideration is the whether the performance can be translated
Heavy alcohol consumption is estimated to have an increased
into real‐world settings. The high efficacy and reduced side‐
relative risk for HCC of 1.5‐ to 3‐fold [114]. A meta‐analysis of
effects seen with DAA regimens is likely to result in high effec-
studies investigating associations between alcohol intake and
tiveness in real‐world settings [3]. One notable feature of DAA
liver cancer found a relative risk of liver cancer to be 1.16 for
treatment is that it has been shown to achieve SVR in patients
heavy drinking (i.e. more than three drinks per day). There was
with advanced cirrhosis, those who were heavy drinkers, and
a linear relationship between risk and the amount of alcohol
those with HIV coinfection, all of which independently increase
consumed, with the risk increasing by 46% with a daily con-
HCC risk [102–104].
sumption of 50 g ethanol and by 66% with a daily consumption
However, the impact of DAAs will depend largely on the
of 100 g [117].
identification of individuals with chronic HCV infections, many
of whom are asymptomatic and do not realize they are infected,
Determinants of risk
and the accessibility and penetration of DAA treatment in diag-
nosed patients [109]. In the United States, an estimated 45–70% Approximately 13–23% of cases of HCC can be linked to heavy
of persons infected with HCV are unaware of their infection alcohol consumption [118, 119]. In a cohort study of patients
status [110]. Further, in the United States and Europe, fewer with HCC who attended United States Veterans Administration
than 20% of patients with HCV obtain treatment, either because (VA) hospitals, the cases of HCC associated with heavy alcohol
they have not been screened for HCV or because of treatment consumption decreased from 21.9% to 15.7% between 2005
costs [111]. A modelling study investigated the reduction in the and 2010 [18]. The risk of HCC from heavy alcohol consump-
number of HCC cases that would occur over a 10‐year period at tion varies by race and gender. The population‐attributable frac-
current treatment rates and if half or all persons with HCV were tion was 25.6% for white, 30.1% for Hispanic, and 18.5% for
treated. The study estimated that the number of HCC cases black populations [118]. Similarly, the odds ratios of HCC were
would reduce by 5% at the current treatment rate, by 30% if half 9.5 for Hispanic and 3.6 for black populations [119]. For gen-
were treated, and by 60% if all were treated [80]. To achieve der, the odds ratios were estimated to be 4.41–7.5 for males and
these gains, more of the population needs to be screened, and 3.34–6.4 for females [118, 119]. Other comorbid conditions,
those with HCV need to be diagnosed and treated [63]. In an such as HBV or HCV coinfection and obesity are likely risk
effort to reduce the incidence of HCV‐associated liver disease factors as well [120].
and HCC in the United States, the Centers for Disease Control The only known way to decrease the risk of HCC associated
implemented a screening initiative that recommends testing all with heavy alcohol consumption is to cease drinking. A meta‐
people born between 1945 and 1965 for HCV [112]. However, analysis investigating the effects of alcohol cessation on HCC
the success of the initiative hinges on patient consent, buy‐in by risk estimated that the risk of HCC declined by 6–7% per year,
physicians, and the ability of patients to afford the expensive although the authors noted the estimate is uncertain due to het-
treatments [113]. Overall, DAAs have the potential to substan- erogeneity among studies. Based on their estimate, they calcu-
tially reduce HCV‐associated HCC risk if the barriers to identi- lated that it would take 23 years of abstinence (95% confidence
fication of persons with HCV and the subsequent access to interval 14, 70 years) to reach the same risk of HCC as those
treatment can be addressed. who never drank alcohol [121].

Alcoholic liver disease Metabolic syndrome, diabetes, and obesity

Studies have consistently shown an association between heavy Metabolic syndrome is a cluster of risk factors related to insulin
alcohol consumption and risk of HCC [114–116]. The defini- resistance, obesity, cardiovascular disease, blood pressure, and
tion of heavy alcohol consumption and the duration of heavy glucose metabolism. Metabolic syndrome itself has been linked
drinking that puts individuals at risk varies highly between stud- to several cancers [122], and several risk factors associated with
ies, with values ranging from 240 to 560 g/week and from metabolic syndrome independently increase the risk of HCC
greater than 1 year to greater than 5 years, respectively. Some [123]. Increasing evidence suggests that metabolic derange-
studies do not even include a definition of the duration of ments associated with metabolic syndrome could be an etiologic
heavy drinking [96]. It is also unclear if alcohol is carcinogenic factor for HCC in the absence of cirrhosis [124]. The mechanism
or if carcinogenesis is secondary to cirrhosis development. underlying the role of metabolic syndrome is unclear. However,
Regardless of the outstanding questions, alcohol consumption the changes in lipid metabolism associated with the syndrome
contributes to liver disease and therefore contributes to HCC could contribute to steatosis, NAFLD, and non‐alcoholic steato-
[23]. Generally, there are some disparities seen between studies hepatitis (NASH), all of which are precursors to HCC [2, 23].
conducted in areas with a low rate of HCC and those in areas With the prevalence of metabolic syndrome as well as obesity
with a high rate of HCC. In the former, studies tend to show cor- and diabetes, major contributors to metabolic syndrome, rising
relations between alcohol consumption and HCC; in the latter, dramatically in the United States, the prevalence of related can-
studies tend to be less conclusive. This observation could be cers, including HCC, is increasing [5, 125, 126].

HCC risk associated with diabetes or chronic liver disease could induce metabolic changes that
lead to obesity [23]. Further studies are needed to clarify
Type 2 diabetes was estimated to increase risk of HCC two‐ to
these mechanisms.
threefold in a meta‐analysis of case–control and cohort studies.
This analysis included various study designs from several
HCC risk associated with metabolic syndrome
­geographic populations, and the results from included studies
consistently showed positive correlations [94]. These numbers One meta‐analysis evaluated cohort and case–control studies
were corroborated in other systematic reviews [127, 128]. investigating the association between metabolic syndrome and
However, there are several outstanding questions that muddy HCC risk, and included four studies with a total of 829 651
data interpretation. First, it is unclear if the liver damage caused participants. The estimated relative risk of HCC in participants
by diabetes is the source of the HCC risk or if the diabetes inde- with metabolic syndrome was 1.81 compared with healthy par-
pendently increases risk beyond that associated with liver dam- ticipants [137].
age. Second, there are cases in which diabetes is caused by
chronic liver disease prior to the development of HCC (reverse Determinants of risk
causality); the effects of these cases on risk of HCC are unknown
Increased risk
[23]. A recent meta‐analysis investigated cohort studies that
only evaluated patients with chronic liver to reduce the inclu- When compared with the relative risks associated with viral
sion of reverse causality cases. This analysis found that risk of hepatitis infections, the risks associated with type 2 diabetes,
HCC increased 1.5‐ to 2‐fold in patients with diabetes [129]. obesity, and metabolic syndrome are quite low. However, in
Collectively, these data support that type 2 diabetes indepen- more developed countries, the prevalence of these conditions is
dently increases the risk of HCC [94, 129]. much higher than that of viral hepatitis [2]. In 2008, approxi-
The treatment of type 2 diabetes with metformin has been mately 6.4% of the global population was estimated to have dia-
shown to decrease the risk of HCC, whereas treatment with betes. Further, in developing countries, the rate at which diabetes
insulin or sulfonylurea can increase the risk of HCC [130]. prevalence is increasing far exceeds that in developed countries.
Further, the duration of diabetes may be associated with an Based on projection models, the prevalence of diabetes is
incremental increase in the risk of HCC [131]. Flemming et al. ­estimated to increase by 69% in developing countries and by
devised a predictive HCC risk model for patients who are 20% in developed countries [138]. Parallel trends have been
­cirrhotic based on the National Liver Transplantation Waitlist observed for the prevalence of obesity based on increases in
database. The model evaluated diabetes status in addition to age, BMI [139]. Given these trends, it is likely that the number of
race, cirrhotic etiology, sex, and liver dysfunction severity to HCC cases related to metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes, and
predict 1‐year HCC risk [132]. obesity will increase in the future [2].
Several factors have been identified that affect HCC risk in
HCC risk associated with obesity persons with obesity. As mentioned earlier, waist‐to‐hip ratio, a
measure of abdominal obesity, increases the risk of HCC [136].
Most, but not all, studies have reported modest increases in rela-
The visceral adipose tissue associated with obesity alters the
tive risk of HCC in persons with obesity. A systematic review of
levels of cytokines in the body, making obesity a low‐grade
studies investigating associations between body mass index
inflammatory disorder. These alterations in cytokine levels are
(BMI) and HCC found positive associations in seven cohort
thought to contribute to HCC tumorigenesis and progression
studies, with relative risks ranging from 1.4 to 4.1, no associa-
and are likely to represent a risk factor for HCC [140]. Obesity
tion in two cohort studies, and an inverse association for one
can lead to NAFLD and the subsequent development of NASH,
subgroup in one cohort study [133]. A meta‐analysis of observa-
which increases the risk of HCC [141]. Another potential risk
tional studies evaluating excess body weight and liver cancer
factor is viral hepatitis infection. In the study of obesity in early
risk found that persons who were overweight (25–30 kg m−2)
adulthood described earlier, an independent synergistic interac-
and obese (>30 kg m−2) had increases in liver cancer risk of 17%
tion on HCC risk was observed between obesity and viral hepa-
and 89%, respectively [134]. A case–control study investigated
titis infection [135].
the effect of obesity in early adulthood (i.e. mid‐20s to mid‐40s)
on HCC risk in patients with HCC matched with healthy con-
Decreased risk
trols. This study found that persons who were obese in early
adulthood had an estimated odds ratio for HCC of 2.6 for all One of the features associated with metabolic syndrome is
participants. The estimated odds ratios for men and women abnormal cholesterol and triglycerides levels [142]. Statins are a
were 2.3 and 3.6, respectively [135]. A cohort study evaluating class of drugs primarily used to lower cholesterol to prevent car-
the effect of abdominal obesity and weight gain on HCC risk diovascular disease [2, 143]. Increasing evidence suggests that
found a threefold higher risk of HCC in participants in the high- statins could be potential anticancer agents based on their ability
est tertile of waist‐to‐hip and waist‐to‐height ratio compared to inhibit angiogenesis and metastasis and enhance apoptosis
with those in the lowest tertile. Similarly, participants in the [144, 145]. Population studies out of Taiwan have reported HCC
highest tertile of weight gain had a 2.48‐fold higher risk of HCC risk reductions of 47–56% with statin treatment [146, 147]. In
compared with those in the lowest tertile [136]. Similar to type similar studies of Taiwanese patients with HBV and HCV, HCC
2 diabetes, the mechanisms by which obesity increases the risk risk decreased up to 66–67% in those treated with statins
of liver disease are unknown. Obesity could induce physiologi- ­compared with those not taking statins, and a dose–response
cal changes or changes on the molecular level that lead to HCC, relationship was observed [148, 149]. A similar Taiwanese
59: Epidemiology of Hepatocellular Carcinoma 767

study investigating the effects of individual statin medications NASH and concomitant necroinflammation and fibrosis, which
found that simvastatin, lovastatin, and atorvastatin reduced progresses to cirrhosis in 10–20% of cases [162, 167]. NAFLD
HCC risk by 30–48% [150]. These associations were not is now a leading cause of cirrhosis, and 30–40% of new HCC
observed in early studies conducted in Denmark and the United cases are associated with metabolic disorders [118, 119, 164–
States, areas with low rates of HCC [151, 152]. However, more 166]. NASH is the second‐leading etiology for liver transplants
recent studies out of the United States and Sweden found sig- related to HCC in the United States [168]. The increasing num-
nificant inverse associations between statin use and HCC risk in ber of HCC cases due to NASH‐related cirrhosis could offset
the general population [153–155] and in subgroups, such as the reductions in HCV‐related HCC expected after 2020 [63].
men with diabetes [156] and men with HCV infection [157]. One pressing threat to reductions in HCC incidence is the fact
Two meta‐analyses conducted in parallel found similar results, that patients are often unaware they have NASH‐related cirrho-
with a relative risk of 0.58 [158] and an adjusted odds ratio of sis because the cirrhosis can be well compensated for years.
0.63 [159] for statin users compared with non‐statin users. These asymptomatic patients go undiagnosed, all the while, the
Notably, the meta‐analysis including three randomized clinical risk of developing HCC remains [23]. Additionally, a small pro-
trials found no significant benefit (adjusted odds ratio, 0.95) portion of patients with NAFLD and/or NASH develop HCC in
when only the trials were analyzed [159]; however, none of the the absence of cirrhosis [169].
trials had sufficient power to detect changes in HCC develop-
ment, so this finding may be somewhat misleading [63, 106]. Relative and absolute risk of HCC from NAFLD
With respect to type 2 diabetes, use of the antidiabetic medi- Both the etiology and presence of cirrhosis affect HCC risk.
cation metformin could be used to reduce HCC risk. Metformin A systematic analysis of studies investigating the links between
is a first‐line treatment for type 2 diabetes used to reduce serum NAFLD or NASH and HCC risk found that the HCC risk of the
glucose and insulin levels [2]. Three meta‐analyses investigat- included studies varied from 0 to 38% with follow‐ups of 5–10
ing the effects of metformin on cancer risk were performed in years, with most studies having small‐ to medium‐sized cohorts
parallel. One meta‐analysis evaluated observational studies and from tertiary care settings. The authors found that NAFLD or
randomized trials looking at the effects of metformin and other NASH patients lacking cirrhosis had minimal HCC risk. By
hypoglycemic drugs on cancer. Meta‐analysis of the nine contrast, patients with NASH‐related cirrhosis had incidences
studies investigating liver cancer uncovered odds ratios of ranging from 2.4 to 12.8%. However, the appropriateness of
0.34 when metformin was compared with no metformin, 0.09 performing subgroup analysis and extrapolating these data to
when metformin was compared with other drugs, and 0.56 when the general population is limited due to the nature of the included
­metformin was compared with sulfonylureas [160]. Another studies. Notably, HCC risk was found to be substantially lower
meta‐analysis evaluated seven studies looking at the effect of for patients with NASH‐related cirrhosis compared with patients
metformin use on HCC. This analysis found a relative risk of with HCV‐associated cirrhosis [170]. A large cohort study
0.24 when metformin use was compared with non‐users [161]. including 296 707 patients with NAFLD and an equal number
The third meta‐analysis evaluated studies investigating the of matched controls without NAFLD from 130 VHA facilities
effect of metformin and other diabetes treatment on the risk of found that patients with NAFLD had a higher annual HCC risk
HCC. This analysis revealed an odds ratio of 0.50 for metformin than controls (hazard ratio 7.62) [171]. These data support an
use, 1.62 for sulfonylurea use, and 2.61 for insulin use. No association between HCC risk and NAFLD.
effect was seen for thiazolidinedione use [130]. However, the
results of these meta‐analyses should be interpreted cautiously, Determinants of HCC risk for NAFLD
largely because metformin is prescribed early in disease pro-
gression whereas the others are prescribed after metformin Increased risk
­failure once the disease has progressed. This difference can lead Most of the existing epidemiological studies of NAFLD and
to an overestimation of risk reduction by metformin [2]. An HCC risk lacked the sample size to perform adequate subgroup
alternate interpretation of the data is that lack of glycemic con- analyses and identify high‐risk groups, or the power to arrive at
trol for long periods and more severe disease could increase the accurate estimates [170]. An exception is the VHA cohort study,
risk of HCC [23]. where the HCC risk for patients with NAFLD ranged from 1.6
to 23.7 per 1000 person‐years, with the highest risk among older
Hispanic patients with cirrhosis. However, the authors also
Non‐alcoholic fatty liver disease found that approximately 20% of patients with NAFLD and
NAFLD is caused by the accumulation of excess triglycerides in HCC had no evidence of cirrhosis [171]. Some case–control
the liver. This accumulation occurs in the absence of heavy alco- studies found that the prevalence of diabetes and obesity were
hol consumption and leads to steatosis. One consistent feature higher for patients with NAFLD‐related HCC compared with
of nearly all NAFLD cases is insulin resistance, a risk factor patients with other chronic liver diseases [170]. A subgroup
associated with metabolic syndrome. Accordingly, NAFLD is analysis from a meta‐analysis investigating the associations of
thought to be a hepatic manifestation of metabolic syndrome PNPLA3 polymorphisms with liver fibrosis, HCC risk, and
[162]. Worldwide, NAFLD is becoming a leading cause of HCC prognosis found that patients with NASH‐associated cir-
chronic liver disease [163]. The prevalence of NAFLD in the rhosis and the PNPLA3 polymorphism had a higher risk of
United States has doubled over the last two decades up to 30% developing HCC than those who lacked the polymorphism
in some segments of the adult general population [164–166]. (odds ratio 1.67), indicating that there could be a genetic com-
Among patients with NAFLD, 20–30% are estimated to develop ponent to NASH‐associated HCC development [172].

Decreased risk autoimmune hepatitis and cirrhosis, HCC surveillance in those

patients who progress to cirrhosis may be warranted [190].
Weight loss can reduce NASH severity [173]; however, to date,
no studies have directly addressed whether treatment of NAFLD
or NASH can reduce the risk of HCC. One study found that
bariatric surgery reduced the risk of HCC in persons who are
obese and have the PNPLA3 polymorphism [174], but more
studies are needed to clarify the effect in the context of NAFLD TO THE BURDEN OF HCC
and NASH.
Cirrhosis is by and large the most significant risk factor and the
foundation for most HCC surveillance programs. Because
HCC in the absence of cirrhosis patients with compensated cirrhosis can have their condition go
While most HCC develops in the presence of cirrhosis, a subset undetected for years, HCC surveillance is often underused [3].
of cases can occur in the absence of cirrhosis. In the case of When looking at the contribution of risk factors on HCC bur-
HBV‐related HCC, approximately 10–30% of cases arise in the den, we must consider the population‐attributable fraction, a
absence of cirrhosis [175, 176]. HCC in the absence of cirrhosis combination measure of the prevalence of a condition and the
is an even rarer occurrence in patients with HCV, with one study risk estimate. This measure provides the estimated proportion of
finding only 3% of HCC cases lacking cirrhosis [175]. A study disease cases that can be eliminated by addressing the risk fac-
of HCC risk in patients with HCV who were taking peginter- tor. For example, in the United States, viral hepatitis infections
feron maintenance therapy found that the few HCC cases devel- are much rarer than NAFLD. Despite their higher HCC risk esti-
oping in the absence of cirrhosis did so in the presence of mates, the population‐attributable fraction of HBV and HCV
advanced fibrosis [177]. In general, HCV‐associated HCC are lower than that of NAFLD [118]. As of 2013, the popula-
occurring in the absence of cirrhosis tends to affect those with tion‐attributable fractions for obesity and diabetes were 36.6%,
bridging hepatic fibrosis [3]. By contrast, NAFLD‐ and NASH‐ for HCV was 22.4% and for HBV was 6.3% in the United States
related HCC can develop with little to no fibrosis [178, 179]. [118]. Because the prevalence of obesity and diabetes is on the
NAFLD‐related HCC represents the largest proportion of HCC rise in developed and developing countries [138, 139], we antic-
cases occurring in the absence of advanced fibrosis or cirrhosis ipate that the population‐attributable fractions of obesity,
[169]. Because HCC surveillance is centered around cirrhosis, ­diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and NAFLD will increase in the
these cases tend to be caught later. Patients with alcohol‐ or coming years. Notably, despite the lower population‐attributable
HCV‐related HCC are significantly more likely to have received fraction, HCV is still the leading cause of HCC and the leading
HCC surveillance within three years before their HCC diagnosis etiology in patients with HCC undergoing liver transplants.
than those with NAFLD‐related HCC. Similarly, patients with However, NAFLD is the fastest growing cause of HCC, with the
NAFLD are less likely to receive HCC‐specific treatments than number of NASH‐associated liver transplants increasing by
those with HCV‐related HCC [169]. Given the available data, 11.8‐fold between 2002 and 2016 [191]. In the VHA cohort
HCC screening in patients with NAFLD‐related advanced fibro- investigating temporal trends in NAFLD‐related HCC, the pro-
sis and cirrhosis may be warranted, particularly among Hispanic portion of NAFLD‐related HCC cases remained relatively
patients and patients with metabolic syndrome. unchanged between 2005 and 2010, whereas that of HCV‐
related HCC cases increased significantly [18]. The differences
seen between population‐attributable fraction and epidemiolog-
ical reports are likely due to the lag between changes in the risk
Autoimmune hepatitis factors of a population and the time of HCC development, which
Autoimmune hepatitis is an autoimmune disorder in which a T can take decades to manifest [192, 193]. Generally, the popula-
cell‐mediated immune response to liver autoantigens erodes tion‐attributable fraction is used to identify the targets for
hepatic tissues, leading to fibrosis and cirrhosis [180, 181]. ­prevention programs [3]. The temporal lag associated with HCC
Patients can have an array of presentations from asymptomatic population‐attributable fraction can give clinicians and public
to severe acute hepatitis, and in some cases can progress to ful- health workers the opportunity to identify candidates for HCC
minant hepatic failure [182, 183]. Among patients with autoim- surveillance, including those who do not fit within traditional
mune hepatitis, approximately 30% present with cirrhosis at the risk‐assessment models, and intervene with risk factors pro-
time of diagnosis [184, 185]. Some studies have linked autoim- jected to cause a higher proportion of HCC cases, essentially
mune hepatitis with HCC risk, but the magnitude of that risk changing the trajectory of disease over time.
varies [186–189]. One meta‐analysis evaluated 25 cohort stud-
ies investigating HCC risk and risk factors among patients with
autoimmune hepatitis. The pooled incidence of HCC among all
patients with autoimmune hepatitis was 3.06 per 1000 patient‐ ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
years, and among those who had cirrhosis at diagnosis was
10.07 per 1000 patient‐years. Further, 98.9% of patients with GRANT SUPPORT: This material is based upon work sup-
autoimmune hepatitis who developed HCC had cirrhosis before ported by Cancer Prevention & Research Institute of Texas
or at the time of diagnosis. However, the risk of HCC was still grant (RP150587). The work is also supported in part by the
lower for patients with autoimmune hepatitis than for those with Center for Gastrointestinal Development, Infection and Injury
viral hepatitis. Given the high incidence of HCC in patients with (NIDDK P30 DK 56338).
59: Epidemiology of Hepatocellular Carcinoma 769

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